
更新时间:2024-06-15 06:50:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



题型一 情景交际






1.(2017·广东)—Happy New Year!

— . A.The same to you B.I hope so C.That’s a good idea D.That’s OK 2.(2017·广东)—It’s very kind of you to see me off. — . A.No problem B.I hope to see you soon C.It’s my pleasure D.I don’t want you to leave 3.(2017·广东)—I had a pleasant weekend on the farm. — . A.Enjoy yourself B.It’s your pleasure C.Congratulations D.I’m glad to hear that 4.(2017·广东)—Do you mind if I turn on the TV? — .Let’s watch the sports news now. A.No way B.Go abead C.You’d better not D.I think to 5.(2017·广东)—I’m sorry.I’ve broken the window. — .I’ll repair it.

A.I will forgive you B.You are so careless C.Don’t worry D.Please take care 6.(2015·浙江)—I’m really lucky to have won the first prize. — A.Congratulations! B.Best wishes! C.No problem. D.All right. 7.(2015·浙江)—I’m taking the chemistry exam tomorrow morning. — ! A.Go ahead B.Good luck C.Forget it D.No problem 8.(2015·云南)—Bob,are you free at the moment? I have to ask you some questions. — .

A.It’s a pleasure B.Ask,please C.Help yourself D.Yes,go ahead


9.(2014·贵州)—Mark,remember me to your brother,Jack! — And I will. A.No way! B.You are welcome. C.Pardon? D.Thank you. 10.(2014·黑龙江)—Was he sorry for what he has done? — . A.No wonder B.Well done C.Not really D.Go ahead 11.(2014·山东)—I’m taking an exam tomorrow. — . A.Good luck! B.It’s OK. C.Congratulations! D.With pleasure. 12.(2014·浙江)—I’m afraid I will fail my driving test again tomorrow. — ! I’m sure you can make it! A.Cheer up B.Good luck C.Have fun D.Of course 13.(2013·浙江)— I’d like a glass of orange juice. What about you? — . I’ll have the same. A.No problem B.Never mind C.Sounds good D.Take care


1.—So you think I’m not honest?

— . That’s not what I mean. A.Just forget it

B.You’ve really got me there C.Don’t get me wrong D.Don’t beat around the bush

2.—Why?This is simply a common bike!

— sir.It’s our special offer today. A.Don’t mention it B.Let me see C.So it is D.Neither do I

3.—Hi,Mike! We’re going biking along the beach this weekend. — .I love being bathed in the sunshine. A.By all means B.Count me in C.Go ahead D.With pleasure 4.—So you gave Mary your dictionary?

— .She said she’d return it to me when she could afford her own. A.You bet B.My pleasure C.No doubt D.Not exactly

5.—Miss Miller,this is Ruben Holmen calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you.

— ,why don’t we say next Monday at 11:30 a.m.? A.It depends B.All right then


C.How come D.With pleasure

6.—Well,my daughters take great interest in most of the food on the menu. —Thanks. ?

—Salad,fried fish,chips and orange juice,please. A.Shall I take your order B.At your service C.What to follow D.Can I help you 7.—Are you cleaning my room,Serena?

— . I can’t bear seeing your room in a mess! A. You are clever B.Not at all C.I can’t help it D.No chance

8.—Dear,the skirt I received today is not the same as is shown online. — ? But I promise you that we’ll 1ook into it right away. A.Who says B.How come C.What for D.Why worry

9.—Don’t forget to return the book in two weeks. — .Don’t worry about it. A.Yes,I will B.No,I won’t C.Sorry,I don’t D.I don’t think so

10.—Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here. — ,as a matter of fact. A.Go ahead B.Yes,my pleasure C.Yes,I do D.Come on

题型二 阅读理解

Passage 1(2017·广东,A)

In my town,people like to give smile cards to those who have received help.And the receivers continue to help others.With those cards,people enjoy helping and being helped.

I got some smile cards and used three of them just yesterday!

I used the first smile card when I was getting my dogs some food in a pet store.A man walked up to look at collars(项圈),looking puzzled.He asked me if I knew anything about dogs and

collars,which actually I was quite familiar with I helped him choose one.I hoped it would work for his dog.When he said thanks,I handed him a smile card.He smiled and said he would help someone as soon as possible.

That was amazing!Then in a supermarket,when I was paying the bill,a grandma was trying to get her granddaughter out of a basket.I offered to help her,and she said“Yes,please.”Later she told me that she had just had an operation and couldn’t lift things very well.After getting the baby girl out,I handed her my second smile card.

Then I paid for someone’s food in a small restaurant and left behind the third smile card. I felt very happy yesterday.It was great to help others and leave behind smile cards.I believe that more and more people will get happiness from receiving and giving smile cards. 1.How can a person get smile cards? A.From stores. B.By receiving help. C.From friends. D.By offering help. 2.The author went to a pet store to .


A.buy dog food B.buy a dog C.sell cards D.play cards 3.The grandma could not lift her granddaughter well after . A.hard work B.much talk C.an operation D.a long walk 4.Where did the author use the third smile card? A.In a pet store. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant. D.In a hospital.

Passage 2(2017·广东,B)

People love Shakespeare’s vocabulary and creativity.He used more than 15,000 words in his writings!But the Bible’s Old Testament(圣经旧约)only contains 5,642 words,Shakespeare also invented many new terms and phrases.

If someone’s behavior suggested they were not honest and should not be

trusted,Shakespeare called them suspicious.If someone was silly and perhaps looked like a fool,Shakespeare found their actions laughable.And for those who offered their opinions on

something’s quality.Shakespeare called them critics(评论家).Today,for instance,food critics and film critics give their opinions on food and film.

The familiar phrase“break the ice”comes from Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the

Shrew.The “ice is broken”when people in a group,who have never met before,begin to talk to each other by doing some activities.More common words were first used by Shakespeare including “road”“gossip”“lonely”“bump”and“hurry” .

Four hundred years after his death,Shakespeare surely lives on,in everyday speech,as the most famous writer of all time!

1.Shakespeare’s writings contain . A.over 15,000 words B.less than 15,000 words C.only 5,642 words D.less than 5,642 words

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “suspicious”in Paragraph 2? A.meaningful B.doubtful C.thoughful D.powerful 3.Whose actions are considered laughable from Paragraph 2? A.Dishonest people’s B.Silly people’s. C.Food critics. D.Film critics. 4.According to Paragraph 3,the phrase“break the ice”comes from . A.a poem B.a film C.a novel D.a play 5.What may be the best title for the text? A.Famous Words in Shakespeare’s Plays. B.Shakespeare’s Influence on English. C.The Famous Writer—Shakespeare. D.Shakespeare’s Great Life.

Passage 3(2017·广东,C)

A young woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years.She regretted it immediately and would like to do anything to take the words back.What she had said hurt her friend so much that the woman herself also felt very painful.To make up what she had done,she went to an old wise man in the village and asked for advice.

The old man understood the young woman’s suffering.He knew he must help her.He knew he could never remove her pain,but he could teach.And he also knew the result would depend only on her character.


“Tonight,take your best feather pillows and put single feather on the doorstep of each house in the village before the sun rises,”he said.

The young woman hurried home to prepare for it,even though the feather pillows were very dear to her.All night long,she made her efforts alone in the cold.Finally it got light and she places the last feather on the step of the last house.Just as the sun rose,she returned to the old man.

“Now,”said the man,“go back and refill your pillows with the feathers you have put on the steps.Then everything will be as it was before.”

“You know that’s impossible!The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps!”The young woman was surprised.

“That’s true,”said the old man“Each of your words is like a feather in the wind.Once your words are spoken,no matter how much effort you make and how sincere you are,you can never return them to your mouth.Choose your words well and protect people you love from being hurt.” 1.The young woman suffered from .

A.her friend’s advice B.the old man’s advice C.what she had said D.what her friend had said 2.According to Paragraph 2,the old man .

A.could remove her pain B.knew a lot about her character

C.refused to teach her D.decided to help her learn something 3.When did the woman come back to the old man? A.At sunrise. B.At midnight. C.In the evening. D.In the afternoon. 4.After the woman came back to him,the old man advised het to . A.put the feathers back to the pillows B.make some new pillows C.take away the feathers D.find more feathers

5.What can we learn from the story? A.Taking one’s advice before doing. B.Thinking carefully before speaking. C.Asking for advice when you get hurt.

D.Talking to people when you have troubles.

题型三 完形填空

Passage 1(2017·广东)

When I was in high school,the future seemed vary far away.Now I’m 1 and I think about those days a lot,I 2 things that I should have done.I also remember things that benefited a lot.

I have only one 3 about the time.I spent in high school:I should have 4 more advanced classes.For example,I had the opportunity to take an advanced English class,but I 5 to take the regular class.I made that decision because I didn’t want to 6 too hard.I also wanted to 7 more time playing with my friends.Now I’m in college and have to take more English classes.I wish I had studied harder in high school!

I’m glad that I had an 8 to take part in after-class activities.I was member of the

football team.We practiced every day after school and had football 9 on weekends.We 10


won several matches!My 11 became my good friends.Now I know that after-class activities are 12 because we can learn about responsibility and teamwork.

Good and bad 13 are a part of everyone’s high school years.Is it possible to learn from these expenriences? I think it is because even the 14 ones help to prepare us for the 15 . 1.A.stronger B.healthier C.older D.richer 2.A.remember B.change C.do D.finish 3.A.joy B.habit C.fear D.regret 4.A.given B.taken C.prepared D.missed 5.A.decided B.learned C.forgot D.happened 6.A.study B.practice C.fight D.try 7.A.waste B.lose C.spend D.arrange 8.A.approach B.opportunity C.award D.excuse 9.A.meetings B.discussions C.matches D.speeches 10.A.yet B.forever C.still D.even 11.A.parents B.teachers C.workmates D.teammates 12.A.important B.useless C.boring D.colorful 13.A.games B.memories C.experiences D.records 14.A.same B.simple C.easy D.bad 15.A.world B.future C.work D.society

Passage 5(2015·浙江)

With fresh memories of my high school life,I started my college,hoping that everything would be going on smoothly.

1 ,my first day was marked with two mistakes. The first one I made was that I went to a wrong classroom—I should have attended a history class,but 2 in a biology class! I knew everybody would stare at 3 if I got up and left in the middle of the lecture,so I remained seated. I made the second mistake in the 4 ,where I stepped in a puddle of ketchup(一摊番茄酱),I dropped my food plate and fell to the ground. Feeling 5 ,I avoided going to the

dining-room for the following three 6 . On the fourth day when I felt that others must have 7 what had happened to me the other day,I went to the dining-room again. I was waiting in the food line 8 suddenly I heard a crash that sounded familiar. I looked up to find that another 9 student had met the same thing. I expected him to run out of the dining-room, 10 opposite to what I had done,he got up and seemed to feel 11 nothing had happened.

Finally,I came to realize that I had been taking myself far too seriously. Nobody cared whether I dropped a 12 , or whether I showed up in the wrong lecture. In college,it didn’t matter. This was my big 13 to do my own thing. Anyway, 14 was a wonderful experiment and the only time that one would be completely forgiven for any 15 . 1.A.Happily B.Generally C.Unfortunately D.Frequently 2.A.ended up B.came up C.stayed up D.hung up 3.A.me B.us C.him D.them 4.A.reading-room B.dining-room C.classroom D.bedroom 5.A.delighted B.excited C.hopeless D.ashamed 6.A.terms B.weeks C.months D.days


7.A.forgotten 8.A.after 9.A.rich 10.A.as 11.A.even if 12.A.cup 13.A.lesson 14.A.lecture 15.A.doubt

B.forgiven C.regretted B.although C.when B.poor C.lucky B.so C.but B.as if C.so that B.book C.class B.decision C.success B.lunch C.college B.mistake C.memory D.repeated D.because D.bad D.or

D.now that D.plate D.chance D.study D.dream

题型四 语法填空


Passage 1(2017·广东)

Lucy is the most creative person I know.At school,she 1 (creative)many interesing projects and won some prizes,so her parents were very 2 (pride)of her.Now Lucy works as a 3 (write)for a TV show.Together with her colleagues,she has to think of fresh ideas and come up with 4 (fun)dialogues for the actors on their show.It is not 5 easy job,but Lucy does it 6 (proper).Lucy is very curious.She likes to travel and meet new people 7 have their own opinions that are different 8 hers.She often keeps a notebook in 9 (she)bag and writes down what she sees and hears.I always enjoy 10 (talk)with her. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Passage 2(2016·广州)

Sea turtles are some of the oldest animals in the world.The 1 (early)sea turtle fossils ever found are over 200 million years old.Today, 2 ,sea turtles are in trouble.Their populations are getting smaller due to human activities and climate change.

In Australia,environmentalists are studying the effects of climate change on sea turtles.They believe global warming may affect sea turtles 3 several ways.First,warming temperatures lead to 4 (rise)sea levels.As sea levels rise,beach areas become 5 (flood).Sea turtles lay their eggs in the beach sand.Flooding can destroy sea turtle nests and the eggs inside them.

Global warming also 6 (increase)the temperature of sand around a sea turtle’s nest, 7 affects the sex of the turtle’s eggs.Warmer temperatures produce 8 (most) females.Cooler temperatures produce more males. 9 global temperatures rise,more female babies will be born.It 10 (predict)that in 50years almost all sea turtle babies in northern Australia will be female.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

题型五 书面表达






情景,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。 要求考生:1.能有效运用所学语言知识;





Writing 1(2016·广州)


Tour One

文化之旅(the Cultural Tour): 参观博物馆(visit the museums)

游著名大学(go to famous universities) 观看英语戏剧(watch English plays) Tour Two

探险之旅(the Adventure Tour): 登山(go mountain climbing) 森林徒步(go hiking in the forest) 游湖(take a boattrip on the lake) Tour Three

休闲之旅(the Leisure Tour): 海边散步(walk on the beach) 游泳(go swimming) 休闲购物(go shopping) 写作要求:

1.请选择其中一种旅行,向该机构写一篇文章,内容包括: (1)你在旅行中想做的事情(含所列三点内容并适当发挥); (2)说明这一旅行适合你的原因。

2.字数约120词。文章的开头与结尾已给出,不计入词数。(评分标准) 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。

My Travel Plan

If I am lucky enough to win the competition,I will choose the...

Writing 3




2.学习情况(介绍最喜欢的一门科目); 3.课余活动(如体育或艺术活动)。 注意:

1.词数100左右,不允许出现真实的姓名和地名; 2.邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数; 3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Tom,

It’s nice to make friends with you.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

