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求职信 (Cover Letter)

求职信作为与雇主交流沟通的桥梁,关系着应聘者的前途和命运,属于一种重要的信函类型,因此出题的可能性较大。求职信可视为推销自己的广告,在面试之前使招聘人员对你留下初步的印象。不同于简历的面面俱到,求职信只能点到即止,对自己的介绍必须有重点地展开,把自己与谋求的职位联系起来。适当表达自己对所应聘单位的了解,申请原因,自身资质,如有离职原因也可作恰当说明。通过求职信,招聘人员可以了解求职者的基本情况、语言修辞和文字表达能力,因而关系着你能否获得面试的机会,进而能否获得这份工作。 写好求职信要处理好以下几个方面:写作动机、自我介绍、本人能力、结尾、附件。










这部分具体情况而定,如有详细的简历或用人单位需要的材料附在求职信中时,需要注明。 求职信切忌哗众取宠,言而不实。也无需堆砌辞藻,一味奉承。应做到简洁明了,用词准确,重点突出,有礼有节。在格式方面,可简单概括为:

第一段, 明确你的求职意向(为何申请这份工作,对职位的了解,对公司的了解) 第二段, 突出你的资质(个人简历,具备的技能,工作经历,自身的特点)

第三段, 请求面试机会(强调争取得到职位的信心,对读信人的感谢,可以参加面试的时间和联系方式等)



1)2012年7月将从鲁迅美术学院设计专业毕业,本人主修的科目是平面设计专业,曾经在大连一家广告公司实习过3个月,希望能进公司做产品设计师工作; 2)随函附上个人简历;

3)本人愿意进一步提供公司所需要了解的情况; 4)本人的电话号码是:1234567。来电或来函均可; 5)希望在不久的将来能接到面试的通知。 Words for Reference: 奥美广告公司 Ogilvy & Mather

鲁迅美术学院 Luxun Academy of Fine Arts

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position concerning design in your company —Ogilvy & Mather. I am going to graduate from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in July, 2012, majoring in graphic design. I have ever worked as a designer in an ad agency for three months. With sound academic background and great interest in design, I’d very much like this opportunity to work in your company and I believe I am qualified to fill your position.

Enclosed is a copy of my resume. If you want any further information, please contact me by mail or by phone at 1234567.

I would be grateful if you could grant me an interview. Yours faithfully,

XXX December 11, 2011


★ I’m interested in the post of which you advertised in yesterday’s Shanghai Daily.

★ Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 China Daily interested me because the position that you described exactly like the kind of job I am seeking. ★ I wish to apply for the position of consumer demand executive which you advertised in University Students Career Guide of July 15.

★ I will be graduating from XX University this year.

★ I’m writing to inquire whether you have a vacancy (空缺)for me in your college.

★ I am writing in answer to your advertisement in the Southern Weekly of March 2 for an accountant.

★ Your ad for a market analyst in China Trade News seems a good match for my credentials. ★ Three years’experience as secretary to the president of Sony Electronics (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. has topped me on the list of candidates(候选人).

★ During my education, I have grasped the principles of my major subject area and gained practical skills. ★ Enclosed please find my curriculum vitae (CV 履历)and two letters of recommendation as request.

★ Enclosed is my resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.

★ You’ll find enclosed a photocopy of my university diploma(毕业文凭), grade report (成绩单) as well as two photographs.

★ I trust that you’ll give this application your favorable consideration. ★ I shall be much obliged (我将不胜感激)if you’ll give me an opportunity for an interview. ★ If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

★ I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further explore the possibility of obtaining such a position in your company.

★ May I have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in details.

★ I would welcome an opportunity to attend you for an interview.

★ I should be pleased to furnish your with any further particulars at your request.

★ I would appreciate an interview at your earliest convenience(在您最方便的时候). Thank you for your time and consideration.




大学城栏目:居民空间消息快播 空间栏目:英语应用能力考试 收藏到我的学习空间 收藏到我的课堂魔方 分享到圈子

? ? ? ?


发表时间:2012-6-14 22:56:49 浏览:76 评论:0



【写作策略】 在求学或应聘时,师长专家、原工作单位的领导或者资历较深的同事书写的推荐信能够让第三方对被推荐者有更为全面的认识,从而来考虑是否符合录取的要求和标准,其作用是不言而喻的。推荐信的特点是要突出被推荐者的优点,充分肯定成绩,但也要实事求是,不能夸夸其谈。 信的内容主要包含以下几个部分: ①介绍与被推荐者之间的关系以及熟悉程度 ②概述被推荐者的业务能力、个人品质和工作态度,可以通过描述其工作学习期间的一些细节来增强说服力和可信度



To whom it may concern,

As the dean of the department of management science and

engineering, I have had the pleasure of knowingMr. Tang Yanchun for the last three years. He has been a tremendous student and an asset to our college. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Mr. Tang for your undergraduate program.

Mr. Tang has routinely ranked in the top 10% of his class, and is consistently one of the top students in each of his individual courses. He is highly intelligent and has good analytical skills. I have seen many

examples of his talent and have long been impressed by his diligence and work ethic. I feel confident that he will continue to succeed in his studies.

Overall, Mr. Tang is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for undergraduate studies. An education at your esteemed business school will help him hone these qualities while enhancing his career opportunities. It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for him without reservation. If you need further information with regard to his background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours,

Dong Jianqiao

Dean 求职推荐信

Dear Mr. Lawrence,

This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Andrew. During the time he was with us, Mr. Andrewhas proven to be an innovative and trustworthy individual and I’m sure he would be an excellent candidate for your company.

Andrew is a resourceful, creative and solution-oriented person who was frequently able to come up with new and innovative approaches to his assignment. His outstanding vision and leadership have made Shanghai Office the most productive branch. In spite of these formidable gifts, his unwavering devotion to community affairs exemplifies strong moral fiber and character.

To conclude, it is with sincere conviction that I would like to restate my strong recommendation forAndrew. If you would like further elaboration, please feel free to call me at (021)56261908.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Blair


active 活跃的adaptable适应性强aggressive 有进取心的 analytical 擅长分析attentive 周到的 broad-minded 心胸开阔的

conscientious 认真尽责consistent 坚持不懈的dependable 可信赖的 determined 意志坚定的diplomat有策略的

disciplined 严谨有序的 efficient 效率高的 energetic 精力充沛的enterprising 别出心裁的 enthusiastic 热情的

extroverted 性格外向的 independent 有主见的logical 富于逻辑性 loyal 忠诚的mature 成熟的 objective客观的

optimistic 乐观的 reliable 可靠的resourceful 机智

的 systematic 有条理的reference 介绍人,推荐人talented 有天赋的

sense of humor 幽默感 referee 被介绍人,被推荐人work ethic 职业道德 be impressed with 留下深刻印象an eager learner

勤于学习 excel in / at 在……擅长a great asset to 是……的宝贵财富 meet your expectation 符合您的期望at the request of 应……的要求 as evidenced by 由……表明with great potential 极富潜

质 outstanding performance 出色的表现without reservation 毫无保留 【实用句型】 开头

◆ I’m writing to you to recommend one of my best friends, Gao Yifu, for the advertised post.

◆ With reference to your requirements, I shall, without reservation, recommend Mr. Zhu Jia as the right person for your consideration. ◆ I take pleasure in recommending to you Pan Cunbing, one of my students, who hopes to enter your university for postgraduate studies. ◆ As an associate professor of psychology at East China Normal University who has known Celia very well, I can highly recommend this remarkable young girl for a scholarship to your university.

◆ It’s my honour to recommend Tony who is presently applying a position with your company.

◆ This letter is to introduce Ms. Zhou Mei, who would be an asset to any enterprise she undertakes. 中间

◆ I found him to be broad-minded, energetic and ready to take on new responsibilities.

◆ With near-native fluency of English and rich experience in teaching overseas students, Professor Dave would be highly eligible to fill any Chinese language teaching position in an English-speaking country. ◆ I have been impressed with his creative talents and superb leadership qualities.

◆ As her supervisor, I have witnessed her development both academically and personally into a mature and capable individual in four years. ◆ Her keen sense of organization and unlimited energy inevitably led to success in each endeavor.

◆ She is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study and I’m confident that her scholarship and personality measure up to your university’s standards. ◆ As one of our finest, most well-rounded employees, Mr. Chen Shu excells most of his fellow workers in the firm. 结尾

◆ Therefore I do not hesitate to recommend him as a competent candidate for the post you advertised.

◆ Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor.

◆ I would be delighted to hear of your favorable admission of her. ◆ If you need further information with regard to his background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.

◆ I am sure that he will prove all these qualities to you if you could offer him a chance to bring them into play.

◆ Any favorable consideration to this letter would be considered a personal favor.

◆ I would be delighted to hear of your favorable admission of her. ◆ If you need further information with regard to his background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.

◆ I am sure that he will prove all these qualities to you if you could offer him a chance to bring them into play.

