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Bill Gates (Bill Gates), the full name of William Henry Gates (William Henry Gates, on October 28, 1955 -), American Microsoft's chairman. He established with Paul Allen, the Microsoft company, a former Microsoft CEO and chief software architect, and holds more than 8% of the common stock company, is one of the biggest individual shareholder of the company. From 1995 to 2007 Forbes global billionaires list, the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, Bill Gates. On June 27, 2008, officially retired from Microsoft, and to all his personal property donated $58 billion to the bill and Melinda gates foundation. In September 2011, Forbes rich list published in the United States, the gates with a $59 billion secondChinese name: William Henry gates Foreign names: William Henry Gates Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, USA Date of birth: October 28, 1955 Career: Microsoft chairman and chief software architect, graduated from colleges and universities: lakeside school, Harvard University Main achievements: and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft nickname: Bill Gates


Name: William Henry gates Nickname: Bill Gates Born: on October 28, 1955 Height: 180 cm was nine years old when Bill Gates (1965) Weight: 78 kg Scorpio constellation: Nickname: computer prodigy, left-handed Hobbies: bridge, table tennis, go, computer software... Favorite singer: JOHN LENNON reclaimed Favorite food: burgers and coke Worship: John Rockefeller napoleon Motto: "I am a king" "I can win" Pet phrase: "That 's good" Ideal: the world towards future road speed Social: don't want to take the initiative to contact with people, but in the theory of depressing ha ha Religion: Mood: a sudden panic anger "Bill Gates complete biography" Concept: the 21st century, computers and the Internet will make more evenly around the wealth and power allocation.


On October 28, 1955, Bill Gates was born in a family in Seattle Washington, the west coast of the United States, At the age of 17, gates sold his first computer programming work, a time table system, the buyer is his high school, the price is $4200. Low gates in the SAT (American college entrance examination) standardized test scores 1590, out of a possible 1600. "Gates told his college teacher to become a millionaire at the age of 30, and when he was 31, he has become a billionaire. That is to say gates know they will be very rich, but I didn't expect Low school at harvard, gates helped write the Altair BASIC, it become Microsoft (then called M7 in Microsoft released in Manhattan, a ceremony, met the future wife, Melinda, French (Melinda French), when Melinda is Microsoft employees. They were married in 1994, New Year's day. Whenever thinking gates or preoccupied, he will swing back and forth in his chair shake and a quirk dates back to his childhood like to swing on the Trojan horse for hours - later, Microsoft employees have very used to see him in the meeting when thinking, while listening, while swinging his brain In 2005, gates was Brita

in's queen Elizabeth ii awarded the commander of the British empire jue level (KBE). Low in March 2007, Forbes magazine will once again voted the world's richest man Bill Gates, his 13 years in a row won the title. He is currently worth $59 billion. On June 15, 2006, Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington, us, Bill Gates at a press conference. On the same day, Bill Gates announced that he will be out of Microsoft in the next two years the company daily affairs, the main focus on health and education charity. Low current Carnegie - Cameron university (a university of Pennsylvania, USA) is a named after gates building - gates computer science building. Gates is the leicester law books - a 72 - page of leonardo Da Vinci's latest master of manuscripts. The manuscripts include the nature of water, astronomy, observation of rock and fossil records. Gates will manuscripts in different cities around the world each year and carried out Bill Gates earn $193 per second, earning $16666667 a day, earn 60.3334 per year亿美元。


To study Gates attended public elementary school in Seattle's private. He found his interest in software and in the studies assiduously, began computer programming at the age of 13 has been lasted for 15 years. Graduated from high school, the highest honor for American high school graduates "the outstanding student scholarship". In 1973, gates got into Harvard University. He is a member of the board of directors ICOS company, it is a focus on the protein matrix and small molecular therapy. He is also a lot of other biotech companies investors 。


· In 2004 the British queen conferring the jazz. Get the honor Journal of chief executive in 1994, the annual CEO. In 1997, the sports news sports 100 most powerful figure. As one of the most powerful figures in 1999, 1999 "Upside 100 elite second. Be judged to be the guardian, the press one of the most influential 100 people in 2001. "Time" magazine in 1998, 50 elite network first. Bill Gates, , by the Sunday times In 2005, and his wife Melinda and rock band U2 singer Bono (Bono) selected as time person of the year, to watch them in the contribution of philanthropy. On November 15, 2006, won the 2006 annual international philanthropist James Morgan. In 2006, the financial times, the second annual rich list first. , On April 19, 2007, was awarded the honorary doctorate degree in tsinghua university, be at tsinghua university in Beijing, 13th honorary doctor. .


Entrepreneurial experience Microsoft corp. In junior year, gates left harvard and all his energy into with his childhood friend Paul Allen in 1975 created in Microsoft. In computer will become the most important tool in every family, every office such beliefs, they began to develop software for computer. Gates' foresight and his vision of a personal computer as the key to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Under gates' leadership, Microsoft's sustainable development improve software technology, make the s

oftware more easy to use, more economical and more abound fun. The company is committed to long-term development, research and development spending more than $5 billion a year. Gates all the income two books donated to the nonprofit organization to support the use of science and technology for education and skills training. Gates also set up a party company, it is the research and development one of the world's largest resources of visual information - from the global public collection and private collection comprehensive digital archive of art and photography.


Eye of the generation Stir not lift retirement statement On June 15, 2006, Microsoft founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) announced his retirement plan, by the technology of long Ray Ozzie succession he previously worked as a software architecture of the long and he will be out of Microsoft in 2008, daily operation, but will remain chairman of Microsoft. Software architecture (long devoted to Software Architect), it is Bill Gates in 2000 to unload executive (old friend by Steve Ballmer took over) after the invention of post, in charge of all the technical architecture, product development, etc., to ensure that Microsoft technical architecture competitive. Although announced plans to retire after Microsoft's share price is not affected by how much, when announced his retirement, but like Bill Gates are the cause of the general discussion may not all over the world. 20 starting Microsoft has 31 years, his belief in full from his personal: "imagine the future everyone have a computer desktop". Microsoft's Bill Gates, under the will of all along in this direction to move forward, starting from the operating system has been in the office application software, as well as the other. Every generation has a vision, can see the last generation look not to come out, what the author referred to as the "eye" of the generation. Bill Gates in the mainframe computer in power in the 1970 s when they dare to do such a dream, because believe you see things that others don't see. Eye of the generation and the inevitability of history


巨人扭转乾坤的意志力 在IT行业够久的人应当都记得,1995年Netscape声势如日中天, 浏览器的市占率高达 90%以上。Bill Gates如梦初醒,宣示微软 将大力拥抱互联网。1997年的时候,微软IE浏览器的市占率已经 达四成。 巨人的意志力是惊人的,只要他决心改变。当年 41岁的Bill Gates主导了所有的组织变革,产品研发方向,IE 3.0 版以后浏览器功能大幅革新,终于追上最后击溃以Netscape为首 的竞争力量。 10年前41岁的Bill Gates仍有眼角馀光看见互联网,然而10年后 现在的Google可能看得比51岁的Bill Gates还清楚。关键在于上个 世代的巨人能否很快的跟上脚步,将自己的视野融入全新的世代 中。 微软目前的问题,在于必须找到(或者能运作成)兼具 有洞察力以及意志力的个人(或者

组织)。从迎击Netscape的过 程中,我们看见了 Bill Gates个人意志力的展现,如果不是他, 组织是不可能动起来的。如果真的找不到新的眼睛(Bill Gates目 前把希望放在RayOzzie 身上),那么起码要能让组织运作成可以 让创新由下而上的环境,以群体的眼睛取代过去的个人的眼睛。 巨人不死,只 微软面对由Google所带来的新一轮竞争,其实是组织竞争。 Google以小团体为单位的组织方式,既庞大又灵活,开发速度惊 人又富创意。 Google并不倚赖类似Bill Gates这样的皇帝,而是 众多的技术天才。 反观微软,经历数十年的发展组织日益庞大。当年曾经很骄傲于 从基层员工到执行官最多四个层级的微软,已经陷入叠床架屋的 困境,这才是造成产品延迟,竞争力丧失等主要因素。 大刀阔斧的组织改造需要巨人的意志力,然而Bill Gates却选择在 这个时候淡出,将烫手山芋留给Steve Ballmer 。组织基因若不 改变,产品延迟上市,或产品不符市场所需等情况,将一再出现。 不论如何,没有人能够否认他的贡献。由他领头的个人电脑行业, 让你的桌面上有了一台电脑,使你能看到这篇众多讨论Bill Gates 功过的文章之一,进而发发牢骚或者发发思古之


Formal retirement On June 27, 2008, Beijing time 12:00 message (eastern standard time 00:00) on June 27, chairman, President and CEO of Microsoft founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) retired today, out of Microsoft's daily management work. Current CEO, gates college friend Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) to take over Microsoft's comprehensive power. Bill Gates will donate all his wealth to his charitable Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation "(Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation), making a difference is not left to their children. At the same time, Bill Gates will devote to the charity. Since then, Mr Gates will only to Microsoft to work one day per week, other time will be on charity. Recently, gates in an interview with the United States, the Wall Street journal, has said his "retirement time to Microsoft, 20% 20% time to do charity". According to foreign media reports, gates has said that as a full-time philanthropist, he will go to the first stop is China. The bill and Melinda gates on the 2010 davos BBS Farewell speech 33 years ago created when Microsoft, Bill Gates is a developer, and Microsoft can have today's industry, also thanks to the Windows operating system developer. The us software giant Microsoft founder Bill Gates plans since Friday afternoon, retired from the location of the "head" executive chairman of Microsoft, as non-executive chairman, since then threw herself into charity work. Does this mean for the Microsoft an era is coming to an end, but for the world means more than a full-time philanthropist.


Ten mistakes Microsoft announced that starting in July 2008, Bill Gates, ch

airman of the board will no longer be responsible for the company's daily management, Mr Gates is one of the most important characters of the global PC industry, has been followed by science and technology development trend, but he is not always correct, below is Bill Gates at Microsoft ten big mistakes. BOB: 1, Microsoft. 2, Windows: 3, tablets:. 4, the SPOT watch: 5, Microsoft Money: 6, DOS4.0:. 7, Microsoft TV: Partnership: 8, MSNBC. 9, real-time web conferencing software: 10, failed to launch Microsoft Linux:


advice A, the 11 advice to young (starting in time magazine) 1. Life is not fair, get used to it. 2. The world won't care about your self-esteem, but require you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 3. Just coming out from school, you can't make 40000 dollars a month, which is not to be the vice President of the company, owns a car, until you will earn all the day. 4. If you think school teachers is too harsh, then you have to think with the boss again. 5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents have different understanding to sell hamburger, they called it "opportunity". 6. If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, don't you should bear the responsibility onto others, and to learn to learn from them. 7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They become like this today because these years have been for you to pay bills, cleaning your clothes. So, in talking to parents, or go to the cleaning your own house. 8 your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life is not so. In some schools had not "fail" concept, the school will continue to give you the opportunity to allow you to progress, but real life is not so. 9. Get out of the school life isn't like in the school after a semester, no summer vacation. Very few bosses are interested in helping you find yourself, you must depend on ourselves to achieve. 10. Many of the scenes on television is not real life. In real life, people must do their own hard work, not like TV play every day in a cafe. 11. Be kind to you hate, because someday you will work in conjunction with such a person. 2, standing in the spotlight is degraded, standing on the platform is fallen; Because they will make you feel that you are smarter than others. Third, his speech at the full text Fourth, gates quotes 1. The opportunity is big, does not mean you will succeed. 2. If you believe that every life is equal, so when you find some life to be saved, and other life was abandoned, you will feel is not acceptable. (3) find a solution in this complicated world, can be divided into four steps: defining goals, find the most effective way, found that this method is suitable for the new technology, at the same time the most intelligent use of existing technology, whether it's a complex drugs, or the simple mosquito nets.


quotes Die "with great wealth, is a disgrace" Gates and warren buffett to launch more than rich party, dis

cuss the effects of charitable donations to shrink, the participants including the ninety-five - year - old leader David Rockefeller family. Rockefeller, New York mayor Michael bloomberg, the leveraged buy-out accumulated rich Ronald perelman, investor George soros, oprah show days and media tycoon Turner. The group has always been benevolent wealthy, build consensus in the party, moreover "donation pledge" was born. Adviser to the gates and buffett said ms stone seats Buddha, real estate and construction tycoon brod, media mogul, and silicon valley venture godfather Doyle and cisco before dong mogget richie rich couples, have agreed to a public statement response gift pledges. Worth $fifty-three billion brod couples commitments, in a statement after birth and to donate 75% of wealth。


Social activities Speech at the university of Washington Bill Gates gave a speech at the university of Washington said, "I can understand people want to get $1 million, because it means the freedom of life. However, when your wealth more than $1 million, I want to tell you, you feel is the same." But, he said, "it's always good to have pursuit." Bill Gates ten words () will allow you to change life 1. The society is full of unfair phenomena. You don't want to go to transform it first, can only be used to it first. (because you don't manage it 2. The world won't care about your self-esteem, people see is your achievement. In you no achievement before, do not emphasize the self-esteem. (because the more you emphasize selfesteem, the more bad for you). 3. You just graduated from high school, usually don't become CEO, until you reach the CEO position. (by this time, people don't mind if you just graduated from high school). 4. When you get into difficulties people, do not complain, you can only silently draw lessons. (do you want to cheer up, quietly to rise) 5. What do you want to know: without you, your parents weren't as it is now "boring". You should think of, this is their huge in order to raise your price. (you will always be thankful and honor them, is the absolute principle). 6. In school, which is not so important to you, but not into the society. Wherever you go, should classification rankings. (social, company to arrange the position, is a common thing, to summon up courage to competition). 7. The school has holidays to company work, otherwise, you can hardly rest, few can easily over holidays. (or a start on your career behind, even let you forever behind). 8. In school, the teacher will help you to learn, but not to the company. If you think you very strict school teacher, is that you don't have to work in companies. Because, if the company not harsh to you, you would be out of business. (you must know clearly that: the company than the school more strict with himself). 9. People like to watch TV, but you don't see, that's not your life. As long as working in a company, you are too busy to watch TV. (advise you not to watch, or you onto the road of watc

hing TV series, and see with relish, it you will lose the qualification of success). 10. Never criticize others behind, cannot criticize you especially boss ignorance, mean and incompetent. (because this attitude, can make you onto the road of the growth of rocky).

