中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习

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中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习


( )1.We know that she enjoys ________ books very much.(2012年滨州)

A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read

()2.It took me two weeks ________ reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.(2012年广东)

A.finish B.to finish C.finishes D.finishing

( )3.It was such a funny show that people couldn't help ________ again and again.(2012年福州)

A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughing

( )4.—What about ________ a rest?

—OK! Let's go for a walk.(2012年黔西南)

A.to have B.had C.have D.having

( )5.Don't jump to a conclusion! Let's ________ the problem first.(2012年上海)

A.to discuss B.discuss C.discussed D.discussing

( )6.Her mother always persuades her ________ her diet properly.(2013年佛山)

A.to reduce B.not to reduce C.reduce

()7.I found a letter ________ on the floor when I came into the classroom.(2013年梅州)

A.lying B.lay C.lie D.lies

( )8.The driver wanted ________ his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to.(2014年苏州)

A.park B.parked C.to park D.parking

( )9.—Some children can't afford ________ necessary stationary.

—Let's donate our pocket money to them.(2014年扬州)

A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.be bought

( )10.—Walking more is good for our health.

—You're right.So I'd rather ________ an hour's walk to work than consider ________ a car.(2014年达州)

A.take; driving B.take; drive

C.take; to drive D.to take; driving

( )11.Don't throw away the waste paper.It needs ________.(2014年龙东) A.to recycle B.recycling C.recycle

( )12.When you leave, please turn off the lights ________ energy.(2015年泰安)

A.save B.to save C.saving D.saved

( )13.I will try my best to stop my son from ________ the same mistake.(2015年重庆A)

A.make B.made C.makes D.making

( )14.—Why didn't Peter ________ his homework?

—He said he had lost his workbook.I think it's an excuse.(2015年南京)

A.does B.doing C.do D.did

( )15.Susan doesn't like sports, so she has decided ________ join the P.E.club.(2015年茂名)

A.to B.don't C.not to

中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习

( )16.We advise parents ________ their children at home alone in order to keep them away from danger.(2015年广东)

A.not leave B.not to leave C.leave D.to leave

( )17.Though he often made his little sister ________, today he was made ________ by his little sister.(2015年汕尾)

A.cry; to cry B.crying; crying C.cry; cry D.to cry; cry

( )18.The traffic signs warn people ________ after drinking.(2015年青岛) A.to drive B.not to drive C.driving D.don't drive

( )19.—Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?

—Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret ________ that silly thing to my mum.(2015年襄阳)

A.do B.to do C.doing D.did

( )20.—What should we take when going birdwatching?

—We should take a pair of binoculars (双目镜) ________ the birds clearly.(2015年扬州)

A.see B.seeing C.to see D.sees

( )21.We are too tired.Let's stop ________ a rest.(2015年益阳)

A.to have B.have C.having

( )22.In this school, the students are asked ________ mobile phones.(2015年内江)

A.not to use B.not using C.not use D.to not use

()23.Look! There are some birds ________ in the sky.They are very beautiful.(2015年宜宾)

A.to fly B.fly C.flying D.flown

( )24.We should keep on ________ English every day.(2015年阜康、米泉) A.to practice to speak B.to practice speaking

C.practicing to speak D.practicing speaking

( )25.My friend invited me ________ the art club, and I accepted it with pleasure.(2015年上海)

A.join B.to join C.joined D.joining

( )26.—What do you remember about Grade 7?

—I remember ________ a prize.(2015年鄂州)

A.to win B.winning C.win D.wining

( )27.—Thanks for ________ me with my English.

—It's my pleasure.I'm glad you've made such great progress.(2015年海南) A.help B.to help C.helping

( )28.He is busy working at school, but he never forgets ________ his mom a phone call every day.(2015年六盘水)

A.giving B.to give C.give D.gives

( )29.—What happens when you hear a strange noise at night, or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom?

—It often makes us ________.(2015年临沂)

A.jump B.to jump C.jumping D.jumped

( )30.—Dad.I'm really tired and hungry.

—Why not stop ________ and eat some cookies? (2015年黄石)

A.to do your homework B.do your homework

C.doing your homework D.did your homework

( )31.Alan often goes to the old people's home ________ up the old and look after them.(2015年吉林)

A.to cheer B.cheer C.cheers

( )32.—Hello! Mum.Long time no see!


中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习

—Hello! Mary.Are you busy these days? I'm looking forward ________ your phone.(2015年荆门)

A.to answer B.answering C.to answering D.answer

( )33.I have a bad cold.I don't feel like ________ anything.(2015年泉州) A.to eat B.eating C.eat

( )34.I heard Tom ________ when I walked past his room yesterday.(2015年宿迁)

A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sang

( )35.Could you please tell me ________ next? (2015年永州)

A.how to do B.how to do it C.what to do it

( )36.“Alex, I think two hours of TV is enough for you.” “Could I at least finish ________ this show?” (2015年贵阳)

A.watching B.to watch C.watch

( )37.Mary used to ________ in the countryside, but now she is used to ________ in the city.(2015年云南)

A.live; live B.live; living C.living; live D.living; living

( )38.—What's wrong with you?

—My parents don't allow me ________ with my friends at night.(2015年广元) A.go out B.going out C.to go out

( )39.I found ________ not very easy ________ to ride a bike.(2015年齐齐哈尔)

A.that; learn B.it; to learn C.that; to learn

( )40.He kept ________ so that he could be in good health.(2015年齐齐哈尔)

A.exercise B.exercising C.to exercise

( )41.It's said that we'll have to ________ at least one hour ________ to Shanghai.(2015年黔南)

A.take; flying B.takes; to fly C.spends; to fly D.spend; flying

( )42.My mother always tells me ________ books in the sun.It's harmful to our eyes.(2015年贵阳)

A.don't read B.not read C.not to read

( )43.—Oh, it's too difficult for me ________ the work in such a short time.

—Anything is possible if you put your heart into it.(2015年丹东)

A.finish B.finishing C.finished D.to finish

( )44.You're supposed ________ your room up before you go out.(2015年龙东)

A.to clean B.clean C.cleaning

( )45.—Would you mind ________ now? It's already midnight.

—Sorry, I won't.(2015年龙东)

A.not singing B.not to sing C.don't sing

( )46.You'd better ________ too much chocolate, or you'll get fat fast.(2015年乐山)

A.not to eat B.not eat C.not eating

( )47.This sign is used ________ tourists to stay away from the lion in the zoo.(2015年南通)

A.to warn B.to warning C.to make D.to making

( )48.We should do what we can ________ our English.(2015年锦州)

A.improve B.improved C.to improve D.improving

( )49.The workers were made ________ from morning to night in the past.(2015年眉山)

A.worked B.to work C.work D.working


中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习

( )50.The WWF is working hard ________ the animals in danger.(2015年南宁) A.save B.to save C.saves D.saved


中考英语 第一部分 基础语法专题 第10讲 非谓语动词巩固练习


1—5 CBCDB 6—10 AACCA 11—15 BBDCC

16—20 BABCC 21—25 AACDB 26—30 BCBAC

31—35 ACBBB 36—40 ABCBB 41—45 DCDAA

46—50 BACBB


