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第一课时 七年级(上) Units 1—4



类别 词 汇 攻 关 →(名词)__pleasure__ 2.meet→(名词)__meeting__ 3.two→(序数词)__second__ →两次__twice__ 4.one→(序数词)__first__ →一次__once__ 5.friend→(形容词)__friendly__ →(形容词的反义词)__unfriendly__ →(名词)友谊__friendship__ 6.China→(形容词)__Chinese__ 7.who→(所有格)__whose__ 8.radio→(复数)__radios__ →(复数)__these__ →(复数的对应词)__those__ 10.they→(宾格)__them__ 课标考点要求 1.please→(形容词)高兴,满意__pleased__ 9.this→(对应词)__that__ 全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com →(形容词性物主代词)__their__ →(名词性物主代词)__theirs__ →(反身代词)__themselves__ 11.help→(形容词)__helpful__ 12.there→(对应词)__here__ 13.my→(复数)__our__ →(名词性物主代词)__mine__ →(复数的名词性物主代词)__ours__ 14.play→(名词)播放机__player__ 短 语 归 纳 2.电话号码__telephone/phone__number__ 3.名字__first/given__name__ 4.姓__last/family__name__ 5.中学;初中__middle__school__ 6.铅笔盒;文具盒__pencil__box__ 7.学生卡;身份证__ID__card__ 8.请求;恳求(给予)__ask…for__ 10.在沙发上__on__the__sofa__ 11.在椅子下__under__the__chair__ 12.在书包里__in__the__schoolbag__ 13.快点儿__come__on__ 1.用英语__in__English__ 9.一套;一副;一组__a__set__of__ 全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com 14.录音机__tape__player__ 15.飞机模型__model__plane__ 句 型 再 现 —__What's__this__ in English? —__It's__an__orange__. 2.这是什么颜色? __What__color__ is it? 3.“你叫什么名字?”“艾伦。” —__What's__your__name__? —__My__name's/I'm__ Alan. 4.那是我的家人。那是我的父母。 __That's__ my family.__Those__are__ my parents. 5.这里有两张我的漂亮的全家福。 __Here__are__ two nice photos of my family. 6.“打扰了,格雷丝。这是你的铅笔吗?” “是的,谢谢你。” —__Excuse__me__,Grace.__Is__this__ your 1.“这个用英语怎么说?”“橙子。” pencil? —Yes,__thank__you__. —__Are__these__ your books? —No,__they__aren't__.__They're__hers__. 7.“这些是你的书吗?”“不是,是她的。” 全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com 8.这本词典(是谁的)呢? __What/How__about__ this dictionary? 9.“安娜,谢谢你的帮助。”“不客气。” —__Thank__you__for__your__help__,Anna. —You're __welcome__. 10.找老师要它。 __Ask__ the teacher __for__ it. 11.给我发电子邮件到maryg2@gfimail.com。 __E-mail__me__at__maryg2@gfimail.com. 12.拨打电话685-6034找我。 __Call__me__at__ 685-6034. 语法 结构 2.be动词的用法。 3.人称代词和物主代词的区别及用法特点。

1.名词复数的构成及规律。 4.冠词的用法。 全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com



( C )1.(2016青海23题)—Where are the kids?

—They're playing soccer.You know,________________________________________________________________________21世纪教育网版权所有


A.his B.her C.their

( C )2.(2015青海34题)—Jane,is this your bike?

—No,you can ask Alice.It may be ________. A.she B.her C.hers

( C )3.(2014西宁32题)To ________ surprise,they have learned all the things very well by ______. A.we;they B.us;them

C.our;themselves D.ours;themselves

( C )4.(2013青海26题)—What do you think of the house?2·1·c·n·j·y

—It is much more beautiful than ________. A.we B.us C.ours

( A )5.(2012青海22题)—Hi,Bob!Is this your book or Mary's?【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

—It's ________ book,not ________. A.my;hers B.mine;her C.my;his D.me;his ◆冠词

( B )6.(2016西宁21题)Teachers always tell us to try to be ________ honest student today and ________ useful man tomorrow.21·世纪*教育网

A.a;an B.an;a C.an;an D.a;a

( B )7.(2015西宁21题)Life is ________ journey and ________ love can make it valuable.2-1-c-n-j-y

A./;/ B.a;/ C.a;a D.the;the

( B )8.(2015青海21题)My little brother Bob hopes to travel to ________ space in the future. A.a B./ C.the ( D )9.(2014






buy it's

________________________________________________________________________【版权所有:21教育】 MP4 ________ his sister. A.a;for B.the;as C.an;with D.an;for

( B )10.(2014青海21题)________ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.

A.A B.The C./ ◆连词

( C )11.(2015青海28题)Do more exercise,________ you'll have a strong body. A./ B.or C.and

( D )12.(2014西宁34题)—How much will you be paid? —I don't do it for money ______ for experience. A.although B.however C.besides D.but


全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 | www.xsjjyw.com

最大最全最精的教育资源网 www.xsjjyw.com




say强调说话的内容。 speak强调说话的能力,作及物动词时,常跟某种语言作宾语。 续表 talk指连续不断地讲话,强调与某人交谈。talk to sb.“和某人谈话”;talk with sb.“和某人交谈”;talk about“讨论;谈论”。 tell“告诉;讲述”,强调讲给别人听。tell sb.sth.“告诉某人某事”;tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人关于某事”;tell sb.(not) to do sth.“告诉 某人(不要)做某事”。 【考点抢测】

( B )1.(2016西宁中考模拟)—Do you know why he didn't ________ a word when he ________ to? —Because he was too nervous.

A.speak;speaks B.say;was spoken C.say;spoke

( C )2.Don't forget to ________ “Thanks” when you get help. A.tell B.talk C.say

( C )3.The teacher hopes that he can ________ the truth. A.say B.speak C.tell

( A )4.Does your language teacher ________ Chinese in class? A.speak B.tell C.talk 5.他正在与老师谈话。

He is __talking__ __to__ our teacher. 6.我可以和玛丽通话吗? May I __speak__ __to__ Mary?

and conj.和;又;而


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