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2007 年 “小升初”英 语 试 卷

考试时间:30分钟 分值:50分


一、选择正确的疑问词填空。4分 how old, what, which, when, where, who, what about, whose, how 1. ________ season do you like best? I like autumn. 2. ________ this yellow one? How nice! 3. __________ is your grandmother? About sixty. 4. _________ is her brother’s birthday? On May 2nd. 5. ___________bag is heavier, yours or hers? Hers, I think. 6. ___________is the weather like in spring? It’s sunny. 7. ___________do you go to the cinema? By bus.

8. ___________are the students? In the playground.


1.y,w,a __________ ( ) 2.k,a,s _______ ( ) 3.a,l,p,n __________ ( ) 4.e,b,t,s _______ ( ) 5.t,e,r,t,s,e _______( ) 6. r,e,t,l,e,t ____ _ ( ) 7. n,s,i,f,i,h ____ ( ) 8.m,r,e,n,b,u ________( )


( )1. How many _______ are there in a year?

A. season B. seasons C. spring D. winter ( )2. I ______ buy a new watch.

A. don't need B. don't need to C.needn't to D. needs ( )3. I would like to know _________ about you.

A. many B. lot C. more D. a lot ( )4. Where ________ Lucy _________?

A. do, lives B. does, lives C. does, live D. are, living

( )5. Let's go to the post office, but how can we________ ? A. go to there B. get to there

C. go to the there D. get there

( )6. _____Monday morning, I went _____ a walk in the park. A. In, on B. On, for C. On, to D. In, to

( )7. Helen _________ any classes on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. is going to B. has C. don't have D. doesn't have ( )8. Who do you want _________

A. to write B. to write to C. write D. write to ( )9. You are late, please come to school ________ next time. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. be early ( )10. What ____you _____ after lunch?

A. are, going to do B. do, going to do

C. are, going D. are, doing

四、从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏的正确应答,并将序号填入题前括号内。4分 Ⅰ Ⅱ

( )1. Do you know her address? A. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. How far is the theatre from here? B. Sure. Here you are. ( )3. Whose keys are these? C. Yes, I do.

( )4. What is his hobby? D. She’s my aunt. ( )5. Are you in the same row? E. It’s a kilometre. ( )6. Can I have an envelope? F. His, I think. ( )7. Who’s the woman? G. Yes, we are. ( )8. Does he have any brothers? H. He likes running.

五、用所给词的恰当形式填空. 5分

1. Who jumps ____________(far) , Ben or David? 2. The boy is good at ________(swim).

3. Nancy ______________(play) the violin at the concert next week. 4. What about _________(go) fishing? That’s a good idea. 5. What’s the weather like today? It’s _______(wind). 6. What _____ he usually _______on Sunday?

He usually _______his homework.

Look! He __________his homework now.

_______he _______his homework last Sunday? No, he _____ _____ his homework. (do)

六、完成句子,每空一词。9分 1.— 谁比你高?

__________ is ________than you ? 2.— 昨天是星期天。你们干什么的? It _______ __________ yesterday. _______ ________ you ______?

3. — 他们正在干什么? — 他们正在上语文课。

— What _______ they _______? — They’re _______ a Chinese lesson . 4. —明天下午你将要做什么? 我要参加跳舞比赛。 — _____ are you ____ _____ do tomorrow _________?

— I’m going to _____ ______ ______ a ________ contest.


My name is Rose. I’m an American girl. My parents and I live in Nanjing now. Today is Friday. We are planning for our weekends. My father likes Beijing opera shows very much, so he is going to see a Beijing opera with his Chinese friends on Saturday.

My brother is twenty minutes older than me. We are twins.I am in Yucai Primary School. My school is not big, but it is very beautiful. There are some trees and a lot of flowers in it. We study Chinese, Maths, Science, Art, PE and some other subjects. I like English best. I’m good at playing volleyball. My hobbies are playing computer games and swimming.

I want to find a penfriend. My telephone number is 86-025-83405773. My e-mail address is rose0115@163. com. Do you want to be my penfriend? Please write to me soon.

( )1. Rose lives in __________.

A.Shanghai B.New York C.Nanjing

( )2. Rose is twenty minutes ______ than his brother .

A.older B.younger C.taller ( )3.There are ______ people in her family.

A.five B.four C.six ( )4. Rose is good at ________.

A.Chinese B.playing volleyball C.swimming ( )5. Rose wants to _______ a penfriend. A. find B. be C.look 八、智力测试。5分

( )1. What is Bingo? It’s a ________.

A. city B. game C. food D. cinema

( )2 What should be the next number ? 32??36??9??12??4??6???

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

( )3. My uncle has a brother. He’s not my uncle. Who’s he?

A. My teacher B. My friend C. My father D. My brother

( )4. Mary has a basket of ten apples. She takes two apples out of

the basket. How many apples does Mary have? A. 2 B. 12 C. 8 D. 10

( )5. Find the missing letter.

A V S D ? P G J M 密 号 室 试 测 封号 序 名 报 名 姓 A. Y B. X C. W D. U

2007年“小升初” 语 文 试 卷

考试时间:90分钟 分值:100分

孩子,这里是你展示自我的舞台,是你放飞梦想的地方,请细心作答,祝你成功! 一、根据拼音写词语。(6%)

xiāng qiàn kā fēi lín xún chōu chù shì hào

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、选择正确的读音。用“√”表示。 (6%)

字帖.( tiē tia ) 屋脊. ( jí jǐ ) 窗明几.净( jī jǐ ) 魁梧.( wǔ wú ) 缝隙. ( xī xì ) 锲.而不舍( qia qì) 三、仿照示例的形式或结构写成语。 (9%)

1、[示例]绿草如.茵: 如 、 如 、 如 2、[示例]美中不.足: 不 、 不 、 不 3、[示例]笔墨纸砚....: 、 、 四、填空。(13%)

1、朝夕相处六年的同学即将分别,此刻我会情不自禁地吟诵 “ , 。” (2%)

2、每当同学在一起谈论自己的理想时,小军都说:“我还小呢,等长大一些再考虑理想吧。”这时你会用“ , ”来劝告他。(2%)

3、本学期,我的收获还真大呢。从鲁迅身上我学会了 ;从巴金身上我懂得了

;我更知道,这六年的小学生活里,许许多多的人给了我帮助,此刻我想对 说:“

。”(5%) 4、按照 (谁)提出的“ ” 的方针,我国于

年 月 日恢复对香港行使主权,首任香港特别行政区长官是 。今年刚好是香港回归十周年,现任香港特别行政区长官是 。08年北京奥运会将在香港举办 比赛。(4%)


1、龙井茶产自太湖,碧螺春产自西湖。 ( ) 2、黄果树瀑布在贵州省,秦兵马俑在陕西省。 ( )

3、“白鹭本身不就是一首优美的歌吗?”这句话运用了比喻和反问的修辞方法。 ( )

4、“憬、聆、秦、擎”这四个字的韵母都是“ing” ( )


( )

6、彭德怀是中国十大元帅。 ( ) 7、“三人行,必有我师焉。”这句话是孔子说的。 ( )

8、《村居》《宿新市徐公店》《泊船瓜州》《早春》都是描写春天的诗,作者也都是宋朝的。 ( )



② ③ ④ ⑤ 七、阅读(23%)

考 核

