吃大锅饭意大利人学成语Chinese-English dictionary of idioms and phrases

更新时间:2023-09-05 23:21:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


汉英成语词典Chinese-English dictionary of idioms and phrases,老师家长识字教学,外国人学汉语,汉语文化交流的好工具,只要能复制粘贴,就能学习了解汉字,汉语,所编译的词条新颖实用,按高低法编排,使用方便。采用汉英对照方式,有助于提高读者的学习兴趣,提高学习效果。本文具有知识性强、可读性强、实用性强、使用方便等特点。本文适合广大中、外读者学习使用;既可作为学习英语的参考书,Italy

吃大锅饭eating from a big common pot (This is a misguided kind of economic equalitarianism Under this equalitarianism among locales, units and individuals, those who work hard and those loaf are treated similarly, as are those who loaf are treated similarly, as are those who do a good job and those who do a poor job. Those who take on more work do not get greater rewards and those who shirk work do not get penalized. This kind of equalitarianism completely violates the socialist principle of distribution according to labour, and severely dampens the incentive of the laboring masses.)

