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开复和 Randy 的通信 Kai-Fu Lee wrote:
Hi, Randy:
I am sure you're totally bombarded by emails, so I will keep this short and get right to the point. Like millions of others, I viewed your lecture, and was very moved. I think your talk is particularly relevant to the young Chinese, who are confused by the society's mono-value system of just money. Too many people believe their goal in life is to accmulate more money, not pursue their dreams.
So, I wrote a short article in Chinese to introduce you and what you said. But then I realized that the video is in English, and while the Chinese translation provided on your website is very good, cross-referencing a movie and a PDF file is just too hard.
I am willing to find someone to turn the PDF translation into captions. Would you give us permission to do that? I can send you a pointer if you'd like.
I'll stop here, and just say that it's a real honor knowing you, and wish you and your family the best.
Randy Pausch wrote:
This is an *awesome* idea, and I'd be thrilled! I'd be more than happy to have it made. And I'm very honored you would ask.
P.S. I've always admired your work greatly.
P.P.S. My Dad used to say that a \dream of becoming rich\was the greatly poverty-of-imagination one could imagine.
Kai-Fu Lee wrote:
Thanks a lot, and thanks for your dad's great quote. I'm sure I'll use it one day.
We'll start the dubbing immediately (BTW, your translator did a very good job). When it's done, I will send you a pointer. Then, we'll promote it in popular websites in China. I believe its popularity will rival that in the US.
BTW, I have written 3 books for Chinese youths. The best selling one was entitled \Your Personal Best\is only in Chinese.
Randy Pausch wrote:
By the way, about 95% of that talk was just me repeating what my Dad told me. He died a year
ago (of cancer, as well), and my only regret about this lecture is that he wasn't able to see it and all the positive response.
My Dad was a huge fan of China (he was one of the first US civilians allowed in, and spent a lot of time there. If Mom would have let him, he would have moved there). And he would agree completely with your assessment that while capitalism is clearly helping raise the standard of living, the focus on money is one thing he (and I) would hate to see the primary export of capitalism.
best wishes, and thanks again for your help in getting this to China,
P.S. I couldn't find your book on Amazon.com - is it available to buy online? And what makes you think I don't read Chinese? (okay, I'm bluffing - but my sister was raised in China - long story - so I'd love to have her walk me through it if I can get my hands on it).
Kai-Fu Lee wrote:
I'll be happy to send you my books. I'll put them in the mail Monday.
I'm enclosing my article about you. Sorry it's in Chinese :-) Will send you a pointer in about 2 weeks when it is published.
BTW, a newspaper asked for some photos to publish my article with, and it would be nice to have a couple of pictures from the lecture. Can you send me reasonable-resolution photo of each of the following: the wall ppt, the cake for your wife during the lecture, your childhood room with your drawing, any photo about your course? Or if it is easier just to email me your ppt, I can extract the best photos for the newspaper.
Randy Pausch wrote:
Here you go - unfortunately, I don't have anything with the cake for my wife :-(
Kai-Fu Lee wrote:
Thanks -- I'll replace the photos in my article with higher resolution ones from your ppt.Here is a photo of you, your wife, an the cake – I found it on Google image search And congratulations on the latest good news from the doctors!
I'll send you a pointer when the article + a special \
Randy wrote:
Thanks - you are quite kind to do all this, and if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.
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