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1. 我永远都不会忘记他离开我的那天。

2. I will never forget the day when he left me.

3. 白宫是美国总统居住的地方。

4. The White House is a place where the president of the US lives.

5. 她就是那个女孩,她的画获得了一等奖。

6. She is the girl whose painting won the first prize.

7. 我们都期待着奥运会在中国举办的那天。

8. We are all looking forward to the day when the Olympic Games take place in China.

9. 电梯是一个可以把人上下运送的箱子。

10. A lift is a case which can carry people up and down.

11. 他们砍倒了那棵挡住了风景的树。




15. They cut down the tree which blocked the view. 那艘船已经横跨大西洋很多次了,她的船长很有名。 The ship whose captain is very famous has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 这栋房子建于去年,它的主人是一个有名的学者。

16. The house whose owner is a famous scholar was built last year.

17. 那个男孩,父母全都是老师,已经在这里学习英语3个月了。

18. The boy whose parents are both teachers has been learning English here for 3 months.

19. 那个女孩假装没听到那个笑话,她的脸都变红了。

20. The girl whose ears turned red pretended she did not hear the joke.

21. 我在街上遇到一个奇怪的人,他的耳朵可以上下动。

22. I met a strange person whose ear could move up and down.

23. 医生给那个在车祸中摔断腿的人做了手术。

24. The doctor is making operation on the patient whose leg was broken in the car accident.

25. 他是一个作家,他的书很少有人读。

26. He is a writer whose books are seldom read.

27. 那个已经打破了两次世界记录的运动员正在电视上被报道。

28. The athlete who has broken two records is being reported on TV.

29. 这是所有我能告诉你的事情。

30. This is all I can tell you.

31. Browns一家人,住在临近的房子里,一直与我们家人一起吃饭。




35. The browns who live in the house nearby have been dining with my family. 这不是那种他很习惯住的房子。 This is not the kind of house that he is used to. 风吹透了他身穿的毛衣。(pierce)

36. The wind pierced the sweater he wore.

37. 这个国家是我所去过的最贫穷的地方。

38. The country is the poorest place I have ever been to.

39. 他丢失的自行车被警察找到了。

40. The bicycle he lost was found by the police.

41. 那个住在隔壁的女孩是个医生。

The girl who lives next door is a doctor.

42. 我叔叔住的房子位于山顶。

43. The house my uncle lives is on top of the mountain.


44. 这就是我用来煮牛奶的锅。

45. this is the pan which I use to boil milk.

46. 我还记得那个夏天,我们像孩子一样在河里游泳。I still remember the summer when we

used to swim like children.

47. 这就是为什么电脑永远都不会取代人的原因。This is the reason why computers will not

replace human.

48. 我知道他没来开会的原因。I know the reason why he did not come to the meeting.

49. 她经常回答学生们在学英语的时候提出的问题。She often answers questions that the

students raise when learning English.

50. 他是一个倒霉的美国学生,他的中国签证又被拒绝了。He is another unlucky American

student whose application for visa to China was refused again.

51. 我父亲工作的地方离我家有100英里。The place where my father works is 100 miles away

from my home.

52. 我碰到仙女的那个地方是一个美丽的小岛。The place where I met a fairy is an island.

53. 36.医生给他做了检查,看他是否有肺病。

54. The doctor gave him an examination to see if he had chest trouble.

55. 44.中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。

56. China is an oriental country with a long history.

57. 63.他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。

58. He closed his speech with a funny joke.

59. 86.我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。

60. We are collecting money for the famine victim.

61. 92.树叶已开始变色,很快就是冬天了。

62. The leaves have started to color; it will soon be winter.

63. 1.我儿子生病时,丈夫给了我极大的安慰。

64. My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.

65. 2.他被对手击败后,我尽力安慰他。

66. I tried to comfort him after he was defeated by his opponent.

67. 9.他父亲要他不要交坏朋友。

68. His father asked him to avoid bad company.

69. 11.游客抱怨说房间太脏了。




73. The tourist complained that the room was too dirty. 12.他们愤恨地抱怨制度不公平。 They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system. 22. 考虑到那种困难的情况,我认为他的表现令人钦佩。

74. I think he conducted himself admirably, considering the difficult circumstances.

75. 27. 你的建议会得到仔细考虑的。

76. Your suggestion shall be carefully considered.

77. 33. 我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他的内容。

78. I like the style of his writing but I don't like the content.

79. 34. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。

80. He is quite content with his present fortune.

