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选择题 第一单元

1. Theose part-time students expected __A______some jobs on campus during the coming vacation.

A.to be offered B. to offer C. offering D.having offered

2. The bank is Reported In the local newspaper ___B_____ in broad daylight yesterday. A.to be bobbed B. to have been robbed C. robbed D. having been robbed 3. Because of the recent accidengts,our parents forbid my brother and me___C____ in the river unless someone agrees to watch over us.

A.from swimming B .swimming C. to swim D. swam 4.I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time ____B____ the bus. .A to have caught B. to caught C. Catching D. Having caught 5. This book is an attemp __A____ English and understand how it is used. A.To help you use B. helping you use C. helping you ueing D. H elping you to use

6. I have got a loaf of bread; now I am looking for a knife____A_____.

A.to cut it with B. to cut whit it C. with it to cut D. cuting it

7. The grammatical difference between British and American English is so small as hardly ____B____.

A. noticed B. to be noticed C. being noticed D. to noticed

8. When considering how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but ___D____ that the public will appreciate his gift.

A. to believe B. Believeing C. to believing D. believe 9. I have herad both teachers and students __D____ well of him. A. to speak B. spoken C. to have spoken D. Speak 10. We went all the way to see him, only __B____ he had gone out. A.finding B.to find C.have found D.had found 第二单元

1. They are planning __D____ before prices go up.

A.of buying the house B.with buying the house C.buying the house D.to buy the house 2. The man denied ____D__anything wroing.

A.to do B.to have done C.do D.doing 3. There is no _C_____ that they will attend the meeting.

A.tell B.to tell C.telling D.being told 4 . After __A____ for the job, you will be take a lauguage lest.

A.being interviewed B.interview C.interviewing D.having interviewing 5. Mike regreteed __A____ the meeting last week. A.not attending B.not to go C.not having been attending D.not to be attending 6. It’s no use __B____ me not to worry.

A.for you to tell B.telling C.tell D.to tell

7. What colour of pen do you want to have? I Perfer ____A__ to have blue one. A.having this red pen B.to have tise red pen C.had this red pen D.have this red pen 8. I feel very tired. We reslly should stop ___D___and go to bed. A.to study B.from studying C.of studying D.studying 9. Don’t worry. John is quite used ______C_ in such heavy traffic as this. A.to drive B.to be driven C.to driving D.to have driven 10. The students had trouble ___A___ their checks cashed. A.getting B.to get C.with getting D.from getting 第四单元

1. _____D__ in 1653, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United Sates.

A.Found B. To found C. Founding D. Founded 2. With prices ___C___ so much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.

A.fluctuate B.to fluctuate C.fluctuating D.fluctuated 3. All fights __D____ because of the snowstorm, we decided to go by train. A.were canceled B.had benn canceled B. C.having canceled D.having been canceled

4. The lecture ____C__, he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speaker.

A.began B.beginning C.having begun D. Being beginning 5. It ___C__very dark, the girl dared not go out. A.is B.was C.being D.been

6. Being in no great hurry, __C___.

A.it is decided that we will get there on foot B. B.we decided to get there on foot

C.the decision was made that we will get there on foot D.it is decided to get there on foot

7. The computer works very fast, ___B___ date at the speed of light. A.having handled B.handling C.hanfled D.handles 8. ___B___, thw amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentionning. A.Having paid my taxes B.My taxes having been paid C.Paying my taxes D.My taxes had been paid

9. With the guide __A____ the way, we set off on foot into the dark nighr.

A.leading B.to lead C.led D.being leding 10.____A__ a rainy day, I decided to stay at home. A.It being B.What C.Being D.Such 第九单元

1. ___A___ to speak when the audience interrupeted him. A.Hardly had he begun B.No sooner had he begun B.C.Not until he began D.Scarecely did he begin 2. Wood doesn’t conduct electricity, ___C___. A.so doesn’t rubber B.so won’t rubber C.nor does rubber D.nor rubber does

3. Only when you have obtained enough data ___A___ come to a sound conclusion. A.can you B.would you C.you will D.you can 4. If you give up your plan, __A_____.

A.so will they B.so they C.they will too D.so did they

5. ___________________A__________________.

A.Here are some letters for you. B.Here some letters are for you C.Here some letters you are D.Here you are some letters 6. On no account _____B__ give up.

A,we must B.must be C.we should D.we will 7. Only by chance ____D___ that her father had died.

A.I heard B,heard I C.am I hearing D.did I hear 8. Nowhere _____B___ a greater impression than in Paris.

A.he made B.did he made C.he makes D.made he 9._________A__ been there, I would spoken to him. A.Had I B.I had C.If I have D.Had if I 10. So sbsurd ___A___ that everyone stared at him.

A.did he look B.he looked C.looked he D.he had looked 选择题(二) 第一单元

1. Let’s fix a ( definitely ) __________date for the next meeting. ( definite ) 2 .The new regulation gave rise to much ( controversial ) _________. ( controversy ) 3. She accidentally( splash )______ paint on the floor. ( splashed ) 4. He was ( breeding ) ______ up as a sailor. ( bede )

5. Courage is an ( attribute ) _____ of a good soldier. ( attribute ) 6. A boy was ( hawk ) ______ newspapers on the street. ( hawking )

7. The teacher is ( editor ) ______ famous speeches for use in schoolbooks. ( editing ) 8. I was told that he was a radio ( amateur )_______.( amateur ) 9. That was really a ( stun ) ______ defeat. ( stunning )

10. There have been an ( exception ) ________ number of rainy days thks year, ( exceptional )


1. The explorer climbed a tree in order to ( orientation ) ______himself. ( orient ) 2. Physical ( therapy ) ________ alter’nates with chemical. (therapy ) 3. There is no ( accessible ) ______ to the house from the main road. ( access ) 4. It seems to me that I have been ( neglect ) _______ my duty. ( neglecting ) 5. The ( realm ) ______ of possibilities for the new invention was endless. ( realm ) 6. Harry would ( lose oneself in ) ________ a book for an after’noon at a time. ( lose himself in )

7. It couldn’t be done, I have enough ( troublesome ) ______ already. ( trouble )

8. He ( lure ) ____ the animal out of its hole by putting down a tasty piece of food nearby.( lured )

9. When Tom ( preoccupied ) ______ with his hobby he has no idea of what is going on around him. ( is preoccupied )

10. The doctor ( inquiry ) ______ quickly what had occurred. ( inquired ) 第四单元

1. From the hill he looked down on the peaceful ( landscape ) ________. ( landscape ) 2. That boy may be smart, but he has no ( personality ) ________. ( personality ) 3. That region ( abound ) _______ with rain all the year round. ( abounds )

4. We all ( admirable ) _______ her for the way she saved the chidren from the fire. (admire )

5. It is our duty to ( preserve ) ______ the environment from pollution. ( preserve )

6. We ( split ) ______ the wood into long thin pieces. (split ) 7. Crops are grown in ( rural ) _______ areas. ( rural ).

8. The play was an ( undoubtedly ) _______ success. ( undoubted ) 9. He is famous for his ( portrait ) _______ of many great men. ( portaits ) 10. She ( retain ) _______ a clear memory of her school days. ( retains ) 第六单元

1. The criminal failed in his attempt to commit ( suicide ) __________ and was arrested on the spot. ( suicide )

2. The ( famine ) _____ of 1943 in China was awful. Thousands of people starved to death. (famine)

3. The environmental problems have become ( globalization ) ________. ( global ) 4. It was the ( drought ) ______ summer in years. ( driest )

5. The heat causes the reaction to be ( accelerate ) _________. ( accelerated )

6. They ( understate ) _________ the number of dead of after the earthquake. ( understated )

7. When once you have had the disease the disease you are ( immune ) ___________ from it for the rest of your life. ( immune )

8. The bus ( overload ) _____________with tourists and their luggage. ( was overloaded )

9. He slammed the door with ( violent ) ________. ( violence )

10. The country’s economic ( infrastructure ) __________ was ruined during the war.

( infrastructure ) 第九单元

1. She was ( annoying ) _____ with boy for being so care less. (annoyed ) 2. It ( displeasure ) _____ me that he should want to talk about his work. (please) 3. She’s not just in a bad mood, she must have a ( fundamentally ) __________psychological problem. (fundamental )

4. I know your leg hurts, just be ( impatient ) ___________until the doctor arrives. ( patient )

5. I am absolutely ( indifference ) _________ to this talk. ( indifferent ) 6. He ( insistence )___________ on the accuracy of his account. ( insisted ) 7. Each ( individualism ) _______ leaf on the tree is different. ( individual ) 8. I ( resentment ) ________ the whole business. ( resent )

9. Mother won’t rest ( uneasy ) ______ until all the children are home. (easy ) 10. I find her a very ( agreeably ) _______ and sensible woman. (agreeable )

第三题 第一单元

Vocabulary Snapshot ababdon bill dismiss negative stage humble

1. We shall act our play the school _____________. ( stage )

2. Yet old Amtanas would not _____________.He remembered what it had cost him to get a job. ( quit )

3. All this had an extremely ____________ effect on the criminal justice system.( negative )

4. His parents were ___________ people; they had no money and lived poorly.( humble ) 5. At the end of the lecture, the professor ______ the students. ( dismissed ) 6. I ____________ know where he had been. ( was dying to ) 7. Being thoughtful of others is the ________of politeness. (essence ) 8. It was printed on __________ yellow-looking paper. ( rough ) 9. The _____ this week is too big for the Blacks to pay. ( bill ) 10. He ___________ the estate when he inherited it.( abandoned )

quit essence rough be dying to


1. The first _________ of conference of paris was on January 18,1919. ( session ) 2. You have __________ us an awkward question. ( posed )

3. The police had ___________________ the suspicious criminal. (keep a close eye on ) 4. It also shows that he had ___________ his intention. (fulfilled ) 5. Don’t try to ______ your wishes _______ us. ( impose on )

6. The _________ action of policemen saved the people in the house being hurt. (prompt) 7. Many teacher ______ too much ______________examinations. ( put…emphasis on) 8. We’ve had ____________ no fine weather this month. ( practically ) 9. He was on the ________ there for over forty years. ( faculty )

10. Holmes and he _______ plenty ______________. ( had…in common ) 第四单元

Vocabulary Snapshot appeal classical cream delicate integrate proper Sacrifice school account for fall into

Vocabulary Snapshot Prompt faculty fulfill impose session pose practically have… In common keep a close eye on put emphasis on

1. Parents always make ____________ for their children. ( sacrifices ) 2. She wore a long gown of _____________ silk. ( delicate ) 3. She likes ____________ literature and music,( classical ) 4. That chapter is the ____________ of the story。(cream ) 5. This menu does’t ______________ to me。 (appeal ) 6. The old _________ refused to accept new ideas. (school )

7. He tried to _________ all their activities into one program. ( integrate ) 8. Those problems ___________ several main classes. ( fall into )

9. He wondered whether it would be _________ to knock at the door of her room.(proper) 10. It ___________ 30 precent of all rail way accident . ( accounts for ) 第六单元

1. If we don’t take measures to protect the animals, some of them will face the ___________ of extinction. ( disaster )

2. After a long hour of discussion, we finally came up with a _________ plan. (feasible ) 3. If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to take the __________.( consequences )

Vocabulary Snapshot adapt consequence disaster diversity eliminate feasible ignore solution tropical serve as 4. That problem was hard; its _______________ required many hours. ( solution ) 5. Even the best of mean _______________ that simple rule. ( ignored )

6. Mary has a ________ of interests; she likes sports, travel and photography. ( diversity ) 7. When you go to a new county, you must __________ youself to new manners and customs. ( adapt )

8. He ___________________ a waiter in that restaurant for several years. (has served as) 9. She ________________________ from the swimming race because she did not win any of the practice races. ( had been eliminated )

10. Bananas grow best in ____________ climates. ( tropical ) 第九单元

1. A spy satellite _____________ the atmosphere. ( invaded ) 2. I am very sorry for having to _____________ you. (brother ) 3. My brothers ___________ writes to me. ( rarely )

Vocabulary Snapshot bother break the ice circumstance clash complain impolite invade miracle rarely sympathy 4. It was a _____________ you weren’r hurt in that accident. (miracle ) 5. These people need our help and ______________. ( sympathy ) 6. You were _____________ to say that to your mother . ( impolite )

7. Almost immediately he began to ___________ about the weather. ( complain ) 8. Their interests _______________ over trade issues. ( clashed )

9. The weather is a _________________ to be taken into consideration. ( circumstance ) 10. To ______________________, John spoke of his interest in mountain climbing, and soon had a conversation going. (break the ice ) 英译汉 第一单元

1. 她的反对者批评她是个土包子,粗糙的相貌只有西方人才欣赏。她的支持者则称赞她具有东方古典美,还揉和着一些现代气息。

2. 在中国你到处可以见到模特儿,他们呗认为是这个世界上发展最许梦的消费社会的基石之一。

3. 1983年,伤害迈出了时装业万里长征的第一步;某个纺织厂的女工们穿上她们喜爱的服装,在一个废弃了的仓库里举办了一场业余的时装秀。 第二单元

2. 一些学校督导人员打算就这一情况开设研讨班并计划把次内容纳入新生入学教育之一。

3. 在偌大的校园内,年轻的学子或新生肯呢过确有一种孤独感,因而这看起来似乎是一种建立联系的安全而容易的方法。

4. 有几个学生告诉她,他们逃课或考试不及格的部分原因是因为他们太沉迷于因特网。 第四单元

2. 江南园林甲中华,苏州园林甲天下。

3. 与丝绸工业紧密相连的是刺绣艺术。苏州刺绣已具有以前多年的历史,。 4. 苏州对人们的吸引力已深深渗入它的风貌,市民和他们的产品之中。 5. 苏州的现代化进程与保护传统的街道,运河格局并存不悖。 第六单元

1. 经济全球化加快了气候变化的导因;全球性的毁林及矿物燃料的使用。


4.十年前政治家们承认了此事,但谁也没有勇气对此采取行动,现在仍然如此。 第九单元

2. 这个中国人真抠门,就不想多花钱买茶喝。

3. 中国游客对侍者的行为产生了误解,而法国侍者却不知道在这位茶客的国度里,要求加水是很正常的。

4. 对那些在中国却不了解中国文化的外国人来说,听到这样的提问时会感到震惊,还以为中国人在干涉他们的私事。这种情况是很正常的。 汉译英

1. 我想知道他去过哪些地方。( be dying to )

I am dying __to know what place he has been to ._____________ 2. 存货鸡蛋全部卖完了。( sell out )

All the eggs _______in stock are sold out.________

3. 在走红之前,他大约在20部影片中露过面。( land the big break ) He had appeared ______in about 20 films before landing the big break.________ 4. 上大学是我人生重要的转折点。(turning point)

Going to college _____serves as turning point in my life _______ 5. 那艘被遗弃在海上的船漫无目的的漂流。( abandon ) The abandoned ship ______floated aimlessly on the sea __________

6. Jane 与 David 遗弃去了购物广场。 ( along with) Jane went along ____with David to the shopping mall_____ 7. 除了Tom 之外,大家都通过了考试。 ( exception ) All of us passed the math exam, whit the exception of Tom. 8. 把你所想到的确切的说出来。 ( definitely )

Speak out definitely ______what you are thinking about .________ 第二单元

1.企图损人利己的人不会有什么好下场。 ( at the expense of ) Those who try to profit at the expense of others will come to no good end.

2.她总是一心想着自己的幸福。 ( be preoccupied with ) She is always ___preoccupied with her personal well-being .________ 3.请不要把你的意志强加于我们。 ( impose…on ) Please don’t try ____to impose your wishes on us._________ 4.这位母亲有五个幼小的孩子需要照管。 ( on one’s hands ) The mother has ______five young children on her hands.___________ 5.这所学校注重学生独立解决问题的能力。 ( put emphasis on )

This school puts ____emphasis on students’ ability to solve problems independently.____ 第四单元

1. 该系列讲座课自然分作三部分。 ( fall into )

The lecture series _______ falls naturally into three parts.___________________ 2. 这幅画无疑是真品。 ( undoubtedly )

The painting is ___________ undoubtedly genuine._________________________ 3. 该公路与铁路平行。 ( in parallel with )

The road runs _____________parallel with the railway._______________ 4. 这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。 ( originate )

This style of _____architecture originated with the ancient Greeks.__________ 5. 在装修房间是我们保留了原有的壁炉。 ( retain )

We retained the _______original fireplace when we decorated the room ._________ 6. 这些建筑物和周围的自然景物相融合。 ( integrate )

The buildings are ______integrated with the landscape ________ 第六单元

1.如果一个部分出问题,整个项目就会非常危险。 ( at risk ) The whole project ______would be at risk if one of section wrong.________ 2.他不理会他那严谨的家庭环境,常去社交聚会和剧院。 ( immune )

He was immune ___ to gis strict home environment, frequenting both social gatherings and the theater._________

3.尽管他们已耗去五个不眠之夜,计划似乎仍不可行。 ( feasible ) The plan doesn;t _____seem feasible though it has cost them 5 sleepless nights._____ 4.即使税款要增加,凭纳税后剩下的那些钱,眼下的各种问题也迎刃而解。( eliminate )

Even with higher____ taxes, what was left would eliminate present problems._______ 5.即使是这样琐细的问题,总是有各种各样的意见。 ( diversity )

There is always ____a great diversity of opinions even if it concerns such a minor issue.__ 第九单元

1. 在聚会上,他讲了一个很有趣的故事以打破僵局。 ( break the ice ) He broke the ___ice at the party by telling a very amusing story.______ 2. 你应该看到事物的另一面。 ( the other side of the coin ) You should take_______ the other side of the coin into account.________ 3. 没有人让他干预这事。 ( meddle in )

No one asked ____________him to meddle in this affair._____________

4. 他们极其担心他们的未来。 ( be uneasy about )

They feel very ____________uneasy about their future._____________ 5. 在Anne 的坚持下,我们带她参加了晚会。 ( insistence )

At Anne’s insistence,_____________we took her with to the party.____________

