牛津译林版-英语-七上-复习教案: 5单元 Task

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课 题 7上 Unit5 Task

课型 New

教学目标 By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. make a writing plan before writing;

2. write a passage about their favourite festivals. 教学重点

1. Organize information and write a plan;

2. Write a passage about one’s favourite festival. 教学难点

1. Organize information and write a plan;

2. Write a passage about one’s favourite festival.


集 体 备 课

备 课 札 记 St ep 1 Lead -in

T: We have learned many different festivals. Now Millie wants to write a passage about her favourite festival. Step 2 Presen tation 1. Millie’s writing plan.

(1) Read Millie’s writing plan and analyze it. a. What is Millie’s favourite festival? b. Who celebrate the festival? c. When is the festival?

d. How do peop le celebrate the fe stival? (2) Try to write down the structure of the writing plan. (3) Circle the useful expressions in the writing plan. 2. Complete Millie’s passag

e. 3. Get the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: What & Who Paragraph 2: When & How Paragraph 3: How

4. Figure out the article structure.


Introduction: Paragraph 1

Main body: Paragraph 2 + Paragraph 3 (Conclusion): /

Step 3 Practice

1. Writing steps.

(1) Choose a topic.

(2) Get more details to ma ke a writing plan.

(3) Write a passage according to the plan.

(4) Check your passage.

2. Make a writing plan of Mid-Autumn Festival. Topic—What—When—Who—How …

3. Some useful expressions.

4. Write a passage about Mid-Autumn.

5. Refine your passage according to the evaluation table. V. Homework

1. Collect more informa tion about your favourite festi val;

2. Refine your passage according to the evaluation table.板书设计





