unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
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unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
How many different types of disabilities do you know?
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Types of Disabilitiesblind deaf mute Physically disabled lame paralytic armless legless handlessa very short and small person dwarf hunchback have a hump(驼峰) on the back Mentally disabled can’t behave properly or normally can’t see can’t hear can’t speak can’t walk normally have no feeling in a certain part of the body
lose a certain part of the body
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Disabled people
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Can you name some other great disabled people? And what have they tried to do to overcome these difficulties?
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Stephen Hawking(Black holes theory)
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Steven Hawking1942 England Speech impaired, can only move one of his fingers Physicist / mathematician made a research in the beginning of space, matter and time.
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Blind, deaf and dumb
Helen Keller
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Helen Keller 1882—1968 United States Blind, deaf and dumb learn to read Braille (盲文) , to speak and write .Finished the studies in Radcliff College. Became famous writer --“Three days To See.”
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Zhang Haidi: writer , paralytic, in a wheelchair
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
BeethovenDeaf Composed
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Hu yizhou 1978--- ,Chinasome problems in his brain. His IQ is only 30. A famous conductor (指挥家) ) in the Chinese Disabled Art Group
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
Deng Pufang: son of Deng Xiaoping , paralytic, wheelchair , chairman of the Chinese Disabled Union .
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
a famous gymnast (体操运 体操运 动员).She hurt herself 动员 seriously in a competition and can’t stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会)
Sanglan(桑兰) Sanglan(桑兰) 1981 --, China. --, China.
unit 1 living well warming-up and reading
What do you learn from these disabled?They’re broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚)
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