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Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Foreign financiers complaining about the legal wars they will launch to recover bad

debts in Russia rarely mean much. The expense of a lawsuit 1 the satisfaction; the chances of getting any money are 2 . Yet Noga, a company owned by Nessim Gaon, a 78-year-old businessman 3 in Geneva, has been suing the Russian government since 1993, attempting to 4 Russian assets abroad. At Mr. Gaon's request, bailiffs last week very nearly 5 two of Russia's most advanced warplanes at the Paris air 6 . The organisers 7 off the Russian authorities, and the planes flew home, just 8 time. 9 near-misses include a sail-training ship, the Sedov, nuclear-waste shipments, and the president's plane.

Mr. Gaon, whose previous business partners include regimes in Nigeria and Sudan, put an 10 clause in his original export deals: Russia must abandon its sovereign immunity. An arbitration court in Stockholm has found in his 11 , so far, to the 12 of $110 million, out of a total 13 of $420 million. Other courts 14 the world have let him have a 15 at any Russian assets 16 reach.

The odd thing is 17 Russia, now awash with cash, does not simply pay up. Mr. Gaon says he was told at one point that a 10% 18 on the debt to someone high up in the finance ministry would solve things. 19 off Mr. Gaon costs much in legal fees. Not accepting international judgments sits ill with the current Kremlin line 20 the rule of law. Mr. Gaon says his next move will be to seize Russia's embassy in Paris.

1A. outdoes B. outperform C. outshine D. outweighs . 2A. thin B. slim C. lean D. wiry . 3A. based B. found C. established D. set . 4A. grasp B. hold C. seize D. snatch . 5A. caught B. got C. grabbed D. arrested . 6A. show B. exhibition C. display D. . demonstration 7A. stilted B. tipped C. dumped D. slanted

. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 。 A. in B. on C. at D. to A. Avoiding B. Fending C. Escaping D. Shielding A. kickback B. payment C. cut D. reward A. how B. when C. why D. where A. in B. within C. out of D. beyond A. crack B. break C. split D. snap A. in B. at C. around D. over A. demanded B. requested C. required D. claimed A. tune B. figure C. account D. count A. support B. good C. favor D. preference A. usual B. unusual C. common D. uncommon A. Others B. Another C. The other D. Other A. in B. on C. at D. upon Section II Reading Comprehension Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

The consequences of heavy drinking are well documented: failing health, broken

marriages, regrettable late-night phone calls. But according to Gregory Luzaich's calculations, there can be a downside to modest drinking, too—though one that damages the wallet, not the liver.

The Pek Wine Steward prevents wine from spoiling by injecting argon, an inert gas, into the bottle before sealing it airtight with silicon. Mr. Luzaich, a mechanical engineer in Windsor, Calif. —in the Sonoma County wine country—first tallied the costs of his

reasonable consumption in October 2001.“I'd like to come home in the evening and have a glass of wine with dinner,” he said. “My wife doesn't drink very much, so the bottle wouldn't get consumed. And maybe I would forget about it the next day, and I'd check back a day or two later, and the wine would be spoiled.” That meant he was wasting most of a $15 to $20 bottle of wine, dozens of times a year.

A check of the wine-preservation gadgets on the market left Mr. Luzaich dissatisfied. High-end wine cabinets cost thousands of dollars—a huge investment for a glass-a-day

drinker. Affordable preservers, meanwhile, didn't quite perform to Mr. Luzaich's liking; he thought they allowed too much oxidation, which degrades the taste of a wine.

The solution, he decided, was a better gas. Many preservers pumped nitrogen into an opened bottle to slow a wine's decline, even though oenological literature suggested that argon was more effective. So when he began designing the Pek Wine Steward, a metal cone into which a wine bottle is inserted, Mr. Luzaich found that his main challenge was to figure out how best to introduce the argon.

He spent months fine-tuning a gas injection system. “We used computational fluid dynamics to model the gas flow, ” Mr. Luzaich said, referring to a computer-analysis technique that measures how smoothly particles are flowing. The goal was to create an injector that could swap a bottle's oxygen atoms for argon atoms; argon is an inert gas, and thus unlikely to harm a nice Chianti.

Mr. Luzaich, who had previously designed medical and telecommunications

products, also worked on creating an airtight seal, to secure the bottle after the argon was injected. He experimented with several substances, from neoprene to a visco-elastic

polymer (which he dismissed as “too gooey”), before settling on a food-grade silicon.

To save wine, a bottle is placed inside the Pek Wine Steward, the top is closed, and a trigger is pulled for 5 to 10 seconds, depending on how much wine remains. When the

trigger is released, the bottle is sealed automatically, preserving the wine for a week or more, the company says. “We wanted to make it very easy for the consumer, ” Mr. Luzaich said. “It's basically mindless.”

The device, which resembles a high-tech thermos, first became available to

consumers in March 2004, and 8, 000 to 10, 000 have been sold, primarily through catalogs like those of The Wine Enthusiast and Hammacher Schlemmer. The base model sells for $99; a deluxe model, which also includes a thermoelectric cooler, is $199.

21.According to Gregory Luzaich, the disadvantage of modest drinking is ______. A.damaging the liver B.costing much

C.breaking marriages D.spoiling the wine

22.The word “tallied” (Line 3, Para. 2) probably means ______. A.calculated

B.corresponded to C.listed D.gave

23.According to the text, the “Pek Wine Steward” is ______. A.a metal cone

B.a thermoelectric cooler C.a gas injector D.a wine preserver

24.Mr. Luzaich created the seal to prevent the wine from declining with ______. A.neoprene

B.visco-elastic polymer C.silicon D.argon

25.Mr. Luzaich's attitude to the automatic sealing is ______. A.opposition B.suspicion C.approval D.indifference

Text 2

In Don Juan Lord Byron wrote, \—especially to women.\released on Wednesday, supported by magnetic resonance imaging, suggests that men may be the more natural avengers.

In the study, when male subjects witnessed people they perceived as bad guys being stroke by a mild electrical shock, their M.R.I. scans lit up in primitive brain areas

associated with reward. Their brains' empathy centers remained dull. Women watching the punishment, in contrast, showed no response in centers associated with pleasure. Even though they also said they did not like the bad guys, their empathy centers still quietly gloved.

The study seems to show for the first time in physical terms what many people probably assume they already know: that women are generally more empathetic than men, and that men, and that men take great pleasure in seeing revenge exacted. Men \more desire for revenge and seemed to feel satisfaction when unfair people were given what they perceived as deserved physical punishment,\researcher, of the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at University College London. But far from condemning the male impulse for retribution, Dr. Singer said it had an important social function: \of society as the majority of people in a group are motivated to punish those who cheat on the rest.\

The study is part of a growing body of research that is attempting to better

understand behavior and emotions by observing simultaneous physiological changes in the brain, a technique now attainable through imaging. \are transitioning from a descriptive to a more mechanistic type of study,\Stephan, a co-author of the paper.

Dr. Singer's team was simply trying to see if the study subjects' degree of empathy correlated with how much they liked or disliked the person being punished. They had not set out to look into sex differences. To cultivate personal likes and dislikes in their 32 volunteers, they asked them to play a complex money strategy game, where both members of a pair would profit if both behaved cooperatively. The ranks of volunteers were infiltrated by

actors told to play selfishly. Volunteers came quickly to \were cooperative, while disliking those who hided rewards, Dr. Stephan said. Effectively conditioned to like and dislike their game-playing partners, the 32 subjects were placed in scanners and asked to watch the various partners receive electrical shocks. On scans, both men and women seemed to feel the pain of partners they liked. But the real surprise came during scans when the subjects viewed the partners they disliked being shocked. \women saw the shock, they still had an empathetic response, even though it was reduced,\Dr. Stephan said. \pleasure centers lit up in males when just punishment was meted out.

The researchers cautioned that it was not clear if men and women are born with divergent responses to revenge or if their social experiences generate the responses. Dr. Singer said larger studies were needed to see if differing responses would be seen in cases involving revenge that did not involve pain. Still, she added, \to indicate there is a predominant role for men in maintaining justice and issuing punishment.\

26. Lord Byron's words mean . A. Women are crueler than men B. Revenge on women is sweeter

C. Women feel sweeter with revenge than men D. Women love to revenge

27. According to the text, Dr. Singer's attitude to male revenge impulse is . A. sympathetic B. detached C. positive D. negative

28. According to the text, the study is originally aimed . A. to show sex differences on revenge

B. to better understand human's behavior and emotions C. to cultivate personal likes and dislikes

D. to see if the degree of empathy is connected with personal likes and dislikes 29. The word \ . A. acted B. mixed C. taught D. filtrated

30. Dr. Singer thinks men are more suitable to maintain justice and issue punishment than women because . A. men's brain's empathy centers remained dull when punishment was executed B. women's pleasure centers were lit up with punishment implemented C. men have no response when seeing punishment executed D. men had different experiences from women Text 3

The first big-name hackers include Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds, all now highly recognizable names behind many of the computer technologies used today. These early hackers had a love of technology and a compelling need to know how it all worked, and their goal was to push programs beyond what they were designed to do. Back then, the word \ethic, rooted out of simple curiosity and a need to be challenged, appears to be dead.

The objectives of early hackers are a far cry from the goals of today's hacker. The motivation of the new breed of hackers appears not to be curiosity, or a hunger for knowledge, as it used to be. Instead, most of today's hackers are driven by greed, power, revenge, or some other malicious intent, treating hacking as a game or sport, employing the tools that are readily available via the Internet.

The rate of security attacks is actually outpacing the growth of the Internet. This means that something besides the growth of the Internet is driving the rise in security attacks. Here are some realities you should know about: Operating systems and applications will

never be secure. New vulnerabilities will be introduced into your environment every day. And even if you ever do get one operating system secure, there will be new operating systems with new vulnerabilities—phones, wireless devices, and network appliances. Employees will never keep up with security polices and awareness. It doesn't matter how much you train and

educate your employees. If your employees disregard warnings about the hazards of opening questionable email attachments, how are you going to educate them about properly

configuring firewalls and intrusion detection systems for their PCs? Managers have more responsibility than ever. And on top of the realities listed above. security managers are being asked to support increasing degrees of network availability and access.

There are some good security measures you can take: Employ a layer 7,

full-inspection firewall. Automatically update your anti-virus at the gateway, server and client. Keep all of your systems and applications updated. Hackers commonly break into a Web site through known security holes, so make sure your servers and applications are patched and up to date. Turn off unnecessary network services. Eliminate all unneeded programs. Scan

network for common backdoor services—Use intrusion detection systems, vulnerability scans, antivirus protection.

31. Which of the following statements of Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds is TRUE?

[A] They are all good examples of today's computer users.

[B] They are driven by greed, power, revenge, or some other malicious intent. [C] Their goal is to push programs beyond what they are designed to do. [D] They are all dead.

32. The underlined word \

[A] highly recognizable names behind many of the computer technologies used today [B] the negative connotation of those computer users

[C] a game, employing the tools that are readily available via the Internet [D] people who break into computer systems

33. Which of the following is NOT true of security attacks?

[A] Employees will keep up with security polices and awareness if they are highly-trained.

[B] The rate of security attacks appears faster than the growth of the Internet. [C] One's computer system will never be secure.

[D] Vulnerabilities can go through phones, wireless devices, and network appliances. 34. What is the most important one among the realities listed?

[A] New vulnerabilities will be introduced into your environment every day.

[B] If employees disregard warnings about the hazards of opening questionable email attachments, the manager should educate them about properly configuring firewalls and intrusion detection systems for their PCs.

[C] Managers have more responsibility than ever.

[D] Security managers are asked to support increasing degrees of network availability and access.

35. Various security measures are recommended EXCEPT ________. [A] turning off network services

[B] employing a full-inspection firewall

[C] making sure that servers and applications are patched [D] eliminating all unneeded programs

Text 4

A writer said yesterday that Richard M. Scrushy, the former chief executive of

HealthSouth, paid her through a public relations firm to produce several favorable articles for an Alabama newspaper that he reviewed before publication during his fraud trial last year.

The articles appeared in The Birmingham Times, a black-owned weekly in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Scrushy was acquitted in June in a six-month trial there on all 36 counts against him, despite testimony from former HealthSouth executives who said he presided over a huge accounting fraud. \every thing possible to advocate for his cause,\in a telephone interview. She said she received $10,000 from Mr. Scrushy through the Lewis Group, a public relations firm, and another $1,000 to help buy a computer. \promised me a lot more than what I got,\

Charles A. Russell, a spokesman for Mr. Scrushy, said he was not aware of an explicit agreement for the Lewis Group to pay Ms. Lewis. The payments to Ms. Lewis were first reported by The Associated Press yesterday. \would have any part of,\

Mr. Russell said that Mr. Scrushy reviewed the articles before they were published. \Lewis said that Mr. Russell, a prominent Denver-based crisis communications consultant, was also involved in providing her with financial compensation. She said Mr. Russell wrote her a $2,500 personal check at the end of May 2005; Mr. Russell said that was true. \was looking for freelance community-relations work after the trial,\

Ms. Lewis came into Mr. Scrushy's sphere through Believers Temple Church; she attends services and works as an administrator there. She and Rev. Herman Henderson, the

pastor, were part of a group that appeared in court with Mr. Scrushy and often prayed with him during breaks. Before and during the trial, in which 11 of the 18 jurors were black, Mr. Scrushy, who is white, forged ties with Birmingham's African-American population. He joined a predominantly black church, and his foundation donated to it and other black congregations.

Mr. Henderson also said he received payments from Mr. Scrushy in exchange for building support for him among blacks. Mr. Scrushy said in a statement yesterday that his foundation donated money to Mr. Henderson's church, but said the payments were

unrelated to his case. \relief effort that his church sponsored,\

Ms. Lewis, 31, said she was disclosing details about the financial arrangement because Mr. Scrushy still owes her and Mr. Henderson a significant amount of money. Ms. Lewis provided copies of a retainer agreement that Mr. Scrushy signed last April with the Lewis Group, a public relations firm controlled by Jesse J. Lewis Sr., 82 the founder of The Birmingham Times, and a check issued to her in May from the Lewis Group. (Ms Lewis and Mr. Lewis are not related.)

36. The word \ A. discharged B. arrested C. quitted D. punished

37. Mr. Russell said Richard had nothing to do with the agreement mentioned because ________.

A. Richard didn't want to pay money he owed Ms. Lewis B. this may affect the trial

C. this may ruin Richard's reputation D. he knew that was the fact

38. Mr. Scrushy made donations to the black groups probably because ________. A. he had close relations with Birmingham's African-American population B. he wanted the church to set up more buildings C. he was very benevolent

D. he wanted to get support from the blacks in his trial 39. The last paragraph implies that ________. A. Mr. Scrushy told a lie

B. Ms. Lewis will get the money Mr. Scrushy owes her C. the Lewis Group may be a go-between

D. Mr. Scrushy will be involved in the trial again

40. From the text we can conclude that the author ________. A. is supportive of Mr. Scrushy B. favors Ms. Lewis's side C. takes a detached attitude D. is sympathetic

Part B


In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into the numbered blank when there are tow extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

At picnics, ants are pests. But they have their uses. In industries such as mining, farming and forestry, they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.

It has been recognized for decades that ants—which are highly sensitive to ecological change—can provide a near-percent barometer of the state of an ecosystem. Only certain species, for instance, will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees. (41) And still others will move in and take up residence.

By looking at which species populate a deforested area, scientists can determine how \ (42) Ants are used simply because they are so common and comprise so many species.

Where mine sites are being restored, for example, some ant species will recolonize the stripped land more quickly than others. (43) Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recovery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.

Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil, where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations. \worked extremely well there,\Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia, he says, because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it: \

Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments

worldwide accept their results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting. (44)

Why not? Because many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey. The cost stems, also, from the scarcity of ant specialists. (45)

[A] This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery. [B] Yet in other businesses, such as farming and property development, ant surveys aren't used widely.

[C] Employing those people are expensive.

[D] They do this by sorting the ants, counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.

[E] The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem. [F] Others will die out for lack of food.

[G] Gretaceous ants shared a couple of wasp-like traits together with modern ant-like characteristics.

Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

(46) While much of the attention on fighting AIDS and other diseases in poor countries has focused on access to affordable drugs, concern is now shifting to the question of who, exactly, will deliver them. Unfortunately, there is a severe shortage of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers in these countries. According to a report published in this week's Lancet by the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI), an international consortium of academic centres and development agencies, sub-Saharan Africa has only one-tenth the number of nurses and doctors per head of population that Europe does, though its health-care problems are far more pressing. (47) The reasons for this are two-fold, and well known-not enough health-care workers are trained in the first place, and too many of those who are trained then leave for better-paid jobs in the rich world. What the report does is to put some numbers on these problems.

A mere 5,000 doctors, it finds, graduate in Africa each year (a third of the number that graduate in America). Only 50 of 600 doctors trained in Zambia in recent years are still in the country. There are more Malawian doctors in Manchester than Malawi. (48) And many rich countries exacerbate the problem by recruiting from poor ones to help deal with their own shortages. To overcome all this, the JLI reckons that the world needs 4m more health-care workers, of whom 1m are required in sub-Saharan Africa alone. The question is, who will pay for them? The report floats some ideas. (49) It recommends that roughly $400m, or 4% of the overseas aid currently spent on health, be earmarked to help build up the health-care workforce in poor countries.(50) But it also suggests that better use be made of existing resources, for example by employing local volunteers rather than highly trained doctors for many routine matters. As Lincoln Chen of Harvard University, one of the report's authors, points out, a few countries, such as Brazil, Thailand and Iran, have taken steps in the right direction. Others need to follow their lead.

Section III Writing Part A

51. Directions:

Read the following Chinese text and write an abstract of it in 80~100 English words. You should write your abstract on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)









Part B

52. Directions:

There has recently been a discussion in a newspaper on the issue of challenge. Write an essay to the newspaper to

1. show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below 1) the content of the picture

2) the meaning/your understanding

2. give a specific example/comment, and

3. give your suggestion as to the best way to treat challenge.

You should neatly write 160—200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


