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第五小学 焦 平


一 、教学内容Unit 1 A: Read and say.

二 、教学目标 1、 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。

2、 正确运用日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Who’s that boy? I’m new here.

3、 能正确的听、说、读 单词 boy, woman, teacher, student, nurse 三、 教学重点 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话

四、 教学难点 流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话 五、 课前准备 1、 人物图片 Mike ( student ), Miss Li( teacher ) Miss King ( nurse) Gao Shan (student ) 人物头饰 Ben

2、 单词卡片 student, teacher, woman, teacher ,boy 六、 教学过程(一) Free talk 1、 Hello, nice to meet you.

2 、How are you ? / How are you this morning? 3 、Are you happy today? 4 、Welcome back to school.

5、 Good morning. Glad to meet you. Welcome back to school. (二) Presentation and practice: Ask and answer

1、Good morning, boys and girls . Glad to meet you . Welcome back to school. 出示 Welcome back to school. 理解并领读。

2、I have many pictures here .I like them very much. Do you like them? 出示所有的图片

3、根据出示的照片复习单词 boy , girl,man, woman

4、Do you know these boys and girls? (出示Mike , Gao Shan, Nancy David, Helen 的照片) :

(1) Who’s this boy? (Who’s that boy?)

He’s _______. He’s a student. (学习新单词student ) (2) Who’s this girl? (Who’s that girl?) She’s _________. She’s a student.

5、Do you know these men and women?( 出示 Miss Li, Miss Gao Miss King , Mr Green, Mrs Green 的照片) (1)Who’s this man? ( Who’s that man?)

He’s _________. He’s a teacher.(学习新单词teacher) (2) Who’s this woman?(Who’s that woman)

She’s __________. She’s a nurse. (学习新单词nurse?) (三) Play a game (通过游戏复习并学习新的日常交际用语) 1、闭上眼睛猜一猜: (1) A: Who’s that ______? B: He’s(She’s) ________. A: He’s (She’s) a _________. B: You’re right. ( You’re wrong) (2) A: Excuse me. Are you _______? B:: No, I’m not. A: Are you _________? B: Yes , I am.

2、让一学生戴上Ben 的头饰让另一学生猜 T: Who’s this boy? S: He’s ________. T: No, you’re wrong. S: Are you ________? B: No, I’m not. S: Are you _________? B: No, I’m Ben. (四) Work in pairs 1、 Ben与老师对话:

A: Hello, I’m Ben. I’m new here. B: Hello, I’m Miss Li. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our school. 学习: I’m new here. Welcome to our school. 2、 学生与Ben 对话 (五) 朗读课文 1、 听录音,跟读。 2、分段分角色朗读。 (六) Act the dialogue

创设情境老师与学生的对话,然后学生与学生对话,Model: A: Hello, I’m Ben. I’m New here.

B: Hello, I’m __________. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our school. A: Thank you. Who’s that woman?

B: She’s Miss ______. She’s our English teacher. A: Who’s that boy?

B: He’s _________ . He’s a student. (He’s my classmate.) A: Oh, time to go to class. Let’s go to the classroom. B: OK. Let’s go. 1、 老师与学生示范 2 、同桌准备 3、 同桌表演 (七)Homework 1、 听录音朗读对话。

2、 根据课文内容自编小对话,下节课表演。 3、 听录音,欣赏歌曲 Who’s that girl? 第二课时

一 教学内容Unit1 B: Look , read and learn; C: Ask and answer.

二、 教学目标1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 a student, a teacher, a doctor , a nurse, a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, new

2、 能听、说、读、写句型Who’s that_______? He’s / She’s _______. He’s/She’s a__.

三、 教学重点词汇和句型的听、说、读、写。 四、教学难点能正确地听、说、读、写词汇

五、 课前准备1、 人物教学图片及单词卡片:a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy. a girl, a man, a woman 2 录音机和磁带

六、 教学过程(一 )Sing a song :Who’s that girl? (二 )Review

1、 同桌到讲台表演准备好的对话

2、 同桌看图Ask and answer: Who’s that ______? He’s/She’s____? ( 三)Presentation and practice 1、教单词boy, girl, man, woman的拼读

(1) 在同桌Ask and answer 时,老师把 boy, girl, man , woman 四幅图贴在黑板上,然后把这四个单词卡片打乱贴在黑板上,通过play a game 学习以上四个单词的拼写。请学生上讲台: 师问:Who’s this boy?

生答: He’s _________. He’s a ________. 师问:Can you spell boy?

学生找出单词卡片正确拼读 : Yes, B-O-Y, boy. 老师给正确的学生一红花。 (2) 用同样的方法教girl, man, woman 的拼读

2、教单词 doctor 和student, teacher, doctor, nurse的拼读

(1) 出示doctor,teacher, student, nurse 图片,让学生找出老师所说单词的图。

老师首先报:doctor. 这个单词没学过,学生通过排除的方法找出医生。 老师拿着图领读 doctor, 抽读。

(2)出示单词卡片:doctor, teacher, nurse, student,让学生把卡片贴在相应的图下面,并拼读单词,正确的给一红花。 (四 )Play a game (巩固所学单词) 游戏1:What’s missing?

把八张单词卡片贴在黑板上,静听老师说出其中七个单词,然后老师问: What’s missing? 学生立即说出没报的单词。同样的方法复习每个单词。 游戏2:Follow me.(单词卡片贴在黑板上)

全班分两大组,1、一组的一位同学报单词nurse, 另一组的一同学立即拼读:N-U-R-S-E, nurse.

2、一组的一位同学拼读B-O-Y,另一组的一同学立即读出单词:boy. 回答正确得分,否则另一组得分。最后看谁的分数高。 (五)指导抄写新单词和句型 (六)Homework

朗读拼读单词,准备默写单词、句型。 第三课时/

一、 教学内容Unit 1 D: Look and say. G: Fun house.

二、 教学目标1、听、说、读、写句型 Are you ________? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

2、正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。 三、 教学重点1、 句型的听、说、读、写。 2、朗读对话。

四、 教学难点 句型的默写 五 、课前准备1、人物职业图 六、 教学过程(一)Free talk 1、 How are you this morning? 2 、Nice to meet you. 3 、Who are you?

4 、Who’s that boy (girl)? 5 、Are you a student?

6、 Are you a new student? (二)Review 1 、Play a game (1) 用准备好的八幅让学生猜: A: What picture is this? B: A teacher.

A: Yes, you’re right. Can you spell it?

B: Yes, T-E-A-C-H-E-R, teacher, A: Are you a teacher?

B: No, I’m not. I’m a student. 2 、Play a game (2)

把人物职业图分给一同学(不让其他学生看见,把图藏在身后),代替图的人物。 请一同学上台对话:(若学生不会,老师可先示范) A: Excuse me, are you a teacher? B: No, I’m not. A: Are you a nurse?

B: Yes, I am. ( Yes, you’re right. I’m a nurse.) 3 、Look and say

看图对话, 图见教材,内容略。让学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图对话。 (三) Fun house : Look and read 1、 看图理解课文 2、 听录音,跟读对话。 3、 自读对话。 4、 分角色读课文。 (四) Exercises

1、听写单词:boy, girl, man, woman, teacher, doctor ,nurse, student, new

2、抄写句型: Who’s that boy? He’s Mike. He’s a student. Who’s this woman? She’s Miss Li. She’s a teacher. Are you a doctor? Yes, I am. Are you a nurse? No, I’m not. (五)Homework

1、预习 E:Read and act 2 、复习抄写的句型,准备默写。 第四课时

一、 教学内容Unit 1 E: Read and act ; F: Listen and repeat.

二 、教学目标1 、复习句型:Who’s that ______? He’s (She’s) _________. He’s (She’s) a _____.

Are you a _______? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

2、能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语:Come down. Don’t climb trees again.

3、用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上表演对话。 三 、教学重点


2、用正确的语音语调朗读对话,表演对话。 四 、教学难点 句型的书写,默写。

五、 教学过程(一)Sing a song: Who’s that girl? (二) Free talk: 1、 How are you today? 2、 Nice to meet you. 3 、Welcome to my home. 4 、Excuse me, are you Mike? 5 、Are you a student? 6 、Are you a new student? 7、Are you a teacher? 8、 Is Miss Li a teacher? 9、 Is your mother a nurse? 10 、Is your father a doctor?

(三) Look at the picture, answer these questions: 出示图:

1、 Who’s this girl? 2 、Is she a student? 3、 Who’s that man? 4、 Is he a doctor?

5 、Who’s this boy in the park? 6 、Who’s this woman in the classroom? 7 、Is she your English teacher? 8 、Who’s the man over there? (四) Listen and repeat

1、出示图及 walkman, woman, zebra, zoo 四个单词,学生听录音,跟读这四个单词,体会w, z 的发音.

2、出示:watch, window, 以便学生更好的体会w 的发音 (五)Read and act

1、出示书上的图,听录音数遍,回答问提: 1)Who’s the boy in the tree? 2)Please say something to Liu Tao. 第一题学生很快会作答。

第二题若有学生说出 Come down, Liu Tao. 给一朵红花。然后边做手势边教读,让学生理解句意。同样的方法教Don’t climb trees again.(可让学生先预习)

2、听录音,读对话。 3、自读,齐读,分角色读。 4、表演对话。 (六)Play a game.


1 Are, you, a, new, teacher, student, doctor, nurse, Yes, No., I ,am, not

2 Who’s, that, this, boy, girl, man, woman, He’s. She’s

Mike, Helen, Mr Green, Miss Gao 分别发给分好的两组同学手中,老师口报句子: Are you a new doctor? No, I am not?

手持含句子中单词的学生上台按顺序站好,本组同学齐声朗读这句话. 那么这组获一红五星.以此交替进行,五星多的小组获胜. (七)Exercises 1连词成句

(1) the, over, Who’s, man, there, Mr, Wang. He’s (2) you, a , Are , nurse, new, Yes, am, I (3) to, welcome , school, our 2默写句子

(1) Who’s that boy? He’s Mike. He’s a student. (2) Are you s teacher? Yes ,I am. (八) Homework 熟读本单元课文.

Unit 2 At a party 一.教学内容及要求:

语 音:辅音字母组合ck在单词中的读音( 听读、辨认)

*△词 汇:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, an eye, a mouth, white, a skirt, a friend (听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写) 日常交际用语: Nice to meet you. We’re late for the party.

Let’s hurry! (听得懂、会说、会读) *△句 型: Who’s the ?with..? He’s/She’s (my)?? Is that?your?? Which one?

The one in the? (听得懂、会说、会读、会写) 歌 谣: My brother (会诵读)

(注:*者为教学难点,△者为教学重点。) 二.教学安排:四教时 三.教学过程: 第一教时

教学目标:◇ 复习巩固单词father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister加强读写训练,以达到四会要求。

◇ 教学六种人体部位的词汇 hair, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth, a head。

初步接触句式The one in the ?/ The one with?。 教具准备:1)Li An的家谱图; 2)卡通人物图;

3)拼图游戏用图(各种不同特征的人体部位:big eyes, small eyes,

big nose, small nose, long hair, short hair, brown hair,?); 4)录音机和磁带。 Free talk What colour ?? Who’s that boy / girl? Review

取出Li An的家谱图。

T: Let’s talk about Li An’s family. Who’s this boy / girl / man /woman?? Who’s the one in the blue shirt?

Who’s the one in the ??

S: He’s / She’s Li An’s ( father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / brother / sister ).

通过谈论Li An的家谱图,复习六个家庭成员,并出现相应的单词,领读并拼读。 3.Presentation and practice

1) 将一卡通图片出示在黑板上,逐一引出生词hair, a head, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth。 2) 利用各种方式朗读以上生词。 4.Play a game:Do a puzzle

T: The girl is with long hair, big eyes, small nose, small ears, and big mouth...

拼图游戏:学生通过老师的描述,选择相应特征的小图片进行组合,从而对本课所学内容起到练习巩固的作用。 5.Look, read and learn

朗读课本B部分词汇(跟读教学磁带)。 第二教时

教学目标:◇ 通过学习,能结合人的外貌特征、穿着打扮运用Who’s the?with??

Is that?your?? Which one? The one in the?等句型。 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

教具准备:1)具有明显外貌特征的人物图片6-7张,其中2-3张给出姓名; 2)对话背景图; 3)录音机和磁带。 Free talk

T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. This is?

Who’s this / that boy / girl? Nice to meet you. Presentation and practice

将一些外貌特征明显的人物图片出示在黑板上(其中几个下面写有姓名),边出示边介绍其特征the boy with big eyes, the girl with long hair, ?让学生理解单词with并模仿说。


T: Who’s the boy with big eyes? / Who’s the girl with long hair? ? S: He’s / She’s?


继续以黑板上的人物图片为例,教师同时扮演A、B两角色表演一对话。 A: Is that girl Nancy? B: Which one?

A: The one in the orange skirt. / The one with brown hair. ? B: Yes, she is.

模仿练习以上对话,由师生练习到学生小组练习。 Read and say

1)出示对话背景图,让学生边看图边听对话录音,整体理解对话内容,并组织学生进行朗读操练。 2)自由练习,表演对话。 3)请2—3组学生上台表演对话。 第三教时

教学目标:◇ 复习本单元所学的家庭成员和人体部位单词。

进一步掌握句型Who’s the?with?? Is that?your?? The one in the ??

能初步了解字母组合ck在单词中的读音。 Review

Talk about Li An’s family. T: Who’s this / that? Who’s the ?with / in ?? Play a game: What’s missing?

游戏方法:将所学人体各部位的图片出示数秒,后取下一张,问学生: What’s missing? 从而达到复习这些单词的目的。 Practice

1)Ask and answer 利用17页的四幅图练习: A: Who’s the?with?? B: He’s / She’s my? 2)Look and say

结合课本18页的四幅图进行对话练习,并分组进行比赛。 A: Is that?your?? B: Which one? A: The one in the? B: Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn’t.

Read and act

听录音模仿,并分角色朗读。 Listen and repeat

出示四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock及相应插图,学生听录音并跟读。在读的过程中体会字母组合ck在单词中发/k/。 Look and read

1)要求学生仔细看图、读句,理解故事的幽默之处。 2)请学生分角色朗读故事。 第四教时 Free talk

T: Who’s the?with?? Is that boy / girl ?? Say a rhyme: My brother Exercises (exercise-book) Unit 3 What’s your job?

本单元教学内容和教学目标: (一). 知识目标:

词汇: a policeman, a policewoman , a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker, an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook. (听、说、读、写 四会掌握 )

句子:A. What’s your / his / her job ?

I’m / He’s / She’s a / an ?. What are their jobs ? They’re ?.

How old are you / is he / she / I’m / He’s / She’s ?. What do you want to be ? I want to be ?.

It’s cold today, isn’t it ? Guess!

( A、 B、 C根据学生的实际情况尽量要求四会掌握,D 、E、 F三会掌握)

语音: 辅音字母组合dr和 tr在单词中的发音. (能听后辨认,会读) 歌曲: They sing happily.(会唱,基本了解歌词大意)

(二). 功能目标:

学会询问和介绍他人的职业。 学会询问和介绍他人的年龄。 学会表达: 我将来想做?。(职业)

二.本单元教学重点: 询问和介绍他人的职业: What’s your /his / her job ? I’m / He’s / She’s ?. What are their jobs ? They’re ?. 三.本单元教学难点:

语音: 辅音字母组合dr和 tr在单词中的发音.

反意疑问句的初步了解和使用: It’s cold today, isn’t it ? 四.教材分析:

本单元主要围绕“谈论人物”这一话题,主要涉及询问有关人物姓名、年龄、职业和表达自己的理想。应该说这些内容与学生的生活也比较接近, 导入新授、创设情景也相对比较容易。(但课本上给出的情景是: 一个小男孩与一个机器人的对话, 如果照搬这个情景本人认为不合适, 因为不但难度大,而且显得不自然 。) 关键是:在一定的情景中我们如何采用各种不同的、有效的、生动活泼的方法来吸引住学生,让他们在有趣和有意义的情景中学会说、学会用。本单元出现了十个表示职业的单词,在教学过程中要尽量避免单一的教学方法,不让学生感到枯燥。(另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些表示其他职业的单词。或让学有余力的学生们课后去收集这类单词,以扩充他们的单词量、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。) 五.课时安排: 四课时 六.教学过程设计:

The First Period 教学内容和目标:

(一). 学会询问他人的年龄: 句子: How old are you / is he/ she ? I’m / He’s / She’s ?.

(二). 学会询问单数人称的职业 :词汇::a waiter , a waitress , a policeman, a policewoman , a driver , a worker. 句子: What’s your / his / her job ?

I’m / He’s / She’s ?.

二. 教学用具: 自制单词卡片、事先收集的一些能表现人物职业的图片。 三.教学过程:

( 提前布置预习作业: 1. 为自己的爸爸或妈妈设计一张名片。 为二十年后的自己设计一张名片。) Name:_________________

Age : __________________

Job: ___________________

E-mail: _________________

(一). 导入新课, 直奔主题: ( 新授)

T: What’s the homework of yesterday ? Yes, design two names cards: one is for your father or mother, the other is for yourself (after twenty years). Are you ready now? OK. Now let’s try to talk about them. Please take them out.(昨天的家庭作业是什么? 对,设计两张名片。 一张是为你的爸爸或妈妈设计的,另一张是为二十年后的你自己设计的。 你们都完成了吗?现在就让我们一起来讨论一下你们的作品吧。 请把它们那出来吧。) T: First take out the name card of your parent. First of all : please tell me: What is your father’s / mother’s name ? What’s his / her name? ( 先把你给爸爸或妈妈设计的名片那出来, 首先: 请你告诉我你爸爸或他*的名字, 告诉我他们的名字。) Ss: My father’s / mother’s name is ?. His / Her name is ?.

( At the end: we can play a game : Whose memory is the best? Use the sentences: 1. What’s A’s father’s /

mother’s name? Do you know? 2. Is his / her father’s / moth-

er’s name B ? 这一内容结束前可以使用下列句子安排一个小小的游戏: 看看 谁的记忆力最棒! 你记得吗: 某某同学的爸爸或他*的名字? 2. 他/她爸爸或他*的名字是_____ 吗? )

3. T: OK. I know your parents’ names now. But I want to know more about

them. Would you mind tell me : How old is your father/ mother ? ( 现

在我已经知道你们爸爸他*的名字了,但我想了解更多一些, 你可以 告诉我: 你的爸爸/他*的年龄吗? New sentence: How old is ?? ( 新授 ) (1). Ss: He’s / She’s ?.

(2). Play a game: try to guess( 游戏: 猜一猜): How old is A’s father / mother? Ss: He’s / She’s ?.

Sa(被猜的同学回答): Yes, you’re right. ( Sorry, you’re wrong.) ?

(3). T: OK, now please take the card of yourself , can you tell me , after

twenty years: How old are you ? (请把你自己的名片那出来,你能 告诉我:二十年后你多大吗?

New sentence: How old are you (in your card)? I’m ?.(新授) Ss : I’m ?.

T: Now tell me : Now : How old are you ? Ss: I’m ?.

T: How old is he/ she ? ( 同桌或周围同学) Ss: He’s / She’s ?.


4.T: OK, let's go on. What do you want to be in the further ? Would you mind

tell me : What’s your job ( in your card)? ( 让我们继续吧, 你将来打算做

什么呢? 你能告诉我们你的名片上写的工作吗?)

New sentence: What’s your job ? I’m a / an ?.(新授) 5.What’s your father’s/ mother’s job?

New sentence: What’s his / her job ? His / Her job is ?.(新授) 在4-5 的过程中可灵活掌握, 在适当的时机新授新单词: a policeman , a policewoman , a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker. 并可采用各种方法来及时巩固,让学生加深印象。 例如: 游戏: 看看少了谁?方法: 先向学生一一出示表示各种职业的图片, 抽掉一张后,将剩下的一起出示给学生看,让他们回答少了谁?

(二). 给个机会, 小试身手 ( 巩固)。

在新授阶段,学生已经经历了一些比较机械的练习, 在接下来的巩固 安排以下内容:

Work with your partner: Ask and answer: ( with the two cards) (1).What’s your Father’s name? How old is he ? What’s his job? (2). What’s your job? How old are you?

Try to introduce your parent and yourself (in the further ) for us. (为我们大家介绍一下你的爸爸(妈妈)和二十年后的你自己。)

Try to guess :the job of your good friend , what does he/ she want to be ?

( 猜一猜: 你的好朋友将来想做什么工作? 他的名片上写的是什么 呢?) (三). 给个任务, 我来完成 ( 创设情景, 学以致用) 任务1.: 小记者 ( 采访一位同学后完成这张表格)

NameHis name:_____________ His father’s (mother’s ) name:________________ Age

His age: ______________

His father’s (mother’s) age:__________________ Job

His job: ______________ His father’s (mother’s) job: _______________ 任务2:

二十年后偶遇小学同学! 与你的搭档一起设想一下二十年后如果你们在大街上偶遇的情景,编一段小对话,练习后给大家表演。 For example: A: Hello, B.

B: Oh, who are you? Oh, it’s you A. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you ,too. A: What’s your job now?

B: I’m a policeman. What's your job? A: I am a driver. How is your father? B: He’s fine, thank you.

A: How old is he now?

B: He’s sixty-five. And I am thirty – five now. A: Now yes, I am thirty-five ,too. OK. See you ! B: See you. 四.

Copy : A. Words: B:a policeman, a policewoman, a waiter, a waitress, a driver, a worker.

B. Sentences: A: Picture 1 to Picture 3.

Try to know your parents’ and grandparents’ ages, jobs use the English sentences after school. ( 回家后试着用英语来了解一下你父母和爷爷奶奶的年龄和工作.)

The Second Period 教学内容和目标:

词汇: an engineer, a farmer, a postman, a cook. (听、说、读、写 四会掌握 )

2.学会询问复数人称的职业: 句子:

What are their jobs ? They’re ?.

3. 进一步复习巩固第一教时的内容,并完成课本C: Ask and answer , D: look , read and complete 两部分的练习.

二. 教学用具: 自制单词卡片、事先收集的一些能表现人物职业的图片。 三.教学过程:

(一). 复习已学句型, 新授新词。

利用一些图片和学生们上节课使用的名片来复习上节课所学的句型: What’s your / his / her job ? I’m / He’s / She’s ?.


an engineer (注意an的用法及连读), a farmer , a postman , a cook. 安排一些有趣而有效的游戏来巩固新词,并可让学生把自己收集到的其他表示职业的词那出来和大家交流。 (二). 巩固词汇,新授句型。

在学生们对表示职业类的词汇较熟悉的基础上,新授句型: What are their jobs? They’re ?.

例如: 让学生各自那着自己将来的名片, 在进行了关于各自职业的练习之后, 让选择相同职业的学生站在一起, 来引出句型: What are their jobs?


例如: 可以安排一些学生做各种不同的动作,来其他学生来猜他们的职业. T: Look carefully and try to guess : What are their jobs? Are they waiters ? ?. Ss: ?. 回到课本,模仿练习.


例如: 听; 跟读; 小组读; 分角色读等等, 充分地巩固、掌握课本的内容。 (三). 完成课本练习: C: Ask and answer.

(1). 先让学生同桌自由练习: 问答. (2). 组织全班讨论, 分组回答. Picture 1: What’s your job ? I’m a policeman. Picture 2: What’s your job ? I’m a policewoman. Picture 3: What are their jobs ? They’re farmers. Picture 4: What are their jobs ? They’re drivers. Picture 5: What’s his job ? He’s a postman. Picture 6: What’s her job? She’s a waitress. Picture 7: What are their jobs? They’re waiters. Picture 8: What are their jobs? They’re engineers. D. Look, read and complete. (1). 先组织学生讨论,帮助学生看懂图意.

(2). 学生分组自由讨论,完成填空. (3). 教师组织全班讨论,校对正确答案.

Is your friend a boy ? No, my friend is a girl. How old is she ? She’s 12.

Are her eyes big ? No, her eyes are small. Is her hair long ? Yes, her hair is long.

Your friend is Yang Ling, I think. Yes, you’re right. 四.家庭作业:

. Try to write down the sentences of C: Ask and answer in your copybook.

The Third Period


1. 反意疑问句的初步了解和使用: It’s cold today, isn’t it? 2. 学会使用: Guess!

( 能熟练朗读E部分的对话,尝试表演) 3. 学会表达: 我将来想做?。(职业) What do you want to be ? I want to be a/an ?. ( 完成G/2 表格)

4. 语音: 辅音字母组合dr和 tr在单词中的发音. (能听后辨认,会读)

二.教学用具:录音机,磁带,音标卡片,教学挂图。 三.教学过程:

(一). 学习E部分: Read and act. 1. It’s cold today, isn’t it ?

可以从相互问好开始,进而谈论到天气,教师可以通过自己的肢体语言让学生了解这句句子的意义。然后让学生尝试相互练习,也可以尝试补充一些其他的反意,例如:She is a good student, isn’t she? You like English, don’t you ? 说给学生听,让学生对这中类型的句子有一个初步的印象。

听录音,整体呈现对话内容。(将挂图挂在黑板上, 听2-3 遍)回答问题: (1). Who are they? (2). Is it cold today?

(3). Who’s the woman in the red sweater ?

(4). How old is she? Is she sixty? ( 在回答问题的过程中,学会使用:Guess!)

在教师的指导下进行各种形式的朗读对话练习。 学生相互间结对子操练,并尝试表演对话. (二). 学习F部分: Listen and repeat.

用卡片的形式出示一些单词, 让学生注意其中红色部分的发音,注意体会. 出示音标:[tr]和[dr],朗读. 指导学生朗读部分的句子.

(三). 学习G/2部分: Do a survey .

学习句子: What do you want to be ? I want to be a/an ?. 组织学生调查本小组同学的未来理想, 完成书上的表格. 组织学生汇报自己的调查结果.

四.作业. 全面复习本单元内容,准备单元听写.

The Fourth Period

教学内容和目标: 全面复习本单元内容. 完成听写练习. 完成练习册.

二.教学用具: 各种图片, 录音机, 自制听力磁带.练习册教学磁带. 三.教学过程: 口头复习本单元内容.

(1). How old are you ? I’m ?.

(2). How old is he/she ? He’s / She’s ?.

(3). What’s your/ her/ his job ? I’m/ She’s / He’s ?. (4). What are their jobs ? They’re ?.

(5). Are they ?? Yes, they are. ( No, they aren’t .) (6). What do you want to be ? I want to be a/an?. 完成听写练习.

(1). Phrases: a waiter , a waitress, a driver , a worker, a postman, an engineer,

a cook, a farmer, a policeman, a policewoman (2). Sentences: What’s your job? I’m a waiter. How old are you ? I’m one.

What are their jobs ? They’re drivers. 完成练习册. 完成听力练习。 完成书面练习。 评讲、批改练习册。

Unit 4 Buying fruit 一、本单元教学内容 类别语音项目要求


词汇apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写 日常交际用语Can I help you? These or those?听得懂、会说、会读 句型What are these/ those? They’re?. How many kilos?

? kilos, please.听得懂、会说、会读、会写 歌谣会朗诵


*△ 1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, some。

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? These or those? *△ 3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are these/those? They’re?.

How many kilos? ? kilos, please.

*△ 4.初步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。 5.了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。 6.能有表情地流利的诵读歌谣《I like fruit》。 ( p.s. *为教学难点,△ 为教学重点。) 三、教材内容分析:

本单元的核心教学内容是“认物”,主要学习句子What are these/ those? They’re?。Book4A中已经出现What’s this/ that? It’s?句型。教学中教师可以采用以旧带新的方法,从单数句式引出复数句式,还可以通过单复数形式比较找出它们之间的区别。

本单元主要出现了水果类单词,除lemons, strawberries, grapes三种水果是第一次出现以外,其余八种均在Book3A第三单元中出现过。教师可通过句型Do you like ?? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.的问答教授这三个新单词,并适当补充一些学生感兴趣的水果单词,如甘蔗(sugar cane),荔枝(lichee)等等。本单元出现的是这些单词的复数形式,涉及到词形、读音的变化,是教学中的难点。教师可以对名词复数的词形和读音进行归类。

与本单元所出现的水果类单词紧密结合的是在商店里购物的常用语Can I help you? How many kilos? These or those?等。在教学中教师要注意创设购物情景,让学生熟练自如的运用这些购物的基本用语。另外可以根据学生的具体情况适当补充一些其他购物用语或让学有余力的学生课后去收集这类交际用语,以扩充他们的知识面、锻炼他们的自主学习能力。 四、课时安排: 四课时 五、教学过程设计: Period 1

Teaching aims and difficulties:

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。能听得懂、会说、会读单词pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes。

2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are these/those? They’re?. 3. 学会有表情的朗读歌谣《I like fruit》。 Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-up ------- Greetings. ------- Daily practise.

T: Point to the teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.

S: Teacher, student, policeman, nurse, doctor, dentist, farmer, etc.(do the action while speak out the word) T- S S- S

Step 2. Presentation

T: Do you like doctors/nurses/ policemen/ farmers/?? S: Yes, I do. ( No, I don’t.)

T: Do you like your English/ Chinese/ math teacher? S: Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

T: Thank you. Miss Wang likes apples. Do you like apples? S: Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) T: What do you like, then?

S: I like pears/bananas/pineapples/watermelons/peaches/oranges/mangoes.

Step 3 New words, chant and structures learning 1.New words learning

T: Oh, I see. Now, I’ll play a game with you. It is called” Touch and guess”. Who’d like to come to the front and have a try? S: I try.

T: XXX, come here. Please touch and guess what are these in the bag? S1: Pears.

T: Let me see. Oh, you’re right. Now I’ll change the fruits, please wait a minute. OK, who’d like to try now? S: I try.

T: XXX, you please. S2: (touching the fruits) T: What are these? S2: Oranges.

T: I’m sorry you’re wrong. Who can touch and guess once again? S: I try.

T: OK, XXX, you please. S3: Pears.

T: I’m sorry you’re wrong, either. Let me show you: what are these in the bag? ( take out the fruits in the bag) Look, they’re lemons. Say after me, lemons. S: Lemons.

T: Lemon. ( point to one lemon) S: Lemon.

T: Lemons. ( point to all lemons) S: Lemons.

T: OK, boys and girls. What are these in the bag? S: Lemons.

T: Yes, you can also say: They’re lemons. S: They’re lemons.

( Teach the words “grapes” and “ strawberries” in the same way.) T: OK, now let’s do ‘’point to ?” once again, but this time we don’t point to the students act in different jobs, we point to the fruits. Are you ready? S: Yes.

T: Good, here we go! Point to the lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc. S: Lemons, grapes, strawberries, etc. T-S S-S

2. New chant learning

T: You’ve done a great job just now. OK, it’s time to say a chant. Do you like it? S: Yes.

T: OK. Listen to the tape carefully.(play the tape recorder) S: (Learn the chant)

T: Now, let’s say the chant by ourselves. Strawberries, Strawberries, red and sweet. One, two, start!

S: ( Say the chant and clap their hands together.) 3. New structures learning

T: Very good! Excuse me, what are these in the bag once again? S: They’re lemons. T: Do you like lemons?

S: Yes, I do. ( No, I don’t.)

T: Thank you. Boys and girls, can you guess what are those behind the


S1: They’re lemons, too. T: No.

S2: They’re oranges.

T: No, you’re wrong. OK, I can give you a hint: they’re red and sweet.

S3: They’re strawberries.

T: Yes, how clever! You’re right. Do you like strawberries? S3: Yes, I do.

T: Can you guess what are those behind the door? They’re yellow and sweet.

S1: They’re pears. T: No.

S2: They’re peaches. T: I’m sorry. S3: They’re mangoes.

T: Bingo! You’re right. Do you like mangoes? S3: No, I don’t. Step 4. Practice

T: Now, please use the fruits you brought here to make a dialogue with your desk mates. If you didn’t bring anything, you can talk about the pictures on page 33 in your English book. Pay attention to use the new drills in your dialogues. Now, I’d like to give you an example. Please listen carefully. Excuse me, what are these? S4: They’re apples? T: Do you like apples? S4: Yes, I do.

T: What are those over there? S4: They’re lemons. T: Do you like lemons? S4: No, I don’t.

T: Oh, I see. I like lemons. May I have one? S4: Sure, here you are. T: Thank you. S4: Not at all. S: (Work in pairs.)

T: Ask some pairs to act their dialogues out.

T: Take out your books and turn to page 30, let’s read after the tape.

S: (Read after the tape, and then read in groups/ pairs.) Step 5. Consolidation

T: I know my father and mother like apples. Do you know what fruit do you father and mother like? After class, use the words and sentences we have learnt today to ask your father and mother what do they like. If you don’t know how to say the fruits’ names, you can go and ask the greengrocers or bring them to the school and ask me. Then finish this table. Next class, I’ll check it out. That’s all for this class. Homework

Oral work: 1)Read the content on page 30 and 32 .

2) Practise the chant on page 37 and try to make a similar one.

3) Finish the table below:

Fruitsfathermothergrandfathergrandmother like don’t like

Written work: Copy the new words and finish part E of the workbook. Period 2

Teaching aims and difficulties:

1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词some。

2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I help you? I’d like some? How many kilos??kilos, please.

渗透询问价格的日常交际用语: How much ?? ? yuan. 3. 能正确表达每重量单位的单价。 Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up and revisions 1.Dialy practise: Point to?.

(review the new words which are taught in last period) 2.1) Say the chant with actions.

2) Ask some students to say the chants which are written by themselves.

S1: Watermelons, watermelons, red and green. S2: Lemons, lemons, yellow and sour. S3: Grapes, grapes, purple and green. S:?

3) Check the table which should be finished after last class. T: Excuse me, XXX. What do you father and mother like? S1: They like watermelons.

T: Excuse me, XXX. What do you grandfather and grandmother like? S2: They’re like peaches.

T: Oh, I see. I like peaches, too. Step 2. Presentation

T: With the table in your hand, I think we can do some shopping now. We can buy some fruits for our father and mother. Boys and girls, what are these on the desk? S1: They’re apples. S2: They’re bananas. S3: They’re pears. S4: They’re strawberries. S5: They’re oranges.

T: Look, I also put some fruit over there. D o you know their names? If you don’t know, you can ask me.

S1: Excuse me, Miss Wang! What are those over there? T: They’re sugar canes.

S2: What are those over there, Miss Wang? T: They’re lichees.

S3: What are those over there? T: They’re tomatoes. S:?.

Step 3. New structures learning 1. 重量单位和每重量单位单价的正确认读

1公斤/千克:one kilo (1 Kg) 3.5公斤/千克: three point five kilos

1磅:one pound (1 p) 5元/千克:five yuan a kilo (5元/Kg)

3.5元/磅:three yuan five jiao a pound (3.5元/p) 2.Can I help you? I’d like some?. How many kilos? ?kilos, please.

T: Now, I’m a shop assistant. You can buy fruits from me. Can I help you?

S: I’d like apples. T: How many kilos? S: Two kilos, please. T: OK, here you are. S: Thank you. Goodbye! T: Bye! T-S

T: I also like to buy some fruits for my father and mother. Who’d like to be the shop assistant? S: I try.

T: OK. You, please. S1: Can I help you?

T: I’d like some strawberries for my mother. S1: How many kilos?

T: One kilo, please. How much are they?( Take out the purse in order to help the student understand the meaning of this sentence.) S1:Ten yuan.

T: Here you are. And I’d like some sugar canes for my father, too. S1: How many kilos?

T: Three kilos, please. How much are they? S1: Ten yuan. T: No, eight yuan. S1: OK.

T: Here you are. S1: Thank you. Goodbye! T: See you. S-T S-S Step 4. Practice

T: Now I’ll divide you into four groups. You can do some shopping in the classroom. The students of group one are the shop assistants in Lianhua supermarket. Group two are the shop assistants in Rt-market. Group three and four are the customers. OK, you can go now. S: (Do the shopping.)

T: OK, the students of group one and group two also like to buy some fruits. So let’s exchange now. The students of group three are the s

hop assistants in Lianhua supermarket. Group four are the shop assistants in Rt-market. Group one and two are the customers. S: (Do the shopping.) Step 5. Consolidation

T: Now please open your books and turn to page 31. Let’s read after the tape. Are you ready? S: Yes.

T: OK, here we go.

S: ( Read after the tape, then read in groups/ pairs.)

Today we have learnt how to buy fruits in English. That’s all for today. Homework

Oral work: 1) Read page 30-32 after the tape .

2) 利用33页上给出的句型,根据33上四幅图的情景与同桌合作编一个小对话,要求真实可信。

Written work: Finish part D of the workbook.

Period 3

Teaching aims and difficulties:

1.熟练掌握“四会”单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears。

2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语These or those? 3.能结合实际情景正确运用Can I help you? I’d like some? These or those?

How many kilos? ?kilos, please. 等句型。 Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up and revisions 1. Review the chant .

2. Review how to say the kilos and price. T: How much a kilo? ( Take out the card: 5元/Kg) S: Five yuan a kilo. T: How much two kilos? S: Ten yuan two kilos.

T: How much a pound? ( Take out the card: 2.5元/p) S: Two yuan five jiao a pound.

T: How much four pounds? S: Ten yuan four pounds. T: (More practise.) Step 2. Presentation

T: Some students told me they haven’t bought fruits last class. So let’s give them a chance to continue. XXX, come here, please. T: Can I help you?

S1: I’d like some strawberries for my grandmother. T: OK. How many kilos? S1: One kilo, please. T: OK, here you are. S1: How much are they? T: Eight yuan five jiao. S1: OK, here you are. T: Thank you. Goodbye! S1: Bye-bye! T-S S-S

Step 3. New structures learning 1. How about?? Here’s the money.

T: OK, all of us have bought things in the classroom now. I’m very happy. Oh, I forgot one important thing, I haven’t bought things for you, my students. I must buy something for you. Who can be the shop assistant now? S: I try.

T: OK, you please. S1: Can I help you?

T: I’d like to buy some sugar canes for my students. How much a kilo? S1: Six yuan a kilo.

T: En, how about five yuan a kilo? S1: OK. How many kilos?

T: Let me see. Five kilos, please. S1: Here you are. T: How much are they? S1: Twenty-five yuan, please. T: Here’s the money. S1: Thank you. Goodbye! T: See you!


2. These or those? The ? ones, please.

T: I have bought some sugar canes for my students, they’re so heavy. I still want to buy some pineapples and strawberries for my students. Who can buy them for me? S: I try.

T: OK, you please.

T: ( Act as the shop assistant.) Can I help you? S2: I’d like to buy some pineapples for my teacher. T: These or those?( Point to the pineapples.) S2:The big ones. How much a kilo? T: The big ones are ten yuan a kilo. S2: Five kilos, please.

T: OK, here you are. Fifty yuan, please. S2: Here’s the money. T: Thank you. Goodbye! S2: Bye! S-T

Step 4. Practice

T: Thank you. You’ve done a good job. Now, class, I’ve opened a company. The customers can book all kinds of fruits in it. I have to buy the fruits for them now. Oh, the telephone is ringing. I have to answer the telephone. Who can buy the fruits on the cards for me now. S: I try.

T: OK, this card is for you. ?( Give the cards to some students.) Card 1: apples 3元/Kg 2 kilos Card 2: pears 2.5元/Kg 4 kilos Card 3: Strawberries 4元/Kg 1 kilo ? S-S

Step 5. Consolidation S: Hand in the fruits to me.

T: Thank you very much. The fruits are for you. That’s all for this lesson. Homework

Oral work: Read and practise Unit 4

Written work: Copy the new words and drills.

Period 4

Teaching aims and difficulties:

1. 了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。

2. 能在实际情景正确综合运用Can I help you? I’d like some? These or those? How much ?? ? yuan. How about??

How many kilos? ?kilos, please. 等句型。 Teaching procedures: Step 1. Free talk What are these/ those? How much ?? ? yuan.

How many kilos? ? kilos, please. Step 2 Act the chant

Step 3了解辅音字母组合th在单词中的两种不同读音。 thin think three thank ? th

there those that this? Step 4 Listening practise !. Finish the workbook of Unit 4 2.Check the answer. Step 5 Practice


Unit 5 Review and check 第一教时 一、教学内容:

《牛津小学英语》4B Unit 5 (the first period) 二、教学目标:


2、 能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型 Who’s that ?? He’s\\She’s? He’s a \\She’s? Are you ?? Yes,I am.\\No,I’m not. I’m? Who’s the ?with \\in the ??

3、能听懂会说句型:welcome to our school! I’m new here. Nice to meet you. Let’s hurry. 等

4、复习“向新学生介绍同学、老师”这个语言环境以及“根据特征认人”,开展实践性交际活动。 三、教学重点: 目标1、2 四、教学用具:


五、教学过程: Step1 warming up

1、 Free talk: Good morning/afternoon. Nice to see you. How are you today? 等和学生打招呼。

2、 Sing a song :Who’s that girl? 3、 Ask and answer :How old are you ? Are you a ?? How old is he\\she? Step 2 Revision

1.Ask and answer according to the pictures. Way: Show some pictures and ask: 1)Who’s this \\that? 2)Who’s the?with?? (T—S S—S) 3)Who’s the ?in the ?? 4)Is he\\she a ?.?

2.Revise some words: hair head eye ear nose mouth. Way: Play a game: Listen and do. T say: touch your? and S do. Can you spell it? 3.Introduce yourself or introduce your family members like this: My name is \\I’m ? I’m a boy\\girl. My eyes are big, my hair is long \\short h this is my father, his ears are big, his head is small ?.. This is my mother, She’s a teacher? Step 3 Look, read and write Books open, part A.

1、Look at the pictures than read the sentences. 2、Do picture 1----picture4. 3、Check it than read it again. Step 4 Homework

Copy the words and sentences 第二教时


《牛津小学英语》Unit5 (the second period) 二、教学目标: 1、复习单词3-4单元

2、能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型 what’s your \\his\\her job?及其回答:I’m\\he’s \\she’s a an?;What are their jobs?及其回答:They’re?;How old areyou?\\is he \\ she? 及其回答:I’m \\he’s she’s?;what are these\\those?They’re? how many kilos??.kilos, plese. 3、能听懂会说句型:It’s ?today, isn’t it? 来正确表示天气状况; What do you want to be ? I want to be ?;有关购物用语:can I help you ? these or those? 4、复习“谈论人物”这一话题和“认物”“买水果”这些话题,让学生熟练自如的运用这些基本购 物用语。 三、教学重点: 目标1、2、4 四、教学用具:

录音机、图片、水果模型等。 五、教学过程:

Step 1 warming up

1.Sing a song: They sing happily.

2.Free talk: What’s your name? How old are you\\is he\\is she? What’s your\\his\\her job? Are you a teacher?\\student?? Who’s that ?? Today is cold, isn’t it?

3.Play a game: throw the box and read it.(盒子上贴有不同水果的单数复数,复习水果类单词)

Step 2 Revise some words and sentences.

1.Way: show some pictures and ask: What’s his\\her job? (T—S S—S ) What are their jobs? T give S a example than s—s ask and answer. 2.介绍一些新的职业,例如:出租车司机 a taxi –driver,作家a writer,营业员a shop assistant 等简单的职业 3.Play a game : Who’s my friend?

Step 3 Look and say

1. look and guess. S—S ask and answer like this: What’s his \\her job ?He’s\\She’s?..What aretheir jobs? They’re? 2. S act C Look read and complete 1) talk about the pictures.

2) S—S ask and answer then write them in the book.

Step 4 Homework

Read the dialogues. Copy some words and sentences. 第三教时


《牛津小学英语》Unit 5 (the third period)

二、教学目标: 1、 复习单词1-4单元

2、能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型1-4 3、完成练习册


三、教学重点: 目标1、2


录音机、图片、水果模型等。 ]


Step 1 warming up

1) Free talk: Hello , how are you? It’s cold today , isn’t it ? What do you want to be?

2) Sing a song: they sing happily.

Step 2 Revision

1、What’s your name? How old are you? What’s your job? What’s yourfather’s job? What’s your mother’s job??

2、What’s are these? \\those?(use some pictures) Can I help you? How many kilos?

3、D Look and talk. 1)Look at the pictures than talk to your partner about it. 2)S act it out. 4、Do workbook. 5、语音练习: 1)复习语音知识


zebra tree mother dress black cake zoo driver brother trousers jacket kite

Step 3 Homework

Finish off the Workbook exersises. Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi 本单元教学内容和教学目标 知识目标:

1.词汇:a station,a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport, by train, by plane, by metro, by motorcycle, by minibus, on foot

2.三会句型: Let’s go? by? Good idea.

How do we go there? How do you go to ? ? Are you free now ?

3.四会句型: Shall we go to? by? ? All right. / OK. Is this ? for? ?

4.语音:了解辅音字母组合sh在单词中的读音 5.歌曲:The wheels on the bus (二)功能目标:

能够用所学句型Let’s go to?邀请别人外出。

2.能够用所学句型How do we? go? ? Shall we go? by? ?与同伴商量外出的交通形式。

3.能够用所学句型How do you go to? ?了解他人上学,上班等外出交通方式。 4.通过句型Excuse me, is this ? for? ?询问他人是否乘该车能到达目的地。



2.通过在不同地点,情况下运用不同的交通方式,培养学生的生活能力。 3.本课的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,在学完本课以后,学生对周围的公共场所,交通状况有更多的了解。 (四)教学重点:


2.句型:Let’s go to? How do we? ? Shall we go? by? ? Is this bus? ? (五)教学难点:

在实际生活情景中能运用所学句型。 (六)教时安排:4教时 第一课时

教学内容:词汇:by train,by plane,by metro,by motorcycle,by minibus,on foot

句型:Let’s go to? How do we go there ? Shall we go? by? ?


2、能用How do we /you go? ?询问同伴、他人以怎样的方式去某地。

3、能用Shall we go? by? ?与同伴商量以某种方式去某地。

教学准备:1、公园,电影院,动物园,超市图片 2.有关交通工具图片或玩具 3、与3A配套的易捷韵律英语磁带 教学过程:

Step 1. Presentation.

教师出示公园,电影院,超市等图片,与学生展开问答。 T: What can you see in the picture ? Ss: I can see a park/cinema/zoo? T: Let’s go to the park/cinema/zoo? Ss: Great./ All right./ Good idea.

跟着磁带一起说易捷3A第28页儿歌“Let’s go”。 Park, park ,go to the park. Let’s go to the park. Zoo, zoo, go to the zoo. Let’s go to the zoo. School, school, go to school. Let’s go to school. Cinema, cinema, go to the cinema. Let’s go to the cinema. 2.师生自由问答,复习句型But how ?,引出交通工具类单词。 T: Hi, A. It’s a fine day today. Let’s go to Hongmei Park. A: Great. But how ? T: By bus. A: Good.


T: Hi, B. I’d like a new notebook. Let’s go to Lianhua Supermarket. B: OK. But how ? T: On foot. B: All right.

(教师在黑板上写”on foot”, 配上动作领读)

T: Hello, C. It’s a nice spring, isn’t it ? Shall we go to Suzhou ? C: Good idea. But how ? T: By train. C: That’s great.

(教师在黑板上写”train”, 出示train图片,领读该单词) 用同样的方法教新单词“plane,metro, motorcycle,minibus”。 3.启发学生邀请教师去某地,引出新句型How do we go there ? A: Hello, Miss/Mr? Let’s go to the cinema. T: Good. How do we go there ? A: By bus. T: All right.

B: Hi, Miss/ Mr? Let’s go to Beijing. T: Great. How do we go there ? B: By plane. T: Good.

领读句型How do we go there ? Work in pairs. A: Let’s go to?

B: Good. How do we go there ? A: By? B: OK.

4.教师邀请学生去某地,引出新句型Shall we go to ? by? ?

T: Hi, boys. Suppose we’re in Beijing now. Let’s go to Beijing Zoo. B: Great. How do we go there ? T: Shall we go to the zoo by metro ? B: Good.

T: Hi, girls. Let’s go to China Dinosaur Park. G: Good. How do we go there ? T: Shall we go there by minibus ? G: Great.

领读句型Shall we go? by? ? Work in Pairs. A: Let’s go to?

B: OK. How do we go there ? A: Shall we go? by? ? B: All right.

Step 2. Consolidation. 利用图片复习交通工具类单词。 欣赏51页歌曲The wheels on the bus Do a survey (Page 51) A: How do you go to school ? B: I go to school?


Step 3 Classwork: Copy the new words “train, plane,metro, motorcycle,minibus” and the phrases “ by train, by plane, by metro, by motorcycle, by minibus, on foot”.

Homework : Do a survey: How do you go to work ? (调查家人.亲戚,邻居等) 第二课时

教学内容:词汇:a station, a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport

教学目标:熟练掌握以上公共场所类单词,巩固上节课所学交通工具类单词,熟练运用句型Let’s go to? How do we go there ? Shall we go? by? ? 教学准备:1、交通工具类图片 2.公共场所类图片

3、与3A配套易捷英语磁带。 4、写有地名的小纸片 教学过程: Step 1. Revision.

利用图片复习交通工具类单词。 What’s this in English ?

What can you see in the picture ? Is this a? ?

Sing the song: The wheels on the bus Free talk.

How do you come to school ?

How does your father/mother go to work ? Let’s go to? How do we go? ? Shall we go? by? ?

Say the rhyme (Page 29 in Yijie English book) By bike or by bus ?

Let’s go to school, by bike, by bike. Let’s go to the park, by bus, by bus. Let’s go to the cinema, by taxi, by taxi. Let’s go to the lake, on foot, on foot. Let’s go to Shanghai, by train, by train. Let’s go to Beijing, by plane, by plane. Step 2. Presentation.

T: I want to go to many beautiful places in my holiday. I like traveling. I also like reading. Do you like reading ? Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s go to the library. Ss: Good.

(出示图片,领读单词library) T: What can you see in the library ? Ss: Many books.

Make a dialogue in pairs.

A: Hi, B. Let’s go to Changzhou Library. B: Good. How do we go there ?

A: Shall we go to the library by bus ? B: Good.

用同法教其它新单词”theatre, hospital , station, airport”。

补充相关内容:Hongxing Theatre No.1 Hospital Children’s Hospital bus station railway station Step 3. Look and say (Page 47) Shall we go to? by? ? All right./ OK.

Step 4. Look and read (Page 50) Step 5. Consolidation.

请一名学生从教师课前准备好的盒子里摸取一张小纸片(上面写有各种不同的地名),根据纸上的地名邀请同学外出,并商量外出的交通方式, 编一段小对话。 可以写上这些地名:

RT Mart Lianhua Supermarket Changzhou Library KFC Mcdonald’s Hongmei Park Lanling Park Renming Park China Dinosaur Park Hongxing Theatre the airport station No. 2 Hospital , Beijing,Xi’an, the Great Wall, Guilin, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jintan, Tianmu Lake,Hong Kong, London, New York? For example,

A: Let’s go to the airport to meet Mr Green. B: Great. How do we go there ? A: Shall we go there by car ? B: All right.

Step 6. Classwork:Copy the new words .

Write the sentences of Part C in the copybook. Homework: 与父母商量五一假日计划 第三课时

教学内容:句型:Is this? for? ?

教学目标:巩固前两节课所学公共场所类,交通工具类单词,能用Is this? for? ?向他人询问。

教学准备:三块较大的硬纸板做的牌子,分别写有:Changzhou Airport, Changzhou Railway Station , Changzhou Bus Station ,三套16K纸(每套8张), 每张纸一面画着飞机,或火车、汽车,另一面写着不同的地名。 教学过程: Step 1. Revision.

1、利用图片复习交通工具,公共场所类单词。 2、Free talk(交流五一假日计划) T: Where are you going, A ? A: I’m going to Suzhou by train. T: What about you, B?

B: I;m going to Guangzhou by plane. ?

Step 2. Presentation.

T: The traffic will be very busy in May Holiday. Let’s go to the railway station to have a look.(让一位学生举着Changzhou Railway Station 的牌子,另外8个学生拿着画有火车和写着地名的纸站在后面) 教师介绍:Now I’m in Changzhou Railway Station. Look. This train is for Shanghai. This train is for Nanjing. 另外几位拿着火车的学生自己介绍: This train is for?

然后让他们交换位置,教师上前问:Excuse me, is this train for? ? 引导回答:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 再让学生上前提问。

用同法引出Changzhou Airport, Changzhou Bus Station,操练句型: This plane / bus is for?

Is this plane/bus for? ? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Step 3. Work in pairs(Page 48) Step 4.Read and say(Page 44-45) Read after the tape. Read in groups.

Step 5. Make a dialogue in groups and act it out. Step 6. Classwork: Do exercises on Page 30 in WB. 第四课时

教学内容:Part E, F and Exercises

