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授课 2.26 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 10 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students are interested in the topic, so they learn the dialogues attentively. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) went shopping (2) tell him about a beautiful cotton dress (3) Forty pounds (4) came back from work (5) continued to speak only about the dress (6) at last (7) Here is the money (8) in the window of the shop III. Recite the dialogues. One day Mrs. Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress. \in a shop this morning,\ \ \ \But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back from work, his wife continued to speak only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, \ But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked, \you got the famous dress?\ \ \nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either.\ IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 3.5 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 10 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students have mastered the important points in the dialogues. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) on her way to (2) a little better (3) catch a No. 7 bus (4) run much more frequently (5) get a No. 13 (6) You’ll have to walk III. Recite the dialogues. Jane Foster has just met Henry Taylor. Jane is on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan Green. HENRY: Where are you going, Jane? JANE: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan Green.

HENRY: I saw her yesterday. She was a little better. JANE: Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there? HENRY: No, you needn't. A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital. JANE: Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they? HENRY: Yes. I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and I had to wait for half an hour at the bus stop. JANE: Thank you, Henry. I'll get a No. 13. HENRY: But number 13 buses leave from the centre of town. You'll have to walk two miles to catch one. IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 3.12 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 11 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students are familiar with the topic, so they learn easily. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) to get on a bus and go to Conway (2) when they heard this (3) has anybody got any questions (4) and then they came back and went home (5) The stupid people built it too near the railway III. Recite the dialogues. Dave's class at school were studying English history, and one day their teacher said to them, \and go to Conway. There's a beautiful castle there, and we're going to visit it.\\ \ \ \ \ On Friday the boys came to school at 9 o'clock and got into the bus. They visited Conway Castle, and then they came back and went home. \when he got home, \the castle,. Dave?\\the railway.\ IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 3.19 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 11 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The dialogue becomes not so easy for the students to understand. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) to leave school and start work (2) veterinary surgeon (3) Good gracious III. Recite the dialogues. Robert and Peter are talking about the end of the school term. Robert is going to leave school and start work, but Peter is going to stay at school. PETER: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term? OBERT: Yes, I am. PETER: What are you going to do? OBERT: I'm going to be a clerk. PETER: What does a clerk do? OBERT: He works in an office. He writes letters and reports , and he types. PETER: I want to be a vet. OBERT: A-what? PETER: A vet-a veterinary surgeon. OBERT: Good gracious! What's that? PETER: A vet's a man who takes care of sick animals. He's an animal doctor. OBERT: I once read a story about a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting. IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 3.26 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 12 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students pay special attention to the learning of the dialogues. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) touched (2) wet paint (3) mustn’t (4) in future (5) careless (6) walked across (7) that wet cement (8) workmen (9) oughtn’t (10) (11) (12) to leave it without a notice asked them not to do so here they come (13) (14) have forgotten about put up III. Recite the dialogues. Bill Lane has just touched some wet paint. MR FIELD: You mustn't touch the wet paint, Bill. BILL: I'm sorry. I won't do it again. MR FIELD: Try to be more careful in future. BILL: I shall. I wasn't as careless as John Sampson. He walked across that wet cement over there. MR FIELD: The workmen oughtn't to leave it without a notice. BILL: The headmaster asked them not to do so. MR FIELD: Then why isn't there a notice? BILL: They went to their stores to get one. Here they come with it now! MR FIELD: But look at them! They've forgotten about the wet cement and they're walking across it to put up the notice! IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 4.2 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 12 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students take part in the activity and make self-introduction授课执行情况及分析:The students are familiar with the topic, so they learn easily. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) at five feet six inches (2) in the sixth grade (3) worried about (4) all the time (5) in school and at home (6) to stand up straight (7) tall and slim (8) were making fun of her (9) behind her back (10) (11) (12) all this changed coach the youth club (13) (14) (15) (16) to play center on their basketball team valuable She was someone special III. Recite the dialogues. At five feet six inches, Rosa was taller than every other student in the sixth grade. She worried about this all the time, in school and at home. Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim. \This made Rosa happier, but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back. One day, all this changed when Mr. Ransom, the coach from the youth club, asked Rosa to play center on their basketball team. He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center. Now, she really was proud to be tall. She was someone special. IV. Role-play. V. Homework. 江苏省技工院校 教案首页

授课 4.9 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 13 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students are interested in the topic, so they learn the dialogues attentively. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) bad for his teeth (2) make the old man happy (3) a few days before John’s seventh birthday (4) he was saying his prayers (5) give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday (6) she heard the small boy shouting (7) God can hear you when you talk quietly (8) answered the clever boy with a smile III. Recite the dialogues. John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice

grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy. One evening, a few days before John's seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom before he went to bed. \God,\he shouted, \Saturday.\ His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly. \when you talk quietly.\ \the next room, and he can't.\ IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 4.16 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 13 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students can learn the dialogues easily. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) Edinburgh (2) the rest of the Festival (3) went to a pub for a final drink (4) left a message for Malc (5) THE WHITE HORSE (6) He was feeling very pleased with himself (7) fantastic (8) win that competition (9) four pints of best bitter (10) (11) two lagers an lime you’re too young to buy alcohol III. Recite the dialogues. Later that day, Steve told the group that he had decided to go back to Edinburgh. \want to see the rest of the Festival,\he explained. That evening, they all went to a pub for a final drink with Steve. They left a message for Malc: GONE TO THE WHITE HORSE. SEE YOU THERE! Malc arrived back quite late. He went round to the pub immediately. He was feeling very pleased with himself. BILL: How did it go, then? MALC: Oh, fantastic! I took some really good photographs. I'm sure I shall win that competition. LISE: Well, you'd better buy us all a drink, then! MALC: Yes... What would you all like? (Malc goes to the bar) I'd like four pints of best bitter... oh, and two lagers and lime. BARMAN: ... Oh, excuse me, sir. How old are you? MALC: Sixteen. Why? BARMAN: Well, I'm afraid you're too young to buy alcohol. You have to be eighteen, you know. IV. Role-play. V. Homework. 江苏省技工院校 教案首页

授课 4.23 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 14 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students have little difficulty in understanding the dialogues. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) was very angry with (2) for several days (3) did not speak to each other (4) was very tired (5) came back from work (6) went to bed soon after dinner (7) the dinner things (8) did some sewing (9) she went up to bed much later than her husband (10) (11) (12) On it were the words wake me up at 7 a.m. it was nearly 8 a.m. (13) read these words III. Recite the dialogues. Mr. Jones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husband. For several days they did not speak to each other at a11. One evening Mr. Jones was very tired when he came back from work, so he went to bed soon after dinner. Of course, he did not say anything to Mrs. Jones before he went upstairs. Mrs. Jones washed the dinner things and then did some sewing. When she went up to bed much later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words, \–Wake me up at 7 a. m. –Father.\ When Mr. Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 a. m. –and on the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words: \–Wake up. It is 7 a. m. –Mother. \ IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 4.30 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 14 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students can finish the exercises by themselves. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) ought to (2) It’s his turn (3) You always clean it after Mark (4) in that case (5) lazy people (6) the day after tomorrow (7) You ought to be ashamed (8) enjoy working III. Recite the dialogues. John, Peter and Mark are brothers. Their father has a new car, and they clean it for him. It has just rained, and the car is very dirty. John is looking at it, and he is talking to Peter. JOHN: The car hasn't been cleaned for a few days. PETERL: No, it hasn't. It's very dirty. JOHN: Someone ought to clean it today. PETER: Mark should clean it. It's his turn. JOHN: No, he cleaned it last time. It's your turn. PETER: No, it isn't. You always clean it after Mark. JOHN: Oh dear, is it really my turn? In that case, I'll clean tomorrow. PETER: Clean it now. Only lazy people say they'll work tomorrow. JOHN: Then I'll clean it the day after tomorrow. PETER: You are lazy. You ought to be ashamed. You should enjoy working. IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 5.7 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 15 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students pay special attention to the learning of the announcement. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) Let’s = let us (2) postman (3) a letter from Mrs. Miller’s brother (4) festivities (5) offers to go shopping (6) go to the door (7) I hear the bell (8) mailman (9) by car (10) (11) (12) from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth calendar Is he coming alone (13) (14) (15) (16) cousin Are they going to stay here with us if you like prepare the list III. Recite the dialogues. Let's now visit Mary Miller. Mary and her mother are happy today. The postman has brought a letter from Mrs. Miller's brother. He's coming to visit the Millers with his family. Mary and Mrs. Miller have to plan meals and festivities. Mary offers to go shopping to help her mother. MRS MILLER: Mary, please go to the door. I hear the bell. MARY: It's the mailman, Mother. Here's a letter from Uncle George. MRS MILLER: Give it to me ... How wonderful! He's coming to visit us. MARY: When's he coming? MRS MILLER: He's coming by car on the twenty-fourth. He's staying from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth. MARY: Let me look at the calendar. Good! The twenty-fourth is a Saturday. Is he coming alone? MRS MILLER: No, he's coming with Aunt Cynthia and the girls. MARY: Mother, I don't remember the girls. How old are they? MRs MILLER: Your cousin Fay is fifteen. Rosemary is older than Fay. She's seventeen. MARY: Are they going to stay here with us? MRS MILLER: Of course. The girls can stay in your room with you. MARY: Mother, may we have a party? MRs MILLER: If you like, but now we have to think about meals and many other things. MARY: Prepare the list, Mother. I can go shopping. I can go to the small stores. Everyone knows me there. IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 5.14 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 15 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students can master the important points in the dialogues. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) left school (2) to learn to type (3) passed her examinations quite well (4) look for work (5) typists (6) at that time (7) offices (8) to go by bus (9) but what will you pay me (10) (11) (12) pay you 27 pounds 30 pounds after three months thought for a few seconds (13) I’ll start in the three months’ time III. Recite the dialogues. Rose left school when she was seventeen and went to a college for a year to learn to type. She passed her examinations quite well and then went to look for work. She was still living with her parents. A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, so it was not difficult to find interesting work. Rose went to several offices, and then chose one of them. It was near her parents' house. She thought, \there every morning. I won't need to go by bus.\ She went to the office again and said to the manager, \here, but what will you pay me?\ \pay you 27 pounds now,\the manager answered, \30 pounds after three months.\ Rose thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said, \ IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

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授课 5.21 日期 班级 12客 课题: Lesson 16 教学目的要求:1. Pick out useful words and expressions from the dialogues.

2. Read the dialogues, until recite.

教学重点、难点:1. Recite the dialogues. 2. Role-play. 授课方法:Teaching and exercises. 授课执行情况及分析:The students take part in the activity and make self-introduction actively. 板书设计或授课提纲

Warm-up activities: 5’ New lesson: 40’ Recite: 20’ Role-play: 10’ Homework: 5’


I. Warm-up activities. 1. Ask one student to be on duty. 2. Review and check. II. New lesson. Learn professional words and expressions (1) across the street (2) The Charcoal Pit (3) One thing she could do was revise her menu (4) hamburger (5) omelets and casseroles (6) the décor of her restaurant was dated (7) redecorate (8) to consult an interior decorator (9) A face-lift for Burger Haven would certainly lift her spirits III. Recite the dialogues. Erika was worried. Her restaurant was losing customers. The new restaurant across the street now had more customers than she did. She had even seen some of her own customers going to eat at The Charcoal Pit. What was she going to do? One thing she could do was revise her menu. Maybe not everyone wanted hamburgers. She might add omelets and casseroles. The menu might help. Perhaps the decor of her restaurant was dated. She could redecorate the place. Erika decided to consult an interior decorator who could give her some new ideas. A face-lift for Burger Haven would certainly lift her spirits. In fact, she felt better after thinking of some improvements. Erika would fight to make her restaurant the most popular one in town. IV. Role-play. V. Homework.

