高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

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高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧




高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

完形填空是高考英语试题中一个重要的题 不过考生的得分率往往较低。 型,不过考生的得分率往往较低。其实完 形填空是一种很好的综合性题型, 形填空是一种很好的综合性题型,它不仅 考查学生对所学词汇、 考查学生对所学词汇、语法等基础知识的 综合运用能力,而且考查学生的阅读能力; 综合运用能力,而且考查学生的阅读能力; 不仅考查学生的知识背景, 不仅考查学生的知识背景,而且考查学生 的逻辑推理能力。 的逻辑推理能力。它是一种综合考查学生 语言能力, 语言能力,特别是语篇层次上交际能力的 较难题型。 较难题型。 为了提高综合语言能力, 为了提高综合语言能力,考生在复习中 可从以下几个方面着手: 可从以下几个方面着手:

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(1)培养熟练运用英语语法、短语、惯用法和搭配等知识的能力。一 培养熟练运用英语语法、短语、惯用法和搭配等知识的能力。 个人的语法知识越丰富,阅读速度就越快,对文章的理解就越全面、 个人的语法知识越丰富,阅读速度就越快,对文章的理解就越全面、 深刻。完形填空不直接考查语法,但它通过检查理解程度, 深刻。完形填空不直接考查语法,但它通过检查理解程度,间接地 考查语法知识。习语和惯用法的搭配要作为一个语言整体来记忆, 考查语法知识。习语和惯用法的搭配要作为一个语言整体来记忆, 平时在阅读中要不断锤炼自己的辨析能力。 平时在阅读中要不断锤炼自己的辨析能力。 (2)培养丰富的词汇知识和扎实的辨义能力。在阅读中要注意这么几 培养丰富的词汇知识和扎实的辨义能力。 个方面:词义相近,差异何在;词形相仿,区别何在;意义近似, 个方面:词义相近,差异何在;词形相仿,区别何在;意义近似, 用法如何。当然,单词的语法知识是基础中的基础。 用法如何。当然,单词的语法知识是基础中的基础。 (3)掌握阅读技巧,提高语篇理解的能力。完形填空的主旨在于考查 掌握阅读技巧,提高语篇理解的能力。 阅读理解能力,这种能力要靠平时的科学训练才能取得。学会成组 阅读理解能力,这种能力要靠平时的科学训练才能取得。学会成组 视读、略读和寻读,这就加快了阅读速度;善抓语篇的关键词、 视读、略读和寻读,这就加快了阅读速度;善抓语篇的关键词、关 键句、主题句和结论句,这就有助理解整篇文章。 键句、主题句和结论句,这就有助理解整篇文章。 (4)学会正确的逻辑推断方法,锐化自己的思维能力。逻辑思维能力 学会正确的逻辑推断

方法,锐化自己的思维能力。 有助于对文章深层次意义的理解,从而更容易完成“完形”的任务, 有助于对文章深层次意义的理解,从而更容易完成“完形”的任务, 恢复文章的原貌。要顺利推知未知信息, 恢复文章的原貌。要顺利推知未知信息,必须加强泛读以拓宽自己 的知识面。 的知识面。

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

做完形填空试题,切忌边看短文,边选答案, 做完形填空试题,切忌边看短文,边选答案, 因为这样解题易脱离上下文孤立地看句子, 因为这样解题易脱离上下文孤立地看句子 , 从而 产生错误。 一般地说, 产生错误 。 一般地说 , 解答完形填空题应遵循以 下四个步骤: 下四个步骤:((2)边读边想 , 初选试填 。考生要遵循词不离句 、 句不离 重读全文,校核答案。获得信息的来源有以下几个方 4)通读全文,理解大意。重读信息完整的文章 , 可以进 瞻前顾后,寻觅启示。 考生要遵循词不离句、 (1)通读全文 , 理解大意 。文章大都有中心议题和中心内 3 重读全文 , 校核答案 。重读信息完整的文章, 瞻前顾后 寻觅启示 边读边想,初选试填。 一步加深对文章的理解。通读全文所获得的信息只有抓住 容。只有通读全文,才能全局在胸,理清思路。;已补充 一步加深对文章的理解。根据文章的中心思想与各段落之 首句所提供的信息; 面:只有通读全文,才能全局在胸,理清思路。 首句所提供的信息;通读全文所获得的信息; 文的原则, 文的原则,用平时积累的英语语法和语言知识及根据文中 间、前句与后句之间的内在逻辑关系,检查文章的整体性。 前句与后句之间的内在逻辑关系,检查文章的整体性。 完整的句子所提供的信息;后文所提供的信息; 了文章的主线,展开解题思路, 完整的句子所提供的信息;后文所提供的信息;平时积累 了文章的主线,展开解题思路,才可使思维朝着正确的方 语义、逻辑和搭配的需要推测选项。 语义、逻辑和搭配的需要推测选项。在选择的过程中要先 也可以从语法、 也可以从语法、惯用法和固定搭配等方面进一步验证所选 的日常常识和背景知识所提供的信息。 ,在复读全文后再 的日常常识和背景知识所提供的信息。对上述信息全面考 向发展。在阅读中要特别注意提示句,并尽量记忆关键词、 向发展。在阅读中要特别注意提示句,并尽量记忆关键词、 易后难;对少数难题,可以先暂定答案, 易后难;对少数难题,可以先暂定答案 答案,修改不合理部分。 答案,修改不合理部分。。 。 虑,力求把文章内容串连起来。 寻找启示,选择选项。 寻找启示,选择选项 句,力求把文章内容串连

起来 分析推敲。 分析推敲。

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(一)充分利用文章的结构,上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示 充分利用文章的结构,上下文和前后句, 作用的词或句。有时可能是同义词,有时可能是反意词。例如: 作用的词或句。有时可能是同义词,有时可能是反意词。例如: 1) Travelling west, you set your clock __7__; travelling east, you set __7__; it ahead. ahead. A. behind B. forward C. back D. ahead 2) Travelling __15__ today becomes yesterday; travelling west it is __15__ yesterday; tomorrow. tomorrow. A. south B. east C. north D. west 3) Many old people don't have good __13__. They can't watch TV, __13__. but they can listen to music or news over the radio. radio. A. hearing B. health C. eyesight D. time 4) They __10__ potatoes in different ways. They can boil them and __10__ ways. fry them. them. A. cook B. eat C. make D. take

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

5) Many Africans are very __14__ and so they can't afford to eat __14__ much meat with their cereal. cereal. A. healthy B. poor C. rich D. weak 6) Some parts of the water are very shallow. But in some places it is shallow. very, very __7__. __7__. A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous 7) These floating things are very __18__. It is hard to see them. __18__. them. A. big B. fast C. small D. dangerous 8) The inside of the earth is very, very __1__. The rock has melted __1__. like ice. ice. A. deep B. cold C. hard D. hot 9) Usually it cannot (get out) because the outside of the earth is too thick and strong. But in some places the outside of the earth is __7__ strong. __7 and weak. weak. A. thin B. thick C. flat D. water

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

10) 10) So the slave was pardoned and __50__. __50__. A. killed B. rich C. happy D. freed 11) 11) … or by the fast train which cost a little more than the bus journey but a little __8__ than flying. __8 flying. A. more B. fewer C. less D. cheaper 12) 12) Someone had taken the __14__ diamond and put a faulty one in __14__ its place. place. A. real B. pure C. right D. exact 13) 13) Mrs O'Neill asked __7__ questions, and she didn't scold us either. __7 either. A. no B. certain C. many D. more 14) __20__ 14) __20__ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket __21__ __21__ turned over to the policeman? Should the extra change received at the store be forgotten or returned? 20. 20. A. Should B. Must C. Would D. Need 21. 21. A. and B. or C. then D. but

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(二) 注意固定的搭配 。 包括介词与动词的搭配、 动词与宾语的搭 注意固定的搭配。包括介词与动词的搭配、 配以及形容词与名词的搭配等。要根据内容选择正确的短语。例如: 配以及形容词与名词的搭配等。要根据内容选择正确的短语。例如: 1 ) They spend millions of dollars yearly __2__ newspapers and __2 magazines… magazines… A. in B. to C. on D. at 2) Some people in India do not eat meat or fish __6__. __6__. A. after all B. in the end C. at all D. no longer 3) The world's p

opulation is becoming __7__. __7__. A. faster and faster B. more and more C. larger and larger D. more terrible 4) The city (Washington) was named __13__ George Washington, the __13__ first president of the United States. States. A. by B. for C. as D. after 5) They can't watch TV, but they can listen to music or news __14__ __14__ the radio. radio. A. from B. for C. over D. of

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

6) If you __4__ a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship __4 fiveenters a different zone every day. day. A. take B. travel C. go to D. do 7) It was 4 o'clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was rang. __13__ __13__ tea at the time. time. A. cooking B. making C. burning D. serving 8) It wasn't long __23__ the police caught the thief. __23__ thief. A. before B. since C. until D. when 9) In their lessons at school, boys and girls all learn about such virtues __19__ courage, discipline, and love for one's country. __19__ country. A. like B. as C. for D. to 10) 10) They can build up our bodies, prevent us __7__ getting too fat. __7 fat. A. off B. away C. from D. in 11) 11) He simply stared __5__ her with that peculiar expression __6__ __5 __6 his face. face. 5. A. on B. to C. in D. at 6. A. in B. on C. with D. behind

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(三)注意同义词的辩义1) Soon I heard a __11__ like that of a door burst in, and then a __11__ climb of feet. feet. A. sound B. cry C. voice D. from 2) "Give me a hand," he shouted __19__ he got near the boat. __19__ boat. A. while B. till C. for D. as 3) He even thought of going out into the street to see whether he could pass as a policeman out there. Just for __6__, of course. there. __6 course. A. joke B. fun C. play D. exercise 4) It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived __2__. __2__. A. lonely B. alone C. away D. busily 5) The back door and the windows were all locked and there was no __5 __5__ of forced entry. entry. A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight 6) There is nothing really new about __4__ in exams. __4 exams. A. lying B. cheating C. guessing D. discussing

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(四) 根据动作的发出者确定所选的词1) And video cameras can be used to __16__ people's actions at home. __16__ home. A. keep B. make C. record D. watch 2) The brain then has to decide what to do, and __12__ its orders to __12__ the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on, … A. send B. sends C. reach D. reaches 3) The watch, which Mrs Smith had __1__ on the table as she started __1 her lecture, disappeared. disappeared. A. seen B. dropped C. found D. laid 4) When the papers were __2__ she discovered that twelve boys had __2 made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test. test. A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered 5) Once she (chimpanzee) was put in a __1__ with food hanging from __1 the ceiling. It was too high to __2__. ceiling. __2__. 1. A. cave B. zoo C . room D. museum 2. A. pull B. see C. eat D. reach

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(五) 根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项1) … and the officers then began to eat their meal,

saying that the mushrooms had a very strange __8__ quite pleasant taste. __8 taste. A. besides B. but C. and D. or 2) A transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is very easy to small. carry… __11__, carry… __11__, radio broadcasts are better for blind people. people. A. Besides B. However C. Yet D. Sometimes 3) Hands up __50__ get out! __50__ A. or B. and C. but D. to 4) It has been many years since I was last in London, __1__ I still __1 remember something that happened during that visit. visit. A. and B. for C. but D. as 5) Waste things can, __21__ should, be treated properly. __21__ properly. A. but B. yet C. still D. and

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

(六) 根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项1) (Immediately), the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the __13__ hospital. __13__ hospital. A. animal B. biggest C. plant D. nearest 2) …, because the earth __2__ twenty-four time zones, one hour __2 twentyapart. apart. A. gives B. is drawn C. is divided into D. shows 3) "Don't be afraid," he said and started to swim towards the river bank, __15__ the boy with him. __15__ him. A. pushing B. dragging C. holding D. catching 4) The space becomes bigger to let the rail expand when it gets __11__. __11__. A. hot B. wet C. cold D. dry 5) It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed summer. sleepypeople were moving quickly, heading towards their __1__. __1__. A. jobs B. homes C. houses D. offices

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

Washoe __1__ like a human, too. The scientists keep her in a fully __1 too. furnished house. After a hard __2__ in the laboratory,she goes house. __2 laboratory, home. __3 home. __3__ she plays with her toys. She __4__ enjoys watching toys. __4 television before going to bed . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. 4. A.lives . A.task . A.Here . A. A.quite B.acts . B.lesson . B.There . B. B.already C.thinks . C.day . C.So . C. C.even D.plays . D.time . D.Then . D. D.still

Soon the rush-hour __51__ began to notice.What a __52__!There, rush__51__ notice. __52__! 1350 feet above the street, a __53__ figure was walking on air. __53__ air. 51. A.streets . . 52. A.height . . 53. A.great . . B.crowds C.passengers D.city . . . B.pleasure C.wonder D.danger . . . B.strange C.public . D.tiny . .

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

One day, Mrs Nanette O'Neill gave an arithmetic __26__ to our class. __26__ class. When the papers were __27__, she discovered that twelve boys had __27__, made exactly the __28__ mistakes throughout the test. __28__ test. There is nothing really new about __29__ in exams. Perhaps that __29__ exams. was why Mrs O'Neill __30__ even say a word about it. She only __30__ it. asked the twelve boys to __31__ after class. I was one of the twelve. __31__ class. twelve. 26.A.test . . 27.A.examined . . 28.A.easy . . 29.A.lying . . 30.A.didn't . . http://www.77cn.com.cne . . B.problem . http://www.77cn.com.cnplete

d . B.funny . B.cheating . B.did . B.leave . C.paper . C.marked . C.same . C.guessing . C.would . C.remain . D.lesson . D.answered . D.serious . D.discussing . D.wouldn't . D.apologize .

高三英语总复习专题系列训练 完形填空的技巧

It took Charlie Mui several months to save up seven dollars. He wanted to (1) a model plane and went to the shop with the money. On the way Charlie saw a little boy (2) on a corner of the streets.“(3) are you crying?” Charlie asked. “Three big boys took (4) my four dollars just now” the boy said, “I was on (5) way to buy some exercise books but now I can’t.” Charlie thought of the (6) dollars in the pocket. He thought of the model plane and the poor (7). Charlie wanted to walk away (8) he did not. At last he (9) four dollars to the boy and went home. Charlie (10) happy. Do you know why? He was happy because the little boy was happy. 1. A. sell B. buy C. hold D. bring 2. A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cried 3. A. Why B. How C. The reason D. For 4. A. out B. Off C. up D. away 5. A. my B. their C. his D. a 6. A. three B. seven C. four D. little 7. A. some exercise-books B. seven dollars C. three big boys D. boy 8. A. and B. though C. but D. so 9. A. lent B. gave C. borrowed D. took 10. A. becomes B. seemed C. feels D. felt

