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Lesson 1-3

一、 单词填空(共6分)

1、ex_use 原谅 2、s_irt 裙子 3、m_ 我(宾格) 4、ho_se 房子 5、umb_ _lla伞 6、tick_ _ 票 二、 句型填空(共8分)

1、—Is this your school? —-Yes,it is my _____. 2、—Is this your ______? —Yes, this is my teacher. 3、—Is _____your daughter? —Yes, this is my daughter. 4、—Is this your suit? —No, this _____my suit. 三、日常用语(共6分)

1、You want to greet someone. It is 9.30 a.m. 2、You want to speak to someone. What do you say first? 3、You want to greet someone. It’s 9:30 am.



一、 单词连线(共8分)

suit 瑞典的 daughter 韩国人 meet 女儿 Korean 小姐 Swedish (产品的)牌号 Italian 遇见 make 意大利的 Miss 一套衣服 二、 翻译句子(共12分)









一、 翻译单词(共6分)

1、我(主格)_______ 2、国籍 3、机械师 _______ 4、理发师 5、护士 _______ 6、工程师 二、 写出下列句子的正确回答。(共)

1、What nationality are you ? __________________________ 2、What’s your job?

__________________________ 3、How are you today?

__________________________ 4、Are you a student?

__________________________ 5、How’s Tony?



一、 选出不同的发音(共5分)

_______ _______ _______ ( )1、A whose B what C white D where ( )2、A thing B father C them D that ( )3、A old B hello C cold D hot ( )4、A number B bus C umbrella D busy ( )5、A take B bay C name D make 二、 补全下列单词(共5分)

1、w_ ll 身体好 2、good_ _ _ 再见 3、d_ _ty 脏的 4、t_ _ _高的 5、who_ _ 谁的 三、 选出正确的单词填空(共10分) 1、—______dress is this? —It’s my dress. A Who B How C Whose D What 2、—Whose dirty shirt is this? —________. A This is mine. B It’s Mr.Green’s. C This is her’s shirt. D That is her. 3、This is ______blouse.

A my father’s B my sister’s C her’s D she’s 4、—_____________? —Just so so. A How are you? B Are you ok? C How old are you? D How do you do? 5、—Is this _____backpack?

—No, it _____mine. My backpack is blue.

A your; isn’t B yours; is C his; isn’t D his; is

Lesson 13-15

一、 选出不同的发音(共5分)

( )1、A Norwegian B grass C grey D glass ( )2、A job B orange C Bob D you ( )3、A cat B case C face ( )4、A sun B use C student ( )5、A mark B car C make 二、 用表示颜色的词填空(共5分) 1、 Her new dress isn’t g_____. It’s y____. 2、 His dog isn’t b____. It’s b____ and w____. 三、 选出正确的答案填空(共10分) 1、—______! —Okay.

A Come to see it B Coming and see it C Comes to see it D Come and see it 2、 —Are _____ Danish? —No, they aren’t.

A they girls B your friends C these boy D you 3、—__________? — It’s grey. A What color is your pencils? B What color are your pens? C. Which is your pen? D What color is your sweater?

D color D pupil D park

4、—Are you tourists? —Yes, _________. A I am B we are C it is D they are 5、—______is your blouse? —It’s purple. A How B What C What color D Which

Lesson 16-18

一、 汉译英(共5分)

1、俄罗斯人_______ 2、助手________ 3、荷兰人 _______ 4、雇员________ 5、这些 _______ 二、改错题(共5分)

1、two womans ______________

2、five milkmans _____________ 3、three housewife _____________

4、one hairdressers ______________ 5、four dress ______________ 二、 翻译句子(共10分)


____________________________ 2、你们好!

____________________________ 3、这个年轻人是谁?


4、他是我们办公室的勤杂人员。 _______________________________ 5、来见见我们的雇员。


Lesson 19-21


1、child_ _ _ 孩子们 2、th_ _sty 渴的 3、sh_ _ 关着的 4、gr_ _ _ mother 祖母 5、g_ve 给


are light heavy please which me one thank heavy you Paul: Give ___ a knife _____, Susan. Susan: _____one? This ______? Paul: Is it heavy?

Susan: No, it isn’t ______. It’s _______. Paul: No, not that one. The ____one. Susan: Here _____ ______. Paul: _______you.

Lesson 22-24


1、heavy _________ 2、full__________

3、large__________ 4、sharp_________ 5、big________ 二、完成句子(共15分) 1、—Give me some tins please. —Which ____? These? —No,_____ _______. The _____ ______on the table. 2、—______are the plates? —They are on the ______(食橱) —Give_____ ______ please. —Here _____are. —Thanks.

Lesson 25-27


1、夫人_______ 2、厨房 ________ 3、电冰箱__________ 4、炉子_________ 5、客厅____________ 6、扶手椅 ________ 7、墙 ____________ 8、带电的 _________

二、短文填空(共12分) A: My new kitchen is very big.

B: Oh, my ___is small, but it’s very nice. A: Is _____an electric cooker _____your kitchen? B: Yes, _____is. It’s blue and new.

A: My electric cooker is new, _______.The table _____my kitchen

is very big.

B: Oh, my table isn’t very ______, but it’s very nice.

And_____kitchen is clean. It’s very clean!

Lesson 28-30


1、trousers________ 2、不整齐________ 3、大衣柜_________ 4、dust ________ 5、扫 _________ 6、削尖 ________ 7、必须,应该__________ 8、放置 ________ 二、翻译句子(共12分) 1、那有一些鞋在床旁边。 __________________________ 2、食橱里有一些瓶子。

____________________________ 3、打开窗子,给房间通通风。

_______________________________ 4、把这些衣服放进衣橱里。

__________________________________ 5、掸掸梳妆台上的灰尘。

________________________________ 6、卧室太不整洁了。


Lesson 31-33


1、花园_______ 2、在……之下________ 3、爬 _______ 4、打字 __________ 5、牙齿(复数)_________ 二、补全下列句子(共15分)

1、A: _______is Sally,Jack? B: She is ______the garden,Jane. A: What is she _______?

B: She is _________the tree.(坐在树下) 2、天空中飘着几朵云,但阳光灿烂。

There are ____ _____in the sky, but the sun is ______. 3、蒂姆正望着一架飞机。 Tim is ____ _____ an aeroplane.



1、刮脸________ 2、等_______ 3、村庄________ 4、建筑物_______ 5、山谷_______ 6、离开________ 二、介词填空(共14分)

1、This is a photograph_____ our village. Our village is ______a

valley. It is ____two hills. The village is ______a river. 2、There is a boy ______the water. 3、 He is swimming _____the river.

4、The school building is _____a park.(在…旁)



1、bookcase______ 2、hammer_____ 3、drop_______ 4、在……之前_______ 5、前面_________ 6、仔细的_________ 二、翻译句子(共14分) 1、You’re working hard,George.

_________________________________ 2、你现在打算干什么,汤姆?

_________________________________ 3、这个书架不是为我做的。

_________________________________ 4、What are you going to do with that vase?

_________________________________ 5、I’m going to put it there.

_________________________________ 6、小心点儿,别摔了。

_________________________________ 7、那些花儿也很漂亮。




1、ch_ _se 乳酪,干酪 2、s_ _ p肥皂

3、ch_ _ _late 巧克力 4、to_ _ cco烟草,烟丝 5、s_ _ d送给


1、a _____of bread 2、a _____of soap 3、a _____of cheese 4、a _____of sugar 5、a _____of chocolate 6、a _____of milk 7、a _____of coffee 8、a _____of tea 9、a _____of tobacco 10、a _____of paper

Lesson 43-45


1、水壶_____ 2、当然_______ 3、teapot________

4、沸腾_______ 5、handwriting________ 二、填空(共15分)

1、A: Is there______ water in this bottle, Penny?

B: Yes, _____is. And the tea is _______there. Can you ____it? A: No, I_____.

2、A: Can you type this letter _____me, please? B: Yes, of ______I ______. ...

A: What’s the ______?

B: I _____type this letter! The boss’s handwriting is terrible.

Lesson 46-48


1、饼干_______ 2、举起_________ 3、pure_______ 4、蜂蜜_______ 5、ripe__________ 6、scotch______ 7、果酒______ 8、黑板_________ 9、jam________ 10、上等的,精选的__________ 二、翻译句子(共10分)

1、我会做蛋糕,但我不会做饼干。 _______________________________ 2、你喜欢咖啡吗?



_____________________________ 4、你要放些糖吗?

_____________________________ 5、我不喜欢咖啡中放牛奶,我喜欢清咖啡。 _______________________________________


Lesson 49-51


1、but_ _ _ _卖肉的 2、lam_ 羔羊肉 3、st_ _ k 牛排 4、m_ _ce肉馅,绞肉 5、le_ _ uce 莴苣 6、p_ _ 豌豆 7、_ _imate 气候 8、au_ _ mn 秋天 9、Feb_ _ary 2月 10、Ju_ _ 7月 二、翻译句子(共10分)


_____________________________ 2、来点牛排吗?

_____________________ 3、春天的天气怎么样?


4、4月和5月的天气总是暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。 _____________________________________________ 5、12月、1月和2月常常很冷,有时还下雪。 ______________________________________________

Lesson 52-54


1、Br_ _z_ _ 巴西 2、Germ_ _y德国 3、Sw_den 瑞典 4、conver_ _ tion 谈话 5、Australi_ _ 澳大利亚人 6、Fin_ _ _ _ 芬兰人 7、Niger_ _ _尼日利亚人 8、Turk_ _ _土耳其人 9、Po_ _sh波兰人 10、I_ _ _泰国人

二、根据自己的实际情况用完整的句子回答问题。(共10分) 1、Where do you come from?

_________________________________ 2、What’s the climate like in your part of China? _____________________________________ 3、Which season do you like best? _________________________________ 4、What’s the weather like in December? ____________________________________

5、Which month do you like best?


Lesson 55-57


1、住,生活__________ 2、家务__________ 3、片刻,瞬间__________ 4、午饭__________ 5、到达 __________ 二、补全短文(共10分)

1、The Sawyer live ___87 king Street. ____ the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school. She ____ the housework. She always eats her lunch ____ noon.

2、The children go to school _____car everyday, but today ,they are going to school _____foot.

3、______the moment,they _____ _____on the garden.It’s nine o’clock. Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper ____night.

Lesson 58-60


1、en_ _lope 信封 2、gl_ _ 胶水 3、ch_ _k 粉笔 4、ch_ _ _ _ 零钱 5、p_d 信笺薄 二、翻译句子(共15分)


_______________________- 2、您要大号的还是小号的? _______________________- 3、您有信纸吗?

_______________________________ 4、我只有小盒的,您要一盒吗?

___________________________________ 5、我要找的零钱。


Lesson 61-63


1、must _______ 2、阿司匹林_________ 3、牙医 _______ 4、flu _________ 5、measles _______ 6、numps _________ 二、短文填空(共14分)

A: Jimmy’s ______bed. B: What’s the _______with him? A: He feels _______.

B: And he looks_______. Open your mouth, Jimmy. And show ______your tongue. We must _______the doctor. A: Yes, we ______.

Lesson 64-66


1、libr_ _y 图书馆 2、oursel_ _ _我们自己 3、myse_ _ 我自己 4、t_ _k谈话 5、l_ _ n out of 身体探出 二、翻译句子(共10分)

1、吉尔,你今晚打算干什么? _______________________________ 2、你不准回家太晚。

__________________________________ 3、我能带上前门的钥匙吗?

___________________________________ 4、你不能超过11点1刻到家。

____________________________________ 5、我们总是玩得很开心。

________________________________________ 三、用介词填空(共5分)

1、He goes to school _____8:30_____the morning and comes home


2、My birthday is _______ August and my friend’s birthday is


Lesson 67-69


1、人群________ 2、缺席的_______ 3、星期四_______ 4、乳品店________ 5、蔬菜水果零售商________ 二、补全句子(共15分)

1、Were you ______the butcher’s? 2、Was he absent ______school last week? 3、How are you all _______? (你们身体都好吗) 4、We are going to spend ________in the country. 5、There were ________people there. (许多的) 6、You can see us ________. (在人群中) 7、It was an _________. (激动人心的比赛) 8、_________you lucky! (你们真幸运啊!)

9、We’re going to stay at my mother’s ________the weekend. 10、______the way home. (在回家路上)

Lesson 70 -72


1、stationer_______ 2、让人讨厌的________ 3、接(电话)_________ 4、又一次地_________ 5、last________ 6、次(数)_________

二、翻译句子(共14分) 1、汤姆是怎样的一个人?

__________________________________ 2、他讨厌透了。

__________________________________ 3、他前天给我打了3次电话。

____________________________________ 4、珍妮正在打信,她现在不能同你讲话。 _____________________________________ 5、我没有接电话。

_______________________________ 6、你对他怎么说的?

________________________________ 7、他九点钟又打了电话。


Lesson 73-75

一 补全单词(5分) 1. pl_ _ santly 愉快地 2. _ _rasebook 短语手册 3. hurr_ _ _ly 匆忙地 4. thirs_ _ly 口渴地

5. _ _ comfortable 不舒服的 二 短文填空(15分)

A: Do you have ______ shoes like these?

B: I’m sorry. we don’t have ______. We have some shoes ______ those a month ______.They’re not ______ fashion this month.

The man smiled ______. He didn’t understand English. He______ German.He was a ______. Then he put his hand ______his pocket and took ______ a phrasebook.

Lesson 76-78

一 英汉互译(5分) 1.约会 预约______ 2直到…..为止______ 3紧急的、急迫的的______ 4牙医______ 5难受______ 二 翻译句子(15分) 1.您越好了吗?

______________________________ 2. 我牙痛得要命。


3 您在4月24日星期一上午10点钟可以来吗? ___________________________


__________________________ 5.我可以等,但是我的牙痛等不了啊! ____________________________________ 一 翻译句子(15分) 1.你今天早上做什么?

______________________________ 2 我今天早上洗了个澡。

__________________________________ 3 你今天中午吃了什么?

____________________________________ 4 我中午和彼得吃了午饭。

__________________________________________ 5今天下午你做了什么?

__________________________________________ 6 我下午理发了。然后和汤姆喝茶了。

__________________________________________ 7 你现在正在做什么呢?

______________________________________________ 8 我现在正在打电话给你啊!


Lesson 79-81

9 明天打算做什么?

____________________________________________ 10 我明天打算看电影。

______________________________________ 二 选择正确的形式填空(5分)

1.Sam arrived____________ from work at 8 o’clock yesterday evening.(home/ at home)

2.We were ____________ until 5:30 yesterday.(to school/ at school) 3 Please come ____________ early this evening. she said.( home/at home)

4 Children in that country go ____________ at 8 in the morning. (to school/ at school)

5 My friends are ___________ in Australia.( holiday/on holiday)

Lesson 82-84 一 根据要求改写下列句子(10分) 1. I’m having my lunch.(改为一般过去时)

___________________________________________ 2. He goes to school on foot.(改为一般过去时) _____________________________________________ 3. She has her breakfast.(改为现在完成时)


4.Mike is doing his homework.(改为现在完成时) _________________________________________________ 5. I saw the film.( 改为现在完成时)

_________________________________________________ 二 翻译句子(10分) 1. 你去过澳大利亚吗?

_____________________________________________________ 2. 你什么时候去的?

_____________________________________________________ 3 我没去过意大利,但是我去过澳大利亚。

___________________________________________________ 4 你已经把我的信寄了吗?

_________________________________________________ 5你什么时候打的信?


Lesson 85-87

一 选择正确的词补全对话( 10分)

1. went to 2. when 3 at the time 4 have been to 5 ever A: Have you _________been to England? B: No, I haven’t. Have you? A: Yes, I have. I went there last year.

B: Well, I haven’t been to England, but I _________ Canada.

A: Have you ?_________ was that?

B: I ________ Canada last year. You were in England _________!_ 用for或者since填空(10分) 1. -How long have you been there? - ____________half past three. 2.-How long has that car been there? -____________ yesterday.

3 How long have you been in this school? -____________four years.

4.-How long has that boy been in your class? -____________six weeks. 5-How long have you lived there? -____________1996. 二 选词填空(10分)

1.Can you _________ your car into the garage here next week, sir?(take/bring)

2.The man is ____________ trying to repair my bicycle.(still/yet) 3 The girl____________ her bicycle into a tree.(drove/rode) 4 Can you ____________it for me?(repair/try)

5 To ____________you the truth, I haven’t finish the work yet.(say/tell)

Lesson 88-90

一 用for或者since填空(5分) 1. -How long have you been there? - ____________half past three. 2.-How long has that car been there? -____________ yesterday.

3 How long have you been in this school? -____________four years.

4.-How long has that boy been in your class? -____________six weeks. 5-How long have you lived there? -____________1996. 二 翻译句子(10分) 1.这辆车是出售的吗?

______________________________________ 2.我可以看看吗?

____________________________________ 3你开这辆车多长时间了?


4.我喜欢这辆车,但是我还不能决定,我妻子最后说了算。 _____________________________________________ 5.这辆车卖多少钱?


三 按要求改写句子(5分)

1.Lucy and I have had lunch.(改为否定句) ________________________________________ 2.They have seen the film.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________ 3 Jack has gone to England.(改为否定句)

____________________________________________ 4 Lily has done her homework.(改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________ 5 Have you read this book yet?(改为肯定句)


Lesson 91-93

一 按照要求改写下列句子(7.5分)

1. Judie will go swimming with her friends the week after next(对划线部分提问)

___________________________________________________ 2 We saw a film the night before last. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________ 3 Mr. Brown will fly to Tokyo the month after next. (对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________________ 4 They returned to Xi’an two days ago. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________

5 I have lived in America for 10 years. (对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________ 二 翻译句子(7.5分)

1 我很久没有见过汤姆了。他还好吗?

_____________________________________________ 2他什么时候飞到上海去的?

___________________________________________ 3 下个月他会飞往西安。

_____________________________________________ 4 他是一个星期前飞往北京的。

______________________________________________ 5 我口渴了。我们最好去喝点东西。

____________________________________________ 三 要求按照改写下列句子(5分) 1. I swam with Betty.(改为一般将来时)

_____________________________________________ 2. They are watching a football match.(改为一般将来时) ________________________________________________ 3. David and Peter have given me some books.(改为一般将来时) ___________________________________________________ 4. We will have a meeting tomorrow morning.(改为否定句) ____________________________________________________

5. He will paint this table.(改为一般疑问句,并作出肯定回答) ___________________________________________________



1. hcatc (赶上) ______ 2. tasiont (车站) _______ 3. toprer (售票员)______ 4. yenptl (大量)________ 5. isms (错过)_______

二,选择题(每题1.5分,共7.5分) 1. There is______ milk left.

A. a lots B. many C. plenty of D. a few 2. Let’s go and __________ a drink.

A. having B. had C. have D. to have 3. You’d better ______ home now, it’s getting dark.

A. to go B. going C. go D. went 4. I will leave ________ Canada next week.

A. to B. in C. for D. at 5. I missed _________ a football match yesterday.

A. watched B. to watch C. watch D. watching 三,改写句子。(每题1.5分,共7.5分)

1.In two days Jill will leave for New York. (对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________

2. I got to the park at a quarter past five. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________ 3. It’s Monday today. (对划线部分提问)

______________________________________________________ 4. The computer cost Jack 5,000 yuan.(划线部分提问) ______________________________________________________ 5. She has eaten five eggs (对划线部分提问)




1. What is the weather like in your country? Please ______ (描述) it 2. Mike is putting a _______ (标签) on his bag. 3.The h_____ (把手) of our door is broken. 4. The blue suitcase has got a long z____.

5.The candies is very cheap, It only costs a few _______.(便士) 二,选择题。(每题1.5分,共7.5分。)

1. Look at __________. ________ names are Lucia and Maria A. they , Theirs B. theirs, They C. them, Their

A. go B. going C. to go D. went

( ) 7. Alex is speaking_____ his best friend, Albert.

A. out B. to C. with D. up

( ) 8.The teacher tells us_____ in class.

A. not to talk B. not talk C.didn’t talk D. to not talk

( ) 9. ---Sandy, you make many mistakes in your homework. ---I’m sorry_____ it.

A. to B. on C. about D. at

( ) 10.Mum asked me_____ the letter for her yesterday.

A. Posted B. posting C. for post D. to post


一. (选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. Lucy is a very p_____ girl.

2. A:You looks very s_____ today. B. Thank you. 3. The new skirt really s_____ you. 4. Let me give you a piece of a_____. 5. It’s a p_____ that you failed the exam.


1. Japanese is very difficult. And German is too difficult for me_____. A. very well B. the same with C. as well D. as the same

2. Lucy works hard. Betty works_____ than her.

A. harder B. hard C. hardly D. the hardest 3. Billy is_____ in his class.

A. the fatter B. fattest C. fatter D. the fattest 4. This hat doesn’t______ me. I don’t like it______.

A. to; a little B. suit; at all C. like; a bit D. look like; any more 5. Oh, thank you John. This is______ very good advice. A. a B. / C. the D. one 三.改写下列句子。(每题2分,总10分) 1. Any is short. Ben is shorter.(合并为一句)

2. This blue car is cheap. That black car is cheaper.(合并为一句)

3. This house is smaller than that one.(用big改写句子,不改变原句意思)

4. Uncle Tom is happier than anyone else in the world.(改为最高形式)

5. Mary is old. Jane is older than Mary. Alice is younger than Mary.(合并为一句并改为最高级)



1. An i______ came to me.

2. It’s too expensive. I can’t a______ it. 3. The p______ of houses are going up.

4. They paid for the car on i______ of $150 a month for four years. 5. The manager promised to asked to keep the coat for me if I paid a d______.


1. Perhaps I can get full mark because I made______ mistake in the exam.

2. ______ does the car cost?

A. How much money B. How many money C. How many D. How much 3. We can______ 200 pounds.

A. pay deposit on B. pay a deposit of C. pay deposit for D. pay a deposit at

4. All the teachers like Tony very much because he is______ in the class. A. the least intelligent B. the most intelligent C. intelligentest D. the intelligentest 5. The green apple is______ the red one.

A. as sweet as B. as sweeter as C. as sweeter than D. as sweet than


1. We have______ tea left. We need to buy some.(little, a little, few, a few)

2. The businessman left New York after______ weeks.(little, a little, few, a few)

3. Tommy’s homework is much______ (good)than Tina did in the test. 4. The black knife is not as______(sharp)as the white one.

5. The test is very difficult. It is the______(difficult)test I have ever done


一.(选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. There is a t______ at the door begging for food and drink. 2. Excuse me, sir? Could you c______ this ten-dollar note? 3. Tommy is a naughty boy. He is always j______. 4. A beggar k______ at our door yesterday afternoon. 5. I can’t believe it. It’s i______.

二.(选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分) 1. A: Can you play with me?

B: Sorry,______ of us can play with you because we are very busy. A. none B. no one C. nobody D. any 2. We enjoy swimming______ Betty. She doesn’t like it. A. without B. besides C. beside D. except 3. A: My brother, Simon doesn’t like coffee at all. B:______.

A. Neither do I B. So does I C. So do I D. Neither doesn’t I 4. ______ there anyone in the house?

A. Aren’t B. Haven’t C. Hasn’t D. Isn’t

5. Betty______ me______ her birthday party the day before yesterday. A. invites; for B. invited; for C. invites; to D. invited; to


Example: He is a student. I am a student, too. He is a student, and so am I.

1. The man can’t change a ten pound note. I can’t change a ten pound note, either.

_________________________________________________________ 2. I didn’t go abroad last month. Tony didn’t go abroad last month, either.

___________________________________________________________ 3. We have got a large house. Catherine has got a large house, too.


4. We won’t do anything tonight. They won’t do anything tonight, either. ___________________________________________________________ 5. Frank was in France last week. We were in France last week,


Lesson 116-118

一. (选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. My grandpa is a______ in the bed.

2. Mary i______ to her birthday party last week. 3. I’d like to live a q______ life in the country.

4. Many years l______,he became the headmaster of that school. 5. The man s______ the food hastily.

二.(选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分) 1. There is______ at the door. Is he waiting for you?

A. someone B. anyone C. some one D. any one 2. Look! Everyone______ beer in the garden now.

A. are having B. have C. has D. is having 3. ______ my mother was watching TV, my father was reading a book. A. As soon as B. After C. Before D. While

4. I was doing my homework at home______ Jack knocked at the door. A. while B. as C. before D. when 5. Before Mark______, he had already finished his homework. A.has been phoning B. phoned C. had phoned D. phones 三.完成句子。(每题2分,总10分)

1. Listen, Ann! ______ is knocking at the door.(用所学代词填空) 2. Would you like______ to drink?(用所学代词填空)

3. I have looked for my cat everywhere. But I couldn’t find it______.(用所学代词填空)

4. me/ I/to/see/last night/came/watching/someone/while/was/TV(整理句子)

___________________________________________________________ 5. a tree/the child/climbing/hurt/was/himself/when/he(整理句子

____________________________________________________ Lesson119-120

一.(选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. It’s too d______ to read.

2. The accident h______ yesterday afternoon. 3. This ghost s______ is hard to believe. 4. All r______ lead to Rome.

5. I r______ Hans though I hadn’t seen him for 20 years. 二.(选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分) 1. It’s very dark in the living room. Please______ the light. A. open B. turn on C. turn off D. turn up 2. The mouse______ as______ as it could.

A. ran after; quick B. ran away; quickly C. ran to; quickly D. ran at; quick 3. After the boy______ the building, he______ his classroom. A. entered; went to B. has entered; goes into

C. had entered; went into D. entered; was going into 4. I______ lock the door before I left home.

A. forgot to B. had forgotten C. forgot D. had forgotten to 5. Look at this photograph. This is the city______ I visited last month. A. what B. where C. who D. which 三.完成句子。(每题2分,总10分)

1. The yard______ (be) wet yesterday, because it______(rain) the day before yesterday.(用所给词的正确形式填空)

2. When I______(arrive) at the cinema, the movie______(start) already.(用所给词的正确形式填空)

3. As soon as he______(finish) the job, he______(take) a rest.(用所给词的正确形式填空)

4. The book is very interesting. I am reading the book.(用关系代词who, whom, which, that合并下列句子)

__________________________________________________________ 5. Is she the girl? The girl helped you yesterday. (用关系代词连接句子。

Lesson 121-122 一. (正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. All r______ lead to Room.

2. Simon often g______ flowers in the garden. 3. I will go on a t______ to Paris next month.

4. John o______ his help to me.

5. David has a good j______ in a company.

二.(选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分) 1. I want to buy a dress______ is very smart.

A. what B. how C. who D. that 2. This is the house______ the famous writer, Shakespeare, was born. A. in which B. at where C. in where D. at which 3. Mr. Smith is one of the foreign teachers who______ in China. A. are working B. has been working C. is working D. works 4. You should learn from those ______ are always ready to help others. A. that B. they C. whom D. who 5. My father______ his beard every day.

A. shaved of B. shaves of C. shaved off D. shaves off 三.完成句子。(每题2分,总10分)

1. Do you know the woman? Tony is speaking to the woman.(用关系代词who, whom, which, that合并句子)

___________________________________________________________ 2. I pass the exam. The exam was very easy.(用关系代词who, whom, which, that 合并句子)

________________________________________________________ 3. I want a computer who I can play computer games.(改正句子) _________________________________________________________

4. The people which were standing there saw the accident.(改正句子) __________________________________________________________ 5. He is the man lost his wallet.(改正句子)


Lesson 123-124


1. This is the photo _________ Tina took during her trip ______ USA A. that; for B. which; at C. where; in D. /; to 2. My brother never _________ his beard.

A. shave of B. shave on C. shave off D. shave down 3. ________ silly of you.

A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 4. We should learn from those_______ are always ready to help others. A. who B. whom C. which D.what 5. ________ a lovely boy he is !

A. what B. how C. which D. that 二,合并句子。(每题2分,共5题。)

1. I can’t read the letter. Ben wrote the letter last month. ___________________________________________________ 2.The woman knows you. I met the woman in Roma.

_______________________________________________________ 3. The book is very cheap. My mother bought the book yesterday.

__________________________________________________________ 4. The girl is my classmate. The girl slept under the tree.

_______________________________________________________ 5. Can you lend the pencil? You bought the pencil last Monday. _________________________________________________________

Lesson 125-126

一.(选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. To my______(惊讶),he is a millionaire. Can you believe it? 2. The red light ______ (意味着)stop?

3. The manager asked me to go to his office ______(立刻). 4. It’s hot. The flowers are dry. Please______(浇灌)them.

5. Be careful! I have just painted the table, so the paint isn’t______(干). 二. (选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分) 1. His name is Hans.______ you remember?

A. Didn’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t D. Weren’t 2. John hasn’t come yet, so I______ wait for him here.

A. will must B. would must C. will have to D. had to 3. I can’t go home now because I______ finish the work.

A. must B. can C. may D. want 4. Hasn’t your mother come______?

A. yet B. too C. still D. just

5. He is the policeman______ caught five thieves last week. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 三.改写下列句子。(每题2分,总10分) 1. He is a clever boy.(改为感叹句) ______________________________________ 2. The dress is lovely.(改为感叹句) _______________________________________ 3. Must I wash the car now?(作出否定回答)

_______________________________________________ 4. Must you wash all the cars by yourself?(作出肯定回答) ____________________________________________ 5. Do you have to go home now?(作出否定回答)



一. (选用适当词语的正确形式完成句子)(每题1分,总5分) 1. I r______ the news about the accident in the newspaper. 2. Columbus is f______ for his discovery of America. 3. Bruce Lee is a great a______.

4. Kate like watching movies very much. And she also wants to be an a______ in the future.

5. Take good care of yourself. I’m going away a______ a month. 二.(选择正确的答案填空)(每题1分,总5分)

1. Let me have______ look.

A. the other B. one C. other D. another 2. My grandmother is______ 85years old.

A. in least B. at least C. on least D. for least 3. Liz recognized Karen Marsh,_______?

A. doesn’t she B. didn’t she C. did she D. does she 4. A: Whose is the car in front of the building? B: It______ Mr. Green’s. I’m not sure.

A. must be B. may be C. will be D. can be 5. This purple handbag_______ be Lily’s. Her handbag is pink. A. mustn’t be B. may not be C. needn’t be D. can’t be 三.改写下列句子。(每题2分,总10分)

1. I’m sure Tony is English.(用must be/do或can’t be/do改写句子) ________________________________________________________ 2. It’s impossible that it will rain tomorrow.(用must be/do或can’t be/do改写句子)

___________________________________________________________ 3. I don’t think that old man is poor.(用must be/do或can’t be/do改写句子)

___________________________________________________________ 4. It must be Mr. Brown’s dog.(改为否定句)


5. My mother must be cooking now.(改为否定句)




1.He can’t drive because he doesn’t have a _____(drive) licence. 2. The car is so fast that the bus can’t o______ it. 3.The plane can go as fast as 260m______ per hour. 4.Look at the s_____ by the road, what does it mean? 5. Peter is w___ his hand to say goodbye. 二,改写句子。(每题2分,共10分) 1. I think your brother was doing his work. ________________________________________ 2. He doesn’t believe Tom was at school yesterday. ____________________________________________ 3. I think Tom was at his house.

__________________________________________ 4. I don’t believe you were ill yesterday.

___________________________________________ 5. I don’t think it rained last night.



1. 选择题。(每题1分,共5分) 1. My friend, Kim, ( ) last year. A. goes abroad B. goes to school C. went to abroad D. went abroad ( ) 2. Do you go to school ____ or ____ ? A. by bus; on feet B. on bus; by foot C. on bus; by feet D. by bus; on foot

3. A: Is the French exam easy? B: It ____ be easy. I’m not sure. A. must B. may C. can D. need 4. I can’t ____. My wife always has the last word. A. make up my mind B. have my mind C. make my mind D. have my own mind 5. It ____ me a long time to finish this work. A. had B. spend C. costed D. took

2用may be/do 或者may have been/done回答问题

1. Will it snow tomorrow? ________________________________ 2. Is Andy swimming? ___________________________________ 3. Did she go shopping? __________________________________ 4. Was Jane ill? _________________________________________ 5. Do you think Mr. Smith is Tina’s father? ________________________ 3.用may be/do 或may have been/done 填空

