
更新时间:2024-02-12 11:20:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载



zhuyingtai: I have liked liangshanbo for a long time. Today, I determine to show my feelings to him. But, I need to ask the Magic mirror.

zhuyingtai: Magic mirror ,Can I ask you a question .

Magic mirror: yingtai, I am a magic mirror, I will help you.

zhuyingtai: Who is the most beautiful girls in the world?

Magic mirror: oh,baby, that Is you!

zhuyingtai:en``en`` I determine to show my love to liangshanbo.

Magic mirror: It's funny, yingtai a,To tell him your love .Bravely .

zhuyingtai: But I have always been dressed as a boy, he didn't know I'm a girl. Magic mirror:oh,my baby, I think he is falling in love with you , You are lovely, beautiful, smart , You are the best girl in the world .

zhuyingtai:en, Thank you for giving me the courage to me , I will succeed .



zhuyingtai: The clothes you wear today is very handsome . Liangshanbo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.

zhuyingtai: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you. Liangshanbo: What is it? I feel very honored to can help you . zhuyingtai: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!) Liangshanbo: Just what?

zhuyingtai: Just…I love you!! (determined).

Liangshanbo: Oh, my god. Is it true?


Liangshanbo: Thanks to god , actually, I've always loved you . zhuyingtai:shanbo.

Liangshanbo:yingtyai```(等一会儿),How do you also like boy. zhuyingtai:oh,my god, I'm a girl, had been dressed as a man . Liangshanbo: What? Oh,shit, I like the man, I am a gay .






梁山伯:I have a dream that one day I can go to the Columbia university with 祝英台. I have a dream

女主持人:OK,OK! I know you have a dream ,but wait a moment ,now it’s my great hounor to welcome our final student –马文才 from Columbia university to introduce the secret of his dream.

马文才:Thank you!我是你们英俊潇洒、风流倜傥的同学-马文才.If you like me ,you don’t like to stay up,you know staying up is mot good for you skin ,especially, your,your,your,your eyes.

音乐(马):I believe I can fly.

马文才:I can go abroad.

梁山伯:Wake up,wake up

音乐(马):I believe I can fly.

马文才:英台,Could you follow with me

梁山伯:She will go abroad with me

女主持人:OK,OK!stop,文才 文才 talking about .Don’t notice of them .Now read after me .Early today and early tonight make a man healthy ,wealthy and wise. 三人齐道:Early today and early tonight make a man healthy ,wealthy and wise. 画外音:几个月后,长景托福考场,某口语考官开始问问题。

女考官:Come in please good morning

梁山伯:Good evening

男考官:How old are you?

梁山伯:Fine ,thank you.

女考官:You know ,you know you look so handsome

梁山伯:Where here ?


梁山伯:Thank you


男考官:Why do you want to go to Amercia.

梁山伯:Actually.I just want to go to Columbia university with 祝英台 together .

女考官:OK!Now you can go back and wait for the information.

梁山伯:Thank you .



男考官:啊、啊、啊、I’m sorry.

梁山伯:I’m sorry two, I’m sorry three.

女考官:I’m sorry four.

梁山伯:I’m sorry five.

男考官:Oh!you can go ahead.


女考官:Come in!Good morning!

祝英台:Good morning

男考官:How old are you ?

祝英台:I’m twenty

女考官:OK,Now could you tell me why do you want to go to Amercia.

祝英台:OK,I come from Hubei Three Gorges polytenic. I like Amerrican very much and I want to strong the friendship between Amercia and china. 女考官:Wonderful!Good job.

祝英台:Thank you !



梁山伯:英台,I love you so much .I miss you so much.

祝英台:I love you ,too.we lived in a wild world. Married me as soon as I’m back.wait for me just for two years.


梁山伯:I will wait for you two years.I will kiss you on the pacific ocean. 马文才:好了。

祝英台:Miss me .Wait for me .


梁山伯:Oh deat I love you to much. I miss you and miss you every minuter,every second

Oh my dear .Are you listening to me.

祝英台:Listen!梁山伯I love you but it’s over.


祝英台:I will married.

梁山伯:Married to?

祝英台:To英俊潇洒风流倜傥马文才.He is so handsome.So rich.He has many many cards;饭卡、

流览卡、公交卡、电话卡、KTV VIP卡.I love his money and his cards.

梁山伯:What are you talking about?You wait and see.I will give you to some

color seesee and I will meet you in Amercia.

祝英台:America? You can’t come to Amercia.哈哈哈



梁山伯:I have a dream that one day 祝英台 will far away from 马文才and love

me again.that is my dream now.




马文才:Daring. Are you happy with me now?

祝英台:yes ,of course.

马文才:well. You are so clever to choose me .

祝英台:you know I’m clever all the time.


梁山伯:祝英台,啊哈.Long time no see.


马文才:You get.

梁山伯:马文才。 Out of here you.

马文才在打电话:ok .I’m waiting for you .yes ok ok

祝英台:Please don’t go .just stay.please. please.

马文才:You know I have my business I have to go now

祝英台:You told me you have many cards

马文才:Yes, I have many many cards ,but that’s no money and just seven cards 祝英台:You told a lie ,you said you are rich

马文才:Oh , believe me. Do you know how much I love you

祝英台:Out of here

祝英台:Oh daring

梁山伯:OK,I can forgive you . but you must promises you never see 马文才 again.(音乐)

祝英台:You said you are loveing me fovever 山伯.I choose to you


祝英台:山伯,I love you , I will marry you


祝英台:of course, 这是讴歌VIP卡 from 马文才 ,let us go to sing

梁山伯:Sing ? I don’t like to sing , Everybody Is here. Please tell me to go or not?

观众 :GO!

梁山伯:OK!let us go to together

梁山伯:what’s up?

祝英台:I’m sorry , 山伯,I have a lot to tell you , In order to far away from 马文才 we have to become butterflies



Sworn Brothers in an Alcove


Characters:梁山伯 祝英台 人心 士九。



英台唱:Many clouds over lake, the wind blows through the mountain. Flowers blooming everywhere,green trees’re in the bank. Birds’re singing in the trees,make me feel so high.I’ll never forget such a beautiful scenery.

人心:Miss yingtai…

英台:En ,renxin .you’re forgetful! I’ve told you that call me Mister,just Mister!!!

人心:Ah,yea,yea,yea.It’s a little confuse that you’re dressed up a boy.I’m so worry about if someone find out the truth .

英台:Haha,don’t worry ,I won’t let it happened. In fact, I’ve never been used to be act as a boy.But I have to go to study somewhere.You know ,I’ve been dreaming all the time that I can go to school one day .And now my dream comes true.So hold back your worry ,and let’s enjoy the wonderful view around us.

人心:OK,you’re right .But I’m tired now! Can we take a break?

英台:All right,(周围望),there is an alcove over there ,let’s go and have a rest.

山伯:Pink peach and green poplar, there’re so many colors. Green hills and blue waters’re filled with my eyes. What an exciting scenery,leaving me a deep impressed.I find it comfortable to walking pass the path in the hill.

士九:Wait wait wait!!waiting for me,please,Mr.shanbo.I’m exhausted and thirsty.Ah!why don’t we stop and sit down a few second?

山伯:Hai ,shijiu ,you’re so weak.We just walked a short distance,then you told me that you’re exhausted?

士九:Xixi ,Mr shanbo,oh look!!There are two guys overthere in an alcove,could I go and ask for a drink?

山伯:OK,you can go but alone.

士九:En ,I’ll go by myself.(走向英台人心)

Hey ,dear friengds!Pass the water to me ,please?

人心:Heng ,whose your friends?So rude you are!!

士九:Haha ,why are you look like a girl?

人心:I think you are a real girl ,get out of my way!!!

英台:Ei ,renxin ,don’t be so rude ,It’s impolite to shout at others. You must remember “good manner is your card in society.”

山伯:Oh ,I’m so sorry that make you feel uncomfortable.

(转向士九),make an apologize to them quickly.


英台(连忙):no no no ,don’t be so secrious.

山伯:Haha,OK,but what’s your name?

英台:My name is zhuyingtai.And you?

山伯:My name is liangshanbo.

英台:o..Mr.shanbo ,Nice to meet you.

山伯:Nice to meet you too,Mr.yingtai.so,you look like somewhere to go .where are you going?could you tell me?

英台:We’re going to Hangzhou to have a study.

士九(惊喜地对山伯):oh ,lucky!

山伯(惊喜地):could you tell me whose your teacher?

英台:Zhengdaru is my teacher.

山伯(拍掌):It’s unbelievable! You know what?We’re classmates! (人心忙拉开英台,士九忙拉开山伯)

人心:Mr.yingtai ,he is your classmate ,in other words,we can go to Hangzhou together.


人心:I think Mr.shanbo is a good guy.Why not going for brothers with him?

英台:Good idea,but…


士九:Mr.yingtai looks friendly,you can become sworn brothers so

that we can take care each other on the way.

山伯(用扇子拍一下士九的头):Yes!that’s what I want!

山伯(走向英台):Mr.yingtai, it’s peculiarly fortunate we meet here.That’s a long way to go to Hangzhou.So what I suggest is that we can become sworn brothers so that…


山伯:Well ,I’m eighteen years old ,and how old are you?

人心:He is eight….

英台(连忙挡住人心):I’m seventeen,just seventeen years old.

山伯:In that case ,I’m going to be the older brother.

英台:That’s just what I want!!!


齐说:you must swear it to the god.



山伯英台齐说:swear by heart now:we are brothers and help each other forever!!!


山伯唱:Swearing without buring incense now,just a little straw can show our heart.

英台唱:No matter where we are.

人心唱:help each other, 士九唱:play each other.

山伯唱:you don’t know how I exciting to be your brother. 英台唱:So do I.

山伯英台人心士九齐唱:We’ve not go lonely and we will be happy from now on。

