人教版七年级英语下册Unit3 Section B 1

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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

1a — 3c

一、重点句型1. 这是你的铅笔吗? Is ____ this your pencil? __ 2. 是的。它是我的。 Yes, __ it __. is It’s ______. mine 3. 那是你的书包吗? Is ____ that your schoolbag? __ 4. 不是。它是他/她的。 it ____. isn’t It’s ___/_____. his hers No, __ 5. 这是他的绿色钢笔吗? __ this ___ Is his ______ green pen?

6. 不是。那只蓝色钢笔是他的。 green ____ pen is ___. his it _____. isn’t The _____ No, __ 7. 这些是你的书吗? ____ Are _____ these your books? 8. 是的。/ 不是。 they ____./No, are Yes, ____ ____ they ______. aren’t 9. 那些是她的钥匙吗? ____ Are _____ those her _____? keys 10. 不是。它们是她的。 They’re hers. No. ________

二、按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。 A) 写出下列表达的缩写形式 it’s they’re 1. it is = ___ 2. they are = _______ aren’t 3. is not = _____ 4. are not = _______ isn’t B) 写出下列各词的名词所有格或名词性物主代词 Eric’s sisters’ 5. Eric _______ 6. sisters _______ yours 7. parents ________ parents’ 8. your ________ 9. my ______ 10. his ____ mine his 11. her _____ hers

C) 写出下列各词的复数形式 schoolbags families 12. schoolbag ___________ 13. family _______ dictionaries 15. box _______ 14. dictionary __________ boxes

— What’s this ? — It’s a(n) ________. baseballID card


watch notebook


computer game



Lost and Found



1a Match the words with the things in the picture.1. baseball ____ e 4. ID card ____ c a 7. ring ____ 2. watch ____ 5. key ___ 8. pen ____ i b d g 9. bag __ 3. computer game ___ h 6. notebook ___ f


A: What’s this? B: It’s a watch. A: How do you spell it? B: W- A -T - C-H.

Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.

A: What’s this? B: It’s a(n) _________. A: How do you spell it? B: ______________.


Listen and circle the things your hear in 1a.

1. baseball ___ 4. ID card __ 7. ring ___ 2. watch ___ 5. key __ 8. pen ____ 3. computer game __ 6. notebook __ 9. bag ___


Listen again. Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.

Linda watch ID card

Mike pen baseball

1e Make conversations about the thingsin 1d. Then change roles.Linda: I’m looking for my watch. … .... Teacher: OK. Is this your watch? Linda: No, it isn’t. That’s my watch. Teacher: Here you are.

Linda: And that’s my ID card.Teacher: Ok. What’s your name?

Linda: Linda.


Mike: That’s my pen. Teacher: This? Mike: Yes… and that’s my baseball. Teacher: All right. What’s your name? Mike: Mike. Teacher: Ok. Here’s your baseball. Mike: Thank you.

Found: (招领启事) Some keys are in Classroom 7E. Are they yours? E-mail me at marygz@.1. lost and found 失物招领 2. call sb. at+电话号码 (拨……给某人打电话) e-mail sb. at+ 邮箱 (给某人发邮件到……)

2b: Read the notices o

n the board and circle the lost thing.

Lost: (寻物启事)I lost my school ID card. I must find it. Call me at 685-6034.Thanks. Tom

Lin Hua, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask the teacher for it. MikeJohn. 1. Who picked up(捡到) the watch? 2. What’s his telephone number? 495-3539.

2c Read the notices again and write down the items. Then check Lost or Found.

Item computer game



√ √ √





_School ID card _

3a Complete the notices with the words or telephone number in the box.

name yours found 284-5486 lost callLost : My notebook

My name is David. Please call me at 679-8871.

Found : A set of keys Are these yours ?

Call Jenny at 284-5486.

Today, I found a black jacketin Classroom 705. I want (想要)

to write (写) a found notice.But I don’t know how to write. Please help me. My name is Eric. My phone number is 6856030.

Found: A black jacket is in classroom 705.Is it yours? My phone number is 6856030. Call me. EricFound: A black jacket Is it yours? Call Eric at 6856030.

3b Write your own lost or found noticewith your name and phone number.

1. 写寻物启事和失物招领要紧扣主题, 写清物品名称、联系人及联系方式, 要求表述明确,言简意赅。

2. 常用词汇: found 找到; 发现, lost 遗失; 丢失, pen 钢笔, pencil 铅笔, ID card 身 份证, eraser 橡皮, bag 书包, ruler 尺子, a set of keys 一串钥匙, in the school library 在学校图书馆, in the classroom 在教室里3. 常用句型: Is this/that your …? 这是/那是你的 ? Are these/those …? 这些/那些是 ?

