生物统计学笔记 - 图文
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Statisticsis the introduction of mathematical language into specific fields of scienc. It is an art and science for collecting, analyzing, showing and interpreting data.
Sources of randomness
The problem involves a large number of data, can not be fully studied, can only be used in a \
The random error of the experiment, that is, the error caused by the uncontrolled, unrecongnized factors in the test process.
Two major factions Classical
The probability of an event can be explained by a large number of repeated experiments, and this explanation does not depend on the cognitive body. Bayes
Any inference of the parameters is necessary and can only be based on the posterior distribution of parameters.
Common statistical terms Population: Individual:
Sample:a set of individuals drawn from a population is called a sample. Each individual that makes up a sample is called a sample unit.
The number of individuals included in the sample is called sample size or sample sizes, and the sample capacity is often recorded as n.
Generally in biological research, n<=30 samples are usually called small samples.the calculation and analysis of some statics between small and big samples are different.
The basic characterstic of statistical analysis is to infer the whole by sample.
Variables and constants
Deviation and error Deviation:
random error: sampling error systematic error: lopsoded error
2018年3月5日 18:26
第一章 绪论 (2学时)
主要内容:介绍课程的性质、内容和考核方式;了解生物统计学的发展历史和基本概念;通过具体实例说明生物体中随机现象的普遍性。 重点和难点:让学生认识到随机性在生命系统中具有普遍性。 1. 生物统计发展历史
2. 生物体中随机现象的普遍性
第二章:试验·与特征数的计算 (2学时)
主要内容:试验资料的类型、收集与整理,层次分布表、直方图等收集和显示数据方式;特征数的计算,包括平均数、众数、方差、极差等。 重点和难点:特征数的计算,平均数、众数、方差和极差的含义 1. 试验材料的收集与整理 2. 特征数的计算
主要内容:大数定理;几种常见的理论分布,二项分布、泊松分布和正态分布;统计数的分布,t分布、χ2分布、F分布。 重点和难点:几种常见的理论分布和统计数的分布 1. 概率基础知识
2. 几种常见的理论分布 3. 统计数的分布
第四章:统计推断 (8学时)
主要内容:假设检验的原理和方法,具体假设检验方法,包括u检验、t检验和方差的同质性检验;参数估计和点估计,非参数检验。 重点和难点:假设检验的原理和方法,具体假设检验方法 1. 假设检验的原理和方法 2. 样本平均数的假设检验 3. 样本频率的假设检验 4. 方差的同质性检验 第五章:卡方检验(2学时)
重点和难点:卡方检验的原理和方法 1. 卡方检验的原理和方法 2. 适合性检验 3. 独立性检验
重点和难点:方差分析、协方差分析的原理和方法 1. 方差分析的基本原理 2. 单因素方差分析 3. 二因素方差分析
重点和难点:重点是直线回归的原理和方法,相关分析的原理和方法 1. 直线回归分析 2. 直线相关
1. 试验设计的基本原则:重复、随机和局部控制
2. 局部控制的方法:比对设计、随机区组设计和拉丁方设计等 第九章:扩展知识 (4学时, 理论课)
重点和难点:生物学和统计学之间的内在逻辑关系 1. DNA突变、转录因子结合、表型之间的联系 2. 课程项目实践和统计学在各个环节的衔接关系 实践环节:课程项目实践 (16学时,上机操作)
1. 模式生物基因组GC含量特征或基因突变方向特征 2. 基因型和表型关联分析 3. 转录因子结合位点 4. 自由选题
2018年3月9日 19:54
The concept and main content of biostatistics
Biostatistics is the application of mathematical statistics in biological research
Sources of biological randomness Variability, uncertainty, complexity
Collation of data &caculation of the characteristic number
2018年3月9日 20:03
Type of test data:
Collection and collation of test data
Quantitative character is a character which could be counted or measured, the data get in this way is called data of quantitative characteristics
The quantitative trait data is divided into two kinds, discrete type and continous.
Qualitative character means the character which could be measured directly.
The data obtained from the observation of quality traits is the quality character data. This type of trait can not be direcyly used as a numerical value, to obtain data on such traits, it is necessary to quantify the results of their observations.
Collection of test data: Overall, samples
Random samping must meet 2 conditions :
Equal opportunity of each individual being drawn in the whole
Independent of each other in the whole, whether being drawn is not affected by other individual.
Finishing of test data:
The formulation of the distribution table
The caculation of the characteristic number
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