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再造木制品(reconsituted wood products)

Commodity: Reconstituted wood products Scientific name: Country: All countries

End use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes

产品:再造木制品 来源国:所有国家


以下为具体检疫要求 Non-Commercial 1. The conditions under the Commercial section apply 非商业性的货物,检疫措施与商业性再造木制品相同

Commercial 1. An Import Permit is not required. 2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.

3. Reconstituted wood products are not of interest to quarantine as they are deemed to pose minimal quarantine risk and can be released without inspection. Reconstituted wood products are those that as a result of the manufacturing process no longer contain solid wood and include

particleboard, chipboard, hardboard (masonite), oriented strand board, medium and high density fibreboard. This case does not apply to plywood and veneer products. (Refer to the ICON commodity ?Plywood and Veneer?.)


1. 不需要进境许可。 2. 不需要进境检疫。

3. 鉴于再造木制品携带疫情的风险很小,此类商品不需要进行检疫查验而可以直接放行。再造木制品是由刨花板、硬纸板、定向刨花板、




Condition C8920


1. An Import Permit is not required. 2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.

3. Each consignment will be subject to an inspection to verify that it is free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material.

4. If the consignment does not meet the above conditions it will require treatment as detailed in the Commercial conditions below, re-exportation or destruction.


1. 不需要进境许可。 2. 不需要进境检疫。

3. 每批货物均须核查是否带有活昆虫、树皮或其他检疫风险物。 4. 若不符合以上条件,必须按以下商业性货物的处理方法进行处理、退运或销毁。

Commercial 1. An Import Permit is not required.

2. A Quarantine Entry must be lodged for each consignment. 3. Each consignment must be free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material prior to arrival in Australia.

4. Any packaging used with the consignment must be clean and new. 5. Containers, timber packing, pallets or dunnage associated with the consignment will be subject to inspection and treatment on arrival, unless certified as having been treated by an AQIS approved method (refer to the AQIS publication ?Cargo Containers: Quarantine aspects and procedures?).


6. If the consignment is from a Giant African Snail target area the conditions in C8890 also apply. For a list of Giant African Snail target areas, please refer to the ICON commodity Snails - giant African snail (GAS). 7. Consignments from countries other than Indonesia, Malaysia,

Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Fiji, Western Samoa and Vanuatu may be released if accompanied by a valid manufacturer?s declaration (refer to Condition C10521) stating that:

?The (name of plywood or veneer) in this consignment was manufactured in (name of country) on (date of manufacture) and has not been pre-used.? The date of manufacture must be within 90 days of shipment.

8. FCL and LCL consignments treated offshore which are accompanied by a valid treatment certificate may be released on presentation of documents. Acceptable treatments are:

a) methyl bromide # (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154 below); b) sulphuryl fluoride # (T9090); c) kiln heat treatment # (T9912); d) heat treatment # (T9968);

e) ethylene oxide (T9020) (refer to C9741 below) or f) permanent timber preservative treatment (T9987).

# Treatments a)-d) must be completed within 21 days of export. 9. Consignments that are not accompanied by an acceptable

manufacturer?s declaration or treatment certificate are subject to either: a) a full unpack and inspection at a Quarantine approved premises or b) a verification inspection prior to treatment at the importer?s expense. The treatment options are: · methyl bromide (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154); · kiln heat treatment (T9912); · ethylene oxide (T9020); · heat treatment (T9968) or · gamma irradiation (T9924).

10. If live insects are found during the inspection they will be identified by an AQIS entomologist and the entire line/mark/consignment will be treated with methyl bromide fumigation (T9047, T9075 or T9913).


11. If other contaminants such as soil or giant African snails are found on inspection, then the consignment must be held and the contaminants removed or treated by an AQIS approved method (if possible), or the

consignment must be re-exported or destroyed at the importer?s expense. Note: The Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) regulate ethylene oxide residues and may limit use on

commodities that have direct contact with human skin. For information to determine if this treatment option is available for the commodity of import refer to the APVMA website.


1. 不需要进境许可。

2. 每批货物需要接受进境检疫。

3. 不得带有活昆虫、树皮或其他检疫风险物。 4. 所用包装须干净整洁,并且是新的。

5. 货物的集装箱、木质包装、托盘或填充物在入境时将会被查验和处理,除非证书证明上述项目已经经过澳方许可的方法处理过。 6. 若货物来自非洲大蜗牛疫区的,应按照C8890实施,具体名单见ICON。

7. 若货物来自除印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡、斐济、西萨摩亚和瓦努阿图以外的国家,只要提供有效的制造商声明即可放行。

8. 整箱和拼箱货物在入境时可提供有效的处理证书即可放行,认可的处理方法如下:

a) 溴甲烷熏蒸 (T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154 below); b) 硫酰氟 (T9090); c) 窑干 (T9912); d) 热处理 (T9968);

e) 环氧乙烷 (T9020) (refer to C9741 below) or f) 防腐剂处理 (T9987).

# 措施 a)-d) 必须在完成后21日内出口。

9. 若不能提供有效的货主声明或处理证书,则需要选择如下处理措施:



b)核实检查后进行以下处理 · 溴甲烷(T9047, T9075 or T9913) (refer to C5154); · 窑干 (T9912); · 环氧乙烷 (T9020); · 热处理 (T9968) or · 伽玛辐照 (T9924).

10. 若查验中发现活昆虫,首先由AQIS专家鉴定,而后整批货物将进行溴甲烷熏蒸处理。

11. 若其他污染物如泥土、非洲大蜗牛等被发现,货物将被扣留并按照澳方认可的方法处理,或退运、销毁,由此产生的损失由货主承担。 注:APVMA负责主管溴甲烷的安全使用,并对货物是否适用溴甲烷熏蒸拥有决定权。

加工木制品(wooden articles-manufactured)

Commodity: wooden articles-manufactured Scientific name:

Country: including CHINA(P.R.C)

End use: All uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers or for growing purposes

产品:加工木制品 来源国:包括中国


以下为检疫要求 Condition C8935 Non-Commercial 1. An Import Permit is not required. 2. A Quarantine Entry is not required.

3. Each consignment will be subject to an inspection to verify that it is free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material.

4. If the consignment does not meet the above conditions it will require treatment as detailed in the Commercial conditions below, re-exported or destroyed.


