体裁写作之记叙文 - 图文
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第四章: 记叙文 (NARRATION)
记叙文一般指具有故事类性质的文章。它可以是写某某人;记某某事情、事件等,我们 常见的如人物传奇、人物专访、新闻人物;琐事轶闻、历史故事、事件报道、新闻报导、新 闻综述、神话故事等都属于记叙文
写事的记叙文写作要抓住记叙文的六个要素,即:时间 (when)、地点 (where)、人物 (who)、事件 (what)、原因 (why)和过程 (how)。即:五个“W”和一个“H”。
【Example 1】
The other day, Tom was riding along the street. Suddenly, a car was running towards him fast. He was so frightened that he quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car hit his bike and he fell off it. When the driver realized that he had caused an accident, he got such a fright that he took flight with his car. He was soon out of sight, leaving Tom helpless on the spot. Fortunately a passer-by happened to see what had happened and remembered the number of the car. He reported that to the police. Now the driver has been caught and will be punished for his wrong doing.
Air Jordan
Sports fans all over the world recognize the name of Michael Jordan. From Taiwan to Tennessee, kids wear clothes with his picture on them. Jerseys with his number 23 on the front, jackets with Bulls logo on the back, and Air Jordan athletic shoes all reflect the fame of this superstar. Michael Jordan has become the most famous attraction of the world’s favorite spectator sport.
Michael Jordan was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up, Michael did not look like a future superstar. He was very shy and didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. He showed little promise of having a future career in basketball. When he tried out for the freshman team in high school, Michael didn’t make it. The next year, however, after a large growth spurt, he made the team. The rest is history.
Michael’s road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. He brought an acrobatic style to the game that few had seen before. Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basket again and again. He became famous for his powerful slam dunk. Basketball fans from all over the world began to take notice. One reporter wrote that when Michael went up to dunk the basketball, it looked like he could fly. He was given the nickname “Air Jordan”.
The United Nations
Shortly before the end of World War II, leaders of many nations, including the United States, decided to form an international organization. It was hoped that nations could discuss their disagreements in this organization instead of fighting over them.
On April 25, 1945, some 200 representatives from many nations came to San Francisco, California, to make the rules that would govern this organization. After months of hard work, arguments, and compromises, the United Nations was established.
The essential functions of the U.N. are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, to promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be center for coordinating the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. No country takes precedence over another in the U.N. Each member’s rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international dispute, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states. Though the U.N. has no right to intervene in any state’s internal affairs, it tries to ensure that non-member states act according to its principles of international peace and security. U.N. members must offer much assistance in an approved U.N. action and in no way assist states against which the U.N. is taking preventive or enforcement action.
Today thousands of people visit the United Nations headquarters in New York City. They see the large rooms where representatives from more than 100 nations meet to discuss their problems.
People who work for the United Nations believe that happy, healthy people are more likely to be friendly to other nations. They believe that helping people will help keep the world at peace.
【Example 2】
参考词汇:撞上—bump into 锄头—hoe
剖析:用英语讲“守株待兔”的故事,文中应采用过去时态写故事,最后用一般现在时 态写出此故事的寓意。 写作要点:
1. 从前,一位农夫在烈日下劳作。
2. 忽然有一只野兔在奔跑时误撞树上而死。
3. 农夫放下锄头,捡起死兔,为这意外收获而大喜。 4. 农夫从此日日守在那棵树下,等候同样的事情发生。 5. 最后,田里的苗死了,可仍没有另一只兔子来撞树。 6. 寓意:不要妄想不劳而获。
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