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Do you know that you're not one person, but three? The person you think you are, the person other people think you are, and the person you ___1___ are.

One day, a man was looking round in a second-hand art shop. He picked up a painting that ___2___ very cheap. But as he looked ___3___, he saw that another painting was hidden below the ___4___ one. He knew that many lost works worth thousands or even millions of dollars were hidden this way. So he___5___ it and hurried home to begin taking off the cheap___6___. After several hours of careful work, he could see a beautiful ___7___that had been lost for years. But now it ___8___ came back to its original beauty and look.

You know all of us are like that famous painting. Because the ___9___ person that we were made to be is hidden by what others think we are. So our___10___ thoughts on ourselves keep us from becoming the person we truly are. Everything we do comes from the___11___we see ourselves. So if we want to change, we must go much deeper rather than just___12__ our actions and behavior. We must change the way we think and see ourselves in our own minds and hearts.

You know that other people ___13____ just see the surface (表面) how you look and act on the outside or how much you've ___14___ in school or your job. But that's just a part of us. Only you know the real you, because it is___15___ below where nobody else but you yourself can see.

1. A. nearly

C. already

2. A. sounded B. really D. seldom B. became

C. looked D. remained

3. A. closer

C. farther

4. A. expensive B. dearer D. earlier B. cheap

D. second

B. bought

D. threw C. good 5. A. refused C. sold

6. A. shop B. paper


C. painting

7. A. book

C. work

8. A. actually D. photo B. person D. dress B. finally

D. suddenly

B. old

D. original

B. wrong

D. similar

B. moment

D. place

B. hating

D. taking

B. never

D. rarely

B. seen

D. achieved

B. hidden

D. lost C. possibly 9. A. new C. successful 10. A. right C. different 11. A. time C. way 12. A. changing C. knowing 13. A. nowadays C. usually 14. A. enjoyed C. known 15. A. put C. pushed



Last Saturday afternoon it was cloudy and a bit cold. John together with a group of neighbor boys___16____ (be) playing in the field. While they were playing joyfully, they found a man who ___17___ (trap) in a deserted well.____18____ well was about ten meters deep. ___19 ___they tried to rescue him, they still couldn't reach him. After a few minutes, the man's cry ___20___ help became weaker and weaker gradually, perhaps due to lack of air. All the boys wondered what they could do to save the ___21___ (die) man.

Just at this moment John's mother came after looking for him here and there, and asked ___22___ to go back home for dinner. When John told his mother ___23___ had happened, she called the police immediately. ___ 24___ (luck), the policemen and some villagers were nearby and drove over in time to save the man. With the help of policemen and villagers, the man was finally rescued and rushed to hospital after he was pull ___ 25___ of the







I am a high school student. There is a lady who works at my school as a campus(校园) monitor. Her job is to hand out a call slip, a form filled in by students who want to leave campus, in order to prevent students from leaving campus without permission. I had never seen her smile before.

The other day closer to us I could see that she was crying. She took out some paper, wiped her eyes and left us quickly. I was really sorry for her and I thought to myself that this lady was so ignored and needed to be recognized for all her hard work.

After thinking that, I wrote a note telling her that we appreciated everything she did and that her work for our school made a difference to all of our lives. I signed "Some thankful students" at the end of it and put it into an envelope. Then I realized I even didn't know her name. I asked all of my teachers but nobody knew her name. I finally went to the office and asked the lady who worked there. She told me that her name was Kathy.

I bought her a lot of colorful sunflowers and taped the envelope to them. I brought the flowers to the school and left them in her office. She came into my class shortly afterwards to deliver a call slip, and there it was - a big smile on her face!

26. The campus monitor's job is to ________.

A. help teachers correct the homework

B. record the grades of the students after the exam

C. be in charge of cleaning the students' dormitories

D. do something about the students' asking for leave

27. What does the underlined word "cafeteria" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. A place in which the students live together.

B. A place where the students review lessons.

C. A place where the students exercise and have a rest.

D. A place where students choose their meals by themselves.

28. What did the writer think about the lady?

A. She was living a poor life.


B. She was very kind but a little strange.

C. She was looked down upon by students.

D. She was ignored and her hard work should be recognized.

29. The problem was that the writer didn’t know______.

A. how to thank the lady

B. what the lady's name was

C. what she would talk with the lady

D. how to give the lady the flowers

30. We can learn from this passage that_______.

A. the writer's kindness worked at last

B. the writer posted her letter to the lady

C. the lady came to the writer's class to thank her

D. the writer didn't give the lady flowers


Students can easily create sandstorms for the science project. Place a little flour in a clear plastic box with a hole at one end. Blow into the hole gently to get the flour to fly off the surface of the box. The flour may stay in the air for a long period of time. The more flour you blow into the air, the longer time it will take for all the particles (颗粒) to fall down. The same happens in dust storms or sandstorms. Another experiment is to take a glass of water The milk will stand for sand moving through the atmosphere.

The deserts of the world are always producing sandstorms. You can keep track of these storms and make storm predictions (预测) using the NTOMS which tracks dust and smoke patterns worldwide, and the NRLMA webpage which predicts weather. patterns, including sandstorms. For the project the students can help predict the sandstorm patterns and how the dust from the storm will travel. Select a place, such as the Sahara, and track the dust as it reaches the Caribbean or even the United States.

Depending on the region, a student may be able to collect dust from another continent. Use the Naval Website to track sandstorms in your area. Place a piece of glass outside to collect dust and other particles from the air. One should place the glass in areas off the ground, such as on an outdoor table, to protect it from being stepped on and broken. Watch the particles carefully under a microscope and study the difference between sand particles and dust ones. Sand particles will have sharper and clearer edges under the microscope.

31. What's the usage of flour in the experiment?


A. To clear a plastic box easily.

B. To show how the sandstorm comes into being.

C. To find out how long it stays in the air.

D. To blow it into the box through a hole.

32. The underlined word "it" in the first paragraph refers to_____.

A. experiment

B. water

C. milk

D. glass

33. From the passage, we can know that the NTOMS can______.

A. produce sandstorms in the deserts

B. watch the movements of dust

C. say what the weather is like

D. prevent the sandstorm happening

34. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. A student should bring dust in other continents.

B. The Naval Website can help us track sandstorms.

C. A student can only collect dust from his area.

D. The Naval Website can help us make dust.

35. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Making a table top sandstorm

B. Producing sandstorms in the deserts

C. Sandstorms making for students

D. Sandstorm projects for students


Take the best sightseeing tours in Africa. You can experience the most beautiful and greatest views. You can also see many different kinds of wildlife and take exciting adventures on this amazing continent. Our tours will provide your whole family with a time that you all will remember for a lifetime.

As these are physical events, which include riding, sitting and walking, comfortable clothes and shoes should be taken with you. Some places may get extremely hot or cold, so make sure you have the suitable clothing, sunscreen and hats. You will see the most amazing animals and the most beautiful views, so please take your


camera to record these wonderful moments. What are you waiting for? Go and explore!

4x4 Tours

A 4x4 adventure tour is an unforgettable experience that will take you to some breathtaking scenery that is not often seen by tourists. And you won't be annoyed by those No Entry signs! African Safaris (游猎)

Go to see wildlife in some of South Africa's most beautiful neighboring countries, such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Zambezi. There you can see the amazing animals, scenery, and people. You can explore nature at the Victoria Falls, go tiger fishing in the Zambezi, or just view wildlife in Zambia. It is a trip suitable for most ages and families.

Elephant Back Safaris & Encounters

of life. You can ride these wonderful animals. They will even show you their swimming skills and why they are so special.

Whale Watching

South Africa is one of the best destinations worldwide for watching marine mammals, whether from land or from boats. From early June to November, the whales here leave their Antarctic feeding ground to go to the warmer waters of the Western Cape coast.

36. What is Paragraph 2 .mainly about?

A. Things tourists can see in Africa.

B. The activities that tourists can do in Africa.

C. Some tips for people to prepare for the tours.

D. The purpose to take a camera while traveling in Africa.

37. We know that by taking a 4x4 adventure tour, tourists______.

A. will have to stop at No Entry signs

B. will visit some very dangerous places

C. will see some scenery hardly seen by tourists

D. won't see views that are often seen by tourists

38. What do we know about the African safaris?

A. Activities in them are mainly held on water.

B. Tourists can visit various different African countries.

C. The main attraction in the safaris is the Victoria Falls.

D. They are not suitable for a family to spend time together.


39. The underlined part "the Big 5" in Paragraph 5 most probably refers to ______.

A. five large elephants

B. five famous tourist places

C. five different kinds of safaris

D. five large kinds of wild animals

40. Who would most probably be interested in reading the passage?

A. Some kids who want to see wildlife in a zoo.

B. A family who wants to take adventures in Africa.

C. People who want to enjoy beautiful views on the beach.

D. A couple who wants to spend some quiet time together alone.


What makes children happy is candy. And more candy is better, right? Well, it turns out that it might not actually be the case. A few years ago researchers did a study on Halloween night when some trick-or-treaters were given a candy bar, and others were given a candy bar and a piece of

bubble gum (泡泡糖).

Now, you would imagine that the kids who got a candy bar and a piece of bubble gum would be happier than the kids who got just a candy bar. George Wolford, a psychologist at Dartmouth College, and his fellow researchers found something quite different.

"Those children, who got both a full-sized candy bar and a bubble gum, were less delighted than those who got a candy bar only," Wolford says.

It actually depends on the order in which these things happen. In the study, the kids got a great treat first and then a less one afterward. In other words, they got a pleasant procedure first and then got something slightly less unpleasant afterward. And it turns out that when they think about the experience, they don't think about the experience as a whole - they only judge by how the experience ends.

So if we have a great experience that starts to go downhill, we will consider the whole experience as being less good. However, if something starts out terribly and then starts to get better towards the end, we will think the whole experience a little bit better.

"If you're in a painful experience and it's getting better, then there's a sense in which things are improving," he says. "If you're going from a nice treat to a lesser one, the case is going the wrong way."

So if you get a lesser treat first and a nicer one second, you're likely to be very happy; but if you get a nice treat first and a lesser one second, you're likely to be, more dissatisfied with the whole experience.


41. The study on Halloween night is carried out to find_______.

A. what makes children happier on Halloween

B. if more candy makes children happier

C. where to get more candy on Halloween

D. how to get more candy on Halloween

42. According to the fourth paragraph, people have different feelings about gifts mainly because of________.

A. the value

B. the order

C. the place

D. the time

43. What does the underlined phrase "go downhill" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Walk down the hill.

B. Get better and better.

C. Start out terribly.

D. Become worse and worse.

44. If Tom gets a piece of bubble gum first and then gets a candy bar, he will probably feel

A. hurt

B. disappointed

C. glad

D. sad

45. What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To let readers know how to give gifts.

B. To introduce a result of a study.

C. To talk about the culture of Halloween.

D. To let readers know how to get gifts.




A. It is a beautiful part of the Appalachian Mountains with all kinds of outdoor recreation available. River-focused recreation attracts nearly five million tourists to this Appalachian-ridge park.

B. Thirty miles southeast of Las Vegas lies the U.S.'s largest man-made reservoir (水库), a wonderful place for


boaters, swimmers, fishermen and naturalists, which attracts 7.6 million visitors every year.

C. It is the most populous (人口稠密的) city in Nevada and it is an internationally famous tourist city for shopping, entertainment and especially, gambling. Every year millions of visitors go there to have a bet.

D. The pier was designed as a shipping and entertainment area. Opened in 1916, this Chicago landmark on the shore of Lake Michigan has served as a campus and military training facility.

E. It's known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and super signs. It has all sorts of fun and it is a major center of the world's entertainment industry.

F. It is one of the most visited places in all of the greater San Antonio area with a world of fun and exciting things to do and see. It is a network of walkways around San Antonio.


46. Times Square, New York City, N.Y.

47. The Las Vegas Strip, Nevada

48. Navy Pier, Chicago, IL

49. San Antonio River Walk, Texas


50. Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada






2. 气候干燥。











Do you remember your kindergarten (幼儿园) teacher? I do. She was Mrs White.

I don't remember much about what I learned in Mrs White's class, but my mother once told me that I used to write a lot. To look at what I wrote, she asked me to bring my homework back and she would find many mistakes, no any corrections but always a star. Sometimes there was even a "Good", even if I made some mistakes! But this worried my mother. So one day, she spoke to Mrs White asking her why she never corrected my mistakes, and how she came to be never pointing out my spelling or grammatical mistakes. However, Mrs White said, "The children are just beginning to get excited about using words and "Good", even if I made some mistakes! But this worried my mother. So one day, she spoke to Mrs White asking her why she never corrected my mistakes, and how she came to be never pointing out my spelling or grammatical mistakes. However, Mrs White said, "The children are just beginning to get excited about using words and forming sentences. I don't want to make them less


enthusiastic(热情的) with red ink. Spelling and grammar can wait."

I think that if Mrs White had used her red pen more and had corrected my mistakes, I probably wouldn't be telling you about this now. Now when I look back, I think she must have been a rather good teacher. And I do thank her very much for what she did for me when my interest in writing was generated.





(1)你对Mrs White做法的评价;










1-5 BCABB 6-10 CCBDB 11-15 CACDB

16-25 (One possible version)

16. was 17. was trapped 18. The

19. Although 20. for 21. dying

22. him 23. what 24. Luckily

25. out

26-30 DDDBA 31-35 BCBBD

36-40 CCBDB 41-45 BBDCB

46-50 ECDFA

基础写作(One possible version)

There are always frequent sandstorms in winter and spring every year around the world. They are largely caused by the dry climate and land desertification. When a sandstorm occurs, the farmland can be buried and the vegetation can be destroyed, which, in turn, increases the possibilities of sandstorms. What is worse, they can


pollute the air and thus influence the health of humans. In order to prevent sandstorms from happening, we must pay more attention to environmental management and protection through planting a lot of trees and grass in the places where sandstorms frequently occur.

读写任务 (One possible version)

Being grateful to his teacher Mrs White, the writer tells us about how he learned to write in the kindergarten. It was her correction method that encouraged his interest in writing.

I appreciate what Mrs White did with the kids in the kindergarten. It’s very important for students when they first gain interest in what they are learning, because “interest is our best teacher”.

I still remember my first English teacher Ms Zhang in primary school. When I began to learn English, I didn’t like it and was even tired of learning the 26 letters! But Ms Zhang tried her best to make me take an interest in learning them. As I was good at drawing, she asked me to make some cartoon cards for each letter, which made English learning lively and interesting for me. From that moment on I began showing interest in English day by day. Now I have been a good assistant to my English teacher in class for three years.

Undoubtedly, if it hadn’t been for Ms Zhang’s encouragement and guidance, I would have lost any interest I had in learning English. I will be grateful to my English teacher Ms Zhang forever!




1. B。根据文章,第一段可以理解为“你知道你不只是一个人吗?你是三个人。你自己认为的一个你,别人眼里的一个你,还有真正的一个你。”因此,此处填really。

2. C。根据语境,该句应理解为“他拿起一幅画,这幅画看起来很便宜。”其他项均不符合语境。

3. A。根据句意“当他更近一点(closer)看,他看到另外一幅画,隐藏在这幅便宜的画的下面。”可知,选A。。

4. B。此处指的是上文提到的“a painting that looked very cheap”,因此,根据上下文的联系,填cheap。

5. B。根据上文提到的他是去 “a second-hand art shop”, 所以这里应该是他“买下了(bought)它”。

6. C。根据上文提到的painting ,可知此处填painting。

7. C。根据上文提到的 “many lost works”,可知此处填work (作品)。

8. B。根据句意,该句理解为“在很多个小时的细心工作之后,他看到了丢失很多年了的一副美丽的名作。但是,现在它终于(finally)恢复了它原来的美丽和外观。”

9. D。根据上文提到的 “its original beauty and look”,还有该句的理解,指的是“我们原本要成为的那个人总是被别人所认为的我们做掩藏”。

10. B。根据下文...keeps us from becoming the person we truly are即“使我们不能成为真实的自己”,可知前面



11. C。根据习惯搭配和上下文,该句理解为“我们所做的所有事情都来自于我们看待自己的方式(way)”。

12. A。前后文都出现了“if we want to change”, “we must change”的字眼,所以该句要理解为“因此如果我们想改变,我们必须进行得更深入,而不是仅仅改变(change)我们的行为和行动。”因此填changing。

13. C。根据句意,“其他人通常(usually)只是看到表面”,故选C。其他选项均不符合语境。

14. D。根据句意,该句理解为“我们在学校,工作上取得(achieve)多大成就”,故选D。

15. B。根据上下文,与前面的“表面的自己”对比,这里指“真实的,隐藏起来的(hidden)自己”,故选B。该句意为“只有你知道真实的你,因为他隐藏在其他人看不见,而只有你自己能看见的地方的下面”。 语法填空


16. was。考查主谓一致。主语后有together with时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致,因此 be动词应用单数形式,又因事情发生在过去,要用过去时态,故要用was。

17. was trapped。考查动词语态。人被困井里,故要用被动语态。

18. The。考查冠词。“well”上文已经出现,在此处是第二次出现,故用定冠词the。

19. Although。考查连词。根据语境和语意,“他们努力去救他”和“仍然没能够到他”之间构成转折关系,故要用although“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句。

20. for。考查介词。根据语境可知,用for。cry for help意为“呼救”。

21. dying。考查词性转化。Dying意为“垂死的”,修饰man。

22. him。考查代词。指代前面提到的John。

23. what。考查关系连词。根据句意可知,表示“发生了什么事”。

24. Luckily。考查词性转化。luckily表示“幸运的是”。

25. out。考查介词。根据语境语意“那人被从井里拉了出来”可知,该处填out。


A 作者看到她们学校里的一个管理员的脸上总没有笑容。于是她给那个管理员送了一束花,并赞扬了她的工作,最后她终于看到了她脸上的笑容。

26. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的 Her job is to hand out call slips, a form filled in by students who want to leave the campus, in order to prevent students from leaving the campus without permission可知她的工作与学生请假有关。因此选D。

27. D。词义理解题。从其前文 ...my friends and I were eating in the...可知cafeteria 是个吃饭的地方,结合选项猜出cafeteria是“自助餐厅”。


28. D。推理判断题。根据第二段的 ...this lady was so ignored and needed to be recognized for all her hard work 可知,她辛苦的工作应该得到认可和注意。

29. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的 Then I realized I didn’t even know her name. I asked all of my teachers and nobody knew her name. 可知作者遇到的麻烦是她不知那位女士的姓名。

30. A。推理判断题。从最后一段的She came into my class shortly afterwards to deliver a call slip, and there it was — a big smile on her face! 知道作者的善意行为起了作用。因此选A。

B 学生在课桌上就可以做沙尘暴的研究实验,并且可以利用国家航空航天局臭氧总量绘图系统来追踪沙尘暴的路径等。

31. B。细节理解题。根据第一段“Blow into the hole gently to get the flour to fly off the surface of the box.”和“The same happens in dust storms or sandstorms.”可知B项正确。

32. C。代词指代题。此处表示是牛奶到了杯子底部,故选C项。

33. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中“which tracks dust and smoke patterns worldwide”可知B项正确。

34. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Use the Nasal website to track dust in your area.”可知B项正确。

35. D。主旨大意题。整篇文章讲述学生可以做的有关沙尘暴的研究实验,又根据文章第一段可知,D项适合作文章标题。

C 非洲风景秀美,有很多野生动物,是旅游和冒险的好去处。

36. C。主旨大意题。根据第二段的内容,可知作者主要是讲去非洲参加这些旅游活动要带些什么东西,做些什么准备,故选C。

37. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的A 4x4 adventure tour is an unforgettable experience that will take you to some breathtaking scenery that is not often seen by tourists.可知应选C。

38. B。细节理解题。根据第四段的Go to see wildlife in some of South Africa’s most beautiful neighboring countries, such as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Zambezi.可知参加这个旅游活动可以去往好些不同的非洲国家。

39. D。推理判断题。根据第五段的the biggest one of the Big 5, a large elephant可知the Big 5是指非洲的五种大体型的野生动物。

40. B。推理判断题。根据文章内容,可知作者主要介绍了一些可以在非洲进行的野外活动,又根据第一段的Our tours will provide your whole family with a time that you will all remember for a lifetime.可知这些活动是针对一家人的,故可推断想和家人一起去非洲旅游或冒险的人最有可能对这篇文章感兴趣。

D 万圣节得到糖越多,孩子越高兴吗?科学家的研究是令人吃惊的,孩子高兴受到所接受礼物的顺序影响。

41. B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的两句话可知,实验的目的是为了研究孩子接到糖果的量与高兴程



42. B。 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“It actually comes down to the order in which these things happen.”可知B项正确。

43. D。细节理解题。此处“go downhill”表示经历或境况等,越来越糟糕。故选D项。

44. C。推理判断题。根据“Those children, who got both a full-sized candy bar and a bubble gum, were less delighted than those who got a candy bar only,” Wolford says.可知得到的好东西的次序,会影响人的高兴程度。

45. B。写作目的题。文章目的是介绍一项研究的结果。故选B项。

