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Lenoovs's traetgyof d istiburitn
outb LenvoDosiritbtiuo nstraetg yLenvo oditrsbuiiot nKP Del lirdcteoi Qnesutino
About sLnevoLoneoov aw esstabilhse din 9184.T e hcopmnay mianylpr odcus edeskoptc opmtuesr ,serervs, onetbookcomp terus ,obmielp honesa d otnerhpr oudtsc .n 1I99, 6lnove isol ocaed int Cihans d'oemtic smraketsa les nith eirsft pacel.
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Precse reialitsci
obutL neov oDsiritutboi ntsraegytLe nvoodis ribtuiton KP Dleldi rcteio nuQetsion
intsodrutioc nfodistr iutboniAccrodnig tothe fmaos umaketirn gmater shPiip dlefintiino,th edi tsrbituon ihancnlei sa cmmooitdyo rs ervice frmo podruersc o constumer insth epocres of stansrerfrngit o ahicee vheto wenshrp io fth egood osr srviecse o hrep lhet tarsfen rof te hwnersohi opfall en trepiser ands individuls.a owHvee,r it des noto icludnes puplier, asxiulair ybuiness,s et.c
8m an fiuntcinso1. nIoframiont 2. Prmootin 3o. Negoiattins4.oA llocaiton 5. Oderr 6. Lgiosict 7. sinanciFng6C arhactrietscisCusotmr ehcaacretirstic Tshe roduct chapracertsitcsi
Teh caractehisrtci sof mddilmeenThe roppretis ofe cmopetiito nEtenpriser cahactrriseticsE vinronmetanl hcaartcerisicts8. Rsksi
9149199-7 raditTioanl isdtrbuiiont1994-1997is teh taridtioan dlsirtbition usatge L,eonov will won tocu htoall aprs ot fhtec uonry througt hdisributort and sedleras. Realiotshipn :bsunissere ltiaoshnp ieaFtres: lauyr uepno ayer lditsibruitn,o infficieent mnagameent
199820-04 niensitev distibutiornputin, fgroard wb‘ig enolv’conocpet19982-004, elovon bgane o tntere ino tte inhtnsieve isdribtutoin,upingt foward rbi‘ legnvo’cooncpet.T ehin etsinevd itrisbtiuno sithat htema nufctureas rercmomne dis producttst rhuog hhe trsepnsiblo,eap roppraie wthoesallesr ,retalirse sam cu hs possialbe .Such as aild proydcu .t
0250n-o wItngretae ddstiibutrin ostratgyeItnegraedtdi tsriubiotns rttagey, syasi mpy,l sith e cutsoemrp roudt lincean ds mal anl mediudmizsed uctsmorespr odctuli n sepaeraiotn. Fcaedwit h diferfen tcustoemr,htee arertwo ikdsn f oamretknig odeml.Putitn gth echanne lnto the oviearllde isn,gand oordcianitn gwih thte diivios nfoL nove, otehyare ighhy fil up.t
o Tut lpeono andv the canhenl sa a howe,to lmak ae inntegatrie vesidn,go Ctroec elra hter le oof psotiio nan ddiviios,nand o sttregnhte intenrcaito,nthusen anhcet ehove rallop eatirn ofeficieny ictngeraivted esgin, eaFtrus eusctmoer uigdnac,e Lneove wlilwor k wtih Poresfisnal doivsiin,op atrensrt ofor clmoer cslolabrativoewor k tsrateic grlatioesnihp a,d wilnl orw kwthi Reatiolnshi parptnes rtosh ar hegih, adnup atedd nforimtiaon,a dn reliaz ethep recise ,ffecientiand inetgartiv fasete,rGoa ls opeartoi sysnte highem, srtongrr.e
Abou Letono visDtirubitno tsatery genLvo dosirtbuitoi nPKDell diectionrQu etsoins
enLoe disvritbtion sturaegy tadavntaeg M●rkae tedelvopentmspeed ● aSls ouetelt, to provisedt h censouemr sxperiencee ad pnurchseaeDlldire ciont trs
atgye ●Aban do intenmeriated cahnenl, chaiveni gth epircea vantaged ;● Zeo rinvntore; y●Rap di reponses,on edand mrpdouticno; ●T e conhvneinee cfoeletrconci ocmemrecdsaidavnagt ● eeDalrset oprdouec cos betwtene emdad; ● niWht he dealetr omcmnicutaonic ot hsgih ● ;alck fo fficience iynth ei fonmrtainoin trectaon iad ncsuomte resvire, ecc ● trCdeit riks rpbolm;e ●Af er-stale sesrviecp orbelms ● T;he ocsto f prouctd sppurto
CnoculisnoenoLv coooerapest effecivtelywit hd itsriutorb strhuogh hted stiriutbonip aterntW.ath’ sore, mcosumnrse an mcre conoevnien tndurseatdn tsi produtsc trhough alarge nu mer bo fsals eotuels,tthsuLe onv odveeopl sore mapirdl yad nha a slarg perooprton ioft eh mraetk.
Abuo tLenvooDitrsibutoni tsratgye Leonvo isdrtibution P DeKl lirdeciontQ eusiotns
is wsaht?QusetoinsQ1. Wha do wte larnefro tme shuccssfulee xprienceeof t he Leovno ntiegater ddsiritbuiont?Q.2 hyWcan D lle'sdir ce salts esccuse sn iChin aan Ldneoo vcnano ?t
Thakn yuo fr woachtnig
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