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Section A, Topic 3, Unit 5


(1)首字母都要 ; (2)都以单词 结尾。


星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 物理 地理 历史 数学 美术 3. 询问星期几的句型是: is it today? It is Wednesday. I. 首字母填空。

1. G is an interesting subject.

2. We have a class m on Friday afternoon. 3. We beging to have classes on M . 4. W is between Tuesday and Thursday. 5. F is after Thursday. II. 选择填空。

( )1. ---How often do you do outdoor activities? --- .

A. Every day B. Everyday C. Three day D. Once ( )2. --- music lessons do you have every week? ---Two.

A. How much B. How C. How many D. How often ( )3. The first day of the week is .

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday ( )4. The last day of the week is .

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday ( )5. pictures do you have?

A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How long 【导疑案例】英语中一周的第一天是星期天,不是星期一。如: ( )The first day of the week is .

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday 【导练达标】 I. 单项选择。

( )1. --- is it today? ---It's Friday.

A. What B. What day C. What date D. When ( )2. ---What class are they having? ---They are having a class. A. English B. Japan C. Chinese D. China ( )3. ---What time do the classes finish? ---At (9:50).

A. nine five B. nine to five C. ten to ten D. ten to nine ( )4. is between Tuesday and Thursday.

A. Friday B. Wednesday C. Monday D. Tuesday ( )5. is after Thursday.

A. Friday B. Wednesday C. Monday D. Tuesday ( )6. Look! He Chinese problems.

A. is working on B. is working C. works on D. work on ( )7. We learn history. We the past.

A. learn about B. learn C. learn to D. study ( )8. They are having an art class. They .

A. are drawing pictures B. are singing and dancing

C. are speaking English D. are working on math problems


( )9. It’s 12 o’clock.. The last class is .

A. begin B. begins C. over D. finish ( )10. --- are they having? ---They are having a music class.

A. What B. What class C. What time D. What day II. 句型转换。

1. The English class ends at five o’clock.(换同义句) The English class at five o’clock.

The English class at five o’clock. 2. I have 3 new pens.(对划线部分提问) new pens do you have? 3. I have 3 kilos of milk.(对划线部分提问) milk do you have? kilos of milk do you have?

Section B, Topic 3, Unit 5

English proverb: A little knowledge is dangerous. 一知半解是危险的。

1. 学习询问对事物看法的句型有:

What do you it? = do you it? 2. 谈论兴趣与爱好:

非常喜欢 有点喜欢 最喜欢 一点都不喜欢 3. 询问原因与结果:

英语中用 询问原因,回答用 2. What do you think of the shoes?(同义句转换) How you the shoes?

3. Somebody is waiting you the school gate.(选择填空) A. for, in B. to, at C. for, at D. with, of 4. I must go home today.(同义句转换) I go home today.

5. Why not go to the zoo on Sunday? (同义句转换) Why go to the zoo on Sunday? 【导疑案例】


What do you think of it? =How do you like it? 如: ( )---What do you the story book?

---It’s very boring.

A. think B. think of C. like

【导练达标】 I. 单项选择。

( )1. --- you like geography?


---Because it’s difficult and boring.

A. why do B. why not C. why don’t D. How do

( )2. --- does he do outdoor activities? ---Every day.

A. How many B. What C. How long D. How often

( )3. We all like our school life a lot. We think it’s .

A. boring B. easy C. interesting D. difficult

( )4. ---What time the school every day? ---At 4:05pm.

A. do, finish B. does, begin C. is, over D. does, over

II. 句型转换(每空一词)。

1. Susan has a music class every Wednesday.(对划线提问). Susan a music class? 2. Linda likes history best.(用not……at all改写) Linda history at all.

3. His brother does his homework on Saturday.(否定句) His brother his homework on Saturday.

4. The boy often plays soccer on the playground after school.(用now改写) The boy soccer on the playground now. 5. What class are they having?(用politics作答) They a politics class.

Section C, Topic 3, Unit 5

English proverb: Well begun, half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

1 学习怎样写通知和海报,注意其语言和格式。

总结:通知或海报要简明扼要,要写清楚事件、 、 等主要信息。 2. 学习一些重点词组:

a. 对?(很)友好 b. 在?和?之间 c. 尽最大努力 d. 有一点 【导学诊断】 I. 选择填空。

( )1. My Chinese teacher is to us. We all like her.

A. friendly B. friend C. friends

( )2. She likes English very much, but she thinks math is boring.

A. best B. at all C. a little

( )3. We have no class Thursday afternoon.

A. in B. on C. at

( )4. Students go to school Monday Friday.


A. from; and B. from; to C. between; to

( )5.--- do you like English? ---Beccause it’s interesting.

A. What B. Why C. Which


I. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

1. She often gets to school at about 7:30 a.m.(对划线部分提问) she get to school? 2. A week has seven days.(改为同义句)

seven days a week. 3. There is some water in the cup.(改为否定句) There water in the cup.

4. There are twenty dollars in Mike’s purse.(对划线部分提问) in Mike’s purse?

5. There are some books in Jim’s bag.(改为一般疑问句) there books in Jim’s bag?

Section D, Topic 3, Unit 5

English proverb: Never put what you should do today till tomorrow. 今日事,今日毕。 【导学目标】

1. 学习区分现在进行时与一般现在时:

表示正在发生的事情用 ,表示经常、习惯发生的事用

现在进行时的谓语(动词)的结构是 常与 等时间状语 连用,而一般现在时常与 等频度副词连用。

2. 归纳以wh-开头的特殊疑问句。

3.标出音标: beer_________ cheer__________ fear _________hear__________ near_________ 【导学诊断】 II. 句型转换。

1. Today is Saturday.(对划线部分提问) is it today? 2. I’m having a music class.(对划线部分提问)

you having? 3. She often goes to bed at 9:30.(对划线部分提问)

she go to bed? she go to bed? 4. Why not go swimming?(同义句)

go swimming? 5. What do you think of your school? (同义句) do you your school? 6. She likes English best.(同义句)

English is 【导疑案例】



1. He often basketball on the playground.(plays / is playing) 2. He basketball on the playground now.(plays / is playing) 【导练达标】 I. 完形填空。

“Good Time”is a program(节目)of ABC radio.

Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program.. Most of girls 1 boys like the program. They 2 like Jim Green. Some of them often call him and thank him 3 his hard work. There are many 4 to him every day, too.

Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk 5 breakfast. He 6 to office at 7:15.

The program 7 at 7:30.He plays the new records(唱片)of the pop songs and music for his listeners(听众).At 8:00 it’s time 8 the news.

Jim finishes work at 10:30.He goes home 9 his car. He 10 newspapers and listens to music after supper.

He thinks his life is very interesting. ( )1. A. and B. with ( )2. A. too ( )3. A. to ( )4. A. letter ( )5. A. at ( )6. A. get ( )7. A. begin ( )8. A. to ( )9. A. by ( )10. A. looks II. 作文。

提示:假如你叫李泉,育英中学七(2)班学生,请介绍一下你的校园生活。 内容包括:(1)所学科目; (2)最喜欢的课程及原因; (3)课后喜欢参加的体育运动; (4)与同学老师的相处情况。

B. so B. for B. letters B. with B. goes B. begins B. for B. in B. watches

C. but C. also C. of C. friends C. for C. is going C. finishes C. of C. on C. reads

D. about D. either D. at D. calls D. calls D. gets D. over D. in D. take D. sees

Unit 6 Topic 1

I 重点词汇和短语

bedroom, second, floor, upstairs, house, kitchen, garden, grandfather, front, behind, door, lamp, clock, table, key,


