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统一编号 (共4册)

江 苏 工 业 学 院 教 案 簿


课程名 英 语 听 力

教学单位 外 语 系

主讲教师 张 春 芳 职称 副 教 授

课程性质 B1 总学时 32/128 总学分 2/8

授课班级 英语061/062 总人数 55

课程授课学期 2006-2007学年第1学期 起止时间 06 年 9 月至 08 年 7 月

本册教案用于第 1 学期起止时间 2006 年 9 月 25 日至 2007 年 1 月 9 日

所用教材及编者 英语听力教程1 张民伦 高等教育出版社 2006

主要参考书及编者 英语听力教程教师用书 张民伦 2006.5

江 苏 工 业 学 院 教 务 处 制

本 册 教 案 目 录

课次 课题(章节) Unit 1 Can I Take a Message? (I) 1-2 Unit 2 Can I Take a Message? (II) 3 Unit 3 Clear or Cloudy? 4-5 Unit 4 Can Time Move Backward? 6 Unit 5 Flying In and Out 7-8 Unit 6 By bus or by Train? 9 Unit 7 This way or that Way? 10-11 Middle Term Examination 12 Unit 8 Cash or Cheque? 13 Unit 9 Toward Better Health (I) 14 Unit 10 Toward Better Health (II) 15-16 Unit 11 The Interviewer’s Eye 17 Unit 12 Review 18 19

页码 General Review


第 1-2 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 1-2 教案完成时间 Summer vacation

课题(章节) 1. Can I Take a Message? (I) 教学目的与要求: 1. To get the students know the structure of the textbook, the requirements of the course, the short-term and long-term goals of the listening course. 2. To tell them what listening skills should be mastered in the course and how to master these skills. 3. To familiarize students with various forms of telephone calls. 4. To familiarize students with various expressions frequently used in phone calls. 5. To learn to take messages while receiving phone calls. 6. To familiarize students with related information. 7. To dictate a paragraph 教学重点、难点: 1. To get the students have a clear picture of what listening course is like and some listening skills. 2. To help them develop good study habits in college. 3. Various expressions concerning telephone calls. 4. Learn to note down key words and use abbreviations instead of writing down every word heard. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part III. 4. Group work: to practice the words and phrases of Part VI. 课堂练习、作业: To finish the exercises from Part I to Part III. Homework To finish Part IV and Part VI 本次课教学内容小结: To give a brief introduction to TEM4 and some techniques in learning this course. Problems: 1. It is difficult for some students to get the habit of learning this course. 2. Some contents of the text are difficult. Measures: 1. To get the students to develop good study habits. 2. To select some contents for them to do after class.

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备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) 1. The structure of the textbook 2. The requirements, the short-term and long-term goals of the course. Listening Comprehension skills 听力技能是语言实用能力的重要组成部分,听不仅能促进读、写、说、译等能力的相应提高,也是获取信息的重要渠道。听力不仅指人的听觉力,还包括记忆能力、概括能力、预测能力和语言转换能力等。听力理解部分的目的是测试学生获取口头信息的能力。 (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 2 periods; Presentation and discussion 一、题型 本考试的第一部分是听力理解,共含15道题,答题时间20分钟,分值15分。它由Section A 和Section B两节组成。Section A有10组对话(Conversation),每组对话后伴随一个问题。为了便于区分,对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的,然后由第三个人根据上述对话提出问题,要求考生从四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案;Section B为短文(Passage),一般为2篇,每篇后设有2~3个问题,每个问题后约有15秒的停顿,读两遍。 Section A常见的题型主要有以下几种: 1.地点题 地点即对话发生的地点。常用的提问方式有: Where does the conversation most likely take place? Where are they / the two speakers / the man and the woman? … [Example] W: May I have this prescription filled here? I have a terrible headache. M: Yes, but you’ll have a 15-minute wait. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a bank. B. In a drug store. C. In a garage. D. In a department store. 此题中关键词是“prescription”和“headache”,由此可断定B是正确答案。 2.身份或职业题 这类题要求听者通过说话人的用词和语气判断说话者的身份或职业。 [Example] W: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Mr. Smith? M: Certainly. Read Chapter Two in your textbook and come to class prepared to discuss what you’ve read. Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Secretary and boss. B. Client and lawyer. C. Student and teacher. D. Patient and nurse. 此题的关键句子是“read the next chapter in your textbook”和“come to class”。由

此可知C正确。 3.时间顺序题 此类题听者须听懂对话中事情发生的先后顺序或确定某事发生或完成的具体时间。 [Example] W: Have you finished your term paper? I handed in mine last Thursday. M: I finished typing mine at 11:00 last night. I have to submit by noon today. Q: When must the girl turn in her term paper? A. By 9:00 B. By 10:00 C. By 11:00 D. By 12:00 答案为D。因为noon是12点的同义词。A、B对话中未提到,C指的是完成学期论文的时间。 4.计算题 要求听者就对话中出现的有关数字进行计算,如价格、人数、年龄、速度等。做这种题时应根据录音提供的数据信息,通过快速心算,确定选项。 [Example] W: I like these shirts. How much are they? M: They are $60 each or $ 100 for two. Q: How much does one shirt cost? A. $15 B. $60 C.$100 D. $150 答案是B。A属于听音错误,C是指两件衬衫的价格,D是三件衬衫的价格。 5.推测题 要求听者根据所听内容推测出隐含在对话中的信息。 [Example] M: Let’s go to the concert after dinner. W: Well, I’ll go if you really want to, but I’m a little bit tired. Q: What conclusion can you draw from the conversation? A. The man is too tired to go to the concert. B. The woman wants to go to the concert. C. The man wants to go out to dinner. D. The woman does not want to go to the concert. 从对话可知,女方尽管很疲劳,但为了使男方高兴,表示愿意去音乐会。故选D。 6.理解题 它是所有题型中难度较大的一种,包括对词汇、句型及全文的理解。此类题的问题一般是: What can you learn / infer from the conversation? What does the man / woman mean? [Example] M: You didn’t go to the park last night either, did you? W: No. I had to feed the baby. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. The man went to the park, but the woman didn’t. B. The woman went to the park, but the man didn’t. C. Neither of them went to the park. D. Both speakers went to the park.

由“didn’t go either”可知男方也未去,故应选C。 Section B除了对话部分的题型外,所提问题还会涉及到中心思想(main idea),作者或谈话者的观点和看法(opinion)或短文中的一些具体事实等问题(可参照阅读理解题型)。 二、听力训练的基本规律和技巧 1.坚实的语言基础 语言知识包括语音、语法和词汇。语音包括辨音、音变、句子重音、语调等方面。如不能正确辨音就会导致理解上的错误。熟练地掌握词汇、固定词组及常见搭配也有利于正确理解所听到的信息。例如: The school master collected the papers herself. The school master corrected the papers herself. “collect”和“correct”虽然只有一“音”之差,但提供的信息却不同。 2.捕捉关键词,听要点 要一词不漏地听清录音内容几乎是不可能的,有时也是不必要的。应捕捉关键词,对一些虚词或与解题无关的实词及不反映重要信息的句子可不予理会。例如: M: Two one-yuan stamps and five eighty-cent stamps, please. W: Here you are. That’ll be six yuan. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At a station. B. On a bus. C. At a post office. D. In a restaurant. 从选项可预测本题问题属地点题,只要听到关键词“stamps”,就可做对此题。答案为C。 3.培养推导和猜测的能力 听,属于接受性技能,受时间限制比较大。人们在接受信息时不可能滴水不漏,所以利用已知信息和上下文进行推导和猜测非常重要。例如: A. In a bank. B. In a drug store. C. In a restaurant. D. In a hotel. 通过选项可知此题是地点题,听音时就可将重点放在有关“地点”的关键词上。 4.培养笔录的能力 人们对语言材料的认知加工都是在短时记忆中进行的。研究表明,短时记忆的容量非常有限,而笔录可以帮助我们弥补记忆力的不足。请看下面这段对话: M: Where are you going? W: To Germany. I’m going home. You’re English, aren’t you? M: Yes, I am. W: Where are you going? M: To Portugal. W: On holiday? M: No. I’m going to take some photographs there. Q1: Where are they from? 听这段对话时,可结合选项边听边记录,如:W- Ger即女孩为德国人, to- home; m-E(man 是英国人),to- P,在做下面的选项时就可轻易地选出答案。 1. A. One is from Germany and the other from Portugal. B. One is from Germany and the other from England.

C. One is from England and the other from Portugal. D. One is from England and the other from Italy. (答案:B) Q2: Where are they going? 2. A. One is going to Germany and the other to Portugal. B. One is going to England and the other to Germany. C. One is going to Italy and the other to Portugal. D. One is going to England and the other to Italy. (答案:A) 这两个题牵涉到好几个地名,若在听音时一听而过,不做笔记,很可能会判断错,若笔录就很容易做出正确选项。 5.增强文化背景知识 背景知识指除了语言知识外,为了理解话语的含义所应具备的社会文化知识、专业知识、有关的图式等。语言不仅是一种表达工具,一串孤立的符号,而且还是一种文化现象。它跟一个民族的文化心理、价值观念、思维方式有着密切的联系。语言和文化是不可分割的,学语言的同时也在学习它的文化。对该语言所属的历史、文学、传统和风俗习惯等了解得越深,就越有利于学习该语言。所以,平时应当加强本族语言和所学语言国家的文化的学习。 总之,只要循规律,找窍门,掌握一定的技巧,再通过不断的练习就可达到事半功倍的效果。 Unit 1 Can I Take a Message?(I) Part 1 Vocabulary (ask the students to read) 1. ambulance 2. way: road, lane, street, avenue, drive, alley, terrace, boulevard. 3. vehicle: cab: taxi, lorry, ambulance, fire engine, police car, driving car, sleeping car. 4. expressions concerned with telephoning: busy; disconnected; not in service; not in use; out of order; no one answers; wrong number; powered off; changed to an unpublished number. 5. for preference 6. interfere with 7. roaming agreements. 8. intensify 9. cell pone: mobile phone; handset; 10. electromagnetic field. Part II- Part IV ? Difficult words and phrases put through I can’t get through. accountant hunt around the station number

To practice in a panic lawyer solicitor barrister client florist hairdresser pocket calculator Great minds think alike ? Difficult sentences It’s super. It’s just what I wanted. It just wouldn’t do all the things I need to do at work. It certainly wouldn’t remember telephone numbers for me like this one. You know how often I need to call him on company contracts. Because I rang yesterday about Robbie’s appointment. You’re always hunting around for that in a panic. I thought this was my pocket calculator. Oh, I tell you one number we do need quite often---the sports club. Now, as it’s my birthday, what about taking me out for a meal? I don’t think I can remember the telephone number of our favourite restaurant! Part V Difficult words engaged popular pips sack get sacked interview the why’s how’s and where’s coin intend to do That’s it. Difficult sentences That number has been engaged for ages. Nobody can be that popular. I wonder if her number’s been changed. I think I’ll try again. I haven’t heard from you for at least 2 years. I need some advice. There are pips. That’s probably why I’ve been sacked. The first ten questions are almost always the same. I’m still here. How I intend to get to work. I’m always asked if I’m married. That’s it. No more coins. I’ll write to you soon. And many thanks. Dictation There are many things you can do outside of school to prepare yourself for a newspaper job. Read everything that you can, especially newspapers and magazines. Discuss what you read and form your own opinions. When you read an article, notice how it is written as well as what it says. If you don’t read a lot and don’t think about what you read, your own writing will show it. You should also take time to discover how your city government works. Go to meetings where laws are being made. Some people think that newspapers deal mostly with murders and other forms of crime but actually more of a day’s news comes from ordinary sources: government offices, business meetings, social clubs and so on. The more you know about them, the more successful you will be. 第 页

To listen and practice To practice To dictate


第 3 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 3 教案完成时间 Summer vacation

课题(章节) Unit 2. Can I Take a Message? (II) 教学目的与要求: 1. To be familiar with various forms of telephone calls. 2. To be familiar with various expressions frequently used in phone calls. 3. To learn how to take messages while receiving phone calls. 4. To be familiar with related information. 5. Sentence dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. Various expressions concerning telephone calls; 2. Part III, Exercise B: answering questions. 3. Learn to note down the key words and use abbreviations instead of writing down every word heard. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Role play 4. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part III. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 2. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 2 Home work To memorize the reminders of Part VI in this unit. 本次课教学内容小结: Problems: 1. Some students cannot write down the numbers quickly. 2. Part of the students cannot understand some contents of the text Measures: 1. To practice numbers. 2. To focus on the key points of the text in class. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) Part 1 2 periods; 1. Key words and phrases in the text operator Hold the line. Hang on. Hang up To practice a direct call a collect call a person-to-person call a long distance call an overseas call; IDD (an international direct dialing) a toll call charge zone go ahead 2. Difficult sentences Put him on I have a collect call from… I have a person-to-person fro …from.. I’m trying to call.. I’m trying to reach… I’d like to book a call to China. I’m trying to reach Mary at 1234567. Sorry for disturbing you. B Key: collect charges on 7982294 zone a dollar 45 3 To check the coins go ahead book date time August 19th 10 phone answers 6643639 8211083 ready person-to-person reach 6099525 mistake disturbing To practice C Useful sentences 1) May I ask who’s calling? 2) I’m sorry, but he’s out to lunch right now. 3) Could I have your telephone number, please? 4) Would you like to leave a message? 5) Could you spell your name, please? 6) I’ll be sure to give her the message. 7) I’m sorry, but she’s in a meeting now. 8) I’m sorry, but he won’t be back to the office until Monday afternoon. 9) Mr. Smith would like to reschedule Friday’s appointment to next Wednesday at 9 o’clock. 10) Shall I have her call you back later today?

To practice There are a few details regarding the sale of his property that we need to discuss and To check the I’ll be glad if he would contact me as soon as possible. answers after hearing 2. Key: Evans Smith details sale of your property discussion as soon as possible 3. Key: Rebacca 4. Difficult words and sentences: Green and Harding ma’am Is Guy around? He should be back any minute. It’s urgent. There’s been a mix-up about he labeling of product number 15437B—that’s the one for the Italian market. I’d like him to get to get in touch so that it can be cleared up. Key: Paula Rome 0025589847 tomorrow evening mix-up labeling 15437B Italian market Part III Oh, there’s a phone. To practice A. Difficult sentences Wait a sec. in pair I’ve got to let her know that I’ll be late. I wanna call my cousin We cannot complete your call as dialed. Ask the operator for assistance. I got a recording. Boulder. The number for Dorothy Campbell on Cloverleaf Drive. I dialed the wrong exchange. I dialed 477 instead of 447. Please deposit 25 cents for the first one minute. Have you got a quarter? Oh, boy, her phone’s busy. Part II Giving and receiving phone calls ? Difficult points: Transit Authority daily available assist This is the Transit Authority’s telephone information center. You will hear ringing until the next available agent can assist you … 925-1066 regular hours after the beep, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can specializing in bicycle tours of Eastern Europe at the sound of taking a shower B 1. Key: Ted get the red ones blue see them Difficult sentences

Statements: 1. The girls haven’t had supper yet. To write T 2. The recording says that the number has been changed. or F 3. The caller calls Information for her cousins number. 4. Dorothy Campbell lives in Cloverleaf Drive, New York. 5. The correct exchange is 447. 6. The caller is using a cell phone. 7. The caller borrows a quarter from Marilyn. 8. The call gets through but no one answers the phone. 9. There will probably be a telephone at the restaurant. 10. The caller’s cousin won’t be angry if she has to wait. Part IV various telephones a touch-tone telephone an answering machine a video phone To practice a telephone booth a pay phone a call-box telephone kiosk a coin phone available 30$ see hear telephone check television computer attached taped pick picture faces in-laws robbed behaving at-home health grandchildren interviewing 61 six twice voice-only 1964 Part V 00 86 10 4172258 To practice 001 1 202 455435 the 0011 64 4 6562008 telephone 810 1 416 546342 numbers 19 44 61 5 761068 Dictation Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead, you think you have more time than you need. For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands. But toward the end of the semester you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don’t have enough time to cover all your duties, so you get To dictate worried. Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on wasting time. Time is dangerous. If you don’t control it, it will control you. If you don’t make it work for you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one problem. 第 页


第 4-5 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 4-5 教案完成时间 summer vacation 课题(章节) 3.Clear or Cloudy 教学目的与要求: 1. To be familiar with the expressions of weather conditions, temperatures, times, percentages and years; 2. To familiarize the students with English weather forecasts; 3. To ask students to make a weather report for Changzhou; 4. To develop the awareness of environment protection by learning the passage “Effects of Climate Change”; 5. To memorize some key expressions and can make similar sentences; 6. To do a paragraph dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. The differences between Fahrenheit and Centigrade to measure temperature; 2. Words to describe weather conditions, such as sunny, clear, windy…; 3. Some broad and general terms rather than exact terms to describe weather conditions; 4. To make weather reports in different areas. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain some new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to make a dialogue about the weather report for his or her hometown. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 3. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 3. Homework To make a weather report. 本次课教学内容小结: Problems: 1. Some students cannot write down the time quickly. 2. Part of the students cannot understand some contents of the text Measures: 1. To practice numbers of time. 2. To focus on Part II of the text in class. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) Part 1 Getting ready Weatherman always uses some broad and general terms rather than exact 2 periods; words to predict weather in the future. Words related to weather forecast Fahrenheit F Centigrade C C = 5(F-32)/9 F= 9C/ 5+32 5(toF- 50)=9(toC-10o) zero and decimal numbers: plural (0.5 degrees) B. Key 0 32 100 212 37 98.6 15 59 35 95 Sentences the freezing point… the boiling point… the temperature on a hot summer’s day is… C weatherman temperature, wind directions, wind speed; relative humidity; barometric pressure Weather conditions: 1) temperature: freezing, cold, chilly, cool, mild, warm, hot 2) sky: sunny, clear, cloudy, overcast. 3) humidity: dry, damp, humid, wet 4) rain; drizzle, shower, downpour, storm 5) wind: breeze, gale heavy rain/ light rain; strong wind/light wind. freezing point; boiling point; absolute zero; ppm: parts per million C.

7: 10 a.m. sunny 30 11: 10 a.m. cloudy 7 7: 10 p.m. clear 19 4: 40 p.m. rainy 33 1: 00 a.m. windy 30 9: 10 p.m. clear 10 5: 10 a.m. rainy 24 2: 10 p.m. sunny 26 12: 10 p.m. clear 27 3: 10 a.m. cloudy 21 8: 10 a.m. rainy 14 We’ll report on weather around the world. Here in New York, it’s 7:10. The temperature is a warm 30 degrees. The sun is shining. In Changzhou, it’s 10. It’s clear and the temperature is a warm 22 degrees Centigrade. The temperature at 5 is 20 degrees. Part II A Weather report A Dictation Now the weather report. It’ll be mainly clear. In the day the high will be 15 degrees. At six o’clock the temperature was 8 degrees, the humidity 46 percent. Tomorrow’s forecast is not very promising. We can expect cloudy, cold, windy weather. The temperature will drop to 5 degrees in the morning. It’ll get warmer in the afternoon with a high temperature of 10 degrees. In the evening there’s a good chance that we’ll get some rain or snow, the temperature in the evening will drop to 0 degrees. Good sentences in this passage: It’ll be mainly clear. Tomorrow’s forecast is not very promising. We can expect cloudy, cold, windy weather. We’ll get some rain or snow The temperature in the evening will drop to 0 degrees. B Key 76 7 74 lower 70s upper 80s middle 60s around 90 upper 60s 90 to 95 Good sentences in the passage: Tonight partly cloudy, some widely scattered showers. Lows in the lower 70s and light and variable winds. C Key 66% calm 30.08

cloudy, widely scattered showers light and variable sunny, warm south winds, five to ten miles per hour fair sunny, hot humid fair fair cloudy, thunderstorms Part III At a bus stop Good sentences: My feet are freezing. It feels like hours. They were predicting light rain. They’re still predicting one or two inches but we’ve got at least three inches already. That’s where I’ve seen you before. I work in the same building---in that travel agency off the lobby… Am I glad to see that bus! Statements: 1. The man has been waiting longer than the woman. 2. Both of them hate winter. 3. There are more than three inches of snow on the ground. 4. they are in Detroit. 5. the woman’s office is not far from the bus stop. 6. The man works in the same office. 7. Sometimes they have coffee together. 8. They’re standing in the front of a doughnut shop. 9. the bus comes exactly when they get their coffee. 10. The man doesn’t know whether he is glad to see that bus or not. Key 2.3.5 T Part IV Effects of Climate Change Key climate health hot heat air extreme sick prepared increase storms injuries rising rainfall sea floods supplies unsafe bacteria Hotter sunlight growth lungs diseases warm insects common disease-carrying wet international transport efforts weather

Part V Weather Forecast Key dry with some sunshine in the afternoon sunny in the morning, cloudy with some rain in the afternoon cold and windy snow in the evening Good sentences in this part Now for the weather forecast. It will be a dry day, with some sunshine on the southeast coast in the afternoon. That’s the weather outlook for tomorrow. That’s all from me. B. move over, fog patches at times Good sentences in this part We’ll go over to the weather center for the weather forecast for the whole of the UK. Due to the depression lying off the north of England and the high in the south of England, tomorrow’s weather will be variable across the country. It’ll be cloudy all day with showers at times. That’s the end of the weather forecast. Key cool, warm, sunshine dry, cloudy cloudy, showers fog patches windy cloudy, rain, heavy rain sleet, snow rain, very cold Dictation Reading is one of the most important things to judge a person’s command of a foreign language. There are two effective ways to improve reading comprehension. Reading widely is of primary importance. Reading is basically a process in which a reader tries to get the messages I a language. Many people have the mistaken idea that a good understanding of English grammar is equal to good reading skills. Yet, we often find that this is untrue. Only when we concentrate on the meaning rather than the forms of language do we understand what we read. And the more we read, the better we understand. Building a large vocabulary is also very important. First, we can enlarge our vocabulary by reading English articles and books in fields. Only by coming across new words and phrases repeatedly can we store them in our memories. Secondly, memorizing words from vocabulary lists may also be helpful. 第 页


第 6 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 6 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 4. Can Time Move Backward? 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize the students with the time, the day of the week; 2. To be familiar with messages taking, as well as note taking about the time; 3. To memorize some key expressions about message taking. 4. To do a paragraph dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. Four different ways of telling the time (British, America, 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock); 2. Different time devices. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part II. 4. Group work: to practice the dialogue of Part I. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 4. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 4. Homework To memorize the reminders of this unit. 本次课教学小结: Most of the students understood the contents of the text 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 1. Four different ways of telling the time: 2 periods; 10: 35 p.m. twenty-five minutes to eleven twenty-five minutes of eleven ten thirty-five 22:35 twenty-two thrity-five hours 10:00 ten o’clock 10:15 a quarter past ten ten fifteen 10:30 half past ten ten thirty B What time do you have? What time have you got? I have a quarter to five. What time is it? What’s the time? It’s… It’s about… It’s three o’clock sharp. Could you give me the time? It’s… We’ve got fifteen minutes to get there. I’ll drive you whereever you have to go. C Key 1) 7 a.m. Monday 5 p.m. Sunday 6 a.m. Monday 2) 4 p.m. Friday 11 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. Friday 3) 3 p.m. Tuesday 3 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. Monday 4) 8 p.m. Friday 12 noon. Saturday 3 a.m. Saturday 5) 1 a.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. Wednesday 9 p.m. Tuesday Hong Kong 香港 Baghdad巴格达 Honolulu火奴鲁鲁 Mexico 墨西哥 Guam Rome 罗马 Santiago 圣地亚哥 Part II Local time A Dictation Ladies and gentlemen. May we kindly ask you to remain seated until the aricraft has reached its final position. The temperature here in London is 15oC or 59oF. The exact local time is 11:35. Captain Smith and his crew would like to say goodbye to you. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Thank you. Good sentences in this passage May we kindly ask you to remain seated…

We would like to say goodbye to you. We hope you enjoyed your flight. B Key Mr. Wong Singapore Mr. Box arriving late Saturday 1 a.m. local know Mrs. Cox meet Inform Royal late phone confirm Difficult points Santos Trading. telex (fax) He’ll be in touch with you. Good sentences in this passage This is Mr. Smith, calling form Paris. Who do you want to speak to? Fine, putting you through. I expect her assistant. And also inform the Royal Hotel that I’ll be arriving very late. Telex or phone me to confirm that this is possible? Part III Ladies and gentlemen plenary session delegate book a plane conference, meeting, session, convention. B key final pollution 201 shelter 201 304 porter’s leaving records chairpeople five afternoon 17 coach 3:30 15:30 coach 5:15 17:15 five minutes departure times collect desk leaving Institute sixth Convention Oct. names conference C departure times promptly PES Good sentences in this passage If I can have your attention for a moment please? I have the final notices for this final session of the conference. Which means the domestic shelter session will be changed from Room 201


第 17 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 17 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 11. The Interviewer’s Eye 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with questions and answers, times and prices; 2. To give students a general picture of how one should behave in job interviews; 3. To sum up the questions usually given by interviewers; 4. To sum up the ways one should behave in a job interview; 教学重点、难点: 1. Questions often asked in a job interview. 2. Various expressions related to the job interviews. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Ask students to discuss how to be successful in a job interview. 4. Group work for role play. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 11. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 11. Homework To write a resume in English. 本次课教学小结: Summing up some ways to be successful in a job interview is of great help to students to find a right job in the future.

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备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) 1. fade out 2. inner reality 3. recruitment manager 4. human resources 5. want-ads 6. engineering firm 7. students of science/engineering/liberal arts 8. long-range goal 9. in terms of 10. unemployment rate 11. settle down 12. fiddle with (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 2 periods; 第 页

第 18-19 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 18-19 教案完成时间 summer vacation

课题(章节) 12. Review 教学目的与要求: 1. To review all the major points in the book. 2. To provide a general picture of how they are progressing in listening. 3. To ask students to write a summary of what their strong and weak points are and how they are going to improve their weaknesses. 教学重点、难点: 1.To ask students to have a clear picture of their own study. 2. To ask them to practice more after class. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Self-introspection. 2. Respective summarization. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 12. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 12. 本次课教学内容小结: By generalizing the main points in this textbook, students can further understand the major contents of the course and some weak points in listening, so that they can find some methods to improve listening abilities in the near future. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. cash a traveler’s check a fire brigade fares, please. threefold face-forward automated service cash card banking habits (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 2 periods; 第 页


第 14 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 14 教案完成时间 课题(章节) Vedio Teaching 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with real-life English. 2. To arouse their interest in English language. . 教学重点、难点: 1. Accurate understanding of the video plot. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to summarize the plots. 2. Explanation of some expressions and sentences. 课堂练习、作业: 本次课教学内容小结: 第 页

to Room 304. I hope everybody’s got that. Turning now to your discussion records. Regarding coaches for the airport… And there’ll be another one a little later than that at 15 hour… I have particular messaegs for… That’s the Sixth Annual Convention of PES, 86, October. And I hope that you too have found it a happy and productive time Thank you all for coming. Part IV Day-light-saving Time day-light-saving time longitude Hawaii electricity reduction legislation time zone; GMT: Greenwich mean time local time key systme measuring line 15 degrees central 30 degrees first difference one same ahead states border nearby added purpose electricity war WWI WWII established confusing Congress last Sunday extended fuel 1986 start first energy whole 300,000 backward Part V Radio Announcement pensioner opera tune And now here are some of the thngs you can listen to this evening here on Radio 2. Our Wednesday play is at nine and is called Old People Talking; it’s about a small group of old age pensioners sitting in a social club remembering the past. Before that at 7:30 we have “My Favourite Discs” in which Jenny Lindley talks about the records that influenced her musical career. At 10:30 there is an account by James Farmer of his travels in the Middle East by bicycle and at 11:00 there’s a service from St. Paul’s. On Radio 3 the big even of the evening is the broadcast of La Traviata from the Albert Hall; it’s at 9:00 and it has Felicity Newcombe in the major role. The interval talk at 9:15 is Peter Morris remembering his adventures while fishing in Scotland. Radio 1 has as usual continuous pop music; from 6 to 8 it’s the Tommy Brian Show with interviews with live pop stars; from 10 till midnight it’s Joe Newland with his friends. So if you’re in for the evening or listening on the car radio there should be something for you; stay tuned. Our Wednesday play is at nine. At 10:30 there is an account by James Farmer of his travels in the Middle East by bicycle From 6 to 8 it’s the Tommy Brian Show with interviews with live pop stars

Questions: 1) Which chammel are you listening to? 2) If you are interested in opera, which channel are you going to listen to? 3) Which channel will La Traviate be on? 4) What day is it? 5)What is the name of the 9 o’clock play? 6) What is on Radio 2 at 7:30? 7) What is on Radio 1 at 10:30? 8) Where did James Farmer travel? 9) When will Pter Morris be on Radio 3? 10) When will Felicity Newcombe be on Radio 3? Dictation Millions of words have been written about young people in the United states. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and actions of youth. Today there are about seven million Americans in colleges and universities. Young people under 25 make up nearly half of the American population. Many of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to understand what they think and feel. College students today have strong ideas about right and wrong. They are deeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before now. they see much that is wrong in the lives of their parents/. It is hard for them to see what its right and good in the older ways/ As a result, there is often trouble in American families. 第 页


第 7-8 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 7-8 教案完成时间Summer vacation 课题(章节) 5. Flying In and Out 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with numbers, times, dates, and prices; 2. To familiarize students with airline information, such as flight numbers, arrival time, destination, delay time, etc.; 3. To memorize the reminders of the unit. 4. To do a paragraph dictation. 5. To make a dialogue about “A Trip to Beijing” with the words and sentences learned. 教学重点、难点: 1. The differences between the flight number and the telephone number; 2. The abbreviations for various airlines: CA, BA, AF, and SR; 3.Some aspects on a typical airline announcement, such as the name of the airlines, flight number, destination, boarding gate, etc. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice the dialogue made by themselves. 4. Role play. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 5. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 5. Homework To make a dialogue about “A Trip to Shanghai”. 本次课教学小结: Problem: Part of the students cannot understand Part IV. Measure: To explain the difficult points of the part again in class. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) Introductory remarks: The teaching focus of this unit is numbers, times, dates, dand prices. The 2 periods most important activity is listening to airline information Flight number is a little bit different form the telephone number. It does not have as many digits as a telephone number. And usually the abbreviation of the airline is used in form of the number. The abbreviation for the Chinese Airlines is CA, the British Airways is BA, the Air France is AF, and the Swiss Air is SR. A typical airline announcement usually contains the following aspects: name of the airlines, flight number, destination, boarding gate, boarding time, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait. And the announcements will be broadcasted in several different languages several times to make sure that all the passengers can get the necessary information. Part I Getting ready B Key 1) advice hand baggage large suitcase 2) essential everything travel 3) idea plenty office catch up 4) walkman reading matter 5) advise as much as customs 6) important a day time adjust 7) difficult comfortable 8) careful local food drink 9) involved political discussion 10) abroad everyone respect 11) forget foreigner advice remembered Part II Airport announcements B 1. Atlitalia to Milan, flight number A 2291 now boarding at gate 6. Atlitalia flight number A 2291 boarding gate 6. 2. This is the final call for Sabena to Brussels flight number SN608. Any remaining passengers must go immediately to gate 8 where the flight is now closing. Sabena flight number SN608 closing now at gate 8. 3. Passengers to New York. British Airways regret to advise a delay of 35 minutes on their flight number BA175 to NY. That is a delay of 35 munutes on British Airways flight number BA 175 to NY. 4. British Airways regret that all flights are subject to delay. This is due to

a shortage of baggage handlers. 5. Passengers to Madrid. Iberia Airlines of Spain regret to advise a delay of two hours on their flight IB 551 to Madrid. This delay is due to the late arrival of the incoming flight. That is a delay of two hours to Iberia flight number IB 551 to Madrid. 6. Passengers to Zurich, Swissair regret to advise a delay of 40 minutes on their flight SR805 to Zurich. This delay is due to a mechanical fault. That is a delay of 40 minutes on Swissair flight number SR805 to Zurich. Part III A Trip to States A Key 1. business trip 2. rates 21-day 30-day 3. preference 4. reservation 5. cash credit 6. passport 7. checked 8. ticket B. Conversation 1 Key: Sept. 10 business London Sept.29 Oct. 15 7-day $595 $1190 round trip Sept. 15 immediately Good sentences go on a business trip advance purchase available in each direction return date ticketing deadline a Visa card What can I help you with today? I would like to go on a business trip to London. When are you planning on travelling? Most of the best airline rates just now are with 1 21-day or a 30-day advance purchase. And the only rate available would be $595 in each direction, so that would make a total of $1190 round trip. Ticketing deadline is set for … We can hold the reservation until then. Would you be paying by cash or credit card? Hold on just one minute. Conversation 2 Key: evening San Francisco 317 non-smoking 17A window 22 6:40 7 o’clock

Good sentences: Can I help you? May I help you? Would you like smoking or non-smoking seats? This evening you’re going to be travelling out on flight 317. Your seat is 17A, non-smoking, window. Were there any bags you’d like checked this evening? Your flight’ll be departing out of Gate 22. Boarding time is 6:40 and your flight leaves at 7 o’clock. Have an enjoyable flight this evening! Part IV In-flight Service Key 1. 118 minutes 2. 15 3. $5 or 2.50 pounds 4. Not mentioned 5. A humorous love story 6. The mountains, Paris, London, the airline headquarters in NY. 7. On the deck below 8. A duty-free shop New words lovely scenery a small charge cetificate 15. in sterling airline headquaters come round duty-free bargains Good and difficult sentences This is your cabin stewardess, Jane. cetificate 15. It stars Mary Morgan and Peter O’Moore, and it’s good family entertainment. There’s just a small charge we have to make, unfortunately. We’ll come round with the headphones, so please have your money ready. In dollars it’ll be five dollars, in sterling, two fifty. There’s a bank robbery and a very exciting chase by helicopter. There’s some lovely scenery in the mountains, and some very good scenes in Paris and London. Some of the scenes were shot in our airline headquaters in NY. While I come round with the headphones, I’ll hand you over to Pat who’ll tell you about the duty-free bargains from our shop. Part V Airline Information 1. Key: 41 12:05 a.m. Baggage Claim Area 14 5235611 New words World Airways Baggage Claim Area 12 be scheduled to arrive at… four further information and reservations Good and difficult sentences Flight 41 from Oakland is scheduled to arrive at 12:05, through Gate 17.

2. Key: 191 1:55a.m. 12:45 p.m. 2:28 p.m. 195 119 Vocabulary aloha United’s Friendly Skies United Airlines Friendship arrival and departure information 181 from San Francisco, 11:10a.m. San Diego 圣地亚哥 Seattle西雅图 Portland Chicago芝加哥 Good or difficult sentences Aloha and welcome to United’s Friendly Skies. 3. Key: 830 8:30 a.m. Flight Arrivals Building Vocabulary Recorded information for flights today. as follows Pan Am arrivals Osaka Houston休斯顿 Tokyo东京 Difficult sentences Passengers arriving on these flights amy be greeted at the Flight Arrivals Building. 4. Key: United Airlines 11:10 a.m. San Francisco 5. Key: Pan American 812 Sydney and Auckland Statements: 1. One friend is coming from Oakland, California, on World Airways. 2. Another friend is coming from Los Angeles, california, on United Airlines. She can’t remember the flight number, so she will have to et the informaiton for all the flights coming form Los Angeles. 3. Her third friend is coming form Tokyo, Japan, on Pan American Airways. 4. Her forth firend is coming form the US. She only knows that the flight number is 181. 5. Her fifth friend will arrive in Honollulu at 5:50 a.m. Dictation Many visitors to Britain are not fond of English food. They are often told that English food is no good and English cooking is terrible. But they do not really know what they are talking about because they seldom get a chance to eat it. Most of the restaurants in large towns have foreign owners and serve foreign food. When visitors are invited to eat in an English home, their hosts often feel they must offer them something foreign. On the other hand, we are not really interested in food---we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not spend the necessary time and effort needed to cook truly good meals. You can find the best English food in the country away from the large towns, where life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. But, of course, most visitors who come to London do not come because of food.


第 9 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 9 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 6. By Bus or by Train? 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with numbers, times, prices, and common verbs used when taking a bus, taxi, or a train; 2. To familiarize students with various forms of numbers: whole numbers, fractional numbers, and decimal numbers; 3. To familiarize students with railway announcements; 4. To memorize the reminders of the unit; 5. To have a paragraph dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. Different ways to express a number: 1/4 can be read as one fourth or a quarter; 1/2 is usually read as a half, or one half; 2. While reading the decimal number, the digits after the decimal point should be read digit by digit; 3. A railway announcement usually contains destination, platform numbers, departing time, stopovers, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait; 4. Part V of this unit. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part I. 4. Role play 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 6 . 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 6. Homework To make a dialogue about “A Trip to Suzhou”. 本次课教学小结: Problem: Part of the students cannot understand Part V of the text Measure: To explain the key points of this part. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) Introductory remarks: The teaching focus of this unit is numbers, times, prices and common verbs 2 periods; used when taking a bus, taxi or a train. The most important activity is listening to bus/train information. Three main kinds of numbers: whole number, fractional numbers and decimal numbers 1/4 one fourth or a quarter 1/2 a half or one half Don’t forget to use the plural form in the denominator when the numerator is not one, for example, 3/4 three fourths. When reading the decimal number, the digits after the decimal point should be read digit by digit: 12.3456 should be read as twelve point three four five six. But nowadays in financial contexts, it is also possible to read the digits after the decimal point as numbers. So the above example can also be read twelve point thirty-four fifty-six. A railway announcement is almost like an airport announcement. It usually contains destination, platform unmber, departing time, stopovers, whether it is depayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait. The announcement is usually broadcast several times. Like telephone airline informaiton, bus and subway information is also available on the telephone. The information is given with a very quick speed. Part I Getting ready B Key 1. go past transfer believe 88 the exhibition centre downtown 2. take won’t fare 50 change Drop box Holiday Inn 3. fare via $55 get off good 4. taken 21st know Get New words Park Apartments Good sentences Does this bus go past People’s Park? You’ll have to transfer downtown. The bus will take me to the Grand Hotel?

How much is the fare to changzhou via Nanjing Part C China Hong Kong City is Hong Kong’s most exciting new shopping center. Fashion avenue offers an exciting selection of designer fashions and accessories from around the world. It contains over 300 shops. We have 25 restaurants and chefs from east and west ready to serve you a fine selection of dishes. Or you can relax in our intimate bars or let your hair down at our first class night clubs and karaoke lounges. Because of these reasons, China Hong Kong City is a must to visit. Part D 1. The bus to Reno, Nevada, leaves at 4:30 p.m. 2. The bus to Boise, Idaho, arrives at 9:35 p.m. 3. The bus fare to Seattle, Washington, is one hundred and twenty dollars. 4. The bus bound for Fresno, California, leaves at 11 o’clock. 5. The bus heading to Reno is scheduled to arrive at half past 4:00. 6. The bus fare to Boise is 98 dollars. 7. The bus to Seattle is scheduled to arrive at 10:05. 8. The bus to Fresno leaves 20 minutes earlier than the bus to Boise. 9. The bus fare to Seattle is just under 100 dollars. 10. The bus trip to Boise takes almost eleven hours. 1 3 6 8 9 false Part II A B Key Bath Spa 4 15:15 Old field Park 3 15:17 Cardiff 15:20 40 minutes late Swindon 6 15:25 5 15:29 Bristol Parkway Exeter 1 11:31 15 minutes late 2 11:10 Didcot C Key 1. I’m going to leave at 11:46 at platform 1 2. I want the 15:15 to Bath Spa. 3. No. I have to change to platform 3 4. Yes. But change at Bristol Parkway. 5. No. Because the train is delayed. I should take the 15:25 to Swindon at platform 6 and change at Bristol Parkway. 6. Yes. The 15:25 train to Swindon stops at Bristol Parkway. I should go to platform 6.

corner. 4. Go down Yellow Street for one block, turn left, and then go to the first intersection. Keep going straight, and the hotel is the second building on the left. 5. Walk along Green Street until Black Street. Turn right and go straight, and the church is the last building at he end of the street on the left. 第 页


第 12 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 12 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) Mid-term Examination 考试目的与要求: 1. To ask the students to finish the test; 2. To examine how the students master the contents in the previous units. 考试重点、难点: 1. Sentence dictation and paragraph dictation; 2. Dialogue and short passage. 考试方式: Ask the students to listen to the tape and do the exercises in the paper. Homework: To preview Unit 8. 本次课教学内容小结: Result: 80-89 points: 8 students; 70-79 points: 14 students; 60-69 points: 6 students. Week point: paragraph dictation. Measure: to practice paragraph dictation every week in class. .


第 13 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 13 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 8. Cash or Cheque? 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with bank details, currency code, and prices; 2. To familiarize students with various abbreviations and symbols for different currencies. 3. Some symbols for the currency in different countries, such as, $ for dollar; 4. To memorize the sentences on how to open an account in a bank; 5. To learn different banks in English, such as Bank of China; 6. To have a paragraph dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. Various expressions used in bank business: filling out deposits, withdrawal forms, interest rate, various forms of bank accounts, etc. 2. Prices are pronounced in a different way: the decimal point in prices is not read; 3. The two digits after the decimal point are often read in numbers, not digit by digit. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Role play 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 8. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 8. Homework To make a dialogue “At a Bank”. 本次课教学内容小结: Everything is Ok. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) 1. savings account 2. checking account 3. current account 4. interest rate; exchange rate 5. currency code 6. bank book, bank note 7. depot money 8. draw/ withdraw/take out money from a bank 9. transfer deposits 10. cash a check 11. withdrawal forms 12. vending machine 13. ATM: Automatic Teller Machine 14. bank detail 15. balance 16. round figure (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 2 periods; Part II Using a bank account ?in the top right-hand corner Write “Cash” afterwards Right underneath You can see the box Underneath that box. In the bottom right-hand corner is just write your signature. Sort out peseta 比塞塔 a round figure Part II Using a bank account B I would want to know how to make out this cheque. Do you want to draw out some money? The first thing you should to do , is to write today’s date in the top right-hand corner where you see the line (Yes) at the top you write just today’s date (Yes) and the year. You must put the year in. And if you want to draw out money after it says pay… can you see over on the left-hand side? That’s it. On the first line it says Pay and you write “Cash” afterwards. In letters. Then underneath that, right underneath, you have to write the amount of money

you want. So just 20 pounds and then you write ONLY at the end in words. Then at the end of that line where you can see the box, see over on the right-hand side, you have to write the amount you want in numbers. And underneath that box, the last thing you have to do in the bottom right-hand corner is just write your signature. Part III A Call 1 This is Paul Smythe calling from Birmingham. I’m ringing about our last invoice. Yes, I remember we got it before the summer. Exactly. The invoice was raised more than three months ago. I don’t quite follow you. We sent you the invoice on the 13th of July. We still haven’t received payment. I’ll check and get back to you. Call 2 I’ve looked into your invoice and found out why it hasn’t been paid. We asked our bank to transfer the money but they couldn’t . They said that your bank details are wrong. You received the same invoice as all our other customers. At the Bank of Scotland at 46 Portland Street in …?Hang on a minute, did you say “Bank of Scotland”? It’s the Royal Bank of Scotland---not the Bank of Scotland. I’ll ask our bank to transfer the amount to the Royal Bank of Scotland. I’m glad we sorted it out. Call 3 Account enquiries. And did you expect the money to be credited? I was expecting a round figure of 3500 pounds. Did the bank make a charge? I’ afraid I can’t see that from my screen. I’ve only got the final figure which was credited to your account. We get lots of payments form abroad and we never have to pay charges. The amount was transferred in Spanish pesetas. We have to convert it into pounds. So after bank charges, your account was credited with 3476.28. 第 页


第 14 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Week 14 教案完成时间 Summer vacation 课题(章节) 9. Toward Better Health 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with various kinds of doctor’s instructions; 2. To familiarize students with daily routines, usually following the sequence of time; 3. Try to ask the students to sum up the general idea of a passage; 4. To memorize some key medical words and sentences. 5. To sum up the tips in dealing with a heart attack; 6. To sum up the steps in doing pace walking. 教学重点、难点: 1. To be aware of the importance of accurate understanding of the instructions given by doctors orally, or written on medicine packets and bottles; 2. Verbs and verb phrases used in talking about daily routines; 3. How to sum up a passage. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Group discussions about their own daily routines. 4. Pair work: to practice the dialogue of Part II. 5. Role play. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 9. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 9. Homework To write a passage about “How to Keep Healthy”. 本次课教学内容小结: Problem: Part III is difficult for some students to understand. Measure: to explain some difficult phrases and sentences and listen to the tape again. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 1. Pace walking 2. Sleeping pills 2 periods; 1. Sticking plaste 2. take an X-ray 3. heart disease 4. diabetes 5. push off 6. specialize in 7. involve in 8. feel the need to 9. engage in 10. get into the habit of 11. get around Part I Getting ready?coronary heart disease 冠状的 cholesterol胆固醇 atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化 Part II A A heart attack is a serious matter and should be treated as an emergency. Don’t try to travel to the doctor yourself, but stay with the patient and call an ambulance immediately. Keep the patient warm and as calm as possible. Lift the patient into a half-sitting position. Put pillows or cushions behind the patient’s head and neck, bend the knees and loosen any tight clothing around the neck, chest and waist. ?If the patient becomes unconscious, try mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration, and at the same time press down on the patient’s chest to force blood around the body. ?The patient’s chances of recovery are good: two out of every three people who have a heart attack recover completely, and nearly half a million people recover from heart attacks in Britain every year ?Part III Smoking kills ?It is encouraging to note…?Among both men and women the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is the age group 24-44. ?Part V ?For some reasons Richard West has been having great difficulty in getting to sleep lately. Last night he though it might help if he went to bed

even earlier than usual, so at 9:30 he lay down, closed his eyes hopefully, and began counting sheep. ?Thinking of all those energetic little animals jumping over fences made him feel energetic himself. ?The people in the bedroom above him tapped angrily on the floor. ?It was a book called Home Rug-Making. ?It had absolutely no effect. ?do a deep-breathing exercise ?walk around his room ?put the book down in desperation. ?stare at a spot on the ceiling ?He dropped off. (doze off) ?We still haven’t received payment. ?I’ll check and get back to you. ?Call 2 ?I’ve looked into your invoice and found out why it hasn’t been paid. ?We asked our bank to transfer the money but they couldn’t . They said that your bank details are wrong. ??You received the same invoice as all our other customers. ?At the Bank of Scotland at 46 Portland Street in …?Hang on a minute, did you say “Bank of Scotland”? ?It’s the Royal Bank of Scotland---not the Bank of Scotland. ?I’ll ask our bank to transfer the amount to the Royal Bank of Scotland. ?I’m glad we sorted it out. ?Call 3 ?Account enquiries. ?And did you expect the money to be credited? ?I was expecting a round figure of 3500 pounds. Did the bank make a charge? ?I;m afraid I can’t see that from my screen. I’ve only got the final figure which was credited to your account. ?We get lots of payments form abroad and we never have to pay charges ?The amount was transferred in Spanish pesetas. We have to convert it into pounds. So after bank charges, your account was credited with 3476.28. ? 第 页


第 15-16 次课 2 学时 授课时间 Weeks 15-16 教案完成时间 Summer vacation

课题(章节) 10. Are You Fit and Healthy? 教学目的与要求: 1. To familiarize students with the format of the exercises; 2. To familiarize students with the specific contents of the scientific experiments, such as Project Name, the researchers, the Subjects, the Procedures and the findings; 3. To summarize and memorize the main idea of the scientific experiment; 4. To summarize the main idea of each passage in this unit; 5. To have a paragraph dictation. 教学重点、难点: 1. The structure of the scientific experiments; 2. How to summarize the main idea of a scientific experiment or article; 3. To summarize the causes of catching colds; 4. To sum up the rules to keep fit and healthy. 教学方法及师生互动设计: 1. Ask students to explain new words and phrases. 2. Ask students to give a summary of some exercises. 3. Pair work: to practice Part II. One student gives orders, and the other acts out. 课堂练习、作业: 1. Finish all the exercises in Unit 10. 2. Explain the difficult points in Unit 10. Homework To Write a passage on “How to Keep Fit and Healthy”. 本次课教学内容小结: Ok. 第 页


备注 教 学 内 容 (讲稿) 1. French fries 2. apple pie 3. ketchup 4. rare, medium, well-done 5. full milk; skimmed milk; long life milk; milk drinks; cheese; yogurt; 6. unsaturated fatty acid 7. low fat diet 8. pie chart 9. consumer resistance 10. sector share 11. consumer awareness 12. level off 13. rise/increase/rocket/soar 14. fall/decrease/decline 15. dramatically/greatly/significantly/radically/slightly/moderately/readily 16. a striking/marked decline (包括:教学手段、时间分配、临时更改等) 2 periods; 第 页

