General Knowledge(专八)
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1.In 1492, Columbus discovered the New World. 2.The world-famous Harvard University is established in Massachusetts in 1636. 3.Current population in the UK is not the decedents of the Romans. 4.The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. 5.Morpheme is the minimal formal element of meaning in language. 6.The study of the formation and composition of words is morphology. 7.The study of language structure is grammar. 8.Common Sense is a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine.It was first published anonymously on January 10,1776,during the American Revolution. 9.Beowulf is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. 10.The author of The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer. 11.North America borders both the North Atlantic Ocean and North Pacific Ocean. 12.Stonehenge is a tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. 13.The Anglo Saxons began to settle in Britain in the 5th century. 14.According to the Official Language of Art of Canada, there are two official languages in this country,they are English and French. 15.An important topical division of linguistics is between the study of language structure and the study of meaning. 16.Semantics is a branch of linguistics which is concerned with the study of meaning. 17.Pragmatics is the study of meaning, not as generated by the linguistic system but as conveyed and manipulated by participants in a communicative situation.
18.Thoreau and Emerson are two famous representatives of Transcendentalism. 19.“To be, or not to be---that is a question; whether’tis nobler in the mind to suffer...”Who said these words? Hamlet. 20.Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained were written by John Milton. 21.On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in New York which housed the government then.
22.Franklin D.Roosevelt was the American President during World War Ⅱ
23.Between 1337 and 1453,the Hundred Years’ War took place in Britain between Briton and Frenchman.
24.The highest peak in Canada is Mount Logan, which is in southwest Yukon Territory, Canada.
25.Sociolinguistics is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.
26.Which one of the following sub-fields of linguistics is concerned with the processes of language comprehension and production? Psycholinguistics. 27.Which of the following sub-fields of linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems? Applied linguistics 28.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was the first American to translate Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy and was one of the five Fireside Poets.
29.The largest and most important poetic form of the Restoration Literature is satire. 30.Rape of the Lock was written by Alexander pope.
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