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2018 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

4 月调研测试卷


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15. 答案是B。

1. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?








2. What does the woman think of tomatoes?

A.They are not tasty.

3. Why can’t the woman sleep at night? A.The baby keeps crying. B.Her mother moved in recently.

C.She is not used to her new role as a mother. 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a library.

B.In a laboratory.

C.In a classroom.

B.They are really good.

C.She doesn’t like them.

5. How much did the man pay for the coat? A.$200.



第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作 答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What’s the matter with Jane? A.She quarreled with Jack. 7. What do we know about Jack? A.He made the room in a mess. 听第 7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What does the man think of the woman’s cooking? A.It’s really terrible.

B.It’s very good indeed.

C.It’s better than what he does.

B.He understood the woman.

C.He cleaned up the bedroom.

B.She was angry with Henry.

C.She hated doing homework.

9. What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Improve cooking skills.

B.Bring his wife next time.

4月调研测试卷●英语 第1页 共8页

C.Have some soup.

听第 8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10.What kind of job does the woman do for the summer? A.She writes texts for a company. B.She looks for new workers. C.She sells things over the telephone. 11.What does the man think of the woman’s job? A.Easy. A.At 11pm.

听第 9段材料,回答第13至16题。

13.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Interviewer and interviewee. A.Children.

15.Why do many schools ban the toy? A.It leads to theft. 16.Who actually invented the toy? A.Jill Meanley.

B.Catherine Hettinger.

C.Scott McCoskery.

B.It makes students lose focus.

C.It causes arguments in class.

B.Teacher and student. B.Teenagers.

C.Boss and secretary. C.All age groups.

14.What age group is the toy popular with? B.Annoying. B.At 2pm.

C.Challenging. C.At 7am.

12.When does the woman end her work each day? 听第 10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17.What does the speaker say about the Triple Theater Company? A.It may cancel its performance. B.It offers a variety of activities. C.Its last performance was disappointing. 18.Where is the first Open Air Concert held? A.In the River Concert Hall. A.On July 18th.

B.In the Abbey Ruins. B.On July 25th.

C.In the Park. C.On July 31st.

19.When will the first Open Air Concert be held? 20.What do we know about the performance on Friday? A.The weather is likely to turn bad. B.It has to be given somewhere else. C.Not enough people bought tickets. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)



WestWeek late March Pacific Design Center–Los Angeles, California One of the Golden State’s most important and largest annual design industry event and trade show on the West Coast, WestWeek has been an important institution for more than 25 years.It attracts over 10,000top interior (室内的) designers, architects and manufacturers for a week of over 60 cutting-edge programs, design-oriented presentations, previews of upcoming trends talks, panel discussions and more.

4月调研测试卷●英语 第2页 共8页

More details about WestWeek can be found at: http://www.pacificdesigncenter.com/#/programs-events Renaissance (文艺复兴) Pleasure Faire Weekends from mid April through early June Los Angeles, California The largest Renaissance festival in Southern California, the Renaissance Pleasure Faire celebrating Elizabethan life has been a popular event for almost half a century.Now attracting more than 20,000 visitors each weekend, the fun activities of the festival include 8 stages of theatre, comedy, dance, music and swordplay performances, various parades and processions. Discover more about the Renaissance Pleasure Faire: http://www.renfair.com Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach mid April Los Angeles, California One of the largest paid spectator events in Southern California, the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach has been popular for 40years.It attracts more than 200,000 enthusiasts who come to enjoy the talents of the world’s top drivers in both “pro” and “celebrity” races, and the concert at the end of Friday and Saturday. Discover more about the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach at: http://www.gplb.com Festival Navideno de la Calle Ocho early December Los Angeles, California One of the biggest Latino events, attracting more than 100,000 Latinos each year, the free Festival Navideno de la Calle Ocho has been a major event for more than 114 years and features ten blocks of entertainment with everything including live concerts, arts and crafts, carnival rides, and the best Latino and Asian food. Learn more about the Festival Navideno de la Calle Ocho at: http://www.english.calleochola.com 21. has the shortest history and is the third most popular. A.Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach; Renaissance Pleasure Faire B.Festival Navideno de la Calle Ocho; Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach C.Renaissance Pleasure Faire; WestWeek D.WestWeek; Festival Navideno de la Calle Ocho 22.If you are interested in the late 16th-century England, you can visit A.http://www.gplb.com B.http://www.renfair.com


D.http://www.pacificdesigncenter.com/#/programs-events 23.What is special about Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach? A.It supplies a wonderful concert. C.It offers the thrill of speed.

B.It is to be held in mid April. D.It serves delicious Asian food.

4月调研测试卷●英语 第3页 共8页

to know about some activities.


Meet Kevin, a four-year-old Prussian Blue cat whose distinctive features make him look permanently surprised. The reason for Kevin’s distinctive look is hydrocephalus.Hydrocephalus essentially means “fluid (液体) on the brain,” and Taliah told London’s Daily Telegraph & Mashable that Kevin’s sight, hearing, balance, coordination and reflexes are all impaired.Kevin is not fully blind or deaf, but his face gives the appearance that he is always surprised.

Tailah, a veterinary (兽医的) nurse, first met Kevin when he was a very small kitten: “A lovely lady found him in a carpark when he was around 4 weeks old and left him to the clinic,” she said. “I fell in love with him straight away and knew I had to give him a chance.”

“I was warned that he wouldn’t live to see six months(if he was lucky) and to not become attached.I told myself that even if he passed away, I gave him all the loving I could.”

Kevin survived.He’s never had a seizure—one of the biggest risks for cats with hydrocephalus.

Tailah has even provided him with his own “personal balcony”, fitted with cat grass, a “house” and an endless supply of toys.

Taliah says of Kevin, “He has the best little personality.”

“He is guaranteed to make you laugh every day,” she said. “His day-to-day activities consist of sitting in the pot plants in the garden, sleeping with his face in shoes and biting people’s feet.”

“He is such a little love bug and a scratch between the ears is his favorite,” she said. 24.The cat always looks surprised because ______.

A.everything around him surprises him C.his life experience has made him feel so 25.The underlined word “impair” probably means “______”.

A.achieve suddenly A.a cat expert B.make even better B.a loving person C.make less effective C.a stubborn woman D.destroy completely D.a brave nurse B.he suffers from a kind of disease .he was born with such a funny appearance 26.Through the story we know that Taliah is ______.

27.What Taliah has done for Kevin proves that ______.

A.every little life deserves a chance C.every effort pays off in the end B.love can defeat any kind of disease D.where there is a will there is a way C

Amazon has opened its first automated store to the public.Amazon Go is a grocery store located on the ground level of the corporation’s Seattle headquarters.

The store, which offers food, salads and boxed meals could revolutionize our shopping experience in the future. As soon as you arrive at the store, a cell phone app connected to an Amazon account registers your presence.Everything that happens in the store is tracked by hundreds of infrared (红外线的) cameras.When you pick up items from the shelves they are automatically put into your virtual shopping cart.The cameras also detect when you put an item back on the shelves and remove it from your cart.The moment you walk out your account is charged without making any physical payment.

The technologies used at Amazon Go are the same as with driverless cars—computer tracking, weight sensors on shelves and complicated algorithms (算法).

The 1,800square foot store has been open to Amazon employees for a year.Now the public can also shop there.However, not everything has been running smoothly in the store’s opening year.There were hardships to overcome.

For example, it’s hard for cameras to distinguish between different flavours or products that look the same.They also

4月调研测试卷●英语 第4页 共8页

have problems handling people who move around or identifying shoppers with similar body sizes and clothes.

Even though there are no checkout counters and cashiers who make you wait in line, there are shop assistants who restock goods and help customers find their way around. 28.Which of the following can be the best title? A.Shopping in a Convenience Store in the Future B.A New Way to Do Shopping in the United States C.Amazon Go—The Company’s First Automated Store D.Amazon Opens a Store in Its Seattle Headquarters 29.The biggest benefit for shopping in Amazon Go is A.to pay in a safer way C.to have a wider choice of goods A.is becoming more and more popular C.still has much room for improvement 31.Shopping in Amazon Go, you .

B.will have less difficulty choosing your goods D.will have your money paid automatically A.don’t need to pay any money at all C.don’t have to visit the store in person .

B.to save time and trouble D.to buy extremely cheap goods .

B.seems to have a less promising future D.has advantages over traditional stores 30.From the last but one paragraph we can know that Amazon Go D

Here’s the truth: Christmas is not everything to everyone and that’s why we needn’t panic when the Christmas tree pretzels (椒盐饼干) become holiday pretzels or when someone wishes us “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas”. There’s already plenty of Christmas to go around.I promise that no one is overlooking your religion and you’re not going to miss out on anything if someone offers up some “seasons greetings”.On the contrary, that someone is attempting to include all of the other holidays that we so often neglect, like Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Mawlid, or Rohatsu.Oh, and Festivus for the rest of us; I’ve got a real problem with the “War on Christmas”, and now you’re going to hear about it. The bottom line is that there is no war on Christmas as President Donald Trump or Bill O’Reilly would like you to think.In reality, there’s a war on ignorance, which includes blanketing the entire country in only red and green for the entirety of December every year.We need some nice accent colors if the American aesthetic (审美观) is really going to pop.

For me, going to a Catholic church on Christmas Eve is intrinsic (本质的) to my celebration of the holiday.With that being said, I would never be offended if I was wished a “happy holiday”, or even “happy Hanukkah”.I’d actually be quite honoured that someone from another religion was wishing me well in a way that means the most to them.

I love a good “merry Christmas” too.See, the “War on Christmas” calls for 100 percent Christmas and assumes anything less is a crime.In reality, we should all say what feels most authentic to us because basically your inflection (音调变化) and intention means a lot more than word choice.We, as Americans, have to stay true to ourselves and to our country, which just happens to be one of the most diverse in the world.

With all this being said, happy goddamn holidays and merry Christmas, everyone. 32.The writer thinks people . A.must mark Christmas according to their birthplaces B.should keep Christmas only in the traditional way C.have to observe Christmas according to their religion D.can celebrate Christmas in their own favorite way 4月调研测试卷●英语 第5页 共8页

33.In the second paragraph when the writer says “blanketing the entire country in only red and green for the entirety of December every year”, he actually means A.celebrating Christmas in a colorful way C.celebrating Christmas in the same way 34.The writer would A.never mind at all C.feel angry immediately 35.“War on Christmas” is intended to .

B.fight for the traditional meaning of Christmas D.spread the knowledge of Christmas nationwide A.prevent people committing crimes at Christmas C.encourage more people to observe Christmas 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


Feel like you’re working hard but still can’t reach your study goals? Here are some quick tips to help you make the most out of study time.

1. Study in groups, and peer teach.

Group studying helps you to engage and process the information more deeply. 36 Have fun with it.You can .

B.making preparations for the coming winter D.making decorations for the New Year B.become disappointed D.appreciate it more if someone said “Happy Kwanzaa” at Christmas.

also divide the class topics and take turns teaching them as creatively as you like.Sometimes the best way to learn something is to teach it, even if you haven’t mastered it yet.Actively engaging the information with someone else not only helps you to learn, but makes studying more enjoyable. 37 2.


Find ways to connect what you are learning to real life or to other related concepts.It’s harder to remember each piece of a puzzle individually than it is to recall the completed picture.Find ways to relate pieces of information to each other and put them together. 3. Feed your brain.

A hungry brain is an ineffective one.Your brain needs the proper nutrients to keep it going. 39 4. Take breaks.


It needs exercise to make it stronger, but it can also tire if you overwork it.Imagine that each minute of studying is a push-up and you have to complete 100.If you try to do them all at once, you’ll tire yourself to the point where you can’t continue. A.Paint bigger pictures. B.Your brain is like a muscle. C.Step into your teacher’s shoes.

D.Just avoid turning your sessions into social hour.

E.Because of this, what you eat and drink also play a huge role in how sharp your brain is. F.You can try to pound the information in after studying non-stop for an hour, but learn little.

G.Of course, it means more than just carpooling (拼车) to the library and studying with your headphones on. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)


4月调研测试卷●英语 第6页 共8页


I arrived at the address and honked the horn (鸣笛).After waiting a few minutes, I honked again.After a long 41 , the door opened.A small woman in her 90s stood before me. When we got in the taxi, she gave me a(n) the shortest way,” I answered doctor says I don’t have For the 46 42 and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?” “It’s not 45 the meter (计价器).

43 .“I don’t mind.I don’t have any family left”, she continued in a soft voice.“The

44 .” I quietly reached over and 47 said, “I’m

two hours, we drove through the city, stopping at many places she could remember.As the first hint 48 .Let’s go now”.We drove in silence to the address of sun was appearing above the horizon, she small suitcase to the door.

“How much do I morning light.

49 she had given me.When we finally arrived at the hospice (临终关怀医院), two orderlies (护理员) came out.I took her you?” She asked, 52 50 into her purse.“Nothing,” I said.“You have to make a 53 51 ,”

she answered.“There are passengers,” I responded.I and gave her a hug.Then I walked into the dim Behind me, a door shut.It was the sound of the closing of a or one who was away? On a quick 55 to end his shift (轮班)? What if I had 54 .What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, 56 to take the run, or had honked once, then driven 58 in my life.We’re conditioned to think wrapped in what 57 , I don’t think that I have done anything more 60 one.

B.pause B.envelope B.excitedly B.fun B.shut off B.boring B.fearfully B.sorry B.owe B.dropping B.living B.some B.clapped B.window B.impolite B.refused B.calculation B.careful B.immediately B.small


that our lives revolve around great moments.But great moments often catch us unaware— 59 others may consider a 41.A.look 42.A.check 43.A.quickly 44.A.trouble 45.A.took away 46.A.next 47.A.forcefully 48.A.worried 49.A.admire 50.A.reaching 51.A.decision 52.A.young 53.A.hesitated 54.A.life 55.A.unwilling 56.A.waited 57.A.answer 58.A.important 59.A.hurriedly 60.A.right


C.address C.rudely C.much C.turned on C.mysterious C.suddenly C.busy C.award C.slipping C.promise C.other C.rose C.box C.impatient C.expected C.guess C.urgent C.beautifully C.valuable

D.note D.angrily D.long D.slowed down D.last D.secretly D.tired D.save D.falling D.fortune D.rich D.bent D.business D.disappointed D.asked D.review D.interesting D.purposely D.short



4月调研测试卷●英语 第7页 共8页

