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大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案一 第一部分 交际英语

此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.— Would you mind helping me to get it upstairs? — _____

A. Yes, it is. B. C. Sure. 正确答案:D 题目解析:

译文:你能帮我把它拿到楼上去吗?解析:A是的,它是。B不,它不是。C当然。D不,当然不介意。所以根据题意正确答案为D。 2.— Is this beautiful? — _____

A. Yes, rarely have I seen this before. 正确答案:A 题目解析:

译文:这个好看吗?解析:A是的,我之前很少看到过这么好看的。 B是的,我需要休息。C不,明天就可以。D不,这项工作需要由他来完成。根据题意正确答案为A。 3.― _____

― An accident has happened.

A. Where was the accident? B. C. When was the accident? 正确答案:B 题目解析:

译文:一场事故发生了。解析:答案A这场事故在哪儿? 答案B发生什么事情了啊?答案C这个事故什么时候发生的啊。 答案D为什么会发生啊?根据回答表示问的是发生什么了,正确答案选B。 4.― Excuse me, how soon does this train leave? ― _____

A. It leaves every half an hour. C. The next trains leaves at ten. 正确答案:B 题目解析:

译文:对不起,多久这辆车才会离开?解析:答案A每半小时离开一次。 答案B将在十分钟内离开。 答案C下一辆列车将在十点离开。 答案D有一辆四点的。正确答案选B。 5.― How do I get to the cinema? ― _____ A. It's very far. 正确答案:D 题目解析:

译文:我怎么去电影院?解析:A它很远。B是的,电影院就在附近。C走路过去大约十分钟。D走过这条街然后左转。所以根据题意正确答案为D。 第二部分 阅读理解

此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

My friend Mike was shaking his head in disbelief. \young woman who just waited on me,\he said, pointing to an employee of the fast food restaurant where we were eating, \(现金出纳机) showed her I needed 99 cents, but she couldn't figure out how to count out the coins.\

B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.

C. It's about a ten-minute walk from here. D. Go down this street and turn left.


It leaves in ten minutes.

There is one at four.

D. D.

What happened? Why did it happen? B. Yes, I need a rest.

No, the work should be done by him.

C. No, tomorrow will be fine. D.

No, it isn't.

No, of course not.


What we have done in this country, although unintentionally, is to create several generations of individuals most of whom have no idea how to reason; how to do simple math; how to do research; or, finally, how to be creative (有创造力的). The reason for this is our overuse of information technology: video games, television, digital watches, calculators, and computers. Information technology feeds us information without requiring us to think about it and let us perform operations without understanding them. It is time we took a hard look at an educational system that only teaches our children how to push buttons. Our kids can't tell time if the clock has hands. They can use calculators, but cannot add, subtract, divide, or multiply. Video games have taken the place of active, imaginative play. Although most of them are technically literate, they choose not to read. They are so used to television and movies that they cannot use their imagination to stay interested in a book.

It is not enough to recognize that a problem exists. What we need is a solution. The one I offer is simple to suggest, but may be impossible to carry out. We must unplug our children. If we don't, they will never learn how to solve problems. They will never learn even basic reasoning skills and will certainly not develop creativity. Instead of filling classrooms with electronics, let's concentrate on good old-fashioned literacy ― reading books. Students must be taught not to perform computer operations by rote (死记), but to figure and reason for themselves. They must see how things work and how processes lead to results, they must also stretch their imagination.

6. What is the problem with the employee of the fast food restaurant? A. She does not know how to operate the cash register. B. She is unable to solve simple math problems. C. She lacks coins for customers. D. She does not know how to count coins. 正确答案:B

题目解析:细节推断题。从第一段中―…she couldn't figure out how to count out the coins…‖(她不能解决如何去点硬币的数目的问题)可以推断出她不能解决好简单的数学问题,所以正确答案为B―她不能解决简单的数学问题‖。 7. What is Mike's concern?

A. People now rely too much on information technology. B. Many restaurants now do not provide good service. C. Modern technology feeds us too much information. D. We are creating people who can. 正确答案:D

题目解析:推断题。第一段中都在说借助电子工具不去自己思考,在最后一段里也提到了―Students must be taught not to perform computer operations by rote (死记), but to figure and reason for themselves.‖(学生们必须被教导不要通过运用电脑程序去死记,而要去独自思考和得出结论)所以只有D准确,正确答案为D―我们正在创造那些不能独自思考的人‖。 8. For children to be interested in reading, they must _____. A. have an imaginative mind B. C. turn off their television sets D. 正确答案:A

题目解析:细节推断题。从第二段最后一句―They are so used to television and movies that they cannot use their imagination to stay interested in a book.‖(孩子们对电视和电影是如此的依赖,以至于他们不能运用他们自己的想象力去对读物感兴趣)可以推断出来正确答案为A―由于孩子们对阅读感兴趣,他们一定具有富有想象力的思维‖。 9. What solution does the author suggest to our children's problem? A. Get them off TV and computer games. B. Turn off all electronic equipment at school. C. Teach them how to learn from video games. D. Give them freedom in the use of computers. 正确答案:A

题目解析:细节推理题。从第二段中第三句―Video games have taken the place of active, imaginative play.‖(电子游戏占据了活跃想象游戏的太多空间)可以推理出作者建议让孩子们远离电视和电脑游戏,所以正确答案为A―让孩子们远离电视和电脑游戏‖。

10.We can see from the passage that the author believes _____. A. information technology is being overused

B. modern technology helps us to do things we don't even understand

be given the right books have a large enough vocabulary

C. reading benefits children more than anything else D. electronics has no place in the classroom 正确答案:C

题目解析:细节推断题。在最后一段中―let's concentrate on good old-fashioned literacy – reading books.‖(让我们把注意力集中在那些老式的好的文学读物上来吧)可以推断出作者的用意,所以正确答案为C―我们从这篇文章里看出来,作者认为阅读对于孩子们来说比任何其他事情都有益‖。

Even the newest gardener realizes that plants die without water; what is not so well known is that plants die equally decisively, though not so quickly, if they are overwatered(浇水过多). Beginners usually decide to play it safe and keep their potted(盆栽的) plants thoroughly wet. In consequence, death by drowning is one of the commonest disasters to befall (降临)the plants of a new horticulturist. Plants wither (枯萎)away if they don't get enough water, and this draws attention to their problem. A plant that has been slightly underwatered so that it droops strikes terror into the heart of its new owner. But it will, in fact, recover completely as long as rescue comes in time and the process is not repeated too often. Overwatered plants, unfortunately, do not give any such obvious signal; slowly they cease to thrive and the first visible indication of serious trouble is a yellowing of the lower leaves. Unless the overwatered pot soil is given a considerable period without water, during which time the plant will continue to look wretched, it will suddenly collapse in exactly the same way as the underwatered plant―but with no chance of being revived because the roots have rotted away.

11. From the text we can infer a horticulturist is a person engaged in _____. A. growing plants B. 正确答案:A

题目解析: horticulturis园艺家,根据这个单词和文章讲的种花技巧可以明白,正确答案选A。 12. What does a new gardener usually decide to do to keep their potted plants alive? A. Underwatering the plants. B. Fertilizing the pot soil. C. Overwatering the plants. 正确答案:C

题目解析:由文章―what is not so well known is that plants die equally decisively, though not so quickly, if they are overwatered‖及其后的句子―Beginners usually decide to play it safe and keep their potted(盆栽的) plants thoroughly wet‖可以看出初学者会经常会浇过多的水以至于植物枯萎,正确答案选C。

13. According to the text, which of the following plants might die without recovery? A. Plants with their lower leaves yellowing. 正确答案:B

题目解析:由文章可以看出讲的是关于植物浇水过多的问题,并没有提到虫的问题,排除答案D,答案A是浇水过多的表现,也排除,由―Overwatered plants, unfortunately, do not give any such obvious signal; slowly they cease to thrive and the first visible indication of serious trouble is a yellowing of the lower leaves‖可以看出浇水过多会逐渐使植物死掉而且表现不明显,正确答案选B。

14. A withered plant might be rescued because _____. A. it doesn't alive B. it is repeatedly overwatered C. it gives visible signal of dying 正确答案:C

题目解析:由文章―slowly they cease to thrive and the first visible indication of serious trouble is a yellowing of the lower leaves‖可以看出枯萎的植物说明已经濒临死亡,需要进行救助,正确答案选C。 15. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To warn gardeners not to underwater plants.

B. To give information about general problems of gardening. C. To draw attention to the problem of overwatered plants. D. To recommend new gardeners the book about gardening. 正确答案:C

题目解析:这篇文章的目的,就是教那些初学者注意种花中浇水过多的问题,正确答案选C 第三部分 词汇和结构

D. it dies slowly

B. Overwatered plants.

Plants with worms.

C. Underwatered plants. D.

D. Loosening the pot soil.

raising birds

C. cutting plants D. studying the death cause of plants

此部分共有5个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

16. He is such an expert on machine repairing that his ears are highly _____ to any unusual sound in the machine. A. sensible B. sensitive C. senseless D. 正确答案:B

题目解析:根据句子意思,应该填表示灵敏的形容词,sensible明智的,sensitive敏感的,senseless无感觉的,sensational使人感动的,所以正确答案选B。 17. The reason I plan to go is _____if I don't. A. because she will be disappointed B. 正确答案:B

题目解析: the reason…that是固定搭配,其它的都不正确,所以正确答案为B。 18. When he was questioned about the missing ring, he firmly _____ that he had ever seen it. A. declared 正确答案:D


19. I had intended _____ him while he was in trouble during those years, but I couldn't get in touch with him. A. to help 正确答案:A

题目解析: intend to do为固定用法,根据句子意思,这里不能接完成时态只能用动词原型。正确答案选A。 20. I wish everybody _____ the meeting tomorrow . A. will attend C. had attended 正确答案:B

题目解析: wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,当表示与将来的希望相反时,从句中的谓语动词用―could/would+动词原形‖。

第四部分 完型填空


Nobody wants to be (21) .Unfortunately our bodies can develop problems. When we aren't (22) ,our bodies tell us . Sometimes a part of our body hurts. When a part of our body (23) , we say we have aches and pains. We can have aches and pains in different parts of the body.

We call some simple (24) problems \For example, we can have a headache, a toothache, an earache, a backache or a stomachache. Other simple problems are not (25) aches, so we describe them in different ways. For example, we can have a sore throat, a sore leg, a sore toe.

\ (26) a problem. We can have a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder or a pain (27) the back. A pain is strong. Also, a pain hurts in s specific place.

When aches and pains aren't too (28) , we can buy medicine in the drugstore. Usually small aches go away quickly. When pain is more serious , we (29) to visit the doctor (or the dentist). The doctor asks us what our symptoms are. The doctor may have to do tests or take X-rays to (30) what is wrong. Then he or she will tell us what to do. 21. A. sleep 正确答案:D

题目解析: A睡觉,B不利的,C寒冷的,D有病的,所以根据题意―没有人想要生病‖正确答案为D。 22. A. healthy B. well C. health 正确答案:A

题目解析: A健康的B好的C健康(名词)D肥胖,所以根据题意―当我们不是健康的,身体会告诉我们……‖正确答

D. fat

B. bad C. cold D. sick

B. D.

would attend is going to attend

B. helping

having helped

C. to have helped D.

B. refused

C. rejected D. denied

that she will be disappointed

C. because she will have a disappointed D. on account of her being disappointed


案为A。 23. A. hurt 正确答案:C

题目解析: a part of 表示一部分,所以用单数,因为陈述的是假设的客观事实,所以用一般现在时态,正确答案为C。 24. A. healthy B. health C. well D. fat 正确答案:B

题目解析: A健康的,B健康,C好的,D肥胖的,根据题意我们把一些简单的健康问题称作疼痛,所以正确答案为B。 25. A. talked 正确答案:D

题目解析: talk谈话,speak讲话,see看到,call称作,所以根据题意,正确答案为D。 26. A. describe B. tell C. talk D. speak 正确答案:A

题目解析: A描述,B讲述,C谈论,D发言,所以根据题意正确答案为A。 27. A. at B. on C. in D. over 正确答案:C

题目解析:通过前文a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder可知空白处结构相同,所以正确答案为C。 28. A. light 正确答案:B

题目解析: A轻的,B严重的,C连续、系列,D沉重的,通过空白处后面的句子―当病不严重的时候,我们可以在药房里买药自己治疗。‖,所以正确答案为B。

29. A. having B. had C. have D. has 正确答案:C

题目解析: have to do不得不去做,为固定搭配,而根据题意用动词原形,所以正确答案为C。 30. A. believe B. know C. talk 正确答案:B

题目解析:通过文章可知医生通过检查目的是为了知道what is wrong(出了什么问题),所以正确答案为B。 第五部分 英译汉


31. He told me that he had lived in America for ten years before he came to China. 试题解析:他告诉我:在来中国前他在美国已生活十年了。 32. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.


33. John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant. 试题解析:尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。 第六部分 写作

要求你根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 34. Never give up

大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案2 第一部分 交际英语

此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.― Here we are, sir, Tian'an Men Square. ― _____ A. Where is it? C. Thank you. 正确答案:D 题目解析:

译文:我们到天安门广场了,先生。解析:答案A这在哪儿。 答案B你太累了。 答案C谢谢。 答案D太棒了,我终于看到真正的天安门了。正确答案选D。 2.― What would you like to drink?

B. You are tired.

D. Terrific! I finally get to see the real Tian'an Men.

D. say

B. serious C. series D. heavy B. spoken C. seen D. called B. hurting C. hurts D. have hurt

