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Topic3 What class are you in? (B)





T opic3 What class are you in? (B)

T eaching aims and demands:

1.Learn how to identify singular objects in English.

2.Master the usage of indefinite articles “a” and“an”.

3.Learn the spelling of words.

4.Learn the expressions of appreciation and the responses. Main activities: 1a and 2a.

T eaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1.Chain drill. Review the sentence patterns in section a.

(1)First, ask and answer between the teacher and students.

(The teacher asks one student some questions.)

For example:

Teacher: Excuse me, what’s your name?

Student 1: My name is …

Teacher: Are you 15 years old?

Student 1: No, I’m not. I’m…

(The teacher points to another student.)

Teacher: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

Student 2: Yes, he is.

(2)The teacher asks students to do chain drill to practice the

sentence patterns, using one of the following sentence patterns. For example:

What’s your name?

How old are you?

What class are you in?

Where are you from?

Is he/she …years old?

Are you in Class…, G rade…?

Is he … (personal name)?

2.Take out an English book and introduce a new topic. Learn

and master the new words “a”, “book”, “an”, “English” and “eraser” and the phrase “in English”. For example:

Teacher: this is a book. This is an English book. What’s this in English? (Show an eraser.)

Students: (Lead to say “It’s an eraser.)

Write down the sentence patterns of “What’s this in English?”

and “It’s an eraser.” on the blackboard.

Step 2 Presentation

1.The teacher holds an object or a picture such as: a pencil, a

book, a desk, a ruler, an apple, an orange, etc.

Teacher: What’s this in English?

(Help the students answer)

Student: It’s a/an…

Teacher: How do you spell it?

And spell the word with the students. Then put the object far away and ask:

Teacher: What’s that in English?

Student: …

Make a dialog like the example above.

2. The teacher points at an object or a picture such as: an

apple, an orange, a car model, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a book, a desk or the blackboard, to make a dialog and learn the new words.

Teacher: What’s this / that in English?

(Help the students answer)

Students: It’s a car / pen / pencil / ruler / desk / book / blackboard.

It’s an apple / orange / eraser.

Teacher: How do you spell it?

Spell the new words with the students.

Present the new words:

3. Explain the usage of a / an.

“a” is used before singular countable nouns which begin with consonant phonemes. “an”is used before singular countable nouns which begin with vowel phonemes.

4. Learn 1a.

(1) Listen to 1a and pay attention to the pronunciation and


(2) Read 1a aloud in roles. Pick several groups to perform,

and encourage them with applause.

Step 3 Consolidation

Use objects or pictures to practice 1a in pairs. For example: Student 1: Excuse me, what’s this/that in English?

Student 2: It’s a/an...

Student 1: How do you spell it? /Can you spell it, please? Student 2: …

Student 1: Thanks. /Thank you.

Student 2: You’re welcome. /That’s OK.

Step 4 Practice

1.Pair work: Look at the picture and complete 1b. Then ask the

students to practice the dialog in pairs.

2.Pair work: Learn the sentence pattern: Is this / that a / an…?

The teacher puts some objects or some pictures on the desk such as: a car, a book, an orange, an apple, an eraser, etc. Ask two students to the front. One student picks out an object and asks the other one.

Student 1: Is this / that a car?

Student 2: Yes, it is. Or: No, it isn’t. It’s a/an…

Step 5 Project

Have a class activity. Touch and guess things with eyes covered by a piece of cloth. Use the sentence patterns of identifying objects. Make sure students can master the sentence patterns of identifying objects.

For example:

Student 1: What’s this in English?

Student 2: Is this/that/it a/an…? (Touch the object.)

Student 1: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. It’s a/an…

(Applaud the student for guessing correctly in the shortest time.) 课后反思



