牛津英语七年级上Unit1--Unit 10词组统编

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Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing

1.get a letter from 收到…来信

receive a letter from

hear form

2.a trip to Beijing 去北京的一次旅程

3.live in Beijing 住在北京

4.invite somebody to do something 邀请某人做某事

5.invite us to stay with his family 邀请我们和他的家人住一起

6.send somebody something 寄给某人某物

=send something to somebody 将某物寄给某人

7.send us a photograph 寄给我们一张照片

8.travel to Beijing by plane 乘飞机去北京旅行

9.be very expensive 非常昂贵

10.be cheaper and more interesting 更便宜并更有趣

11.go ...by train = take a train 乘火车

12.talk to somebody 和某人交谈

13.talk to Mum and Kitty 和妈妈和凯蒂商量一下

14.get some brochures form the travel agent从旅游代理人处拿一些资料册

15.would like to do something 想要做某事

=want to do something

16.how long 多久

17.it takes somebody some time to do sth. 某人花费一段时间做了某事

18.two and a half hours 两个半小时

19.talk about something 谈论某事

20.on 16 August 在8月16日

21.in early August 在八月上旬

22.in late August 在八月下旬

23.at the end of August 在八月底

24.for two weeks 两周

25.get there 到达那儿

=arrive there

=reach there

26.be slower than 比…慢

27.too slow 太慢

28.take somebody to some place 带领某人去某地

29.find some information 发现一些信息

30.north of Beijing 在北京的北面

=in the north of Beijing

31.arrive in Beijing 到达北京

32.the Summer Palace 颐和园


33.a lot of old buildings and temples 古老的建筑和寺庙

34.see swans swimming on the lake 见到天鹅在湖面上游泳

35.a long wall with towers 拥有塔台的长墙

36.a long time ago 很久以前

37.build …with bricks and stones 用石头和砖建造它

38.the Great wall 长城

39.Tian'an men Square 天安门广场

40.in the centre of Beijing 位于北京

41.a huge open area 一个巨大的开放型区域

42.hold more than one million people 容纳100多万人

43.see somebody doing something 看见某人正做某事

44.see soldiers raising the flag 看见士兵们正在升国旗

45.the Chinese national flag 中国国旗

46.a place with many ancient buildings 一个拥有许多古建筑的地方

47.the history of China 中国历史

48.different places of interest 不同地方的名胜

49.which place 哪个地方

50.Lucy's holiday plan Lucy的假期计划

http://www.77cn.com.cne back from Shanghai 从上海回来

52.write a letter to … 给…写一封信

53.have a wonderful time 过的很愉快

Unit2 Our animal friends

1. at the SPCA 在爱护动物协会

2. an SPCA officer 一名爱护动物协会的工作人员

3. leave puppies in the street 把小狗遗弃在街上

4. be hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴

5. have no food or water 没有吃的,也没有水

6. take puppies to the SPCA 把小狗带回爱护动物协会

7. keep one as your pet 养一条(小狗)作为宠物

8. prefer the yellow and brown one 更喜欢那条棕黄色的小狗

9. take care of puppies 照顾小狗

10. Special dog food for puppies 特殊狗粮

11. a bowl of water 一碗水

12. hold a puppy carefully 紧紧地抱住小狗

13. take a puppy to the countryside 带小狗去乡下

14. play with a puppy 和小狗一起玩

15. keep a puppy warm 使小狗温暖

16. hard dog biscuits 硬的狗饼干

17. give them a booklet to read 给他们一本小册子去看


18. a basket to sleep in 一个睡觉用的篮子

19. take ... for a walk 带。。。去散步

20. every year 每年

21. be unkind to sb. 对。。。不友善

22. save... from 保护....免受

23. promise to do something 承诺做某事

24. promise not to do something 承诺不做某事

25. the vets in the clinics 在诊所里的兽医们

26. many years ago 许多年前

27. live with dogs in caves 和狗一起住在山洞里

28. guard the caves 保卫山洞

29. keep people safe from danger 保护人们免遭危险

30. help blind people cross the road safely 帮助盲人安全过马路

31. help people hunt animals for food 帮助人们猎取动物为食

32. guard our homes 守卫我们的家

33. in many different ways 在许多不同的方面

34. help the police catch thieves 帮警方抓小偷

35. find missing people 寻找失踪人口

36. help farmers on their farms 在农场里帮助农夫

37. should be kind to dogs 应该善待狗

38. take care of dogs with love 用爱照顾好狗

Unit 3 Friends from other countries

1. a crowded city 一个拥挤的城市

2. over six million people 超过六百万人口

= more than six million people

3. most of them = most of the people 他们中的大多数

4. foreigners in Garden City 在花园城市的外国人

5. friends from other countries 来自其他国家的朋友们

6. call them Canadians 称呼他们加拿大人

7. Twenty -eight thousand nine hundred and forty Canadians 28947个加拿大人

8. visit countries near China 访问那些离中国近的国家

9. visit countries far away from China 访问哪些离中国远的国家

10. read about them in magazines and newspapers通过阅读杂志和报纸来了解

11.have read about India 读到过印度

12. penfriends from different countries 来自不同国家的笔友

13.write to a penfriend 写信给笔友

14. in another country 在别的国家

15. know about 了解

16. would like to know her age and interests 想要知道她的年龄和兴趣爱好


17. favourite food 最喜欢的食物

18. favourite drinks 最喜欢的饮料

19. favourite subjects at school 在校最喜欢的学科

20. family members 家庭成员

21. a boy from Canada 一名来自加拿大的男孩

22. send your name to my school 把你的名字寄给我的学校

23. would like to be your penfriend 想成为你的笔友

24. like riding my bicycle 喜欢骑我的自行车

25. like playing badminton 喜欢打羽毛球

26. like watching TV 喜欢看电视

27. a photo of my family 一张我家人的照片

28. tell me about yourself 告诉我关于你自己的情况

29. a photo of myself 我自己的一张照片

Unit 4 Jobs people do

1. people’s job 人们的工作

2. live in the same block of flats as Ben 和本住在同一栋公寓楼里

3. have different jobs 有不同的工作

4. work in a hospital 在医院工作

5. make sick people better 使病人康复

6. an architect 一名建筑师

7. work for a construction company 为一家建筑公司效力

8. draw plans of buildings 绘制大楼的平面图

9. a secretary 一名秘书

10. work in an office 在一间办公室工作

11. type letters 打信件

12. a removal man 一名搬运工

13. work for a removal company 为一家搬运公司效力

14. move furniture to new flats 往新公寓搬家具

15. wear a uniform at work 在上班时穿制服

16. an ambulance worker 救护工人

17. put out fires 灭火

18. rescue people 救人

19. look after sick people 照顾病人

20 take care of animals 照顾动物

21. drive an ambulance 驾驶急救车

22. deliver letters and parcels 投递信件和包裹

23. Kitty’s neighbour 凯蒂的邻居

24. meet in the lift 在电梯里碰到了

25. go to work 去上班


26. work in an office 在一间办公室里上班

27. in the city centre 在市中心

28. answer the phone 接电话

29. go to meetings with my manager 和经理一起出席会议

30. take notes 记笔记

31. do many different things 做许多不同的事情

32. enjoy working with all the people 喜欢和所有的人合作

33. an accident 一起交通事故

34. knock him down 撞倒他

35. catch fire 着火

36. both Ben and the motorcyclist were hurt 本和摩托车手都受伤了

37. run away 逃跑

38. have a broken arm 手臂骨折

39. call a fire engine 打电话叫一辆消防车

40. arrive at the scene of the accident 到达事故现场

41. stop the traffic 阻断交通

42. take care of them immediately 立刻照顾他们

43. take him home 送他回家

44. walk with Sam in the street 和山姆一起走在街上

45. on his way to school 在他上学的路上

46. see the street cleaners cleaning the streets 看见清洁工在清扫街道

47. sweep the streets 扫街道

48. collect rubbish 收集垃圾

49. empty the rubbish bins 清空垃圾桶

50. have/has a bakery 拥有一家面包房

51. bake bread and cakes 烘焙面包和蛋糕

52. start work early 很早开始工作

53. open his shop early 很早开店

54. buy bread and cakes 买面包和蛋糕

55. sell newspapers 卖报纸

56. buy newspapers from her 从她那里买报纸

57. sell flowers 卖花

58. go to the flower market early 很早去花市

59. both …and … …两者都

e.g. Both mother and baby are doing well. (母子平安)

(反义词) neither…nor …两者都不

e.g. Neither my mother nor my father is a teacher.

Unit5 Choosing a new flat

1. be very untidy 很不整洁


2. tidy up your bedroom 整理你的房间

3. be too small for all my things 太小了,装不下我所有的东西

4. need more shelves and wardrobes 需要更多的书架和衣柜

5. need a table for my computer 需要一张桌子放我的电脑

6 need a bigger room for my things 需要一间更大的房间放我的东西

7 need a bigger flat 需要一套更大的公寓

8 much bigger 大多了

9 has/have enough space 有足够的空间

10 choose a new flat 选择一套新公寓

11. is too small for us 对我们来说太小了

12. look for a bigger flat 寻找一套更大的公寓

13. a flat with three bedrooms 一套有三个卧室的公寓

14. a flat with a balcony 一套有一个阳台的公寓

15. a bedroom with a big window 一间又一扇大窗户的卧室

16. would like to live in the suburbs 想要住在郊外

17. would like to live far away from busy roads 想要住得离繁忙的街道远一些

18. would like to live near an underground station 想要住得离地铁站近一些

19. go to the estate agency 去房产中介

20. at the estate agency 在房产中介处

21. move to their new flat 搬去他们的新公寓

22. his helpers 他的助手们

23. near my bedroom 在我房间的附近

24. next to the sofa 靠近沙发

25. opposite the sofa 在沙发对面

26. between the TV set and the sofa 在电视机和沙发的中间

27. on the rug 在地毯上

28. in front of the sofa 在沙发的前面

29. Sunshine Shopping Centre 阳光购物中心

30. a big room with one big window 一间有大窗户的房间

31. a beautiful rug on the floor 地毯的一张美丽的地毯

32. two funny pictures on the wall 墙上的两张有趣的图片

33 far away from her school 离她的学校远

Unit6 Different places

1. like living in the suburbs 喜欢住在郊区

2. be quiet and peaceful 安静而祥和

3. in the north of the map 位于地图的北部

4. take a bus / by bus 坐公交车

5. take the underground/ by underground 坐地铁

6. be convenient to go shopping 方便购物


7. once a week 每周一次

8. tell us about your new neighbourhood 给我们讲讲你们的新小区

9. a lot of traffic 交通繁忙

10. not much traffic 交通不繁忙

11. at the bottom of some steep steps 在陡峭的阶梯的底部

12. be pleasant and relaxing 令人愉悦放松的

13. be exciting and noisy 令人兴奋吵闹的

14. get up early 早起床

15. get up late 晚起床

16. have barbecues at weekends 周末烧烤

17. go to a restaurant for dinner 去饭店吃晚饭

18. take Sam to the beach 带Sam去沙滩

19. take Sam to the park 带Sam去公园

20. watch stars at night 晚上看星星

21. watch TV at night 晚上看电视

22. read story books at home 在家看故事书

23. read story books in the library 图书馆看故事书

24. go to school by underground 坐地铁上学

25. walk to school/ go to school on foot 步行上学

26. wear warm clothes and gloves 穿厚衣服和戴手套

27. make nests in the trees 在树上筑窝

28. swim in the swimming pool 在游泳池里有用

29. the first picture 第一张图片

30. the second picture 第二张图片

31. the third picture 第三张图片

32. the fourth picture 第四张图片

Unit7 Signs around us

1. signs around us 我们身边的标志

2. signs and rules 标志和规则

3. turn left 左转

4. a direction sign 指向标志

5. an information sign 信息标志

6. a warning sign 警告标志

7. What does this sign mean? 这个标志是什么意思?

8. an instruction sign 说明标志

10. many different signs 许多不同的标志

11. must do something 必须做某事

12. must not do something 禁止做某事

13. This sign tells us... 这个标志告诉我们......


http://www.77cn.com.cne the telephone for help 用电话求救

http://www.77cn.com.cneful information 有用的信息

16.park cars / stop cars 停车

17.ride bicycles 骑自行车

18.go camping 去露营

19.wash these clothes in warm water 在温水里洗衣服

20.pick the flowers 摘花

21.go out 出去

22.keep quiet 保持安静

23.can do something 能做某事

24. take turns 依次;轮流

25. What do they mean? 他们的意思是什么?

26.miss a turn 轮空一次

27. Good luck! 祝你好运

http://www.77cn.com.cnnd on a sign 落在一个标志上

29. roll the dice 掷骰子

30. two or more players 两个或更多的参赛选手

31. all the other players 所有其他的参赛选手

32.go first 先行

33.win the game 赢得比赛

34.hike in the countryside 在郊区徒步旅行

35. go back to two 返回到4

36. go to nine 前进至9

37. fall to four 下落至4

38. climb to eleven 爬升到11

Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong

1. spend their weekend 度他们的周末

2. at Health Camp 在健康度假营

3. go swimming in the swimming pool 去游泳池游泳

4. play badminton 打羽毛球

5. read magazines in the reading room 阅览室阅读杂志

6. watch DVDs in the hall 到大厅看影碟

7. Sth. be exciting and interesting 某件事刺激而有趣 Sb. be exciting at sth. 某人觉得某事很刺激

8. that’s a good idea 好主意

9. so do(will / did / have / am) I 我也是

10. neither does(will / did / has / am/is) he 他也不

11. plan some activities for an outing 为外出游玩计划一些活动项目

12. to be a healthy child 成为一名健康的孩子


13. an information sheet from the camp 一张来自度假营的信息资料

14. want to stay/keep healthy 要保持健康

15. go to bed early 早睡

16. should exercise regularly 应该有规律的运动

17. eat a lot of healthy food 吃大量的健康食物

18. at least eight glasses of water 至少八杯水

19. should not eat too much sweet food 不应该吃太多的甜食

20. should not drink too many soft drinks 不应该喝太多软饮料

21. good habits 好习惯

22. bad habits 坏习惯

23. have a sore throat 嗓子疼

24. have (a) toothache 牙疼

25. have a stomach ache 胃疼

26. last Sunday 上个星期天

27. three packets of crisps 三袋薯片

28. four bars of chocolate 四条巧克力

29. three bottles of lemonade 三瓶柠檬味汽水

30. get up early 早起

31. make a poster 制作一张海报

32. two glasses of water 两杯水

33. two boxes of ice cream 两盒冰激淋

34. eat a lot of fried food 吃大量的油炸食物

35. watch too much TV 看太多电视

36. eat too many crisps 吃太多薯片

37. do not eat enough fruit and vegetables 水果和蔬菜吃得不够

38. do not drink enough water 水喝得不够

39. should eat more fruit and vegetables 应该吃多一些的水果和蔬菜

40. should watch less TV 应该少看电视

41. should eat fewer hamburgers 应该少吃汉堡

42. change his bad habits 改变他的坏习惯

43. used to smoke 过去(常常)吸烟

44. don’t/ doesn’t smoke any longer 不再抽烟

45. do/does a lot of exercise 做很多锻炼

46. used to watch a lot of TV any longer 过去(常常)看很长时间电视

47. don’t/doesn’t watch too much TV 不再看很长时间电视

48. study hard 努力学习

49. used to drink a lot of soft drinks 过去(常常)喝很多软饮料

50. don’t/doesn’t drink too many soft drinks any longer 不再喝很多软饮料

51. drink a lot of water 喝大量的水

52. used to go to bed late 过去(常常)很晚睡


53. don’t/doesn’t go to bed late any longer 不再很晚睡

54. be / get used to sth. 习惯了某事 be / get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 I am used to the weather in Shanghai. 我已经习惯了上海的天气。 He is used to living in Guangdong. 他已经习惯住在上海。

U9 International food festival

1. 国际食品节 International Food Festival

2. 不同种类的食物 different kinds of food

3. 需要钱 need money

4. 照顾无家可归的动物 take care of homeless animals

5. 来自世界上不同国家的食物 food from different countries

6. 为SPCA筹钱 raise money for the SPCA

7. 会很有趣 will be fun

8. 请求/要求人做某事 ask sb to sth

9. 将要做某事be going to do = will do

10. 中国食物 Chinese food

11. 英国食物 English food

12. 泰国食物 Thai food

13. 美国食物American food

14. 粽子 rice dumpling

15. 月饼 moon cake

16. 八宝饭 Chinese rice pudding

17. 汉堡包 hamburger

18. 热狗 hot dog

19. 果派 pie

20. 葡萄干烤饼 raisin scone

21. 炸鱼薯条fish and chip

22. 菠萝炒饭 pineapple fried rice

23. 虾饼prawn cake

24. 最爱的/最喜欢的 like best

25. 猫是我最喜欢的动物My favourite animal is cat.

26. 我最喜欢猫l like cats best.

27. 要求/请求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth

28. 想要做某事 want to do =would like to do

29. 怎样做热狗how to make hot dogs

30. 向某人展示某物show sb sth

31. 混合50克黄油 mix 50 grams

32. 一点点盐 a little salt

33. 一点点糖 a little sugar


34. 150毫升牛奶150 millilitres of milk

35. 把混合物做成生面团make the mixture into a dough

36. 把它们放在烤盘上 put them on a baking tray

37. 在烤箱里in an oven

38. 持续15分钟 for 15 minutes

39. 当然可以 of course

40. 在200度(的高温)at 200°C

41. 一些葡萄干some raisins

42. 一些面粉 some self- raising flour

43. 倒入 pour ... into ...

44. 在模型上撒上面粉 sprinkle the shapes with flour

45.在国际食品节上at the International Food Festival

46. 一盘鱼和薯条a plate of fish and chips

47. 一碗菠萝炒饭 a bowl of pineapple fried rice

48. 每个5角 5 jiao / each

49. 每盘2元4角 2 yuan and 4 jiao / plate

50. 每碗6元8角6 yuan and 8 jiao / bowl

51. 想要做某事 want to do =would like to do

U10 A birthday Party

1. 为某事做准备 prepare for

2. 生日派对 a birthday party

3. 在周六的下午 on Saturday afternoon

4. 在我的公寓 at my flat

5. 计划一个派对plan a party

6. 将要做某事 be going to do=will do

7. 到时见 see you then

8. 祝你们聚会玩得开心Have a great party!

9. 真可惜!What a pity

10. 听起来很棒!It sounds great

11. 唱卡拉OK sing karaoke

12. 下象棋 play chess

13. 你周日下午2点钟有空吗?Are you free on Saturday at two o'clock in the afternoon?

14. 我向本说生日快乐。Say ' Happy Birthday ' to Ben for me

14. 期待 look forward to doing / n.

15. 有一些事情做 have got something to do

16. 巧克力粉 chocolate powder

17. 冰糖 icing sugar

18. 打两个鸡蛋 beat two eggs


19. 混合起来 mix together

20. 添加…到…里面 add…to…

21. 搅拌混合物 stir the mixture

22. 倒入 pour … into

23. 等待 wait for

24. 在…顶部 on the top of

25. 购物单 a shopping list

26. 为聚会购物 shopping for the party

27. 在周一上午 on Monday morning

28. 在聚会上 at the party

29. 宁愿做某事 would rather do

30. 我们吃些坚果好吗?

Shall we have some nuts?

Let’s have some nuts.

Why not have some nuts?

Why don’t you have some nuts?

How about having some nuts?

What about having some nuts?

31. 想要做某事would like to do =want to do

32.在超市at the supermarket

33. 为派对装饰公寓 decorate the flat for the party

34. 把蜡烛放在蛋糕上put candles on the cake

35. 买一些火柴buy some matches

36. 上周六last Saturday

37. 告诉某人关于某事tell sb about sth

38. 为某人举行生日派对prepare for sb’s birthday party

39. 给某人礼物 give sb present

40. 我给本的礼物my present to Ben

41. 教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth

42. 在派对上很开心 enjoy the party

43. 尽快回信。write soon

44. 所以 so

