
更新时间:2023-04-09 20:09:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Exercise 1

Directions: Match the phrases with the following sentences. Write your answers on the answer sheet correspondingly.

demeanor crave found biology dictate

responsi ve embed profitab






weakness citizen discount

ed tune unconsciou


3.Though business people like to think of themselves as realists, the fact is that wishful thinking, denial, and other forms of avoiding reality are deeply______ in most corporate cultures.

4.The culture of the organization is typically created ______, based on the values of the top management or the founders of an organization.

5.Sometimes we tend to lose sight of the fact that ______—the way you appear and the way you act—is a form of communication.

6.The deepest principle in human nature is the______ to be appreciated.

7.Microsoft is ______upon the idea that if you give people the right tools, they will do new and exciting things.

8.Creativity, by itself, is not enough. There must be mechanisms within the company for setting in motion the ______needed to spark off winning ideas.

9.The right corporate______—the optimal balance of people and culture—can mean the difference between success and failure.

10.The organizational culture, as perceived by the employees, ______how they think about their jobs, perform their functions and plan for the future.

11.Depending on the company, corporate culture may influence choice of suit color for meetings with management, overall ______to change in the marketplace, how customers and colleagues are treated and whether or not an expensive new shower curtain is submitted as a business expense.

12.If increased ______is an organizational goal, one of the best places to start improvements is with an examination of the organization’s work culture.

13.An organization’s cultural norms are so ______ that they are almost invisible, but if you would like to improve performance and profitability, norms are one of the first places to look.

14.Employees all share the basic human needs for belonging,

connectedness, trust, meaning and purpose, and they also share the same human ______, such as selfishness and greed.

15.Citizenship in the United States comes in tow forms: inpidual

citizenship (referred to at the outset of the . Constitution as “We the people”) and corporate citizenship which has existed since 1886 when the Supreme Court decided corporations were entitled to constitutional protection as if they were ______.

16.Managers need to realize that issues involving pay, benefits,

and perks aren’t usually the central reasons why good employees fly the corporate coop—although those factors certainly are not to be______.

Smart companies ______ their overall culture toward their employees if they can, making the work environment as pleasant and as supportive as


Exercise 2

relation ship





match inherent

stereoty pe








competen ce








1.Manager are thought to be the budgeter, the organizers, the controllers—the ants, as one observer puts it—while leaders are the______, big-picture visionaries, the ones who change the whole ant farm.

2.Some great managers struggle with change and fail to be great leaders, while a great leader might fail to create a sense of______in an organization and not measure up as a manager.

3.Leadership effectiveness is determined by what leaders do, not by some ______personal characteristic.

4.There isn’t one______of leadership which fits every situation.

5.Since the 1970s, the focus has been on “contingency theories of leader behavior”—theories that argue leaders’effectiveness depends on the ______between their behavior and personal characteristics and the characteristics of their followers and of the situations in which they find themselves.

6.Leaders must pay close attention to how they balance competing pressures in their organizations, and how their words and actions shape the______and beliefs of organization members.

7.We have a natural tendency to blame other people for failures, rather than______the poor performance to external and contextual


8.Leadership is not primarily about making decisions anyway—it is about______people to change direction.

9.Efffective managers concentrate not only on the task, but also on their______with their subordinates.

10.The role of the manager is more______than directive, guiding the conversation and helping to resolve differences.

11.Self-confidence is not the real secret of leadership. The more essential______is confidence in other people.

12.One person may have the top title and the official authority, but their______is often a function of the quality of all the other people who stand beside them to exercise leadership.

13.Sports certainly produces a very high number of prima donnas and big egos, yet I was struck by how many of the winning teams were led by______people who boosted others.

14.When an employee has done a task one way for many years, he tends to identify with that task and changing it can feel like an assault on his______.

15.The company is planning to launch an important sales______to promote their latest product.

1. charismatic

2. stability

3. inherent



5. match





8. inspiring

9. relationship







13. unpretentious



15. campaign

Exercise 4

Directions: Match the phrases with the following sentences. Write your answers on the answer sheet correspondingly.

responsi ble beyond citizen role humanitari


luxury transpar

ent loath overrid




enhance social negative appropr



1.We are committed to keeping those relationships strong by communicating openly about our business practices, being_______ about our performance, and remaining accountable for our conduct.

2.It is our hope that Kimberly-Clark Corporation’s contributions, combined with the ______ efforts of the world’s aid organizations, will help ease the immediate suffering of the people affected by this tragedy.

3.Corporate social responsibility makes good business sense, but companies must _________ the goal of good citizenship placed upon them by society with the traditional aim of profitability required by shareholder.

4.Corporate citizenship is not a ________, especially in difficult times. It’s a sensible part of good business.

5.Corporate leaders have to think ______making profits to how they affect society.

6.Corporate social responsibilities do not ________a corporation’s fundamental obligation to make a reasonable return for investors.

7.Corporation’s __________is to be good businesses, not to save the planet.

8.People expect companies to take on social responsibilities and expect governments to ensure that corporations behave________.

9.If companies look after the interests of its customers, employees and society at large, then it is also _______shareholder value and benefiting its investors.

10.It seems that the growing ________role of companies suggests a breakdown in the distinction between politics and business.

11.Citizenship takes the work of the people, not just businesses going in and saving the world. It takes the customer, the inpidual, the_______.

12.It’s a new way to conceive and carry out business, because it suggests ______with the folks that live in your business’s community.

13.Moreover, the work environment should be one where people at all levels feel that they have support, that managers and coworkers are open to hearing their ideas—rather than being consistently _______about new ideas.

14.You want people to have work that they’re going to find ______challenging —not so far out of their skill range that they just can’t do anything, but certainly something that’s going to get them to operate at the top of their skill level, allowing them to really stretch and grow.

15.Management gurus are both loved and _______by businesses, as they provide insights and visions into the art of management, insights that may, in theory, save companies millions of dollars, or they may introduce concepts that may further confuse and worsen company problems.


1. transparent

2. humanitarian

3. balance

4. luxury

5. beyond

6. override

7. role8. responsibly9. enhancing

12. partnerships

14. appropriately15. loathed

Exercise 7

asymmetr y








successi on





challenges prolifer


blessing s





innovation tap into

1.We support economic development and responsible free markets as the most reliable and sustainable strategies for global poverty_______.

2.Globalization is more than the flow of money and commodities, it is the growing________ of the world’s people through shrinking space, shrinking time and disappearing borders.

3.While McDonald’s golden arches may be_________ in every major metropolis across the world, so, for that matter, are Thai and Vietnamese restaurants.

4.As we look at the world through our own _______, we tend to forget that we ourselves have dramatically changed in an age of open systems.

5.To want to be rooted is a deep human desire, of course, but to be _______ and uprooted, alas, is a human condition—Man’s fate.

6.It is widely believed that globally ______ product varieties are displacing locally customized ones in many product categories.

7.There are at least three fundamental _______ of globalization on nations that embrace it: faster economic growth, reductions in poverty, and more fertile soil for democracy.

8.Two of the most common complaints against globalization are that it has undermined labor and environmental standards, and that it has ______ the gap between rich and poor, both among and within countries.

9.If you believe that free markets, operating within a rule of law, are essentially self-regulating and leas, in the words of Adam Smith, “as if by an invisible hand” to a greater general _______, then you will tend to see globalization as a blessing.

10._________ were incorporated into trade agreements, so that the developed countries could demand that the developing countries take away

their trade subsidies, take away their trade barriers, all for the goods in which the industrialized nations hand a comparative advantage.

11.While we were talking about how wonderful the globalized financial system is in addressing the problems of risk, the developing countries were left to carry the burden of interest rates and market _______.

12.The upside of the globalization explains why and how the move toward globalization brought us opportunities,and the downside describes the newest _______ to modern politicians, economists, environmentalists, and sociologists.

13.The ____ of crises in the 1990s—Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Russia, and Brazil—suggested to some that financial crises are

a direct and inevitable result of globalization.

14.Economic “globalization”is a historical process, the result of human____ and technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows.

15.Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to_______ more and larger markets around the world.



