2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修三教学案:Unit 2 Section 3 Wo

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原句感知 ①But now his restaurant ought to be full of people. ②Does your father need any help? ③What do we need to take for the picnic? ④There is enough time. You needn't hurry. ⑤His mother is ill. He has to stay at home to look after her. ⑥Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. [语法剖析]

语法点一 ought to的用法 自主探究 (1)以上句子中,句①④⑤⑥中的黑体词都是情态动词,而句②③中的黑体词是实义动词。 (2)以上各句中的情态动词后都接动词原形。其中句⑥中must_have_happened的意思是“一定已经发生了”。 (3)上述句子中ought_to意为“应该”;need意为“需要”;has to意为“不得不”。 1.“应该”,表示责任或义务。用于表示按道理应当,常指客观的义务或责任,大多数情况下可用should代替,但比should语气重。

I'm his teacher. I ought to take care of him. 我是他的老师,我应该照顾他。 I should help her because she is in trouble. 她有困难了,我应该帮助她。

2.“应该”,表示劝告、建议或命令。should和ought to可通用,但在疑问句中常用should。ought to的否定式为oughtn't to或ought not to。

You ought to be more careful when you cross the road next time.

下次过马路时,你应该更小心些。 Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?

3.“应该”,表示推测。可与should换用。 It is already 9 o'clock; he ought to be in his office now. 已经9点了,现在他应该在他办公室了。 This is where the oil ought to/should be. 这里应该就是石油存在的地方。


用ought to完成句子


He oughtn't/ought_not_to_be absent from such an important meeting. ②——我明天该动身吗? ——是的,你应该。 —Ought_I_to_leave tomorrow? —Yes, you_ought_to.


You ought_to_work_harder than your brother.



(1)need作情态动词时,只能用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,意为“需要”。 —Need I come tomorrow? —Yes, you must./ No, you needn't. ——我明天需要来吗?


(2)needn't 意为“不必”,表示客观上不必如何。 We needn't hurry, for there's plenty of time. 我们不必这么匆忙,因为时间很充裕。 2.作实义动词

need作实义动词时,后可接名词、动名词、不定式等,有人称、时态和数的变化。 The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted.

need的用法 那扇门需要油漆一下。


用need或must完成句子 ①你现在不必去那儿。 You needn't go there now. ②——他有必要留在这儿吗? ——是的,他必须。/不,他不必要。 —Need he stay here? —Yes, he must./No, he needn't.


1.have to“不得不”,有时态、人称和数的变化,其否定形式为don't/doesn't/didn't have to。

The last bus left, and he has to walk home. 最后一班车走了,他只好步行回家。 We don't have to go to school on Sundays. 星期天我们不用去上学。

2.have to表示一种客观的需要,而must表示一种主观的需要。 I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。 I must write a letter to the head teacher. 我非得给校长写封信不可。

即时演练3 用have to完成句子

①天色太晚了,我现在得回家了。 It's too late, so I have_to_go_home now. ②他们没有必要担心核辐射。

They don't_have_to_worry_about the nuclear radiation. ③你没有必要买礼物,但如果你想买的话,你也可以买。 You don't_have_to_buy_a_gift,_but you can if you want to.

have to的用法 语法点四

情态动词+have done “情态动词+have done”表示对过去事情的推测。具体用法如下表:

can/could have done should/ought to have done may/might have done would have done must have done needn't have done They could have sent up the satellite successfully. 他们本来有能力成功发射这颗卫星的。 You ought to/should have studied harder. 你本应该更努力学习的。

Mary might have learned some Chinese before. 玛丽以前可能已学过一些中文了。

If I had a chance, I would have set off on a journey round the world. 要是有机会,我早就环游世界了。

They must have been to the Great Wall, haven't they? 他们一定是去了长城,不是吗?

I needn't have taken the umbrella, for the weather is fine. 天气这么好,我本没有必要带雨伞的。


用“情态动词+have done”完成句子

①You oughtn't_to/shouldn't_have_written (本不应该写) so fast.

②You needn't_have_referred_to (本不必提起) it, for I had known about it. ③He should_have_finished (本应该完成) his homework in such a long time. ④He must_have_attended (肯定参加了) the party last night.

本能做而未做 本该做而未做 本可能做而未做 本来要做而未做 一定已经做了 本不必做而做了



1.(2016·浙江高考)George can't_have_gone too far. His coffee is still warm. 乔治不可能走太远。他的咖啡还是热的呢。

2.(2016·北京高考)I love the weekend, because I needn't_get_up_early on Saturdays and Sundays.


3.(2016·北京高考)Why didn't you tell me about your trouble last week?If you had told me, I could_have_helped.

你上周为什么不把你的困难告诉我呢?如果你告诉了我,我就可能帮你了。 4.(2015·福建高考)—Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again. —Oh, it's too bad. You should_have_made_full_preparations. ——对不起,妈妈!我工作面试又失败了。 ——哦,太糟糕了。你本应该做充足的准备。

5.(2015·天津高考) I needn't_have_worried before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.


6.(2015·湖南高考)That is, you shouldn't_always_rely_just_on the Internet for your research.


7.(2015·浙江高考) It was so noisy that we couldn't_hear_ourselves_speak. 这里如此吵闹以至于我们听不见自己讲话。



1.—Must I finish the task right now?

—No, you don't_have_to.(don't have to/mustn't)

2.It's so near; we shouldn't have taken a taxi.(shouldn't/can't) 3.You oughtn't_to have spent so much time playing computer games.(mustn't/oughtn't to) 4.—Shall I leave the room so that you two can talk? —No, you needn't.(mustn't/needn't)

5.He can't have missed the train; he arrived at the train station two hours early.(can't/mustn't) 6.You mustn't go there alone; it's too dangerous.(mustn't/needn't) 7.They had_to stay in the office last night because of the snowstorm.(have to/must)

8.We should have helped him; in that case, he would have been able to finish the work.(should/can)

9.He finished all the work himself; in fact, he could have asked his friends for help. (need/could)

10.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.(have to/must)


1.(江苏高考作文)Immediate actions ought_to/should_be_taken,_like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.


2.(湖北高考作文)My mindless words must_have_hurt_him deeply. 无心的话肯定深深地伤害了他。 3.We ought_to_stop polluting nature. 我们应该停止污染大自然。 4.You needn't_come so early. 你不必来这么早。

5.Mr. Smith can't_have_gone_to_Beijing,_for I saw him in the library just now. 史密斯先生不可能去了北京,因为我刚才在图书馆看到他了。 6.It's time for the meeting. I have_to_go now. 开会时间到了,我不得不走了。

7.You oughtn't_to_have_spent all that money on such a foolish thing. 你本来不该把那笔钱花在这种傻事上。

8.You made a mistake again; you could_have_been more careful. 你又犯错了,你本能更仔细些的。

9.—Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the paper yesterday. —Oh,you should_have_done it as yesterday was the deadline. ——抱歉,史密斯教授。昨天我没完成讲义。 ——哦,你本该做完的,因为昨天就是最后期限。 10.—Must I return the book a week later? —Oh, no. You_needn't/don't_have_to. ——我必须一周后还书吗? ——哦,不必。 Ⅲ.短文改错

It was yesterday morning that I went camping with five of my classmates. It was such sunny morning and we were all happy. Walked along the path, we kept singing and telling joke. However,

it became dark and windy at about ten o'clock. Soon it began to rain heavy. Unluckily, all of us took umbrellas but we were wet through. Zhang Ying, our monitor, suggested that we should have put up a tent. While they were put up the tent, I tried to make a fire to keep warm.When the rain comes to an end in the afternoon, we decided to give in the camping trip, for we were very tired.

答案:第二句:sunny前加a 第三句:Walked→Walking; joke→jokes 第五句:heavy→heavily 第六句:all→none; but→and/so 第七句:去掉have 第八句:put→putting

第九句:comes→came; 第二个in→up


