英语倒装句(最全面 - 最简洁)

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英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 基本语序(natural order):

主语+谓语+宾语(subject + predicate+ object) I love English.

完全倒装 (full inversion) 谓语+主语

Here came the headmaster. 部分倒装 (partial inversion) 助动词/情态动词+ 主语 + 动词 Nerve will I forgive you. 一、完全倒装

1. There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。 There stood a dog before him.

There exist different opinions on this question. 例题:

________ a beautiful palace ________ the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at

2 (1).在以here、there、now、then等副词开头的句子里。 句式:副词+vi+名词主语

“Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be,go,lie,run) + 主语\结构。 Here comes the old lady!

Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. Now comes your turn.

如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语语序不变,不用倒装。 如:Here you are. There she comes.

(2).表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如: In came Mr. White.

Up went the arrow into the air. Away went the boy.

题:There ________. And here ________.

A. goes the phone; she comes B. is the phone going; is she C. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she

3.当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。


如:At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. East of the lake lie two towns.

Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.

注意:在上述句子中,如果主语为人称代词,则主、谓不需要倒装。 In he came and back he went again. 4.\分词(代词) + be + 主语\结构。

Walking at the head of the line was our teacher. Such was the story he told me.

题:________, a man of achievements, deep thoughts, but with simple habits. A. Einstein was such B. Such was Einstein C. Einstein was so D. So was Einstein

________ are the days when teachers were looked down upon. A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going

5,某些表语位于句首,保持句子平衡,以强调表语. 句式:表语+系动词+主语(必须是名词)


Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys. 2)表语为形容词

Present at the meeting were Mr White and many other guests. 3)表语为过去分词

Seated on the ground are a group of young people. 4)表语为进行时态中的现在分词 Lying on the floor was a boy.

Standing beside the desk was a teacher. 二、部分倒装

部分倒装是把be动词、情态动词、助动词放到主语之前。如果句子中没有这些词,要在主语之前加助动词do / does / did等,而把原来的谓语动词变成原形放在主语之后。 1. 句首状语为否定词或半否定词的句子。

这类词或短语主要有never, neither, nor, little, seldom(很少,不常), rarely(很少,罕有), hardly, scarcely(几乎不,简直没有), no sooner(立即), by no means(决不) ,not only, in no way(决不), at no time, few, not, no等, 句式: “否定词/词组+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+其他”。 Not until+从句/时间状语+主句(部分倒装)。

No sooner had sb done than?;Hardly/scarcely had sb done when? 刚刚?就

Not only+分句(部分倒装)but also+分句(不倒装) 注意:①not only置于句首②but(also)部分不倒装, 1) Hardly ____ the airport when the plane took off. A. I had arrived at B. had I arrived C. had I reached D. I had got to

2) —Have you ever seen anything like that before? —No, _____ anything like that before.

A. I never have seen B. never I have seen C. never have I seen D. I have seen 3) She is not fond of cooking, ____ I. A. so am B. nor am C. neither D. nor do 2. Only + 状语(副词/ 介词短语/ 状语从句),位于句首 ,要部分倒装。 Only by this means is it possible to explain it. (介词短语)

Only then did I realize the importance of math. (副词)

Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. (从句) 注意:

① 在only+状语从句+主句结构中,主句倒装, 但从句用正常语序。


3. so或so引导的短语放在句首,前半部分倒装。 I saw the film, so did she.

So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. 1) The doctor told Charlie to breathe deeply and ____. A. so did Charlie B. Charlie did so C. Charlie does so D. did Charlie so

2) So loudly _____ that ____ hear her clearly. A. did she speak; could everyone B. did she speak; everyone could C. she spoke; could everyone D. she spoke; everyone could

4. \分句,but also + 分句\句型中的前一分句要部分倒装。 但not only...but also...连接主语时,不倒装。

如: Not only the mother but also the children are sick. 如: ___ himself wrong, but his friends were wrong. A. Not was only he B. Not only he C. Not only was he D. Not only was 5、as/ though (虽然,尽管)引导的让步状语从句。

句式:名词\\形容词\\副词\\动词\\分词+as\\though+主语+其他 如:

Although I am ugly, I am gentle. Ugly as I am, I am gentle.

Though he is a child, he has to make a living. Child as he is, he has to make a living. 注意:从句的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词

6.用于So/neither (nor) + be ( have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语+其他的句子

表示两人的同样一个情况时,只能表示一件事,即上、下句所使用的动词、时态要一致。否则要用so it is with?/It is the same with? He has been to Beijing. So have I.

Tom can’t answer the question. Neither /Nor can I . So +be/助动词/情态动词+主语 某人也是如此

Nor/neither +be/助动词/情态动词+主语 某人也不是如此

So +主语+be/助动词/情态动词 某人确实如此

如:I have never been to Guangzhou University, neither/ nor has he.


7.在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。 (1)If I were you, I would work hard. Were I you, I would work hard.

(2) If it should rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting. Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting 注意:我们可以说Were it not...或者Had it not been..., 但不可以说Weren’ t it... 或者hadn’t it been...

8.句首是表频率的副词及短语(often, well, many a time, now and again,, once a week, now and then, every other day 等) 开头的句子中,要用部分倒装结构。 如: Many a time has John given me good advice. Often have we made that test.

题: Many a time ________ swimming alone. A. the boy went B. went the boy C. did the boy go D. did go the boy 9,在某些表示祝愿的句型中 如:May you all be happy. Long live China!



NB前倒后不①, O,NU主倒从不倒②,

2N前倒后也倒③, NM前后均不倒④。

? ①NB代表Not only?,but also?引导的并列句。 not only位于句首时,所引导的

前面的分句倒装,后面的分句不倒装。故此称为“前倒后不倒”。 ? 如:1)Not only did he come,but also he was very happy.

2)Not only was everything that he had taken away from him ,but also his German citizenship(was taken away). ②O代表only+状语从句;NU代表Not until+状语从句。此两种结构位于句首时,倒装主句而不倒装从句,即:“主倒从不倒”。

如:1)Only when he told me did I know it.

2)Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. No sooner?than?,Hardly


如:No sooner(Hardly) had we reached home than(when)it began to rain. ③2N代表Neither?nor?所引导的并列句。2N若位于两分句之首,则前后分句均倒装。即“前倒后也倒”。

如:Neither do I know her name,nor does he. ④NM即No matter?引导的状语从句。此时前面从句及后面主句均不倒装。即“前后均不倒”。 如:No matter how busy he is,he always comes to help us.

