车牌识别系统 - 图像预处理 毕业论文

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题目 车牌自动识别系统—— 图像预处理

学 院 物理与电子工程学院

年 级 2009级 专 业 电子信息工程

班 级 1604092 学 号 160409210 学生姓名 师骏 指导教师 王鹏 职 称 副教授 论文提交日期 2013—05—28

车牌自动识别系统—— 预处理模块




关键词:图像预处理 车牌定位 字符识别



In the development of the Chinese automatic vehicle levels ,and social information levels is increasing, traffic management and intelligent become a development trend .Vehicle License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) is the Intelligent Transportation Management System (ITS) of an important part of place of management can be used for all types of vehicles, particularly to improve management efficiency and management level, saving manpower, material resources to achieve vehicle management scientific standard, and thus have broad application prospects. But License plate recognition system, intelligent transportation systems research and development is constrained, modern important factor in the development of modern traffic drawn greater attention.

The topic of the vehicle license through analysis of a series of characteristic information obtained, including the automotive image pre-processing, license plate location, license plate image segmentation and character recognition, etc, designed and implemented a prototype system license plate recognition, and the topic through the analysis of a series of the automotive image pre-processing , license plate location will obtain lots of conclusions , thus start the analysis of the topic,including Gray processing method of color image,Image enhancement,Edge detection,License plate location steps and so on .

Key words: image pre-processing;license plate recognition; character recognition


目 录

一、绪论 ................................................................ 1

1.1课题研究的阐述 ................................................. 1 1. 2 课题研究的目的及基本思路 ...................................... 2

1. 2.1 课题研究的目的 ........................................ 2 1. 2. 2 课题研究的基本思路 .................................... 2 1.3 课题研究的意义 ................................................. 2

二、车牌识别系统分析及要求 ........................................... 3

2.1车牌识别系统分析 ................................................ 3

2.1.1 车牌识别系统的需求分析 ................................ 3 2. 1. 2 我国车牌照识别的特殊性 ................................ 3 2.1.3国内外研究的历史、现状 ................................. 4 2.2 系统总体结构设计 ............................................... 6

2.2.1智能控制系统的功能总体设计 ............................. 6 2.2.2车牌系统的总体设计 ..................................... 7 2.2.3车牌系统的组成原理设计 ................................. 8

三、 车牌识别的研究与设计 ............................................ 8

3.1数字图像处理的概述 ..................................................... 9 3.2图像预处理 ..................................................... 10

3.2.1 DIB图像的获取 ................................................ 11 3.2.2图像灰度化 .............................................. 12 3.2.3图像对比度增强 .......................................... 13 3.2.4图像中值滤波 ............................................ 13 3.2.5图像边缘检测 ............................................ 15 3.3车牌图像区域定位 ............................................... 17

3.3.1区域定位算法的阐述 ...................................... 17 3.4车牌图像倾斜纠正 ............................................... 19

3.4.1车牌的倾斜原因及类型 .................................... 20 3.4.2倾斜校正的方法 .......................................... 21


3.5车牌图像二值化 ................................................. 21

四、总 结 .............................................................. 23

4.1课题研究的难点与问题 .................................................. 24 4.2课题研究总结 ................................................... 25

参考文献 ............................................................... 26 致谢 .................................................................... 27


