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中考基础词汇与句型练习 (1)



Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写 (共30分,每小题1分)

1. 反对________ 2. 尽管________ 3. 地区________ 4. 河岸,银行________ 5. 大写的,首都________ 6. 世纪,百年________ 7. 机会________ 8. 阶级________ 9. 清除________ 10. 覆盖________ 11. 导演________ 12. 每一个________ 13. 结尾________ 14. 陪伴,公司________ 15. 足够的________ 16. 例子________ 17. 指望,期望________ 18. 害怕,恐惧_______ 19. 胶卷________ 20. 决赛,最终的________ 21. 跟随________ 22. 格式,表格________ 23. 一般的,将军________ 24. 政府________ 25. 地面________ 26. 传递________ 27. 发生________ 28. 努力地,硬的_______ 29. 人类的________ 30. 百________

Part II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词(共40分,每小题2分)

汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词 allow ________ ________ ________ ________ appear ________ ________ ________ ________ beat ________ ________ ________ ________ break ________ ________ ________ ________ build ________ ________ ________ ________ buy ________ ________ ________ ________ carry ________ ________ ________ ________ cost ________ ________ ________ ________ describe ________ ________ ________ ________ die ________ ________ ________ ________ draw ________ ________ ________ ________ experience ________ ________ ________ ________ fall ________ ________ ________ ________ feel ________ ________ ________ ________ find ________ ________ ________ ________ get ________ ________ ________ ________

grow ________ ________ ________ ________ hear ________ ________ ________ ________ hit ________ ________ ________ ________ hold ________ ________ ________ ________

Part III 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思(共10分,每小题1分) 形容词 汉语 形容词 汉语 act ________ ________ arm ________ ________ change ________ ________ colour ________ ________ die ________ ________ experience ________ ________ friend ________ ________ health ________ ________ help ________ ________ hope ________ ________

ParT IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思(共20分,每小题1分) 名词 汉语 名词 汉语 able ________ ________ accept ________ ________ act ________ ________ agree ________ ________ appear ________ ________ believe ________ ________ build ________ ________ high ________ ________ decide ________ ________ describe ________ ________ develop ________ ________ die ________ ________ different ________ ________ difficult ________ ________ expect ________ ________ fail ________ ________ fly ________ ________ foreign ________ ________ free ________ ________ care ________ ________



as soon as?; (not) as / so ?as?; ask sb. to do sth. 1. 我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉叔叔。

I’ll tell your uncle about it ______________________________ I get your e-mail. 2. 你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗?

Will you please call me ____________________________________________? 3. 请尽快完成作业。

Please finish your homework ______________________________________.

4. 我一看见他就告诉他这件事。

I’ll tell him about it ______________________________ I see him. 5. 林涛一离开学校就去了南方。

Lin Tao went to the south ___________________________________________. 6. 王老师一到教室就将要告诉我们为上课做好准备。

________________________________________________________ the classroom. 7. 六月的考试一结束,我父母就带我去大连度假。

____________________________________________________ the examination in June is over.

8. 他一到加拿大就把电话打了过来。

He called us _______________________ Canada. 9. 我一到那儿就把这个MP4给他。

I’ll give him this MP4________________________________________________. 10. 请你一到家就给我打电话好吗?

Will you please call me ________________________________? 11. 妈妈让你尽快完成作业,以便晚上和她去看电影。

Mother told_______________________ so that you could go to the cinema with her. 12. 每天早晨铃儿一响我就很快起床。

I get up very quickly every morning_________________________ the bell rings. 13. 你尽快看完这本书好吗?

Would you please ___________________________________ as soon as possible? 14. 汤姆和麦克一样高。

Tom is _________________________________________ Mike. 15. 刘翔和姚明一样闻名全国。

Liu Xiang ___________________________________ Yao Ming all over China. 16. 对我来说,篮球和足球一样有趣。

For me, basketball is ___________________ football. 17. 北京的冬天和纽约一样冷。

The winter in Beijing is ___________________________ that in New York. 18. 妈妈昨天要我为考试做准备。

Yesterday Mother _______________________________________________ the exams. 附加题

1. 一些学生学习英语不如学习数学那么努力。


2. 我的英语一直没有Mike好,尽管我一上小学就开始学英语。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. 在交通高峰时段,有时开车没有骑车快。

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 生病的同学身体刚一好转就回来参加训练。

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. 成功并不像你想象的那么难。




Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写

1. 反对 against 2. 尽管 although 3. 地区 area

4. 河岸,银行 bank 5. 大写的,首都 capital 6. 世纪,百年century 7. 机会 chance 8. 阶级 class 9. 清除clear 10. 覆盖 cover 11. 导演 director 12. 每一个 each 13. 结尾 end 14. 陪伴,公司company 15. 足够的 enough 16. 例子 example 17. 指望,期望expect 18. 害怕,恐惧fear 19. 胶卷film 20. 决赛,最终的 final 21. 跟随 follow 22. 格式,表格 form 23. 一般的,将军general 24. 政府government 25. 地面ground 26. 传递hand 27. 发生happen 28. 努力地,硬的hard 29. 人类的human, 30. 百hundred

Part II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词(共40分,每小题2分)

汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词 allow 允许 allows allowed allowed appear 出现,显得 appears appeared appeared beat 击败,击打,敲 beats beat beaten break 打破,折断 breaks broke broken build 建筑,建造 builds built built buy 购买 buys bought bought carry 搬运 carries carried carried cost 价值 costs cost cost describe 描写,描述 describes described described

die 死去 dies died died draw 绘画 draws drew drawn experience 经历 experiences experienced experienced fall 跌倒,掉下 falls fell fallen feel 感受,感觉 feels felt felt find 发现 finds found found get 得到 gets got got grow 生长,种植 grows grew grown hear 听到,听说 hears heard heard hit 撞击 hits hit hit hold 握住 holds held held

Part III. 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思(共10分,每小题1分) act: active 积极的 arm: armed 全副武装的 change: changeable 易变的 colour: colourful 五颜六色的 die: dead / dying 死掉了的/ 垂死的 experience: experienced 有经验的 friend: friendly 友好的 health: healthy 健康的

help: helpful/ helpless 有帮助的/ 无助的 hope: hopeful / hopeless 满怀希望的/ 绝望的

Part IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思(共20分,每小题2分)

名词 汉语 名词 汉语 able: ability 能力 accept: acceptance 接受 act: action 动作 agree: agreement 协议,协同,同意

appear: appearance 外表 believe: belief 信仰 build: building/ builder 建筑物/建筑者 high: height 高度 decide: decision 决定 describe: description 描述 develop: development 发展 die: death 死亡,死神

different: difference 差异, 不同 difficult: difficulty 困难 expect: expectation 展望 fail: failure 失败 fly: flight 飞行,航班 foreign: foreigner 外国人 free: freedom 自由 care: carefulness / carelessness 细心/粗心


1. as soon as

2. as soon as you get to / arrive in / reach Shanghai 3. as soon as possible 4. as soon as

5. as soon as he left school

6. Mr Wang will tell us to get ready for class as soon as he enters / gets into / comes into / goes into

7. My parents will take me to Dalian for holiday as soon as 8. as soon he got to / arrived in / reached 9. as soon as I get there 10. as soon as you get home

11. you to finish your homework as soon as possible 12. as soon as

13. finish reading the book 14. as tall as 15. is as famous as 16. as interesting as 17. as cold as

18. asked me to get ready for 附加题

1. Some students don’t study English as hard as they do on Math.

2. Although I began to learn English as soon as I went to primary school, my English is not as good as Mike’s.

3. To drive is not as fast as riding a bike in rush hours.

4. The sick students got back to join in training as soon as they got better. 5. Success is not as hard as what you imagine.




Part I 根据括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式及变化后单词的汉语意思。(共30分,每小题1分)

1. husband ( 反义词) ___________ ___________ 2. I (名词性物主代词) ___________ ___________ 3. important (名词) ___________ ___________ 4. information (动词) ___________ ___________ 5. interest (形容词) ___________ ___________ 6. itself (名词性物主代词) ___________ ___________ 7. kind (名词) ___________ ___________ 8. law (形容词) ___________ ___________ 9. leader (动词) ___________ ___________ 10. least (反义词) ___________ ___________ 11. life (动词) ___________ ___________ 12. like (反义词) ___________ ___________ 13. little (比较级) ___________ ___________ 14. live (形容词) ___________ ___________ 15. long (名词) ___________ ___________ 16. low (反义词) ___________ ___________ 17. main (副词) ___________ ___________ 18. month (形容词) ___________ ___________ 19. move (形容词) ___________ ___________ 20. national (名词) ___________ ___________ 21. nine (序数词) ___________ ___________ 22. north (形容词) ___________ ___________ 23. office (形容词) ___________ ___________ 24. person (形容词) ___________ ___________ 25. photo (复数) ___________ ___________ 26. possible (反义词) ___________ ___________ 27. produce(名词) ___________ ___________ 28. really (形容词) ___________ ___________ 29. remember (反义词) ___________ ___________

Part II 根据中文写出英语拼写。(共30分,每小题1分)

1. 想法 __________ 2. 如果 ___________ 3. 工作___________ 4. 收到___________ 5. 杀害___________ 6. 情况___________ 7. 巨大的 _________ 8. 迟到的、已故的________ 9. 笑___________ 10. 信件 ___________ 11.市场 ___________ 12. 会议 ___________

13. 成员 ___________ 14.中间___________ 15. 分钟 ___________ 16. 时刻 ___________ 17. 新闻 ___________ 18. 十九 ___________ 19. 九十 ___________ 20. 数字 ___________ 21. 几个___________ 22. 其他的___________ 23. 举起/抚养___________ 24. 父/母亲 _________ 25. 或许___________ 26. 警方___________ 27. 分享 ___________ 28. 节目___________ 29. 公共的 ___________ 30. 相当地__________

Part III 写出下列兼类词不同词性的汉语意思。(共10分,每小题1分)

1. land n. ___________/ v. ___________ 2. line n. ___________/ v. ___________ 3. list n. ___________/ v. ___________ 4. rule n. ___________/ v. ___________ 5. match n. ___________/ v. ___________ 6. mind n. ___________/ v. ___________ 7. part n. ___________/ v. ___________ 8. point n. __________/ v. ___________ 9. question n. __________/ v. __________ 10. reach n. __________/ v. __________

Part IV 写出下列单词汉语、单三、过去式、过去分词。(共30分,每小题1分)

1. include ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

2. increase ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

3. join ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

4. keep ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

5. know ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

6. last ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

7. learn ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

8. leave ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

9. let ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

10. lose ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

11. make ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

12. match ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

13. mean ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

14. meet ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

15. miss ___________

16. offer ___________

17. pass ___________

18. pay ___________

19. provide ___________

20. put ___________

21. reach ___________

22. read ___________

23. rise ___________

24. run ___________

25. see ___________

26. sell ___________

27. send ___________

28. set ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


29. show ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

30. sit ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________



be afraid of doing / that be busy doing be famous / late / ready / sorry for be glad that

both ? and ? buy sb. sth. 1. 对不起,我上课迟到了。

I’m sorry I__________________________ class. 2. 昨天他急忙赶到学校,还是误了上课。

He hurried to school yesterday, but he __________________________________. 3. 你最好下次不要迟到。

____________________________________________________next time. 4. 昨天天气不好,很多学生上学都迟到了。

The weather was bad yesterday. _________________________________school. 5. 七点了!恐怕我们看电影要迟到了。

It’s seven o’clock now! __________________________we’ll be late for the film. 6. 很抱歉我上学又迟到了。

I’m sorry ______________________________________ school again. 7. 林涛昨天上学迟到了。

Lin Tao ____________________________________ school yesterday. 8. 我昨天上学迟到了。

____________________________________ school yesterday. 9. 他开会迟到是因为路上交通太拥挤了。

_______________________________because there was too much traffic on the road. 10. 北京以长城闻名。每年都有许多外国人来参观长城。

Beijing _____________________________ the Great Wall. Thousands of foreign friends

visit it every year.

11. 夏威夷因美丽的海滩而闻名。

Hawaii ___________________________________________its beautiful beaches.

12. 聚会一小时以后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫教室。

The party will begin in an hour. The children ________________ the classroom. 13. 看!同学们正忙着为运动会做准备呢。

Look!The students are busy ______________________________the sports meeting. 14. 每天我到家时,妈妈总是在忙着做饭。

______________________________________________ when I get home every day. 15. 他正忙于备战中考。

He ______________________the Senior High School Entrance Examination. 16. 我国体育健儿正忙于准备2008年北京奥运会.

The Chinese players ________________________ the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 17. 我很高兴我们班赢得这场比赛。

______________________that our class has won the game. 18. 我很高兴来这以后交了许多朋友。

I _____________________________________________________since I came here. 19. 不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人总是对的。

___________________________________ because nobody is right all the time. 20. Tom给我买了一本书作为生日礼物。

Tom _____________________________________________ as my birthday present.

参考答案: 初中基础词汇练习

Part I.

1. wife 妻子 2. mine 我的 3. importance 重要性 4. inform通告

5. interesting 有趣的 6. its 它的 7. kindness 友好 8. lawful合法的 9. lead 领导 10. most 最多 11. live 生活 12. dislike不喜欢

13.less 更少 14. living活着的 15. length 长度 16. high 高的 17. mainly主要地 18. monthly 每月的 19. moving 移动的 20.nation 民族

21. ninth 第九 22. northern 北方的 23. official 官方的 24. personal 个人的

25. photos 照片 26. impossible 不可能的 27. production 生产/ product产品 28. real 真的 29. forget 忘记

Part II.

1. idea 2. if 3. job 4. receive 5. kill 6. situation

7. large 8. late 9. laugh 10. letter 11. market 12. meeting

13. member 14. middle 15. minute 16. moment 17. news 18. nineteen

19. ninety parent

25. perhaps 30. rather/ quite Part III.

1.土地/降落 5. 比赛/搭配 9. 问题/质疑 Part IV.

1. 包括 2. 增长 3. 参加 4. 保持 5. 指导 6. 持续 7. 学习 8. 离开 9. 让 10. 失去 11. 制造 12. 搭配 13. 意味 14. 见面 15. 想念/错过 16. 主动提出 17. 通过 20. number 21. several 22. other 23. raise 24. 26. police 27. share 28. programme 29. public 2. 线/划线、排队 3. 名单/列表 4. 规则/统治 6. 想法/介意 7. 部分/分开 8. 分数、点/指向 10. 够到/达到、到达 includes included included increases increased increased joins joined joined keeps kept kept knows knew known lasts lasted lasted learns learned/learnt learned/learnt leaves left left lets let let loses lost lost makes made made matches matched matched means meant meant meets met met misses missed missed offers offered offered passes passed passed

18. 付钱 pays paid paid 19. 提供 provides provided provided 20. 放下 puts put put 21. 到达 reaches reached reached 22. 阅读 reads read read 23. 升起 rises rose risen 24. 跑 runs ran run 25. 看到 sees saw 26. 卖 sells sold 27. 发送 sends sent 28. 放置 sets set 29. 给?看 shows showed 30. 坐下 sits sat


1. I am late for 2. was still late for class 3. You’d better not be late 4. Many students were late for 5. I’m afraid 6. I am late for 7. was late for 8. I was late for

9. He was late for the meeting 10. is famous for 11. is famous for 12. are busy cleaning 13. getting ready for

14. My mother is always busy cooking 15. is busy getting ready for 16. are busy getting ready for 17. I am glad

18. I am happy / glad that I have made many friends 19. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes 20. Tom bought me a book

seen sold sent set shown sat




Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写 (共36分,每小题1分)

1. 肯定的__________ 2. 贸易__________ 3. 思想__________ 4. 某物__________ 5. 不久以后__________ 6. 南方__________ 7. 仍然__________ 8. 这样的__________ 9. 学生__________ 10. 队,组__________ 11. 术语,学期__________ 12. 他们自己_________ 13. 然后__________ 14. 十三__________ 15. 三十__________ 16. 千__________ 17. 穿过__________ 18. 一起__________ 19. 顶部__________ 20. 朝着__________ 21. 城镇__________ 22. 两次__________ 23. 大学__________ 24. 直到__________ 25. 战争__________ 26. 方法__________ 27. 白色__________ 28. 整个的__________ 29. 谁的__________ 30. 有着__________ 31. 没有,不带有________ 32. 世界__________ 33. 黄色__________ 34. 昨天__________ 35. 不过,仍然__________ 36. 零__________

Part II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词(共24分,每小题2分)

汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词 1. speak __________ ___________ __________ ___________

2. spend __________ ___________ __________ ___________

3. stay __________ ___________ __________ ___________

4. stand __________ ___________ __________ ___________

5. take __________ ___________ __________ ___________

6. tell __________ ___________ __________ ___________

7. think __________ ___________ __________ ___________

8. try __________ ___________ __________ ___________

9. understand __________ ___________ __________ ___________

10. win __________ ___________ __________ ___________

11. watch __________ ___________ __________ ___________

12. want __________ ___________ __________ ___________

Part III 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思(共10分,每小题2分) 形容词 汉语 形容词 汉语 1. society __________ ___________ 2. talk __________ ___________ 3. thank __________ ___________ 4. use __________ ___________ 5. year __________ ___________

Part IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思(共10分,每小题1分) 名词 汉语 名词 汉语 1. state __________ ___________ 2. strong __________ ___________ 3. suggest __________ ___________ 4. visit __________ ___________ 5. wait __________ ___________ 6. win __________ ___________ 7. write __________ ___________ 8. work __________ ___________ 9. wide __________ ___________ 10. young __________ ___________

Part V 写出下列兼类词不同词性的汉语意思(共20分,每小题1分)

1. stand n. ___________/ v. ___________ 2. state n. ___________/ v. ___________ 3. special n. _________/adj. __________ 4. sound n. ___________/ v. ___________ 5. star n. ___________/ v. ___________ 6. start n. __________/ v. ___________ 7. step n. ___________/ v. ___________ 8. still adv. ___________/ adj. _________ 9. stop n. ___________/ v. ___________ 10. study n. __________/ v. ___________ 11. talk n. ___________/ v. ___________ 12. thank n. __________/ v. ___________ 13. trade n. ___________/ v. ___________ 14. try n. ___________/ v. ___________ 15. turn n. ___________/ v. ___________ 16. use n. ___________/ v. ___________ 17. visit n. ___________/ v. ___________ 18. walk n. __________/ v. ___________

19. watch n. ___________/ v. ___________ 20. water n. __________/ v. ___________


either ? or?, enjoy / hate / finish / mind / keep / go on doing sth., get on with, give / show / bring / lend / send / pass / tell sth. to sb.

1. 看!同学们正忙着为国庆游行做准备呢!

Look!The students are busy ______________________________the national parade. 2. 他正忙于备战下周的球赛。

He ________________________________________the football match of next week. 3. 这些天学生们正在忙着锻炼身体,准备进行体能测试。

These days all the students ________________________________ the physical test. 4. 妈妈要我为明天的野餐做准备。

My mother ____________________________________________ tomorrow’s picnic. 5. 教练一到操场就告诉我们做好热身,准备训练。

The coach _______________________________ the training _____________________. 6. 临行前,我们一定要把一切事情准备就绪。

____________________________________ before we begin our travel. 7. 外边太吵了,你介意关上窗户吗?

It’s too noisy outside. __________________________________ the window? 8. 汤姆告诉麦克要尽快完成这个任务。

Tom ________________________________ the task _______________________. 9. 我忘了没带英语书,你能把你的借给我用吗?

I forgot to take my English book here. Could you ______________________? 10. 请你递给我那本字典好吗?我想查几个生词。

Would you please ____________________? I’d like to look up some new words in it. 11. 我一到那儿就把这个PSP给他。

I’ll ________________________________________________________ I get there. 12. 越来越多的私家车使得城市的交通问题越来越严重。

Traffic in cities _________________ because more and more people have their own cars. 13. 天越来越暗了,该回家了。

______________________________________________________________ home. 14. 我们应该学会如何与老师和同学和睦相处。

We should learn _______________________________________________________.

15. 他很好相处,几乎和每一个人关系都不错。

He’s easy-going and he __________________________________ almost everyone. 16. 约翰感觉不舒服,要么是因为昨晚没睡好,要么是吃坏了肚子。

John didn’t feel very well ___________________________________________ wrong food.

17. 学校运动会推迟了,可能是因为天气的原因,也可能是因为流感的原因。 The school sports are put off _______________________________________ the H1N1 Flu.

18. 玛丽在节食,中午有时候吃些水果,有时候什么都不吃。

Mary’s on diet. And she _______________________________________ for lunch. 19. 面对困难,你可以选择逃避,也可以选择去勇敢面对并战胜它。但是你将来不要为自己的选择后悔。

Facing to difficulties, you can ___________________________________________, but you

should never regret for your choice in the future.

参考答案: 初中基础词汇练习

Part I 根据中文写出英语拼写 (共36分,每小题1分)

1. sure 2. trade 3. thought 4. something 5. soon 6. south 7. still 8. such 9. student 10. team 11. term 12. themselves 13. then 14. thirteen 15. thirty 16. thousand 17. through 18. together 19. top 20. toward(s) 21. town 22. twice 23. university 24. until 25. war 26. way 27. white 28. whole 29. whose 30. with 31. without 32. world 33. yellow 34. yesterday 35. yet 36. zero

Part II 写出下面单词的中文意思、第三人称单数、过去式和过去分词

汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词 汉语 三单 过去式 过去分词

1. speak 说话 speaks, spoke, spoken 2. spend 花费 spends, spent, spent

3. stay 停留 stays, stayed, stayed 4. stand 站立 stands, stood, stood

5. take 带走 takes, took, taken 6. tell 告诉 tells, told, told

7. think 认为 thinks, thought, thought 8. try 尝试 tries, tried, tried 9. understand 理解 understands, understood, understood 10. win 赢得 wins, won, won 11. watch 监视 watches, watched, watched 12. want 想要 wants, wanted, wanted

Part III 写出下面单词的形容词形式及形容词的中文意思

形容词 汉语 形容词 汉语 1. society social, 社会的 2. talk talkative, 健谈的

3. thank thankful, 心怀感激的 4. use useful/ useless, 有用的、无用的 5. year yearly, 每年一次的

Part IV 写出下面单词的名词形式及名词的中文意思

名词 汉语 名词 汉语 1. state statement, 陈述 2. strong strength, 力气 3. suggest suggestion, 建议 4. visit visitor, 访客 5. wait waiter/ waitress, 招待 6. win winner, 获胜者 7. write writer, 作家 8. work worker, 工人 9. wide width, 宽度 10. young youth, 青春

Part V 写出下列兼类词不同词性的汉语意思

1. stand n. 摊位 / v. 站立 2. state n.状态,州/ v. 陈述 3. special n. 特色之物 /adj. 特殊的 4. sound n. 声音,响动 / v. 听起来 5. star n. 星星 / v. 主演 6. start n. 开端 / v. 发动,启动 7. step n. 步子,步调 / v. 踏步,行走 8. still adv. 仍然 / adj. 静止的

9. stop n. 停止,车站 / v. 阻止 10. study n. 学习,研究,书房 / v. 研究,学习

11. talk n. 谈话 / v. 谈话 12. thank n. 感谢 / v. 感谢 13. trade n. 贸易 / v. 交易 14. try n. 尝试 / v. 尝试,审判 15. turn n. (轮流的)顺序 / v. 转动 16. use n. 用途 / v. 使用 17. visit n. 拜访 / v. 参观,拜访 18. walk n. 散步 / v. 走,步行 19. watch n. 手表 / v. 观看,监视 20. water n. 水 / v. 浇水

初中基本句型训练 1. getting ready for

2. is busy getting ready for

3. are busy exercising to get ready for 4. asked me to get ready for

5. told us to warm up and get ready for;as soon as he got to the playground 6. We should get everything ready 7. Do you mind closing

8. told Mike to finish doing;as soon as possible 9. lend yours to me 10. pass me the dictionary 11. give the PSP to him as soon as 12. is getting more and more serious

13. It’s getting darker and darker. It’s time to go 14. how to get on well with teachers and classmates 15. gets on well with

16. either because he didn’t sleep well last night or because he ate the wrong food 17. either because of the bad weather or because of

18. either eats some fruit or has nothing / eats either some fruit or nothing 19. either choose to give up or choose to face it bravely and overcome it



Part I 请根据括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式及变化后单词的汉语意思。(共30分,每小题1.5分)

1. ability (形容词) ___________ ___________ 2. above (反义词) ___________ ___________ 3. active (名词) ___________ ___________ 4. advantage (反义词) ___________ ___________ 5. advice (动词) ___________ ___________ 6. bottom (反义词) ___________ ___________ 7. careful (名词) ___________ ___________ 8. cheap (反义词) ___________ ___________ 9. clean (反义词) ___________ ___________ 10. collect ( 名词) ___________ ___________

Part II 根据汉语写出英语拼写。 (共18分,每小题1.5分)

1. 地址___________ 2. 优势___________ 3.独自地___________ 4. 动物___________ 5. 注意力___________ 6. 阿姨___________ 7. 漂亮的___________ 8. 账单___________ 9. 照相机___________ 10. 癌症___________ 11. 衣服 ___________ 12. 学院___________

Part III 写出下列兼类词不同词性的汉语意思。(共12分,每小题1分)

1. board n. __________/ v. __________ 2. bridge n. __________/ v. __________ 3. check n. __________/ v. __________ 4. circle n. __________/ v. __________ 5. clean adj. __________/ v. __________ 6. cook n. __________/ v. __________

Part IV 写出下列单词汉语、单三、过去式、过去分词。(共40分,每小题2分)

1. arrive





2. blow ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

3. burn ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

4. catch ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

5. choose ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


Part V用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Daming enjoys ____________(listen) to music. 2. You need ___________(speak) English to work in radio.

3. Keep ____________(study) English if you want to work on Radio Beijing. 4. They decided ____________ (visit) our school with Sally. 5. I didn’t want my parents ____________ (worry) about me. 6. The lucky smile made me _________ (feel) happy, lively and warm. 7. They won the match. I hate __________ (lose). 8. I’ll help you after I finish ___________ (work). 9. Why not _________ (go) swimming with us?

10. What about _________ (help) Granny Li tidy up her house?

11. I don’t know if he ________ (come) tomorrow. If he _____ (come), please call me. 12. She is ______________ (interesting) in math.

13. It’s difficult for him ________ (work) out that physics problem. 14. You should __________ (dink) much water every day. 15. The dictionary _________ (come) out in 1998. 16. Dad enjoyed _________ (play) chess. 17. My hobby is __________ (collect) stamps. 18. Their _________ (hobby) are different. 19. She is good at _________ (paint).

20. If I work hard, I can speak English __________. (good)

21. Our leaders made a correct __________ for our company’s future. (decide) 22. The game is one of the theme park’s most popular __________. (attract) 23. It was a bad accident — they’re lucky to stay__________. (live) 24. Their music will never go out of __________. (fashionable) 25. The house is not really __________ for a large family. (suit)

26. I thought the best way to __________ my French was to live in France. (improvement) 27. Do students think it a __________ film? (success)

28. It was very __________ (convenience) for me not to have the car, but walking sounds like a very __________ solution. (practice)

29. The boss was very angry because his employees kept him _______ (wait) for hours. 30. There _______ (be) a class meeting in 20 minutes, so all my classmates _______ (prepare) for it.

31. I _______ (tell) him the news as soon as Jim _______ (come) tomorrow. 32. I’m sorry you _______ (miss) the train. It _______ (leave) five minutes ago. 33. When he ________ (come) back, his friends________ (talk) about an interesting story. 34. It _______ (be) 4 years since he _______ (move) here. 35. —Could you tell me when the movie _______ (start)? —At 10:25, in ten minutes.

36. She told me she _______ (set) up her own company a week before.

Part VI 句型练习。

1. 别说话了,老师来了。

______________________________. The teacher is coming.

2. 当你过马路时,小心红灯。

______________________________the red light when you go across the road. 3. 他对集邮很感兴趣,以至于为此花费了大量的时间。

He is______________________________________________ too much time on it. 4. 母亲节就要到了。为什么不给你妈妈买一些花呢?

Mother’s Day will come soon. ______________________________ your mother? 5. 大明,你最好每天读英语。

Daming, ______________________________________________English every day. 6. 林涛昨天上学迟到了。

Lin Tao ________________________________________________school yesterday. 7. 我每天步行去上班只须10分钟.

It ___________________________________________________ to office every day. 8. There is little water in the bottle, __________________? (变反意疑问句) 9. Tony said, “I am very happy.” (变为间接引语) Tony said ______________________________very happy. 10. 摘树叶是不对的。

_________ _________ _________ _________ a leave _________ a plant.

11. 在这个公园里,既没有手机的振铃声,又没有孩子东奔西跑。

In the park, there _____________________________________________________. 12. 我认为,这部影片中打斗的场面太多了。

______________________________,there is too much fighting in this film. 13. 除了偶尔下点儿雨以外,这儿的天气还是很怡人的。

______________________________some rain, the weather here is very pleasant. 14. 如果不做笔记,你很快就会忘记的。

If you don’t take notes,you __________________________________it. 15. 他的妈妈很生气,因为他花了一个下午玩电脑游戏。

His mother was very angry because he _______________________________computer games.

参考答案: Part I

1. able 有能力的 2. below 下方的 3. activity 活动 4. disadvantage 弱点、劣势

5. advise 建议 6. top 顶端 7. care 关注 carefulness 谨慎

8. expensive 昂贵的 9. dirty 脏的 10. collection 收集

Part II

1. address 2. advantage 3. alone 4. animal 5. attention 6. aunt 7. beautiful 8. bill 9. camera 10. cancer 11. clothes 12. college

Part III

1. 板子/ 登船、车或飞机;寄宿 2. 桥梁/ 搭桥 3. 支票/ 检查 4. 圆/ 绕圈 5. 干净的/ 打扫 6. 厨师/ 做饭

Part IV

1. 到达 arrives arrived arrived 2. 吹 blows blew blown 3. 燃烧 burns burnt burnt 4. 抓住 catches caught caught 5. 选择 chooses chose chosen

Part V

1. listening 2. to speak 3. studying 4. to visit 5. to worry

6. feel 7. losing/ to lose 8. working 9. go 10. helping

11. will come, comes 12. interested 13. to work 14. drink 15. came

16. playing 17. to collect 18. hobbies 19. painting 20. well

21. decision 22. attraction 23. alive 24. fashion 25.suitable

26. improve 27. successful 28. convenient, practical

29. waiting 30. will be, are preparing for 31.will tell, comes 32. missed, left 33. came, were talking 34.is, moved 35. will start 36. had set

Part VI

1. No talking 2. Watch out for

3. so interested in collecting stamps that he has spent 4. Why not buy some flowers for 5. you’d better read English 6. was late for

7. takes me 10 minutes to walk to the office 8. is there 9. he was

10. It isn’t right to pull leaves; off

11. is neither buzzing of cell phones nor children running here and there 12. In my opinion 13. Except for 14. will soon forget 15. spent a whole afternoon

