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T1. The magic power of language was linked to religion.

F2. Witches or wizards often use simple and concise words in ceremonies.

T3. In primitive times, people believed that written language had a supernatural power. F4. Taboos only exist in the primitive tribes.

F5. The person who uses taboo is doomed to be punished by supernatural power.

T6. Euphemisms are words that are often used to replace the taboo words.

T7. Many primitive people do not like to be called by their names, because they fear to be controlled by others.

F8. In some Australian tribes people have two names, one is used only at home and the other is used in churches.

F9. In Madagascar if you ask the name of a village, the villagers are ready to tell you.

F10. In Roman legions, soldiers were more likely to have Victor rather than Felix as their names.

1. This text implies that in ancient times ____.

A. people had found out the true nature of language

B. people had learned a lot about the nature of language

C. people didn’t believe that language could cure the sick

D. the literate people had a higher status

2. The word reverberate in line 1 is closest in meaning to _______.

A. recoil B. repeatedly appear

C. have sound echoes D. show emphasis

3. Incantations are more likely to be used in ______.

A. daily communications B. formation of magical formulae

C. treatment of the sick D. amusement activities

4. Words are often repeated in ceremonies to _____.

A. make people hear clearly B. enhance the mysterious effect

C. frighten people D. make people remember the words

5. The primitive people believed that the written language ____.

A. could help catch thieves B. appeared to have a supernatural power

C. was useless D. facilitated communications

6. According to the text, Napoleon realized that _______.

A. incantations could be used to fight against enemies

B. enemy’s newspapers are very useful

C. newspapers could produce a greater effect in defeating enemies

D. his soldiers should read newspapers

7. Verbal taboos are usually connected to all the following EXCEPT_____.

A. physiological phenomenon B. natural phenomenon beyond human knowledge

C. recreation activities D. some animals

8. The use of a taboo word can cause ________.


A. a legal action B. excoriation C. pine invocation D. all of the above

9. The author mentioned Lady Chatterley’s Lover to show that books with pornographic contents might lead to______.

A. a rising in sales B. the curiosity of readers C. a legal action D. good fortune

10. Thai learners of English don’t like to pronounce the word yet because ______.

A. in Thai it refers to a god

B. in Thai it refers to bad communications

C. in Thai it is quite similar to the pronunciation of a word meaning sexual activity

D. in Thai it means to have more girl friends

11. Euphemisms are made to help people _____.

A. understand taboo words better B. avoid using taboo words

C. develop more taboo words D. make taboo words more difficult to understand

12. In French parapluie means ______.

A. umbrella B. close C. death D. taboo

13. People do not like to utter the names of the dead mostly because of ______.

A. respect B. fear C. sympathy D. sadness

14. A mother often changes her children’s name after a child’s death to _____.

A. memorize the dead one B. make her children more healthy

C. keep away death spirit D. make her children happy

15. A new ship is unlikely to be named as Titanic because ________.

A. it is the name of a god B. it reminds people of terrible disaster

C. the name will cause ship sinking D. no one will buy it

T1. It is universally acknowledged that globalization can contribute to the expansion of international trade and foreign investment and the integration of markets.

T2. Ours is an era in which big means good, bigger means better.

T3. Daimler-Benz and Chrysler is a cross-border merger. Both produce cars exclusively in their own country.

T4. E-business makes it possible for an international company to operate smoothly.

F5. It took a decade for Daimler and Chrysler to integrate with each other.

F6. Chrysler is basically a German company, strong in lower-priced cars, very strong on sport utility vehicles, but weak internationally.

F7. Daimler is a North American company. Its Mercedes makes it preeminent in the upper part of the automotive market, but not in Europe.

T8. It is of importance for a merger to pay more attention to managerial creativity, entrepreneurial values and initiatives and responsiveness to the market, for the playing field is different.

T9. It is hard to get a new merger to work, for the existing friction is inevitable and enduring.

T10. In order to solve those complicated problems in the course of integration, we should adopt a


more flexible, fast-moving and adaptive policy.

1. The main theme of this passage is____.

A.International business mergers have entered a new era

B.The Daimler-Chrysler merger is the biggest in history

C.Transnational companies are more efficient than domestic companies

D.The amalgamation of automobile companies is an inevitable trend

2. "Big is in" means______.

rge things are more important than small ones.

B.big cars are better than small ones.

C.it is fashionable to form large business companies.

D.small things are always on the outside.

3. The scale and audacity of these combinations are impressive, of course. "Audacity" means____.

A. brazenness B. boldness C. speediness D. modesty

4. International business mergers "make people vaguely uneasy" because_____.

A. they will lead to price increases.

B.the world is entering a new type of capitalism.

C.the world economy is undergoing fundamental change.

D.they may do away with national characteristics.

5. The metaphor the author used to describe the merger trend is _______.

A. The Statue of Liberty. B. A tidal wave. C. Prestige on wheels. D. The great game.

6. The "globalization" is called a "mantra" mainly because ________.

A.it is vague but it sounds impressive. B.it was coined by Lee Iacocca.

C.it is a Buddhist term. D. mantra is easier to pronounce than globalization.

7. "Calling the tune" means_______.

A. going into the music business. B. putting cassette players in motor cars.

C. exercising control. D. boosting stock prices.

8. "Daimler's path to the altar" compares the company's merger process to______.

A. a religious conversion. B. wedding preparations.

C. visiting a church. D. Anglo-Saxon architecture.

9. All of the following are factors that facilitate the flow of goods and services EXCEPT______.

A. ever-cheaper communications B. the Internet

C. ever-faster computers D. modern logistic

10. The benefits of a merger are the following EXCEPT___.

A.to enhance the company's competitive position. B.to improve corporate performance.

C. to build and protect broadly based brands. D. to cut down price.

11. "Assembling the right parts" is an apt description of the Daimler-Chrysler merger because.

A. the merger was driven by industrial logic and growth strategy

B. they have achieved advantages of scale

C.the move was the correct corporate strategy

D.it reminds us that they are automobile companies

12. A huge risk in this new era of megamergers is _______.

A.to be in the quest for global scale B. to be optimistic

C. to be blind D. to stick to the old tradition

13. The new globality requires emphasis on _____.


A.managerial creativity B.entrepreneurial values

C.initiatives and responsiveness to the market D.all of the above

14. In a much wider competitive playing field, we should not neglect ______.

A. national values B.character C.tastes D.all of the above

15. The author's attitude to globality is ________.

A. optimistic B.cynical C.contradictory D.pessimistic

T1. We do not always communicate the same way from day to day.

T2. Even with all the good will in the world, miscommunication is likely to happen, especially when there are significant cultural differences between communicators.

F3. The concept of space is the most central differences that separate cultures and cultural ways of doing things.

T4. In the East, there is such a ceremony in which those family members who have died are felt to be present as well as those yet to be born into the family.

T5. It is implied that a respect for cultural differences helps reduce conflicts in negotiations.

F6. Neither side has had some exposure to the other's ideas of time, space and ideas about appropriate approaches to negotiation.

T7. Differences over time can play out in painful and dramatic ways in negotiations or conflict-resolution processes.

F8. Cultural approaches to time or communication are always applied in good faith, and may serve a variety of motives.

T9. Culture and cultural beliefs may be used as a tactic by negotiators; for this reason, it is important that parties be involved in collaborative-process design when addressing intractable conflicts.

T10. From an Eastern or indigenous perspective, Spirit operates within space and time, so time is alive with purpose and specific meanings may be discerned from events.

True False

1. Factors like ______ interact with the variety of cultural influences we have internalized.

A.context B.inpidual personality C.mood D.all of the above

2.What among the following in a dialogue can NOT give us a clue about the effectiveness of our communication?

A.Do they hear and understand what we are trying to say? B.Do they agree with us?

C.Is there trust between them and us? D.Is the mood positive and receptive?

3.Miscommunication may _____.

A.lead to conflict B.mitigate conflict C.waste time D.All of the above

4.In the West, time tends to be all the following EXCEPT ______.

A.measured in units that reflect the march of progress B.logical and sequential


C.qualities D.present-focused

5.The western people think the approach to time is _______.

A.polychronic B.chronocracy C.monochronic D.none of the above

6.In the East, people think time is______.

A.a limited continuityB.an unraveling boundary C.a strict boundary D.absolutely endless

7._______ is a good place to look to understand the Eastern idea of time.

A.Canada B.Indonesia C.United StatesD.India

8.The word intricate in line 36 means_____.

A.simple B.huge plex D.plain

9.The example of the negotiation process related to a land claim that took place in Canada shows

A.It is hard for both sides to give in.

B.Differences over time may be painful and dramatic in negotiation or conflict-resolution processes.

C.Government representatives are all bureaucratic.

D.The two sides have different conceptions of time.

10.Why was neither side of the negotiation feel satisfied with their first meeting?

A.They did not want to give in.

B.Each side felt some frustration with the other.

C.Government representatives cannot meet the requirements of the First Nations people.

D.They had different ideas of time.

11.When people from different cultural backgrounds work together to design a process to address in the issues that pide them, what should they NOT do?

A.Ask questions about cultural preferences about time and space

B.Try to understand the factors that affect a negotiation or conflict-resolution process

C.Insist on their ideas to the end

D.Inoculate against the use of culture as a tactic or an instrument to advance power

12.A party to a negotiation who subscribes to this idea of time may also have ideas about _____

A.fateB.destinyC.the importance of uncovering 'right relationship' D.All of the above

13. A polychronic perspective is often associated with a _____ starting point.

munitarian B.socialisticC.capitalisticD.liberalist

14.The standard of the author is ______

A.positive B.negative C.neutral D.ironic

15.If time is a straight line stretching forward and not back, then fate or destiny may be less.

A.permissive B.obligatory C.gorgeous pelling

1.Professor Bryan Turner noted that asymmetry in the human population is_________.

A.systematic B.inherited C.genetic D.ambiguous


2.The percentage of right-handed people among all the population is ______.

A.80% B.60% C.90% D.40%

3.The percentage of left-handed people who have their language center in the left is _____.

A.95% B.5% C.30% D.70%

4.A study of monkeys has shown that _______.

A.monkeys are not usually right-handed.

B.monkeys display a capacity for speech.

C.monkey brain are smaller than human brains.

D.monkey brain are asymmetric.

5.The reason that human's left hemisphere is larger than the right is that ______.

A.it is inheritedB.it is asymmetricalC.it is genetic D.it produces language

6.Less lateralized brain may probably result in a better capability in _______.

A.logicB.rationality C.abstraction D.all the above

7.It seems that left-handed people are more likely to become successful in ________.

A.mathematics B.architecture C.philosophy D.all the above

8.The word subliminally in line 57 is most closely similar in meaning to ______.

A.obviously B.consequently C.unconsciously D.inadvertently

9.The ones that mature at an earlier age are ______.

A.left-handers B.right-handers. C.girls D.boys

10.The word they in line 60 refers to ______.

A.left-handed people B.left-handed children C.right-handed peopleD.right-handed children

11.At the very beginning, every human's brain is _____.

A.female B.male C.neutral D.not certain

12.According to the writer, left-handed people _____.

A.will often develop a stammer B.have undergone hardship for years.

C.are untrustworthy. D.are good tennis players.

13.From the last paragraph we know______.

A.left-handers are admired by others

B.people have some prejudices against left-handers

C.left-handers have a sense of inferiority

D.left-handers are conceited

14.It is implied that Ivan Lendl is a ______.

A.left-hander B.right-hander C.doctor D.table tennis player

15.The attitude of the author toward left-handers is _____.

A.discriminative B.favorable C.critical D.indifferent

F1. Hawaii is the first state that legalized same-sex marriage by Constitution.


F2.The concept that marriage is the union of one man and one woman is the general belief of all people.

T3.According to the second part of the Bill, gay couples can't inherit money and property from one another without a will.

F4.People who condemn homosexuality as being a promiscuous lifestyle would like to see they maintain a stable gay relationship.

T5.Different viewpoints have been offered in the media about the family life for the gay couples. T6.Lesbians and gays fight for their marriage right for the sole purpose of gaining equality.

F7.Conventionally, people acquired the negative attitude towards inter-racial marriage from the schools they attended.

F8.According to the passage, same-sex marriage will enrich the children of their knowledge about social relations.

T9.Someone thinks there is the possibility that homosexuality would become pervasive through public education.

F10.The reason why "Many of us didn't look twice at their protests and literature about what they believe (last Para.)" is that people already know what they want.

1.Gay couples are NOT entitled to the following EXCEPT________.

A. joint tax returns B. health insurance

C. spouse's residency in U.S. D. social security for the survivor

2.The gay people fight for their marriage right and gain the recognition________.

A. financiallyB. religiouslyC. Legally D. all of the above

3.We can infer from the passage that Gregory Herek, a research psychologist, holds that gay marriage _________.

A.enjoys the equality with heterosexual marriage B.should be legalized

C.should gain moral support D.should gain emotional support

4.Homosexual people think their relationships are_________as the heterosexual marriages.

A. in the same sphere B. in another sphere

C. in an equal sphere D. a part of the spheres

5.Homosexual relationship has generally been taken as the_________.

A. relationship between the same gender B. emotional relationship between the same gender

C. marriage between the same gender D. sex relationship between the same gender

6.When an employer provided the health insurance for the employees, insurance companies rarely award benefits to_________ in the company.

A. the retired workers B. the unmarried employees

C. the fiancées of the employees D. the spouses of the employees

7.It's implied in the passage that gay relationship is thought of as ________by the average Americans.

A. another way of life B. a taboo

C. a legalized way of living D. companionship

8.It can be inferred from the passage that when a homosexual relationship is taken as promiscuity, there will come ___________________.

A. the deprivation of the homosexual people's civil rights B. the spreading of AIDS

C. the danger of fights D. the splitting of a family

9.In fighting for their right for marriage, the homosexual people are just striving to achieve the


following EXCEPT______________.

A. making commitments B. fitting into the disciplines of family life

C. promoting fidelity D. changing the direction of society

10.The battles have been continuing for the right of gay marriage and the outcome of these battles should be____________.

A. a historical moment B. of great significance

C. at stake D. profitable

11.According to the passage, same-sex marriage has been strongly voiced by some _________.

A. judges B. Buddhists C. government officials D. public schools

12.The author's relatives showed their __________to Uncle Steve's gay relationship.

A. offence B. indifferenceC. understanding D. remoteness

13.Opponents of same-sex marriage are strongly against it on the ground that it will bring about________.

A. social disorder B. moral deterioration C. social deterioration D. moral degradation

14.33% people in the survey expressed their agreement with ________on the issue of homosexual marriages.

A. touching persuasions B. strong protestsC. convincing arguments D. confirmed declaration

15.The author's attitude toward the issue under discussion is__________.

A. supportive B. objective C. disapproving D. indignant

F1."He was peerless in the high art of the modern superstar" means Jordan has no friends in the basketball field.

T2.NBA without Jordan is not worth watching as before.

F3.Although he severed a tendon in one of his fingers, it did not keep him from playing.

F4.His rationale of the retirement is not acceptable and only the churlish think it is reasonable. T5.Though a superstar in the basketball court, Jordan isn't arrogant at all.

T6.Except playing in NBA, Jordan also earned a lot of money by means of ads.

T7.Phil Jackson was the only coach Jordan said he would play for.

F8.Jordan has been on the cover of FORTUNE as a CEO.

F9.Photographers keep taking pictures of him only because they are his fans.

T10.Jordan enjoyed his reputation longer than most of the players in NBA.

1.The purpose of this essay is to______.

A.criticize Jordan of his retirement B.advocate Jordan of his retirement

C.show regret on Jordan's retirement D.encourage Jordan to play again

2.6 out of 10 respondents thought an NBA without Jordan was not worth watching because_______.

A.he was the most handsome player

B.his skills were impeccable and his performance was great


C.he was very kind to other team members

D.his playing actions were funny

3.Jordan had an image of the 80's, for he possessed all of the following qualities EXCEPT____.

A.gold hoop earring B.extended tongue C.Italian suits D.strong mustache

4.It was the ____ time that Jordan announced his retirement.

A.first B.second C.third D.fourth

5.The word impeccable in the line 15 is most closely similar in meaning to ______.

A.impossible B.jumping C.flawless D.sorrowful

6.All the following EXCEPT ______ are signs of his retirement

A.Phil Jackson retired.

B.He hit the golf links more often than the weight room.

C.He transformed his gym into a cigar den.

D.He severed a tendon in one of his fingers, which kept him from playing for two months.

7.The reason that Jordan announced retirement is that ________.

A.he was tired. B.he had lost 'the mental challenges'.

C.he wanted to watch his kids grow up. D.all of the above

8.The inscription at the base of Jordan's statue implies that_______.

A.he is the best player in the history and even in the future

B.there was one who was better than him before

C.there will be one who is better than him in the future

D.none of the above

9.Despite the cliché, no one seriously believed Jordan was superhuman because_______.

A.Bill Russell won more league MVP awards than Jordan's five

B.Abdul-Jabbar and Wilt Chamberlain scored more points than Jordan's 29,277

C.he didn't do a good job in his baseball career

D.no matter how well he performed, he had to retire at 35

10.The author implies that _______ by saying "last summer FORTUNE magazine estimated Jordan has contributed $10 billion to the U.S. economy".

A.he earns a lot of money B.he is very popular

C.U.S. economy depends on him D.basketball player is a good job

11. Jordan was a pitchman for the following EXCEPT _____

A.Nike B.McDonald's C.KFC D.Worldcom

12. Other than his good performance, Jordan is loved because of ________.

A.his nice image B.his lovely family members

C.his supreme self-assuredness D.his famous videos

13.The implied meaning of Jordan's words "Let's bury these guys and make them think about it" is

A.he is a gentleman B.he is confident C.he is classy D.he is modest

14.The life that Jordan wants to lead is _____.

A.taking his wife and kids to the mall and strolling on the street

B.watching an NBA match at home

C.shopping in supermarkets and stores

D.going to work from 9 AM to 5 PM.

15.The author's view towards Jordan's retirement is _______.

A.35 sounds too young to retire B.35 is ancient for the top player in the game


C.he will have a better chance in other careers

D.it is a pity to the fans but it is reasonable for himself

F1.The major orchestras hardly realize that American culture has changed faster than they have. T2.It is until recently that the orchestras started to do something to save themselves.

F3.It's assumed that there will be a complete change if the orchestras try to survive.

F4.It's strongly asserted that artistic and civilization will be killed by the present generation.

F5.The author attributes the downturn of symphonic music partly to the softening of the economic and the terrorists' attacks of 11 September.

T6.The slowing down of the orchestras is thought to be a process restructuring by some people. T7.Most musician and music directors are willing at last to experiment with new ideas.

T8.The Americans are more open to different varieties of music now.

F9.The music sales are breaking into a downhill slide.

T10.Symphonies were funded by organizations for national radio broadcasts.

1.The warning signs for the downturn of classical had been_______________.

A.the decrease of record sales B.decreased seats

C.aging problem ck of funds

2.The Orchestras have realized the fact that they are _________________.

A. bleeding and losing confidence B. not changing fast enough

C. saving themselves D. helpless in subscribing

3.With the declining of classical music, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra is doing the following EXCEPT ____________.

A. dismissing more staff B. canceling the radio broadcasts

C. terminating the music director's recording contract D. going bankruptcy

4.By "We get judged historically by our wars and by our arts", the speaker implies that___________.

A. we were judged by how we fought wars and assessed arts

B. we made progress by fighting wars and ruining arts

C. we distinguished ourselves by wars as well as by arts

D. we used to be great warriors as well as artists

5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the reason for the downturn of the symphonic music?

A. economic depression B. terrorists' attacks

C. rising deficit D. the change of demographic make-up

6.By holding the orchestras to be under "regrouping" process, the speaker shows his__________.

A. optimism B. pessimism C. indifference D. insights

7.Referring to classical music, Zarin Mehta, executive director of the New York Philharmonic


Orchestra says, "We have to be realistic." We can infer from his words that classical music is____.

A. in crisis B. in danger C. in bad shape D practical

8.Which of the following is NOT the reason for the decreased attendance to orchestras for the present citizens?

A. lack of money B. lack of time C. lack of devotion D. cultural shifts

9.Innovations in classical music performance include_______.

A. gathering funds B. explanation of contexts

C. promotion of radio broadcasts D. increase of record sales

10.With the enthusiasm of classical music fans, the orchestras could _________.

A. be profitable by broadcasts B. count on their season of 24 concerts.

C. be well off with the season of 6 concerts D. do much popularization of classical music

11.The principles on which the symphony orchestras were operated in the past _______.

A. no longer exist. B. need improvement

C. are no longer feasible D. are not professional.

12.Classical music used to _____.

A. be conservative B. follow old models

C. be part of education D. all of the above

13.The change of demographic makeup has made classical music ______.

A. lose its hold B. more popular

C. more varied D. more American style

14.Virginia Megastores prefers having _____.

A. more classical music B. DVD rather than classical music

C. more products for sale D. any salable products

15.The "economically and socially turbulent world" in the last paragraph refers to a world full of

A. reforms B. violence C. changes D. contradictions

T1.To enter a university or college, generally one has to finish his secondary education.

T2.In France and Germany, higher education is administered by the government.

F3.Baccalauréat in France is equal to the bachelor degree in other countries.

T4.College students do not need to pay tuition in France.

T5.Students in France obtain licence after staying in a university for four or five years.

T6.In France, a rector is appointed by the national government to direct the university in each district.

T7.Grandes écoles is a kind of higher-educational institution whose diplomas have a somewhat higher standing than that of the ordinary university degree.


T8.A General Certificate of Education in Britain is equal to the French Baccalauréat.

T9.The US has a higher enrollment rate than the European countries in higher education. F10.There is a unified standard for the universities and colleges in the United States.

1.According to the passage, all of the following are higher education institutions EXCEPT_____.

A. universities and colleges B.professional schools

C.teacher-training schools D.research institutes

2.The country that has a nationally unified curriculum is_____.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

3.Which of the following countries influenced Japan most when it reconstructed its higher education system in the 1870s?

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

4.The Ph.D. system originated in _______.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

5.The country that shows the least autonomy of the higher education institutions is _____.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. the United States

6.The country that is best known for the close relationship between students and teachers in universities is ______.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

7.The country that provides two years of undergraduate study in higher education institutions is.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

8.The higher education system in Japan and Taiwan modeled on _______ after World War II.

A. France B. Germany C. Britain D. The United States

9.In _______ an undergraduate usually obtains the first degree in 5 years.

A. France B. Britain C. The United States D. Russia

10.Developing countries are facing a major problem ______.

A. to establish more academic universities B. to establish more junior colleges

C. to establish more technical institutes D. to establish more teacher-training schools

F1.The Monsanto Co., an agricultural business, has invested some $8 billion to bring genetically modified (GM) food to the masses over the last four years.

T2.In North America, high-tech food is highly welcomed.

F3.In Europe, no biotech crops have been approved for consumption.

F4.The concern about the safety of GM food has slowed the march of high science and high-stakes deal making.

T5.Europe's unease over GM food is both plain and contradictory. They are fretful about the potential danger of the food and the risk of falling behind in another key high-tech industry. F6.Surveys show most Germans want to eat biofood, but British do not.

F7.The EU approved rules forcing producers to label food containing high-tech soya or maize, so did the United States.


pared with crossbreeding, genetic biology, according to Beachy, is safer.

F9.In all over the world, the acreage planted with GM crops is expected to double by 2000.

T10.China, confronting the grim situation to feed 1.2 billion people, has made biotech agriculture priority.

1.The main theme of the passage is_______.

A.The US is trying to force Europe to buy genetically modified food.

B.Monsanto is the world's pioneer in the GM food business.

C.Consumers are fighting back against GM food companies.

D.Despite opposition, GM food will soon be accepted worldwide.

2.A "saccharine slogan" is _______.

A.a slogan which is repulsively sweet. B.an advertisement for sugar.

C.a catchphrase using words with only one syllable.

D.a slogan only used by the Monsanto Company.

3.What metaphor do GM food's opponents use to denigrate it?

A.Mad-cow disease. B.Frankenstein food.

C.Brave new technology. D.A stodgy chemical concern.

4.The reason why farmers are interested in planting biotech crops is ____.

A.they are already boosting crop yields. B.they are disease-resistant and pest-proof.

C.they are expected to be functional food. D.all of them.

5.One of the benefits which the Monsanto gets from the Cargill deal is____

bination of their respective biological food traits.

B.access to Cargill's global distribution network.

C.successful entry into EU's market.

D.immediate higher profit.

6.Which is not one of the factors that cause European's unease over GM food?

A.The safety of GM food. B.The risk of falling behind in this new high-tech industry.

C.Potential dangers to be brought by new technology. D.Lower-price competition.

7.It is implied that the biotech beans can produce ______.

A.less oil B.more oil with less fat C.more fat D.less nutritious oil

8.The United States was angry with EU because of the following EXCEPT______.

A.its slow and complicated approval process. beling policy.

C.price limit. D.intentional barriers.

9.Its supporters say that GM food is necessary because______.

A.it will make more profits for foodstuffs companies

B.farmers are in favor of the new technology

C.over the next 30 years we have to double or treble food production

D.Monsanto has access to Cargill's global distribution network

10."Genetic pollution" means ________.

A.the birth of deformed babies B.food unfit for human consumption

C.food containing high-tech soya or maize D.the migration of genes from GM varieties

11.According to Roger Beachy, all of the following are benefits of GM EXCEPT_______.

A.healthier farm animals B.cleaner agriculture

C.higher crop yields D.elimination of plant diseases and pests

12.Biotechnology is less haphazard than crossbreeding because_______.


A.crossbreeding is unscientific B.crossbreeding is done by unskilled farmers

C.biotech only introduces one or two new genes

D.the big food companies find biotech more profitable

13.The expression "the biotech horse is already out of the barn" means_______.

A.scientists have already produced a GM horse

B.the progress of GM food worldwide cannot be stopped

C.the control of GM food has passed from the farm to the factory

D.oil companies are switching to the GM food business

14.In the next century, ________.

A.the worldwide food industry will use genetic techniques

B.there will no longer be any GM food

C.Japan will make biotech agriculture a priority

D.Europe will stop blocking the import of three GM maize varieties

15.The tone of this passage is ________.

A.indignant and fearful B.upbeat and enthusiastic

C.neutral and scholarly D.balanced and optimistic

I. Tell the following statements true or false.

1.In last thirty years, much attention has been paid both to reducing the outdoor pollution and to reducing the indoor pollution. True False

2.The atmospheric composition inside an edifice is different from we find outside, but the amounts and types of contaminants the same. True False

3.A large proportion of the world's pollution has its source much closer to home.

True False

4.Since the issue of indoor pollution is also very serious, many environmentalists may be attacking the wrong target to do more researches on outdoor pollution.

True False

5.It is the process of keeping clean that makes indoor pollution worse.

True False


6.Public water supplies contain very high concentration of toxic chemicals. True False

7.The degree of exposure to toxic chemicals in tap water by inhalation is comparable to the exposure that would result from drinking the stuff.

True False

8.The aim of Dr. Coris's research is to encourage the use of gas masks when unloading the washing. True False

9.The deforestation of the Amazon jungle and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl are of high media exposure.

True False

10.Indoor pollution can be controlled easily by people, so more attention should be paid to outdoor pollution. True False

II. Choose the proper answer.

1.The presence of ____ contaminants in the air of confined environments can cause indoor pollution. A.physical C.biological B.chemical D.all of the above 2.What is the meaning of edifice? A.Parking area C.big building

B.submarine D.school 3.All of the following are the sources of large-scale environmental pollution EXCEPT_____. A.poor government planning

B.considerate government of developed countries C.shortsighted policies

D.industrialized countries which encourage a minority of the world's population to squander the majority of its natural resources

4.The spillage of crude oil from an oil tanker discharging its cargo straight into Sydney Harbor caused_________.

A.no damage to the harbor foreshores


B.little toxic fumes

C.residents wondering the disaster in the future

D.None of the above. 5.Spotting the first cause of alarm is hard and unrealistic, for_________. A.there is a single exposition to a pollutant B.no research has been done C.people are not interested in it

D.the danger changes according to the time of the exposition 6.All of the following are significant sources of indoor pollution EXCEPT______.

A.televisions C.dishwashers B.baths and showers D.washing machines 7.Chemical stripping depends on a wide range of factors EXCEPT_______. A.the volatility of the chemical

B.the density of the water C.the temperature of the water

D.the surface area available for transfer

8.Burning candles can result in indoor levels of carbon monoxide and particulate matter that are just as high as those ________. A.in a washing machine C.on the street

B.given by televisions D.on painting 9.All of the following EXCEPT ______ contribute to the noxious indoor mix. ser printers

puters B.electric cookers D.carpets 10.______ is a tip for keeping toxins from the air at home A.Don't smoke.

B.Air out the house regularly


C.Check plumbing and pipes

D.All of the above

11. Pets should be avoided under the circumstance that ______. A.children do not like animals B.animals bark at and bite people

C.children suffer from allergies to animals

D.the house is too small

12.In schools the one that will NOT cause indoor health hazards is _______. A.lead C.cotton B.asbestos D.toxic art supplies

13. All of the following are signs of carbon monoxide poisoning EXCEPT_______.

A.anemia B.fatigue C.vomit


14. Don't have carpets, because_______. A.they are difficult to clean. B.they have bad smell after a long time

C.they are a haven for allergens and pollutants.

D.people are easy to slide on it

15.The tone of the author in the last sentence is _________. A.pleasant B.optimistic C.sarcastic



F1.Since the atmosphere accumulates all the trapped heat, the Earth's temperature will rise and rise all the time.

F2.Only 1 per cent of the atmosphere is made up of natural greenhouse gases, so it does NOT make any difference.

T3.Scientists have assumed that heat simply diffused into the sea from the atmosphere.

T4.It is suggested in recent works by oceanographers that the rise in sea level may be less than some earlier estimates had predicted.

F5.Warm water is denser than cold, so it would not spread downwards.

F6.The water in the oceans moves in two dimensions but not in one.

T7.The currents called gyres have more capacity to store heat than does the atmosphere. F8.Water is heated at the Equator and moves in all directions, twisted by the Earth's rotation.

F9.The circular movements between about 10°and 40°North and South are anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

T10.Scientists have presumed that the sea level will rise unevenly around the globe.

1.What of the following is NOT an element of greenhouse gases?

A.Water vapor B.Oxygen

C.Methane and nitrous oxide D.Carbon dioxide

2.The meaning of "equilibrium" is _____.

A.equality B.same C.difference D.balance

3.Until ______ the mix of gases that made up the atmosphere had been relatively constant?

A.the First World War B.the Second World War

C.Industrial Revolution D.October Revolution

4._______ would like to know the extent of future sea level rises.

A.Scientists B.Inhabitants of high-lying coastal areas

C.Scientists and low-lying coastal areas D.Farmers and fishermen

5.Models used for the purpose have treated the ocean as ______.

A.passive B.stationary C.one-dimensional D.All of the above.

6.Some scientists estimate that the ocean warming resulting from temperature increases by the year 2050 would raise the sea level by ______.

A.between 10 cm and 40 cm B.between 20 cm and 1.4 m

C.between 15 cm and 70 cm D.between 7 cm and 28 cm

7.Which of the following is NOT the reason why it is not easy to model accurately the enormous complexities of the ever-changing oceans?

A.Great volume

B.Massive currents

C.Sensitivity the influence of landmasses and the atmosphere

D.Rising sea levels

8.The water in the oceans moves in ______ dimensions.

A.one B.two C.three D.four


9.All of the following are true EXCEPT _______.

A.Massive ocean currents are called gyres which do the moving.

B.Water is heated at the Equator and moves poleward.

C.Gyres have less capacity to store heat than does the atmosphere.

D.Ocean currents distribute heat from the thin surface layer into the interior of the oceans and around the globe.

10. The circular movements flow towards _____ at mid latitude in the equatorial region.

A.east B. west C. south D. north

11. ______ determine(s) the densities of the water.

A.Microorganism B.Temperature and salinity

C.Humidity and location D.Weather

12. What of the following should NOT be taken into account when considering the sea levels?

A.The temperature effect titude of the water

C.The melting of ice sheets and glaciers D.Changes in groundwater storage

13. What is the standard of the author?

A. Positive B. Negative C. Neutral D. None of the above

14.It can be inferred from the text that ______.

A.the earth's atmosphere is made up of nitrogen and oxygen.

B.sun light passes through the atmosphere, warming the earth.

C.although it takes some time for the rising of the sea levels, we should pay much attention to it and find a way to stop it.

D.the sea level could rise more in some areas than others.

15.Only _______ can distribute heat from the surface layer into the interior of the oceans and around the globe.

A.Wind B.Rain C.the sun D.ocean currents

T1.Some of the medicinal herbs, vitamins and minerals are proven safe and effective; many are not.

T2.The U.S. government is aware of the problem and is taking steps to ensure that consumers are better informed of the quality of the herbal medicines.

F3.The herbal products are regulated in the U.S. nearly as strictly as over-the-counter drugs. T4.Herbal preparations are marked as 'natural', as distinct from synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. F5.Pregnant and nursing women will be sensitive to sunlight when using St. John's wort. F6.A study showed that Echinacea was better at preventing colds than a placebo.

F7.The FDA would have to prove that a supplement is safe before yanking it off the market, yet it

