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Gang A group of stevedores, usually four to five
members, with a supervisor assigned to a hold or portion of the vessel being loaded or unloaded 工班。配有工班指导员、通常由4-5个成员组成在船舱或船上其他地方从事装卸作业的人员 Gateway A point at which freight moving from one
territory to another is interchanged between transportation lines.
境,货物在承运人之间交接的站点(如:满州里,二连) Gear A general term for ropes, blocks, trackle and
other equipment
船具,关于绳索,垫木、滑轨和其他设备的普通条款 现在指船舶的货物装卸设备
GC code International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk. 载运液化气体船舶构造和设备规则 GENCON The Baltic and International Maritime
Conference Uniform General Charter
波罗的海国际航运公会统一杂货租船合同,“金康” Or: uniform general charter (标准杂货租船合同) Gencon (GENERAL CONDITIONS) 金康租船合同(合同条件/条款)
General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade
A multilateral treaty to help reduce trade
barriers between the signatory countries and to promote trade through tariff consessions. The World Trade Organization (WTO) superseded GATT in 1994.
碍、促进贸易的多边(国家)谈判协定。1994年国际 贸易组织(WTO)取代了它 General average Intentional and successful act or sacrifice which
is carried out to safeguard vessel and cargo. When a vessel is in danger, the master has the right to sacrifice property and/or to incur reasonable expenditure. Measures taken for the sole benefit of any particular interest are not considered general average.
当船舶处于危险时,船长有权抛弃货物和花费合理的费 用。任何为了单方特定利益的行为不能称为共同海损 General Average Act There is a general average act when, and only (York-Antwerp Rules) when any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure
is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of
preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure.
是在,只有在有目的和合理地为了保护财产脱离海事危险而采取牺牲货物或费用的行为 General cargo Cargo, consisting of goods, unpacked or
packed, for example in cartons, crates, bags or bales, often palletized. General cargo can be shipped either in breakbulk or containerized.
如箱装的、板箱装的、袋装的或捆装的,通常打成托盘。件杂货可以散装运输,也可以集装箱运输 General-Commodities Carrier A common motor carrier that has operating
authority to transport general commodities, or all commodities not listed as special commodities 件杂货承运人。拥有运输散杂货或其他非特定货物资质 的公共承运人 General Department Store Merchandise.
A classification of commodities that includes
Goods generally shipped by mass-merchandise companies. This commodity structure occurs only in service contracts and is quite commonly used in the North American trade. It is similar to FAK used in other trades.
百货(合同)运价表。一种包括通常被大商家托运的商品的运价表。这种运价只在运输服务合同中出现。这种方式在北美贸易运输中经常采用,类似“统一运价” General-Merchandise Warehouse
A warehouse used to store goods that are
readily handled, are packaged, and do not require a controlled environment
General orders When U.S. Customs orders shipments without
entries to be kept in their custody in a bonded warehouse.
中转仓库。在远东用于储存和交付货物的仓库 General Rate Increase (GRI) Used to describe and across-the-board tariff
Generator Set (Gen Set) Go-Down Goods Gooseneck Grain capacity Gross registered tonnage rate increase implemented by conference members and applied to base rates. 综合费率上涨附加费,全部涨价附加费。用来表述航运公会统一执行的基本运价提价 A portable generator which can be attached to a
refrigerated container to power the refrigeration unit during transit.
便携式发电机,为运输冷冻集装箱提供电能 In the Far East, a warehouse where goods are
stored and delivered.
中转仓库。在远东用于储存和交付货物的仓库 A term associated with more than one definition:
1) Common term indicating movable property, merchandise, or wares. 2) All materials which are used to satisfy demands. 3) Whole or part of the cargo received from the shipper, including any equipment supplied by the shipper
具的术语;2)所有满足(人类)需求的物资;3)从发货人那里收到的全部或部分货物,包括所有由发货人提供的运输器具(包装物) The front rails of the chassis that raise above the
plane of the chassis and engage in the tunnel of a container leading to the connection to tractor.
Cubic capacity in ‘grain’(船舶)散装容 A common measurement of the internal volume
of a ship with certain spaces excluded. One ton equals 100 cubic feet; the total of all the
enclosed spaces within a ship expressed in tons each of which is equivalent to 100 cubic feet 总登记吨,注册总吨位。扣除特定舱容的船舶内部的容积;1吨等于100立方英尺,所有船舶密闭空间用100立方英尺为一个容积吨的吨数来表示的船舶吨位
Gross tonnage Applies to vessel, not to cargo. Determined by
dividing by 100 the contents, in cubic feet, of the vessel’s all enclosed spaces. A vessel ton
is 100 cubic feet.
(船舶)总吨(位)。适用于船舶而不是货物。由船舶所有的舱容按100立方英尺划分的数量。一船舶总吨是100立方英尺(2.8 立方米)
Gross vehicle weight The combined total weight of a vehicle and its
container, inclusive of prime mover
车辆总重量(集装箱车)。集装箱车辆加上集装箱和车架的总重量 Gross weight Entire weight of goods, packaging and container,
ready for shipment.
(货物)毛重, 总重量。包括货物包装和容器、准备装运
的货物总重量。 Groupage A consolidation service, putting small shipments
into containers for shipment.
的多票货物拼装成一个集装箱运输的服务 Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961)
Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw
Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International carriage by air
performed by a person other than the contracting carrier
的华沙公约的补充公约,又称:《1961年Guadalajara补充公约》 Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961)
Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw
Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International carriage by air
performed by a person other than the contracting carrier
的华沙公约的补充公约,又称:《1961年Guadalajara补充公约》 Guatemala City Protocol(1971)
Protocol to amend the Convention for the
Unification of certain Rules relating to
International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol at the Hague on 28 September 1955 (not in force) 关于修改经1955年9月28日海牙议定书修改的1929
年10月12日在华沙签署的《统一国际航空运输某些规 则的公约》议定书(尚未生效),又称:《1971年危地 马拉议定书》
GUNWALE The upper edge of a ship’s sides
Hague Port (1955) Protocol to amend the Convention for the
Hague Rules Hague-Visby Rules Hamburg Rules Unification of certain Rules relating to the
International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw in 12 October 1929
关于修订1929年10月12日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》议定书,又称《1955年海牙议定书》 International Convention of the Unific action of Certain Rules relating to Bill of Lading (1924) Rules governing the carriage of goods by sea
and identifying the rights and responsibilities of carriers and owners of cargo. These rules were published in 1924 following an international convention and were subsequently given the force of law by many maritime nations.
牙规则》。规则规范了海运货物和船东及货方的权力和义务。规则于1924年国际会议后发布,随后由很多航运国家赋予了强制法律效力 Protocol to amend the International Covention
for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading (Brussels 1968)
(布鲁塞尔1968),又称:《海牙-维斯比规则》 United Nations Convention on the Carriage of
Goods by Sea , 1978. In March 1978 an
international conference in Hamburg adopted a new set of rules (The Hamburg Rules), which radically alter the liability which shipowners
have to bear for loss or damage to goods in the courts of those nations where the rules apply.
《汉堡规则》(1978年联合国海上货物运输公约)。 1978年3月汉堡国际会议采纳了一套新的规则(汉堡
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