2013年12月六级新题型-长篇阅读理解( 七套)

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Daylight Saving Time (DST)

How and When Did Daylight Saving Time Start?

[A] Benjamin Franklin—of “early to bed and early to rise” fame—was apparently the first person to suggest the concept of daylight savings. While serving as U.S. ambassador to France in Paris, Franklin wrote of being

awakened at 6 a.m. and realizing, to his surprise, that the sun would rise far earlier than he usually did. Imagine

the resources that might be saved if he and others rose before noon and burned less midnight oil, Franklin, tongue half in cheek, wrote to a newspaper.

[B] It wasn’t until World War I that daylight savings were realized on a grand scale. Germany was the first state to adopt the time changes, to reduce artificial lighting and thereby save coal for the war effort. Friends and foes soon followed suit. In the U.S. a federal law standardized the yearly start and end of daylight saving time in 1918—for the states that chose to observe it.

[C ] During World War II the U.S. made daylight saving time mandatory^ 强制的)for the whole country, as a way to save wartime resources. Between February 9, 1942, and September 30, 1945, the government took it a step further. During this period daylight saving time was observed year-round, essentially making it the new standard time, if only for a few years. Many years later, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was enacted, mandating a controversial month-long extension of daylight saving time, starting in 2007.

Daylight Saving Time: Energy Saver or Just Time Suck?

[D ] In recent years several studies have suggested that daylight saving time doesn’t actually save energy—and might even result in a net loss. Environmental economist Hendrik Wolff, of the University of Washington, co-authored a paper that studied Australian power-use data when parts of the country extended daylight saving time for the 2000 Sydney Olympics and others did not. The researchers found that the practice reduced lighting and electricity consumption in the evening but increased energy use in the now dark mornings—wiping out the evening gains. That’s because the extra hour that daylight saving time adds in the evening is a hotter hour. “So if people get home an hour earlier in a warmer house, they turn on their air conditioning,” the University of Washington’s Wolff said.

[ E] But other studies do show energy gains. In an October 2008 daylight saving time report to Congress, mandated by the same 2005 energy act that extended daylight saving time, the U.S. Department of Energy asserted that springing forward does save energy. Extended daylight saving time saved 1.3 terawatt (太瓦)hours of electricity. That figure suggests that daylight saving time reduces annual U.S. electricity consumption by 0.03 percent and overall energy consumption by 0.02 percent. While those percentages seem small, they could represent significant savings because of the nation’s enormous total energy use.

[F] What*s more, savings in some regions are apparently greater than in others. California, for instance, appears to benefit most from daylight saving time—perhaps


because its relatively mild weather encourages people to stay outdoors later. The Energy Department report found that daylight saving time resulted in an energy savings of one percent daily in the state.

[G] But Wolff, one of many scholars who contributed to the federal report, suggested that the numbers were subject to statistical variability (变化)and shouldn’t be taken as hard facts. And daylight savings, energy gains in the U.S. largely depend on your location in relation to the Mason-Dixon Line, Wolff said. “The North might be a slight winner, because the North doesn’t have as much air conditioning,” he said. “But the South is a definite loser in terms of energy consumption. The South has more energy consumption under daylight saving.” Daylight Saving Time: Healthy or Harmful?

[ H] For decades advocates of daylight savings have argued that, energy savings or no, daylight saving time boosts health by encouraging active lifestyles—a claim Wolff and colleagues are currently putting to the test. “In a nationwide American time-use study, we’re clearly seeing that, at the time of daylight saving time extension in

the spring, television watching is substantially reduced and outdoor behaviors like jogging, walking, or going to

the park are substantially increased,” Wolff said. “That’s remarkable, because of course the total amount of daylight in a given day is the same. ”

[I] But others warn of ill effects. Till Roenneberg, a university professor in Munich (慕尼,黑),Germany, said his studies show that our circadian (生理节奏的)body clocks—set by light and darkness—never adjust to gaining an “extra” hour of sunlight to the end of the day during daylight saving time.

[J ] One reason so many people in the developed world are chronically (长期地)overtired, he said, is that they suffer from “social jet lag. ” In other words, their optimal circadian sleep periods don\accord with their actual sleep schedules. Shifting daylight from morning to evening only increases this lag, he said. “Light doesn’t do the same things to the body in the morning and the evening. More light in the morning would advance the body clock, and that would be good. But more light in the evening would even further delay the body clock. ”

[K] Other research hints at even more serious health risks. A 2008 study concluded that, at least in Sweden, heart attack risks go up in the days just after the spring time change. “The most likely explanation to our findings is disturbed sleep and disruption of biological rhythms,” One expert told National Geographic News via email.

Daylight Savings! Lovers and Haters

[L] With verdicts (定论)on the benefits, or costs, of daylight savings so split, it may be no surprise that the yearly time changes inspire polarized reactions. In the U.K., for instance, the Lighter Later movement—part of 10:10, a group advocating cutting carbon emissions—argues for a sort of extreme daylight savings. First, they say, move standard time forward an hour, then keep observing daylight saving time as usual—adding two hours of evening daylight to what we currently consider standard time. The folks behind Standardtime .com, on the other hand, want to abolish daylight


saving time altogether, calling energy-efficiency claims “unproven. ”

[M] National telephone surveys by Rasmussen Reports from spring 2010 and fall 2009 deliver the same answer. Most people just “don’t think the time change is worth the hassle (麻烦洽勺事).” Forty-seven percent agreed with that statement, while only 40 percent disagreed. But Seize the Daylight author David Prerau said his research on daylight saving time suggests most people are fond of it. “I think if you ask most people if they enjoy having an extra hour of daylight in the evening eight months a year, the response would be pretty positive.”

46. Daylight savings,energy gains might be various due to different climates. 47. Disturbed sleep and disruption of biological rhythms may be the best explanation to higher heart attack risks in the days after the spring time change.

48. A research indicated that DST might not save energy by increasing energy use in the dark mornings, though it reduced lighting and electricity consumption in the evening.

49. Germany took the lead to save wartime resources by adopting the time changes and reducing artificial lighting.

50. A university professor studied the effect of daylight saving time and sounded the alarm of its negative effects.

51. Social jet lag can partly account for people’s chronic fatigue syndrome in developed countries.

52. The figure of a study in the U.S. suggested that DST could save a lot of energy nationally.

53. Supporters of daylight savings have long considered daylight saving time does good to people’s health.

54. A group advocating cutting carbon emissions launches the Lighter Later movement to back a kind of extreme daylight savings.

55. A scholar contributing to a federal report suggested that the amount of saved energy had something to do with geographic position.


46. [F]。题干意为,夏令时带来的能源收益可能会因为不同的气候而有差异。注意抓住题干中的关键词 daylight savings\和different climates。文章段落中,提到能源节约量与天气有关的内容 在[F]段出现,该段前两句提到,一些地区的节能量明显比其他地区要大。例如,加利福尼亚州似乎是从夏 令时中获益最大的——可能是因为那里的气候相对溫和,鼓励人们在户外待到更晚。由此可知,题干对原 文进行了概括和同义改写,故答案为[F]。

47. [K]。题干意为,睡眠障碍和生物节律紊乱可能是春季时间变化后心脏病发病率上升的最佳解释。注意抓 住题干中的关键词 disturbed sleep and disruption of biological rhythms, explanation和higher heart attack risks。 文章段落中,提及睡眠障碍和生物节律紊乱以及心脏病发病率上升的内容在[K]段出现,该段第二句提 到,2008年的一项研究总结道,至少在瑞典,在春季时间变化后不久,心脏病发病率就上升了……接着第 三句引用了一位专家的话:“根据我们的调查结果,最合理的解释是睡眠障碍及生物节奏紊乱。”由此可 知,题干是对原文的同义改写,故答案为[K]。

48. [D]。题干意为,一项研究表明,尽管实行夏令时能减少夜间照明及电量消耗,但却因为增加了晨间的用 电量而可能无法节约能源。注意抓住题干中的关键词increasing energy use in the dark mornings和reduced lighting and electricity consumption in the evening。文章段落中,提到了增加晨间的用电量和减少夜间照明及 电量消耗的是[D]段,该段第三句提Sij,研究人员发现这种做法减少了夜间照明及电量消耗,但是却增加 了晨间的用电量,因为现在早晨很昏暗——这就抵消了夜间节约的能源。由此可知,题干对原文进行了同 义改写,故答案为[D]。

49. [B]。题干意为,德国率先通过采取时间变化和减少人工照明来节约战时资源。注意抓住题干中的关键词 Germany, the time change s和artificial lighting。文章段落中,有关德国的内容在[B ]段出现,该段第二句提 到,德国是第一个采取时间变化以减少人工照明从而为战事节约煤炭资源的国家。由此可知,题干是对原 文的同义转述,故答案为[B]。

50. [I]。题干意为,一位大学教授研究了夏令时的作用并警示人们其带来的消极影响。注意抓住题干中的关键 词a university professor和sounded the alarm of its negative effects。文章段落中,提及夏令时会带来负面影响 的内容在[I]段出现,该段首句指出,但是其他人却警告人们夏令时所带来的负面影响。德国慕尼黑一所大 学的教授蒂尔?伦内伯格说,他的研究显示,我们的生物钟是根据白天和黑夜确定的,永远都适应不了夏 令时期间白天快结束时所多出的那“额外”一小时的日光。由此可知,题干是对原文的概述,故答案为[I]。

51. [J]。题干意为,社会时差是发达国家的人们患长期疲劳综合征的部分原因。注意抓住题干中的关键词 social jet lag和chronic fatigue syndrome。文章段落中,提到社会时差和人们长期疲劳的内容在[J]段出现, 该段第一句提到,发达国家中的很多人长期感觉过度劳累,原因之一就是,他们遭受“社会时差”的折磨。 由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[J]。

52. [E]。题干意为,美国一项研究的数据表明实行夏令时能在全国范围内节约很多能源。注意抓住题干中的 关键词figure, save a lot of energy和nationally。文章段落中,提到整个国家节能总量大的内容在[E]段出现, 该段最后两句提到,这个数字意味着,夏令时使美国年耗电量降低了0.03%,也使整体能耗减少了0.02%。 尽管这些百分比看起来很小,但是,由于国家总能耗量很庞大,它们所代表的节能量还是很大的。由此可 知,题干是对原文的同义改写,故答案为[E]。

53. [H]。题干意为,夏令时的支持者长期以来认为夏令时对人们的健康有好处。注


意抓住题干中的关键词 supporters of daylight savings和do good to people’s health。文章段落中,提及夏令时支持者以及夏令时与人 类健康的关系的内容在[H]段出现,该段第一句提到,几十年来,夏令时的倡导者一直宣称,不管夏令时 能否节约能源,它都有利于健康,因为它倡导的是积极的生活方式。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转 述,故答案为[H]。

54. [L]。题干意为,倡导降低碳排放量的一个组织发起了“晚亮灯运动”以支持一种极端的日光节约时制。注 意抓住题干中的关键词 a group advocating cutting carbon emissions, Lighter Later movement 和 a kind of extreme daylight savings。文章段落中,提及“晚亮灯运动”的内容在[L]段出现,该段第二句提到,在英国, “晚亮灯运动”——作为10:10(倡导降低碳排放量的一个组织)开展的运动的一部分——提倡一种极端的日 光节约时制。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[L]。

55. [G]。题干意为,协助撰写联邦报告的一位学者表示,能源的节约量与所处的地理位置有关。注意抓住题 干中的关键词a scholar contributing to a federal report和geographic position。文章段落中,提及能源节约量和 地理位置的关系的内容在[G]段出现,该段第二句提到,沃尔夫表示,夏令时给美国带来的能源收益主要 取决于某个地区与梅森一狄克森线的相对位置。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[G]。



Beauty and Body Image in the Media

[A] Images of female bodies are everywhere. Women—and their body parts—sell everything from food to cars. Popular film and television actresses are becoming younger, taller and thinner. Some have even been known to faint on the set from lack of food. Women’s magazines are full of articles urging that if they can just lose those last twenty pounds, they’ll have it all—the perfect marriage, loving children, great sex, and a rewarding career.

[B] Why are standards of beauty being imposed on women, the majority of whom are naturally larger and more mature than any of the models? The roots, some analysts say, are economic. By presenting an ideal difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. And it’s no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. If not all women need to lose weight, for sure they’re all aging, says the Quebec Action Network for Women’s Health in its 2001 report. And, according to the industry, age is a disaster that needs to be dealt with.

[C] The stakes are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet aids. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth anywhere between 40 to 100 billion (U.S.) a year selling temporary weight loss (90% to 95% of dieters regain the lost weight). On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.

[D ] The American research group Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders, Inc. says that one out of every four college-aged women uses unhealthy methods of weight control—including fasting, skipping meals, excessive exercise, laxative (泻药)abuse, and self-induced vomiting. The pressure to be thin is also affecting young girls: the Canadian Women’s Health Network warns that weight control measures are now being taken by girls as young as 5 and 6. American statistics are similar. Several studies, such as one conducted by Marika Tiggemann and Levina Clark in 2006 titled “Appearance Culture in 9- to 12-Year-Old Girls: Media and Peer Influences on Body Dissatisfaction,” indicate that nearly half of all preadolescent girls wish to be thinner, and as a result have engaged in a diet or are aware of the concept of dieting. In 2003, Teen magazine reported that 35 percent of girls 6 to 12 years old have been on at least one diet, and that 50 to 70 percent of normal weight girls believe they are overweight. Overall research indicates that 90% of women are dissatisfied with their appearance in some way. Media activist Jean Kilbourne concludes that, “Women are sold to the diet industry by the magazines we read and the television programs we watch, almost all of which make us feel anxious about our weight.”

[ E] Perhaps the most disturbing is the fact that media images of female beauty are unattainable for all but a very small number of women. Researchers generating a computer model of a woman with Barbie-doll proportions, for example, found that her


back would be too weak to support the weight of her upper body, and her body would be too narrow to contain more than half a liver and a few centimeters of bowel. A real woman built that way would suffer from chronic diarrhea (慢性腹泻)and eventually die from malnutrition. Jill Barad, President of Mattel (which manufactures Barbie), estimated that 99% of girls aged 3 to 10 years old own at least one Barbie doll. Still, the number of real life women and girls who seek a similarly underweight body is epidemic, and they can suffer equally devastating health consequences. In 2006 it was estimated that up to 450, 000 Canadian women were affected by an eating disorder. [F ] Researchers report that women’s magazines have ten and one-half times more ads and articles promoting weight loss than men’s magazines do, and over three-quarters of the covers of women’s magazines include at least one message about how to change a woman’s bodily appearance—by diet, exercise or cosmetic surgery. Television and movies reinforce the importance of a thin body as a measure of a woman’s worth. Canadian researcher Gregory Fouts reports that over three-quarters of the female characters in TV situation comedies are underweight, and only one in twenty are above average in size. Heavier actresses tend to receive negative comments from male characters about their bodies (“How about wearing a sack?,,),and 80 percent of these negative comments are followed by canned audience laughter.

[G] There have been efforts in the magazine industry to buck (才氐制,反抗)the trend. For several years the Quebec magazine Coup de Pouce has consistently included full-sized women in their fashion pages and Chatelaine has pledged not to touch up photos and not to include models less than 25 years of age. In Madrid, one of the world’s biggest fashion capitals, ultra-thin models were banned from the runway in 2006. Furthermore Spain has recently undergone a project with the aim to standardize clothing sizes through using a unique process in which a laser beam is used to measure real life women’s bodies in order to find the most true to life measurement.

[ H] Another issue is the representation of ethnically diverse women in the media. A 2008 study conducted by Juanita Covert and Travis Dixon titled “A Changing View: Representation and Effects of the Portrayal of Women of Color in Mainstream Women’s Magazines” found that although there was an increase in the representation of women of colour, overall white women were overrepresented in mainstream women’s magazines from 1999 to 2004.

[I] The barrage of messages about thinness, dieting and beauty tells “ordinary” women that they are always in need of adjustment—and that the female body is an object to be perfected. Jean Kilbourne argues that the overwhelming presence of media images of painfully thin women means that real women’s bodies have become invisible in the mass media. The real tragedy, Kilbourne concludes, is that many women internalize these

stereotypes, and judge themselves by the beauty industry’s standards. Women learn to compare themselves to

other women, and to compete with them for male attention. This focus on beauty and desirability “effectively destroys any awareness and action that might help to


change that climate.”

46. A report in Teen magazine showed that 50% to 70% girls with normal weight think that they need to lose weight.

47. On the whole, for 6 years white women had been occupying much more space in mainstream women’s magazines since 1999.

48. Some negative effects such as depression and unhealthy eating habits in females are related to their being exposed to images of thin and young female bodies. 49. The mass media has helped boost the cosmetic and the diet industries.

50. It is reported that there is at least one message about the methods for women to change their bodily appearance on more than three-quarters of the covers of women’s magazines.

51. Some film and television actresses even faint on the scene due to eating too little.

52. Too much concern with appearance makes it impossible to change such abnormal trend.

53. Researchers found that a real woman with Barbie-doll proportions would eventually die from malnutrition.

54. The Quebec magazine Coup (e Pouce resists the trend by consistently including full-sized women in their fashion pages for several years.

5 5. According to some analysts, the fundamental reason of imposing standards of beauty on women is economic profits.


46. [D]题干意为,《青少年》杂志上的一项报道称,有50%到70%体重正常的女孩认为自己需要减肥。注意抓 住题干中的关键词magazine、50% to 70%和normal weight。文章段落中,《青少年》杂志以及百分比 50%到70%的内容在[D]段出现,该段倒数第二句提到,《青少年》杂志报道称,在6~12岁的女孩当中,有 35%的人至少进行过一次减肥,有50%~70%体重正常的女孩认为自己超重。由此可知,题干是对该句部分 内容的同义转述,故答案为[D]。题干中的need to lose weight与原文中的is overweight对应。

47. [H]。题干意为,总体而言,1999年以来白人女性连续六年占据了主流女性杂志的多数篇幅。注意抓住题 干中的关键词for 6 years、white women和occupying much more space。文章段落中,提及白人女性在主流女 性杂志所占比例的内容在[H]段出现,该段最后一句提到,该研究发现,虽然1999~2004年间杂志中出现 的有色人种的女性形象在数量上有所增加,但是从整体来看,白人女性还是占据了主流女性杂志的多数 篇幅。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[H]。题干中的occupying much more space对应原文 中的 overrepresented。

48. [C]。题干意为,女性身上存在的一些诸如抑郁和不健康的饮食习惯的负面影响与接触年轻苗条的女性形 象有关。注意抓住题干中的关键词depression and unhealthy eating habits、being exposed to和thin and young bodies。文章段落中,[C]段提到了抑郁、不健康的饮食习惯以及接触年轻苗条的女性形象的内容,该段最 后一句提到,另一方面,研究表明,接触这种年轻苗条、妆容美丽的女性形象与女性的抑郁、缺乏自信和 不健康的饮食习惯有关。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[C]。题干中的are related to对应 原文中的 is linked to,being exposed to对应原文中的 exposure to。

49. [B]。题干意为,大众媒体帮助促进了化妆品和减肥产品行业的发展。注意抓住题干中的关键词boosted和 the cosmetic and the diet industries。文章段落中,只有[B]段提到了化妆品和减肥产品行业的发展,该段最 后一句提到,通过呈现一个难以达到和保持的理想身材,化妆品和减肥产品行业必然能够得到发展并获 得利润,而其呈现方式就是通过大众媒体。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[B]。

50. [F]。题干意为,报道称超过四分之三的女性杂志封面至少包含了一条关于如何改变女性身材的方法。注 意抓住题干中的关键词at least one message和more than three-quarters。文章段落中,提到女性杂志封面提供 如何改变女性身材的的内容在[F]段出现,该段首句提到,研究人员公布说,女性杂志上宣传减肥的广告 和文章所占的比重比男性杂志高10.5倍,超过四分之三的女性杂志封面至少包含了一条关于如何改变女 性身材的信息——诸如节食、运动或是整容手术。由此可知,题干对该句后半句内容做了概括,故答案为 [F ]。题干中的 methods for women to change their bodily appearance 是对原文中 how to change a woman’s bodily appearance—by diet, exercise or cosmetic surgery洽勺相无才括。 51. [A]。题干意为,甚至有些影视女演员因为吃得太少而在拍摄现场昏倒。注意抓住题干中的关键词film and television actresses和faint。文章段落中,[A]段提到了女演员以及晕倒的内容,该段第三句提到,有些 女演员甚至因为吃得太少而在拍摄现场昏倒。由此可见,题干对原文做了同义改写,故答案为[A]。题干中 的 due to eating too little和原文中的 from lack of food对应。

52. [I]。题干意为,对外表的过度关注使得改变这种不正常的风气变得不可能。注意抓住题干中的关键词too much concern和change such abnormal trend。文章段落中,提及对外表的过度关注的内容在[I]段出现,该段 最后一句提到,这种对于美丽和性感的关注“事实上摧毁了任何可能有助于改变这种风气的意识和行动”。 由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[I]。题干中的too much concern on appearance对应原文中 的 focus on beauty and desirability。


53. [E]。题干意为,研究人员发现如果一个女人的身材比例和芭比娃娃一样,那么她最终会死于营养不良。 注意抓住题干中的关键词Barbie-doll proportions和die from malnutrition。文章段落中,只有[E]段提到了芭 比娃娃,该段第三句提到,如果一个女人的身材真是那样(有着芭比娃娃的身材比例)的话,她将会患上慢 性腹泻并最终死于营养不良。由此可知,题干对原文做了同义改写,故答案为[E]。

54. [G]。题干意为,几年来魁北克杂志坚持在其时尚页面上刊登正常身材的女性形象,以抵制 这种潮流。注意抓住题干中的关键词The Quebec magazine Coup de 和consistently including fUll-sized women。文章段落中,提及魁北克杂志Coup de )ou(e坚持刊登正常身材的女性形象的内容在[G]段出现, 该段前两句提到,杂志业有人正在努力抵制这种潮流。几年来魁北克杂志Coup de )ou(e坚持在其时尚页面 上刊登正常身材的女性形象。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[G]。题干中的resists对应原 文中的buck(抵制,反抗)。 55. [B]。题干意为,根据一些分析家的观点,将美丽的标准强加到女性身上的根本原因是经济利益。注意抓 住题干中的关键词fundamental reason、standards of beauty和economic profits。文章段落中,论及将美丽的标 准强加到女性身上的根本原因的内容在[B]段出现,该段前两句提到,为什么会把美丽的标准强加到女性 身上,而大多数女性生来就比模特要胖要成熟?一些分析家认为,根源在于经济利益。由此可知,题干是对 原文的同义转述,故答案为[B]。题干中的fundamental reason和原文中的roots对应。



Paper--More than Meets the Eye

A) We are surrounded by so much paper and card that it is easy to forget just how

complex it is. There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.

B) It needs to be understood that most paper and card is manufactured for a specific purpose, so that whilst the corn-flake packet may look smart, it is clearly not something destined for the archives. It is made to look good, but only needs a limited life span. It is also much cheaper to manufacture than high grade card. C) Paper can be made from an almost endless variety of cellulose-based material which will include many woods, cottons and grasses or which papyrus is an example and from where we get the word \, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based. Paper from Wood D) In order to make wood into paper it needs to be broken down into fine strands. Firstly by powerful machinery and then boiled with strong alkalies such as caustic soda, until a fine pulp of cellulose fibers is produced. It is from this pulp that the final product is made, relying on the bonding together of the cellulose into layers. That, in a very small nutshell, is the essence of paper making from wood. However, the reality is rather more complicated. In order to give us our white paper and card, the makers will add bleach and other materials such as china clay and additional chemicals. E) A further problem with wood is that it contains a material that is not cellulose. Something called lignin. This is essential for the tree since it holds the cellulose fibres together, but if it is incorporated into the manufactured paper it presents archivists with a problem. Lignin eventually breaks down and releases acid products into the paper. This will weaken the bond between the cellulose fibers and the paper will become brittle and look rather brown and careworn. We have all seen this in old newspapers and cheap paperback books. It has been estimated that most paper back books will have a life of not greater than fifty years. Not what we need for our archives. F) Since the lignin can be removed from the paper pulp during manufacture, the obvious question is \makes up a considerable part of the tree. By leaving the lignin in the pulp a

papermaker can increase his paper yield from a tree to some 95%. Removing it means a yield of only 35%. It is clearly uneconomic to remove the lignin for many paper and card applications.

G) It also means, of course, that lignin-free paper is going to be more expensive, but that is nevertheless what the archivist must look for in his supplies. There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise. Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials, causing them to fade and is some cases simply vanish! H) So, how do we tell a piece of suitable paper or card from one that is unsuitable? You cannot do it by simply looking, and rather disappointingly, you cannot always


rely on the label. \indicate that it is a neutral material at this time. But lignin can take years before it starts the inevitable process of breaking down, and in the right conditions it will speed up enormously.

I) Added to this, as I have indicated earlier, paper may also contain other materials added during manufacture such as bleach, china clay, chemical whiteners and size. This looks like a bleak picture, and it would be but for the fact that there are suppliers who will guarantee the material that they sell. If you want to be absolutely sure that you are storing in, or printing on, the correct material then this is probably the only way.

J) Incidentally, acids can migrate from material to material. Lining old shoe boxes with good quality acid-free paper will do little to guard the contents. The acid will get there in the end. Paper from Rag

K) Paper is also commonly made from cotton and rag waste. This has the advantage of being lignin-free, but because there is much less cotton and rag than trees, it also tends to be much more expensive than wood pulp paper. You will still need to purchase from a reliable source though, since even rag paper and card can contain undesirable additives.

L) A reliable source for quality rag papers is a recognized art stockiest. Many water color artists insist on using only fine quality rag paper and board.

M) The main lesson to learn from this information is that you cannot rely on purchasing archival materials from the high street. The only safe solution is to

purchase from specialist suppliers. It may cost rather more, but in the end you will know that your important and valuable data and images have the best home possible.

1. The corn-flake packet is cheaper than high grade card.

2. There are a lot of materials which can be used for making paper, but the superiority ones are soft wood, cotton and rags.

3. During the whole manufacturing process, the final product is made from a pulp of cellulose fibres.

4. In order to make white paper and card, the makers will add bleach. 5. Liguin is essential for the tree but it will make paper easy to break.

6. Many paper producers will preserve lignin during manufacture, because leaving the lignin will make more paper from a tree.

7. Acid is particularly harmful to photographic materials.

8. If the lignin is removed from the paper, the paper will be more expensive. 9. Although free of lignin, paper made from cotton and rag waste can also cost more money than wood pulp paper because there is much less cotton and rag than trees.

10. What we can learn from \materials from specialist suppliers.



本文主要介绍了我们平常所见所用的纸的复杂性,通过介绍用木头和破布料造纸的过程,使我们对纸的类别、属性有了更深入的了解。 1.B

根据题干中的信息提示词corn—flake packet,high grade card,可定位到文章第二段,该部分最后提到corn-flake packet在制造过程中比高等级的纸(high grade card)便宜. 2.C

根据题干中的信息提示词soft wood,cotton and rags,可定位到文章第三段最后一句。 3.D

根据题干中的信息提示词final product,可将答案定位到D段,第二、三句提到最后的产品来源于纤维素纸浆。 4.D

根据题干中的信息提示词white paper and card,可将答案定位到D段,该部分最后提到为了得到白纸,纸张生产者在制造过程中添加了漂白粉和其他化学物质。 5.E

根据题干中的信息提示词essential for the tree,可将答案定位到E段,该部分提到木质素是木头的主要组成物,其作用是凝聚纤维素,但它会使纸张变得易碎。 6.F

根据题干中的信息提示词lignin,可将答案定位到F段,该部分最后提到许多纸张生产者在生产过程中会保留木质素,主要是因为它会增加树木的造纸产量。 7.G

根据题干中的信息提示词acid,可将答案定位到G段,该部分最后提到酸对相纸的原料尤其不利。 8.F

根据题干中的信息提示词lignin和paper可定位到文章的F段,因为该段提到,如果在纸张的生产中去除木质素,将会降低树木出产纸张的量,由此可以知道,去除了木质素的纸张价格必定会更加昂贵。 9.K

根据题干中的信息提示词cotton and rag waste可定位到文章的K段,该部分告诉我们,尽管用棉花和破布料造的纸里没有木质素,但它们要比木制的纸贵很多,这是因为棉花和破布料的数量比树木少得多,由此可以得出答案。 10.M

根据题干中的信息提示词Paper from Ra9可定位到文章的最后一段,该部分提出最好到专业的供应商那里去买档案材料,由此可以得出答案。



How to Make Attractive and Effective PowerPoint Presentations

A) Microsoft PowerPoint has dramatically changed the way in which academic and business presentations are made. This article outlines few tips on making more effective and attractive PowerPoint presentations The Text

B) Keep the wording clear and simple. Use active, visual language. Cut unnecessary words—a good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to

sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into key words.Limit the number of words and lines per slide. Try the Rule of Five-five words per line, five lines per slide. If too much text appears on one slide, use the AutoFit feature to split it between two slides. Click within the placeholder to display the AutoFit Options button (its symbol is two horizontal lines with arrows above and below), then click on the button and choose Split Text between Two Slides from the submenu. C) Font size for titles should be at least 36 to 40, while the text body should not be smaller than 24.Use only two font styles per slide—one for the title and the other for the text. Choose two fonts that visually contrast with each other. Garamond Medium Condensed and Impact are good for titles, while Garamond or Tempus Sans can be used for the text body.

D) Embed the fonts in your presentation, if you are not sure whether the fonts used in the presentation are present in the computer that will be used for the presentation. To embed the fonts:(1) On the File menu, click Save As.(2) On the toolbar, click Tools, click Save Options, select the Embed TrueType Fonts check box, and then select Embed characters in use only. E) Use colors sparingly; two to three at most. You may use one color for all the titles and another for the text body. Be consistent from slide to slide. Choose a font color that contrasts well with the background.

F) Capitalizing the first letter of each word is good for the title of slides and suggests a more formal situation than having just the first letter of the first word

capitalized. In bullet point lines, capitalize the first word and no other words unless they normally appear capped. Upper and lower case lettering is more readable than all capital letters. Moreover, current styles indicate that using all capital letters means you are shouting. If you have text that is in the wrong case, select the text, and then click Shift+F3 until it changes to the case style that you like. Clicking Shift+F3 toggles the text case between ALL CAPS, lower case, and Initial Capital styles.

G) Use bold or italic typeface for emphasis. Avoid underlining, it clutters up the presentation.Don’t center bulleted lists or text. It is confusing to read. Left align unless you have a good reason not to. Run “spell check” on your show when finished.

The Background

H) Keep the background consistent. Simple, light textured backgrounds work well. Complicated textures make the content hard to read. If you are planning to use many clips in your slides, select a white background. If the venue of your


presentation is not adequately light-proof, select a dark-colored background and use any light color for text. Minimize the use of “bells and whistles” such as sound effects, “flying words” and multiple transitions. Don’t use red in any fonts or backgrounds. It is an emotionally overwhelming color that is difficult to see and read.

The Clips

I) Animations are best used subtly; too much flash and motion can distract and annoy viewers. Do not rely too heavily on those images that were originally loaded on your computer with the rest of Office. You can easily find appropriate clips on any topic through Google Images. While searching for images, do not use long search phrases as is usually done while searching the web-use specific words. J) When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes and are in a.jpg format. Larger files can slow down your show. Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple,if possible. Use bar graphs and pie charts instead of tables of data. The audience can then immediately pick up the relationships. The Presentation K) If you want your presentation to directly open in the slide show view, save it as a slide show file using the following steps. Open the presentation you want to save as a slide show. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Show. Your slide show file will be saved with a ppt file extension. When you double-click on this file, it will automatically start your presentation in slide show view. When you’re done, PowerPoint automatically closes and you return to the desktop. If you want to edit the slide show file, you can always open it from PowerPoint by clicking Open on the File menu. L) Look at the audience, not at the slides, whenever possible. If using a laser pointer, don’t move it too fast. For example, if circling a number on the slide, do it slowly. Never point the laser at the audience. Black out the screen (use “B” on the keyboard) after the point has been made, to put the focus on you. Press the key again to continue your presentation.

M) You can use the shortcut command [Ctrl]P to access the Pen tool during a slide show. Click with your mouse and drag to use the Pen tool to draw during your slide show. To erase everything you’ve drawn, press the E key. To turn off the Pen tool, press [Esc] once. Miscellaneous

N) Master Slide Set-Up: The “master slide” will allow you to make changes that are reflected on every slide in your presentation. You can change

fonts, colors, backgrounds, headers, and footers at the “master slide” level. First, go to the “View” menu. Pull down the “Master” menu. Select the “slide master” menu. You may now make changes at this level that meet your presentation needs.


1. The ways in which academic and business presentations are made have been changed by Microsoft PowerPoint.

2. When making the PowerPoint, the wording of the text should not be complicated.

3. In each slide, the font styles for the title and the text should contrast with each other.

4. A more formal situation is capitalizing the first letter of the first word.

5. Centering bulleted lists or text can not help to read.

6. Sound effects should be used as less frequently as possible.

7. When importing pictures, make sure that they are smaller than two megabytes.

8. When making the presentation, you should look at the audience as possible as you can.

9. Pressing the E key can help you to erase everything you've drawn.

10. In order to meet your presentation needs, you can make changes at the “slide master” level.





根据题干中的信息词wording of the text定位到第一个小标题下的第一段。


根据题干中的信息词the font styles for the title and the text定位到C段。


根据题干中的信息词more formal situation和capitalizing定位到第一个小标题下的F段。


根据题干中的信息词Centering bulleted lists or text定位到第一个小标题下的G段。


根据题干中的信息词Sound effects定位到第二个小标题下的H段,Minimize the use of “bells and whistles” such as sound effects。


根据题干中的信息词importing和two megabytes定位到第三个小标题下的J段。


根据题干中的信息词look at the audience定位到第四个小标题下的L段。


根据题干中的信息词Pressing the E key定位到第四个小标题下的M段。


根据题干中的信息词make changes at the “slide master” level定位到文章的最后一段可得答案。



Preparing for Computer Disasters

A: Summary: When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. B: Fires, power surges, and floods, they're all facts of life. We read about them in the morning paper and see them on the evening news. We sympathize with the victims and commiserate over their bad luck. We also shake our heads at the digital consequences—melted computers, system failures, destroyed data.

Yet, somehow, many of us continue to live by that old mantra of denial: \happen to me.\, the truth is, at some point you'll probably have to deal with at least one disaster. That's just how it goes, and in most aspects of our lives we do something about it. We buy insurance. We stow away provisions. We even make disaster plans and run drills. But for some reason, computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us. It shouldn't be. Home computers contain some of our most important information, both business and personal, and making certain our data survives a disaster should be a priority. Moreover, even the smallest disaster can be a serious disruption. Personal computers have become an integral part of the smooth-running household. We use them to communicate, shop, and do

homework, and they're even more vital to home office users. When home office computers go down, many small businesses grind to a halt. Fortunately, taking steps to recover from disasters and minimize their effects is quite straightforward. With a good offsite storage plan and the right tools, you can bounce back quickly and easily from minor computer disasters. And, should a major calamity strike, you can rest assured your data is safe.

Offsite Storage: Major Disasters

C: House fires and floods are among the most devastating causes of personal computer destruction. That's why a solid offsite backup and recovery plan is essential. Although many home users faithfully back up their hard drives, many would still lose all their data should their house flood our burn. That's because they keep their

backups in relatively close to their computers. Their backup disks might not be in the same room as their computers—tucked away in a closet or even the garage—but

they're not nearly far enough away should a serious disaster strike. So, it's important to back up your system to a removable medium and to store it elsewhere.

D: There are many ways to approach offsite storage. It starts with choice of backup tools and storage medium. Disaster situations are stressful, and your recovery tools shouldn't add to that stress. They must be dependable and intuitive, making it easy to schedule regular backups and to retrieve files in a pinch. They must also be compatible with your choice of backup medium. Depending on your tools, you can back up to a variety of durable disk types—from CDs to Jaz drives to remote network servers. Although many of these storage media have high capacity, a backup tool with compression capabilities is a big plus, eliminating the inconvenience of multiple disks or large uploads.


E: Once you select your tools and a suitable medium, you need to find a remote place to store your backups. The options are endless. However, no matter where you choose, be sure the site is secure, easily accessible, and a good distance away from your home. You may also want to consider using an Internet-based backup service. More and more service providers are offering storage space on their servers, and uploading files to a remote location has become an attractive alternative to

conventional offsite storage. Of course, before using one of these services, make certain you completely trust the service provider and its security methods. Whatever you do, schedule backups regularly and store them far away from your home. Come What May: Handling the Garden Variety Computer Crisis

F: Not all home computer damage results from physical disaster. Many less menacing problems can also hobble your PC or destroy your information. Systems crash, kids \, adults inadvertently delete files. Although these events might not seem calamitous, they can have serious implications. So, once again, it's important to be prepared. As with physical disasters, regular backups are essential. However, some of these smaller issues require a response that's more nuanced than wholesale backup and restoration. To deal with less-than-total disaster, your tool set must be both powerful and agile. For example, when a small number of files are compromised, you may want to retrieve those files alone. Meanwhile, if just your settings are affected, you'll want a simple way to roll back to your preferred setup. Yet, should your operating system fail, you'll need a way to boot your computer and perform large-scale recovery. Computer crises come in all shapes and sizes, and your backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to meet each challenge. The Right Tools for the Right Job: Gearing up for Disaster

G: When disaster strikes, the quality of your backup tools can make the

difference between utter frustration and peace of mind. Symantec understands this and offers a range of top quality backup and recovery solutions. Norton GoBack is the perfect tool for random system crashes, failed installations, and inadvertent deletions. With this powerful and convenient solution, it's simple to retrieve overwritten files or to bring your system back to its pre-crash state. Norton Ghost is a time-tested home office solution. Equipped to handle full-scale backups, it's also handy for cloning hard drives and facilitating system upgrades. A favorite choice for IT

professionals, it's the ideal tool for the burgeoning home office. You can buy Norton Ghost and Norton GoBack separately, or get them both when you purchase Norton System Works.

H: Life's disasters, large and small, often catch us by surprise. However, with a little planning and the right tools, you can reduce those disasters to bumps in the road. So, don't wait another day. Buy a good set of disaster recovery tools, set up an automatic backup schedule, and perform a dry run every now and again. Then, rest easy.


1. You should take steps to recover from computer disasters so as to minimize their effects.

2. For some reason, computer disaster recovery is always ignored by many of us.

3. You can bounce back quickly and easily minor computer disasters with the help of a good offsite storage plan and the right tools.

4. The most devastating causes of personal computer destruction includes house fires and floods.

5. It's necessary for us to back up our systems to some transferable medium and to put it somewhere else.

6. You should find a distant place to store your backups after selecting your tools and a suitable medium.

7. Not only physical disaster can damage your computer.

8. The backup and recovery tools must be flexible enough to deal with various computer crises.

9. The quality of your backup tools determines whether you are frustrated or have a peaceful mind when disaster strikes.

10. You should prepare for your computer disasters now and again.


1. A

根据题干中的信息词recover from computer disasters定位到本文的第一段。

2. B

根据题干中的信息词computer disaster recovery和many of us定位到本文的第二段第11句话,computer disaster recovery is a blind spot for many of us。

3. B

根据题干中的信息词offsite storage plan and the right tools定位到本文的第二段倒数第二句话。

4. C

根据题干中的信息词most devastating causes定位到第一个小标题下第一段的第一句话可知原文提到了家庭火灾和水灾是个人电脑危机的最具毁灭性的根源。

5. C

根据题干中的信息词back up our system及medium定位到第一个小标题下第一段的最后一句话。

6. E

根据题干中的信息词find a remote place to store your backups定位到第一个小标题下第三段的第一句话。

7. F

根据题干中的信息词physical disaster定位到第二个小标题下的前两句话。

8. F

根据题干中的信息词backup and recovery tools及computer crises定位到第二个小标题下的最后一句话。

9. G

根据题干中的信息词The quality of your backup tools和frustrated定位到第三个小标题下第一段的第一句话。


根据题干中的信息词prepare for your computer,总结文章最后一段大意即可找到答案。



Definitions of Obesity

A: How does one define when a person is considered to be obese and not just somewhat overweight? Height-weight tables give an approximate guideline as to whether one is simply overweight or has passed into the obese stage.

B: The World Health Organization recommends using a formula that takes into account a person's height and weight. The \(BMI) is calculated by dividing the person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters, and is thus given in units of kg/m2. A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered to be the healthiest. A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 is considered to be overweight, while a BMI of over 30 is considered to be obese.

C: However, it is recognized that this definition is limited as it does not take into account such variables as age, gender and ethnic origin, the latter being important as different ethnic groups have very different fat distributions. Another

shortcoming is that it is not applicable to certain very muscular people such as athletes and bodybuilders, who can also have artificially high BMIs. Agencies such as the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) in the USA and the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) are starting to define obesity in adults simply in terms of waist circumference.

Health Effects of Obesity

D: Over 2000 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates wrote that \who are naturally very fat are apt to die earlier than those who are slender\observation remains very true today. Obesity has a major impact on a person's physical, social and emotional well-being. It increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 (\) and also makes Type 2 diabetes more difficult to control. Thus weight loss improves the levels of blood glucose and blood fats, and reduces blood pressure. The association between obesity and coronary heart disease is also well-known.


E: Furthermore, in 2001 medical researchers established a link between being overweight and certain forms of cancer, and estimated that nearly 10,000 Britons per year develop cancer as a result of being overweight. This figure was made up of 5,893 women and 3,220 men, with the strongest associations being with breast and colon cancers. However, it is thought that being overweight may also increase the risk of cancer in the reproductive organs for women and in the prostate gland for men. F: The link between breast cancer and nutritional status is thought to be due to the steroid hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which are produced by the ovaries, and govern a woman's menstrual cycle. Researchers have found that the more a woman eats, or the more sedentary her lifestyle, the higher are the

concentrations of progesterone. This link could explain why women from less affluent


countries have lower rates of breast cancer. Women from less affluent nations tend to eat less food and to lead lifestyles which involve more daily movement. This lowers their progesterone level, resulting in lower predisposition to breast cancer.

G: The Times newspaper, in 2002 reported that obesity was the main avoidable cause of cancer among non-smokers in the Western world!


H: Research published by St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK in 2005 showed a correlation between body fat and aging, to the extent that being obese added 8.8 years to a woman's biological age. The effect was exacerbated by smoking, and a non-overweight woman who smokes 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years added 7.4 years to their biological age. The combination of being obese and a smoker added at least ten years to a woman’s biological age, and although the study only involved

women, the lead researcher Professor Tim Spector believes the finding would also apply to men.

I: The aging effect was determined by measuring the length of telomeres, tiny \, which help protect the DNA from the ageing process. Indeed, telomeres have been dubbed the \, as an organism ages, they become progressively shorter, and can be used to determine the age of the organism. Beyond a certain point, the telomere becomes so short that it is no longer able to prevent the DNA of the chromosome from falling apart. It is believed that excess body fat, and the chemicals present in tobacco smoke release free radicals which trigger inflammation. Inflammation causes the production of white blood cells which increases the rate of erosion of telomeres.


J: Recent research (2005) conducted in the USA shows that obesity in middle age is linked to an increased risk of dementia, with obese people in their 40s being 74% more likely to develop dementia compared to those of normal weight. For those who are merely overweight, the lifetime risk of dementia risk was 35% higher. K: Scientists from the Aging Research Centre at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have been able to take information such as age, number of years in

education, gender, body mass index, blood pressure level, physical activity and genetic factors, assigning each a risk score. They then used this information to devise a predictive test for dementia. This test will enable people at risk, for the first

time, to be able to affect lifestyle changes which will reduce their risk of contracting dementia.

Other Problems

L: The world-wide upsurge in obesity, particularly in children, is of major economic concern,liable to drain economies. Of further concern is that research conducted in Australia and published in 2006, shows that up to one third of breech


pregnancies were undetected by the traditional \, the danger being greatest for those women who are overweight or obese—a growing proportion of mothers. This means that such women are not getting the treatment required to turn the baby around in time for the birth, and in many cases require an emergency Caesarean section.

M: This is a true health-care crisis, far bigger than Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and ultimately, even bigger than AIDS.

1. You can judge whether one is simply overweight or has passed into the obese stage according to the height-weight table.

2. Using the \

limited, because it does not takes into account many variables such as age, gender and ethnic origin.

3. A person's emotional well-being would be affected by obesity.

4. Obesity has something to do with cancer in the prostate gland for man.

5. Women from less affluent nations tend to have much less breast cancer.

6. A non-overweight woman who smokes 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years added 7.4 years to her biological age.

7. The excess body fat, like the chemicals present in tobacco smoke, can lead to inflammation.

8. Obese people in middle age run an increased risk of dementia .

9. The predictive test for dementia will help people to affect lifestyle changes that will reduce their risk of contracting dementia.

10. The world-wide upsurge in obesity, particularly in children, will possibly drain economies.

答 案

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. F 6. H 7. I 8. J 9. K 10. L



A: Pizza Hut was started in 1958, by two brothers in Wichita, Kansas. Frank and Dan Carney had the idea to open a pizza parlor. They borrowed $600 from their mother, and opened the very first Pizza Hut. In 1959, the first franchise unit opened in Topeka, Kansas. Almost a decade later, Pizza Hut would be serving one million customers a week in their 310 locations. In 1970, Pizza Hut was put on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol PIZ.

B: In 1986, Pizza Hut introduced delivery service, something no other

restaurant was doing. By the 1990's Pizza Hut sales had reached $4 billion worldwide. In 1998, Pizza Hut celebrated their 40th anniversary, and launched their famous campaign \, Pizza Hut sales in the United States were over $5 million. Out of all the existing pizza chains, Pizza Hut had the largest market share, 46.4%. However, Pizza Hut's market share has slowly eroded because of intense competition from their rivals Domino's, Little Caesar's and newcomer Papa John's. Home delivery was a driving force for success, especially for Pizza Hut and Domino's. C: However, this forced competitors to look for new methods of increasing their customer bases. Many pizza chains decided to diversify and offer new non-pizza items such as buffalo wings, and Italian cheese bread. The current trend in pizza chains today is the same. They all try to come up with some

newer, bigger, better, pizza for a low price. Offering special promotions and new pizza variations are popular today as well. For example, chicken is now a common topping found on pizzas.

D: In the past, Pizza Hut has always had the first mover advantage. Their marketing strategy in the past has always been to be first. One of their main strategies that they still follow today is the diversification of the products they offer. Pizza Hut is always adding something new to their menu, trying to reach new markets. For example, in 1992 the famous buffet was launched in Pizza Hut restaurants worldwide. They were trying to offer many different food items for customers who didn't necessarily want pizza.

E: Another strategy they used in the past and are still using is the diversification of their pizzas. Pizza Hut is always trying to come up with some innovative way to make a pizza into something slightly different - different enough that customers will think it’s a whole new product. For example,let's look at some of the pizzas Pizza Hut has marketed in the past. In 1983, Pizza Hut introduced their Pan Pizza, which had a guarantee of being ready to eat in 5 minutes when dining at Pizza Hut restaurants. In 1993, they introduced the \,\slices. In 1995, they introduced \,\filled with cheese. In 1997, they marketed \,\

toppings all the way to the edge of the pizza. Currently, they are marketing \NewYorker,\ F: Another opportunity that Pizza Hut has is their new ordering online system. Anyone with Internet access can order whatever they wish and get it delivered to their house without even speaking to someone. This program has just been started, so we do not have any numbers to support whether or not it will be a success.


G: Lastly, Pizza Hut has always valued customer service and satisfaction. In 1995, Pizza Hut began two customer satisfaction programs: a 1-800 number customer hotline, and a customer call-back program. These were implemented to make sure their customers were happy, and always wanted to return. In our plan, we will first give a situation analysis of current and relevant environmental conditions that affect our plan. Next, we will give a brief analysis of the current fast food industry, and any trends or changes that might occur in the future.

H: However, the fact that Pizza Hut does have a restaurant to run is also a weakness. Pizza Hut has higher overhead costs, due to the restaurant that other competitors don't have to deal with. Another result of higher overhead costs is higher prices Pizza Hut must charge. Obviously, Pizza Hut is not the low cost producer. They rely on their quality pizza and good service to account for their higher prices. I: An indirect weakness that Pizza Hut has is that they have lost a lot of their customers and market share due to such intense competition with competitors. Pizza Hut's opportunities are almost endless. They can increase revenue with their new innovative pizzas, and increase brand loyalty with good customer service.

J: Pizza Hut's number one threats are from their competitors. Currently, their closest competitor is Domino's Pizza. Domino's main competitive advantage over Pizza Hut is their price. It is generally lower than Pizza Hut. Also, Domino's was very profitable when they ran the promotional deal of delivering a pizza within 30 minutes. However, many lawsuits have been filed against Domino's in the past for reckless driving by their drivers, so Domino's withdrew the promotion. Little Caesar's is

another one of Pizza Hut's competitors, right behind Domino's in market share. Little Caesar's is famous for offering large quantities of pizza for less money. Other competitors include Papa John's, Sbarro, and Pizza Inn.

K: A problem facing all of the pizza chains is that each of their individual competitive advantages are pretty much everyone's competitive advantages. Most if not all the top pizza chains offer free delivery, and always have some sort of promotional deal offering large pizzas at reduced prices. Other competitors to take into consideration are frozen pizzas and make-it-yourself pizzas that are purchased in grocery stores. Some examples of these are Tombstone Pizzas, Boboli, and Di'Gornio pizzas.

1. Pizza Hut expanded its business into many parts of the country by the time of 1969.

2. Pizza Hut has not always dominated the market.

3. buffalo wings, and Italian cheese bread are now commonly served at pizza restaurants.

4. The diversification strategy is not to be the first mover.

5. In Pizza Hut, a Pan Pizza was guaranteed to serve in 5 minutes.


6. If you want a pizza from Pizza Hut delivered directly to your house, you have to have Internet access in the first place.

7. In order to make sure their customers were happy, Pizza Hut introduced two customer satisfaction programs.

8. The higher overhead costs of Pizza Hut obviously accounted for higher prices of their pizzas.

9. The reason why Domino’s withdrew their promotion was that they suffered legally from reckless driving by their drivers.

10. Major pizza makers have to face the problem that their competitive advantages are the same.

答 案

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. J 10. K


