人教新课标(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M7 Unit4 Sharing正式版

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Unit 4 Sharing

假设你是学校学生会的一员, 为了拥有一个更美好的校园, 你发出了全员环保的倡议, 并制作了如下图的海报。

请根据海报内容及以下要点写一份倡议书: 1. 环保是我们中学生义不容辞的责任; 2. 我们可以养成这些环保习惯;

3. 让我们人人都为地球母亲尽一份绵薄之力吧! 【写作要求】

1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。

Dear friends, do you want to live in a beautiful world?

________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! The Students' Union

Dear friends, do you want to live in a beautiful world? So it is our obligation to maintain the ecological balance. To fulfill this task, we should bear the following ecological codes in mind. First, while sticking to the habit of walking to school, we should eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. It's also important to recycle everything recyclable and cherish our school's environment by picking up any

litter and turning off the taps and the lights. Let's all take action now and contribute to the prosperity of our mother — the earth. Thank you! The Students' Union 1. n. 观念;概念 2. adj. 有关的;切题的 3. v. (使)适合;调整 4. vi. 参与;参加 5. n. 作口译的人

6. adv. 其他方面 conj. 否则;不然

7. n. 特权;特别优待 ____________________



____________________ ____________________ _________________ ____________________ concept relevant adjust participate interpreter otherwise privilege 8. n. 安排;排列 9. vt. 烤(面包等);敬酒 n. 干杯;吐司面包 10. n. 宇航员;太空人 11. n. 目录 12. vt. 捐赠

13. adj. 自愿的;无偿的 ____________________

____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ arrangement toast astronaut catalogue donate voluntary

14. vt. & n. 买;购买

15. vi. (用针线)缝 vt. 缝制;缝合 16. v. (使)发出咔嗒声 n. 咔嗒声 17. adj. 政治的;政党的 18. vt. 分配;分发 19. n. 安全;保护;保障 20. vi. 工作;运转 vt. 操作 ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ purchase sew click political distribute security operate 1. 接到……的信 2. 极想;渴望 3.不久前的一天 4. 伸出

5. 完全变干;干透 6. 在困难中;在危急中 7. 多达;取决于 ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

hear from (be) dying to the other day stick out dry out in need (be) up to

8. (指河流、井等)干涸 9. 遇到;碰到 ____________________ ____________________ dry up come across

1.Thanks for your letter, ________ took a fortnight to arrive.

2.To be honest, I doubt ________ I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all. which whether

3.But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village ________ is the home of one of the boys, Tombe.

4.________ was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family. It which

1. relevant adj. 有关的,相关的;切题的(反义词:irrelevant) What you said is not relevant to the matter in hand. 你所说的事与目前考虑中的问题无关。 relevance n. 关系,关联,中肯 relevantly adv. 有关地,切题地 be relevant to 与……有关的 be irrelevant to 与……无关的



This point ____________________ and we had better move on. (2)她的陈述与这件事无关。

Her statement___________________________ this case. is really relevant is irrelevant to


What experience do you have that is ____________________ this position? (4)他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。

His nationality ____________________ whether relevant to isn't relevant to

2. adjust v. 调整,校准;适应,习惯

He can't adjust himself to the busy life of modern life in this big city. 他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。 adjustment n.调整;适应 adjustable adj.可调整的

adjust sth. (to sth.) 调整(以适应/适合……) adjust to (doing) sth. 适应(做)某事 adjust oneself to sth. 使自己适应…… make an adjustment 作出调整,作出调节 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我的表快了,我得把它校准。

My watch is too fast. I have to __________ it. (2)一个人很难使自己适应他人的习惯。

It is difficult for someone to _____________ others' habits. adjust

