牛津英语第二课堂 - lets - go4同步习题 - 图文

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Let's go 4

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新概念语言学校 Let's go 4 ---U 1 一.listen and circle the word

1. A. the big balloon B. the bigger balloon 2.A. the blue balloon B. the green book 3.A. the younger boy B.the younger girl 4.A. the shorter boy B. the taller girl 5. A. Yes, she is . B. No , she isn’t. 二.fill in the blanks(写出比较级)

tall_________ young_________ big_________ long_______ short ________ old _________ small __________ 三.Choose the right answer

1.Where do you live? I ______ Rosewood.

A. is living in B. living in C. live in 2.How old are you? I’m eight _________.

A. old years B. years old C. year old 3.I have ______ brother and ______ sisters.

A. two / one B. one / two C. one / two 4. I don’t have ______ brothers ______ sisters.

A. any / or B. some/ or C.any / and 5. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

A. Yes, I am. B. No , I don’t. C. Yes ,I have. 6. The purple balloon is big. The red ______blue balloon is _______


新概念语言学校 A. or / big B. and/ biger C. and / bigger 7. ______ one is shorter ? The car is shorter. A. What B.Which C. Where 8. Is the dog smaller? No, it isn’t. It’s _______. A. bigger B. biger C. big

9. I have a brown and white dog. Do you have a dog,______? A. two B. too C. to 四.Write the words as required 1.I’m eight _________________. 2.I ______________ Oak Grove.(住在)

3. I _________________ .(我有一个哥哥和两个妹妹。)

4.He doesn’t have any _________________.(他没有任何兄弟姐妹。)

5. The red and blue balloon is ______________.(红蓝相兼的气球是比较大的。) 五.Translate the sentences into English. 1.我住在沈阳。


3. 我有两个哥哥和两个妹妹。

4. 她高,她的妈妈更高。


新概念语言学校 5.谁比较小?他比较小。

Let’s go 4 –U 2 一.Write the words

1.花匠_________2. 售货员_____________3.秘书__________________ 4.医生_________5.牙医________________6.邮递员_________________ 7.渔民_____________8.面包师_____________9.银行职员____________ 10.工厂工人________________11.消防员_____________12.商人___________ 二.Write the phrases

1.修牙________________2.抓鱼_________________3.数钱_________________ 4.打字________________5.做东西________________6.烤面包______________ 三.Choose the right answers 1.What do you do ? I’m _______.

A. a cooker B. a cooking C. a cook 2.Where do you work ? I work _________the kitchen. A. on B. in C.to

3.Do you like your job? Yes, I _______. It’s a lot of _____. A.do / fun B. does / fun C. do / fan 4. What ______ you do ? I’m a doctor. A. does B.do C.doing 5. What _____ she _____? She’s a dentist. A. do / do B. does / does C. does / do


新概念语言学校 6. A florist sells ______.

A.flowers B. bread C. candy 7. A doctor works in a ________.

A. flower shop B. clinic C. bakery 8. What does a dentist usually do? _____________

A. A dentist types letters. B. A dentist catches fish. C.A dentist fixes teeth. 四.fill the blanks as required

1. What do you do ? I’m ___________________.(一名厨师) 2. She is a _______________________________.(售货员) 3.Is he __________________________________?(一名邮递员) 4.A doctor _______________________________.(帮助病人) 5. A florish works _________________________.(在花店) 6.A dentist _______________________________.(修牙) 7. He’s a _________________________________.(技术工人) 8.He works in a ____________________________.(加油站) 9. He wears a ______________________________.(制服) 10. He sells________________________________.(摩托车) 五.Translate the sentences into English. 1.你爸爸是做什么的?他是一名银行业务员。

2.医生帮助生病的人。 3.面包师烤面包。

\\ 5

新概念语言学校 4.花匠工作在花店。 5.牙医修牙。

6.他是一名技术工人。 7.秘书打字。

Let’s go 4 –U 3 一.写出下列基数词的序数词

one_____ two_____ three____ four____ five____ six_____ seven____ eight____ nine____ ten____ 二.用词的适当形式填空

1.what is____ (you) name? ____ (I) name is Alice. 2.What is ____(him) name?___ (He) name is Tom. 3.What is____ (she) name? ____ (she ) name is Lucy.

4.The picnic ____(be) really fun! I____ (can not ) remember his name. 5.Who_____first?Tom____ (is) first.

6.Who was second?Amy and Wendy____ (be) second. 7.Was David third? No,He____ (was not).He was____ (four) 8.Amy and Wendy___ (are)playing tag .

9.Lucky ____ (is)chasing them at 2 o'clock yesterday. 10.John___ (work) all day yesterday.

11.What ____ you at 10 o'clock yesterday? I_______(study)in class. 12.Jack____ (mend) his bike yesterday. 13.I___ (write)a letter at ten last night.


新概念语言学校 14.It was six.The Greens ____ (have)supper. 三.句型转换

1.I was waiting for a bus at that time.

改为否定句I was______ waiting for a bus at that time. 对划线部分提问What____you_____ at that time? 2.The boy was playing over there at six yesterday. 改为一般疑问句:_____the boy ____ over there at six yesterday? 做出肯定和否定回:Yes,_____ ______.No,he_________.

对划线部分提问:What _____the boy______ over there at six yesterday? 四.阅读理解

Hello! We are pupils of Rainbow School. Our school is clean and big. There are three classroom buildings in our school. There are thirty classrooms and ten offices in our school. This is my classroom . There are thirty-six children and two teachers in it now. Miss Williams is our class teacher. She is very kind. Mr Li is our English teacher. He is very interesting. We like them very much. We like our school. We like our teachers, too.

( )a. We like our school but we don’t like our teachers. ( )b. Miss Williams is our English teacher.


新概念语言学校 ( )c. Our school is small and clean.

( )d. There are thirteen classrooms in our school. ( )e. Mr Li is a very interesting teacher.




Let’s go 4 –U 4 一月________二月_________三月_________四月_______五月______六月_________ 七月______八月_______九月________十月________十一月_______十二月___________ 二.写出下列数字的序数词(简写)

1._______2.________3._________4.___________5._________6._________ 7.____________8.____________9.___________10._____________20.___________ 三.用英语表示下列日期

7月12日______________ 8月8日_____________ 12月1日___________ 3月12日____________ 10月25日_______________________9月25日_____________ 四.用词的适当形式填空

1. What’s the date today? It’s July______(12). 2.What_____(is) the date yesterday. 3.Oh! It’s my____________(grandmother)birthday.

Really?Yesterday______(is) my father’s birthday. 4.When’s your birthday?It’s_______(in,on,at)August 17th. 5.Ben _____(go) to a baseball game _______(in,on,at)his birthday. 6.Wendy _____(meet) her favorite rock star _______(on,at,in)his birthday. 7.David _____(fly) in a balloon_______(on,at,in)his birthday. 8.He _______(have) a party. 五.英汉互译

1. 开晚会_______________2.在气球里飞_______________7.New Year's Eve 3.玩保龄球______________4.骑马_________________8.Valentine’s Day

5.出去吃东西_______________6.见摇滚明星_______________9favorite restaurant 六.选择

1.What’s the date today? ____________________.

A.It’s Judy 12th. B.It’s on August 15. C.It’s on June 18th. 2.When is your birthday?It’s ____________.

A.It’s at August 20th. B.It’s in August 20th. C.It’s on August 20th. 3.You are ________! A.kid B.kidding C.kiding


新概念语言学校 Let’s go 4 –U 5 一.写出下列单词的过去式

do________ stay_________ listen_________ take___________ talk__________ play_________ make_________ watch___________ read___________ write____________ 二.Translate the phrases

1.看电视______________________2.听音乐______________________ 3.写封信______________________4.读本书_____________________ 5.拼拼图______________________6.做模型______________________ 7.讲电话_______________________8.小憩一会____________________ 三.choose the right answer

1. Why did he stay home? Because he _______ a cold. A. has B. have C. had 2. Did she have a fever? Yes , ________ A. she does B.she do C. she did 3. On Saturday it was raining. David _______inside. A.stay B. stays C. stayed

4. In the afternoon he wrote a letter and he _____ a model airplane. A. make B. made C. makes 5.What did he do? He _________.

A. watch TV B.watches TV C. watched TV 五. 把下面单词连词成句


1. go? Are you to ready

__________________________________________________ 2.staying I’m home No, today.

____________________________________________________ 3. throat. I sore have Because a

___________________________________________________ 六.Write and answer 1. Why did he stay home ?

_______________________________(因为他生病了。) 2.Why did she stay home?

_________________________________(因为她嗓子疼。) 3.Did he have a toothache?

___________________________________(肯定回答) 4.Did she have a headache?


Let’s go 4 U5-6单元测试题


1.m_ n_ 2.r _c k 3.n _ s t 4.p _s t 5.s _ v _ 6._a k e 7._orrow 8._ _e s t 9.ph_ne 10._l a d 2.Find the word with a different sound in each group ( )1.A.coffee B.pond C.rope ( ) 2.A.leave B.bread C.weather ( ) 3.A.name B.snake C.apple

新概念语言学校 11

新概念语言学校 ( ) 4.A.chair B.school C.branch ( ) 5.A.where B.whose C.what 3.写出两个与划线部分同类的单词

1.Touch your arms. 2.Katty ,this is my grandmother. 3.That tall lady is a driver. 4.Can you see tigers in the zoo? 5.I have some coke . 4.Read and change the words(按要求写单词)5%

1.mouse(复数) 2.they(宾格) 3.full(反义词) 4.have(三单) 5.sad(反义词)

5.Choose the best answers(选出最恰当的答案)10%

1. Tom got an English book? ----Yes, he has. A.Have B.Is C.Has 2.Don’t the flowers. A.pick B.walk C.climb

3.Where is the fountain ?-------It’s ____the tree. A.on B.in C.under 4.Count the apples.___ sixteen apples. A.They are B.There are C.We have

5.Eddie has got ice-cream. My brother has got juice. A.a .some B.an.some C.some .a

6.There five bottles of water on the table. A.are B.is C.am 7.Here your balloon.

A.are B.is C.am 8.Mr. White can swim, but he dive. A.can B.can’t C.isn’t

9.------ bag is this?------It’s Mr. Wang’s. A.Who B.What C.Whose 10.Ben and I good friends. A.are B.is C.am


1.do 2.stay 3.listen


新概念语言学校 4.take 5.make 6.talk 7.play 8.watch 9.read 10.write 11.break 12.get 13.hit 14.win 15.catch 16.tie 17.score 18.lose 19.call 20.is/am

7.Match the sentence(给下列句子配对连线)5% 1.Draw a picture on the card. A.It’s in the zoo 2.What has Alice got? B.It’s blue and purple 3.What color is the kite? C.She has got a telephone. 4.What can Mary do ? D.She can sing the song. 5.Where’s the panda? E.Ok.

8.Read and choose the best answer(阅读并选出最佳答案)

My friend’s a girl. Her name is Mary. She’s eleven. She’s tall and thin. She has short black hair .She has blue skate board. I like Mary’s skateboard. We have two friends .They’re Ben and Bob .They have a cat .We like Ben and Bob’s cat .We are happy.

( ) 1.How old is Mary?

A.Eleven B.Eight C.Seven ( ) 2.------Is Mary tall?

A.Yes, she is B.She’s tall C.No, she isn’t


新概念语言学校 ( ) 3.What color is Mary’s skateboard? A.Yellow B.Black C.Blue ( ) 4.Whose cat is that?

A.Bob’s cat B.Ben and Bob’s cat C.Ben’s cat ( ) 5.How do you feel?

A.Happy B.Tired C.Angry 8.Write at least five sentences on the topic “My friend” (以“我的朋友”为题,写一篇不少于五句的短文)

My friend

___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Let’s go 4 U 7–8 一.Choose the best answer

1. ---What can Ming hear?--- _______ can hear a telephone. A. She B. He C. It 2.--- How does it feel?--- ____________

A. It’s a dog B. They’re cats C. It’s soft 3.--- Can I help you?--- ___________

A. Ok B. I want an apple C. Yes, please.


新概念语言学校 4.--- I can’t find my camera.Can you see it? --- No, I ________ A. am not B. don’t C. can’t 5.--- What do you want?--- _________

A. She wants a banana B. He want a cake C. We want apples 6.--- What can your brother see?--- ___________

A. White B. A white dog C. Sour 7.--- Can Kitty hear raindrops?--- ________

A. Yes, he can B. Yes, she can C. Yes, it can 8.--- What is that noise?--- ____ is ____ Sam.

A. It ? / B. It ? the C. They ? / 9.--- What are these _____? --- They’re dogs.

A. noise B. noises C. the noise 二.按适当形式填空

1. This is _____ ( I, my) little brother.____ ( He, His) name is Dick. 2. Kitty has got a cat. _____(She, Her)cat is small. 3. Happy birthday to _____ ( you, your) 4. That’s Kitty. She ____ ( have, has) a brother.

5. We _____ ( have , has ) an English teacher. She is nice.

6. One rabbit ______two ears. Two rabbits ____four ears. ( have, has) 7. How _____ ( many, much) money have you got?

8. Count the exercises books. How _____ ( many, much) exercise books are there? 9. Helen can ______ ( run) very fast.


10. Listen! Alice _____ (sing) a song. 11. Kitty likes _____ (swim) very much. 12. Come and help _____ ( I ) , please! 13. How much are _____ ( this) puzzles? 14. Where _____ (be) the masks?

15. Mr Chen ______( write) a letter to his friend now. 16. There are forty _____ (dish) in the cupboard. 17. He likes _____ ( sing) a song.

18. _____ ( What , Which) color do you like? 19. _____ ( What, Where) do you live? 20. _____( Who, Whose) dog is this? 三.Read and write. ( 按要求书写)

1. Those are Danny’s pens. ( 对划线部分提问)

_______________________________________________ 2. This is John’s chair. (改成复数句)

_______________________________________________ 3. I am reading in the library. ( 改成否定句)

_______________________________________________ 4. Mary is dancing in the hall. ( 改成一般疑问句) _______________________________________________ 5. They’re painting. ( 对划线部分提问)


新概念语言学校 16

新概念语言学校 6. I have got a little rabbit. ( 改成一般疑问句)

________________________________________________ 7. I’m chasing the dog on the farm. ( 对划线部分提问) ________________________________________________ 8. There are twenty bears in the toy shop. ( 对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________ 9. The big basket is brown. ( 对划线部分提问)

_________________________________________________ 10. Open the door. ( 改成否定句)

________________________________________________ 11. They are playing basketball on the playground. ( 改成否定句) __________________________________________________ 12. He is my little brother. ( 对划线部分提问)

__________________________________________________ 13. We are watching TV on Sunday. ( 改成一般疑问句) __________________________________________________ 14. It is ten o’clock now. ( 对划线部分提问) 15. Lucy has got a mooncake. ( 对划线部分提问)


三.Read and answer. ( 阅读,回答问题)

I have a bedroom. It is small bit it’s nice and clean. There is a desk near the window. There are some books and pencils on the desk. I always do my homework at the desk.


新概念语言学校 Under my bed, there is a football and a basketball. I often play football and basketball at weekend. On the wall, there is a photograph. She is a pretty girl. Guess! Who is that? That’s me!

( )a. My bedroom is small and clean.

( )b. There are some pens and books on my desk. ( )c. There is a dog under my bed. ( )d. I have a football and a basketball. ( )e. I have a photograph on the wall.

This is a zoo. There are a lot of animals in the zoo. Look at those pandas. They’re fat. They’re black and white. They are eating some bamboo shoots. Count the pandas. How many pandas? Four . Five brown and yellow giraffes are on the ground . They are tall. They like to eat the leaves. Now they are walking. Two grey elephants are eating some hay with their long noses. How clever they are!

a. How many pandas are there in the zoo?__________________________________ b. Do pandas like grass?______________________________________________ c. What color are the giraffes?__________________________________________ d. What are the elephants doing?_________________________________________ e. What do the pandas like?_____________________________________________

Let’s go 4 期末测试题 一.填全单词20%

1.花商 2.售货员 3.秘书

4.医生 5.牙医 6.邮递员

7.消防员 8.渔民 9.面包师



10.十一月 11.八月 12.十二月

13.感冒 14.头疼 15.胃疼

16.牙疼 17.发烧 18.嗓子疼

19.第一 20.五月


1.feed the (喂鸭子) 2.pick up (捡垃圾)

3. music (听音乐) 4. the telephone(讲电话)

5. a nap (小憩一会)


ride run walk hit catch score win watch play write take go fly call stay talk read make


tall big short young long old 三.选择填空

1.What he do ? ----He watched TV.

A . does B. did C. do

break get do have listen small 19

2.What does he like to ? ----He likes to go swimming. A. did B. go C. do

3.How many are there in the playground? ----There are four. A.child B.childs C.children 4. that man? ---He’s Mr Chen . A.Who’s B.Whose C.What’s 5.Tom’s father’s mother is Tom’s A.aunt B.sister C.grandma 6.Look! My mother her bed in her bedroom. A.making B.make C.is making 7.I can’t find my toy cat .Where is it?---It’s the box. A.in B./ C.with 8.Mr Wang is angry Tom.

A.with B.of C.to 9.My party is Saturday. A.on B.in C.at 10.Our school library is .

A.on the fourth floor B.at the fourth floor C.on the four floor


1.Please do your homework now.(改为否定句)

新概念语言学校 20

新概念语言学校 Please your homework. 2.Mary’s got some paper.(改为一般疑问句) Mary got paper?

3.The boy can run fast on the playground.(正在进行时) The boy fast on the playground. 4.There is a knife in the cupboard.(对划线部分提问) How are there in the cupboard? 5.That’s my father’s bicycle ?(对划线部分提问) bicycle that ?


Today is Saturday April 2. We sixteen boys and seventeen girls go to school early , but we have no classes. Our teacher is going to take us to the zoo. We are going there by bus . Now we are in the zoo. How beautiful the zoo is ! There are a lot of trees, some hills and a big lake .The sun is shining and the flowers are coming out . There are all kinds of animals in it : elephants、monkeys、tigers、birds、fishes and many other animals. The birds are singing in the trees and the fishes are swimming in the lake .We like to watch the monkeys . They are playing on the hill or having oranges.apples and bananas. We are having a good time . ( ) 1.We go to the zoo one morning. A.Spring B.Summer C.autumn ( ) 2.The weather is today. A.cold B.hot C.fine


新概念语言学校 ( ) 3.We are in the zoo.

A.swimming B.happy C.playing with birds. ( ) 4. students and a teacher go to the zoo by bus. A.Sixteen B.Seventeen C.Thirty—three ( ) 5.We have no lessons ,because A.today is Saturday B.we can play in the zoo C.our teacher wants to take us to the zoo. 六.写作

Write at least five sentences about the topic “My school ” 以“我的学校”为题写至少五句话 My school


牛津 4A Module 1 测试

4.Read and choose

( )1.A.my B.he C.his D.our ( ) 2.A.table B.chair C.desk D.bath ( ) 3.A.meal B.breakfast C.lunch D.dinner ( ) 4.A.jump B.run C.walk D.short ( ) 5.A.aunt B.uncle C.sister D.doctor ( ) 6.A.toe B.arm C.leg D.right ( ) 7. A.how B.what C.where D.white ( ) 8.A.Danny B.Eddie C.Ben D.farther ( ) 9.A butterfly B.ladybird C.fly D.bird ( ) 10.A milk B.7-up C.Coke D.orange 5.Think and choose.

1)Alice ______ a crayon. She can ________.

A.has,paint B. Have,paint C. Has got, draw 2)What's she ? She's a _________.

A.policeman B.policewoman C. waiter 3)He's ____ ambulance man.

A. A B. an C.the 4)-What ____ your mother do? - She is a teacher. A. is B. are C. does 5)- Can a postman ride a bicycle? -_____________.

新概念语言学校 23

新概念语言学校 A. He can B. Yes, he can C.Yes, he is 6)Look at these girls.They are _____________.

A. waiter B . waitresses C. waitress 7)________ a picture ______ the card.

A. Write ,on B.Draw, on C.Draw,at 8) -It's Ben's birthday. -_____ nine today.

A. I'm B. He's C.She's 6. Look and complete.

1) Wendy has got a cat. ______ cat is small.(She/ Her) 2) Happy birthday ___ you.(to/ for)

3) There are ______ people in my family. My father,mother and ______.My father is a ______. He works in a hospital(医院). My mother is a ______.She works in No.2 school._____ students like her very much. Everyday my mother _____ ______ at 6 o'clock in the morning. 7.Think and write.

1) He is a fireman. (改为复数句) _____ ______ ________. 2) What is your uncle? (改为同意句) _____ _____ _______ _______? 3) I can draw pictures.(改为否定句) _____ ______ ______ ________.

4) What animal do you like? (根据实际情况回答)


新概念语言学校 ______ ______ ________.

牛津4A Module 2 Me,my family and friends

一.Read and choose.

1.( ) The girl ____tall.She____run very fast.

A.can...can B.is...is C.is...can 2.( ) -_____that lady?

-She's my mother.

A.Whose B.Who's C.What's 3.( ) I ____a good friend.She____ a skateboard.

A.have,has B.has,has C.have,have 4.( ) This is ____classmate.______name's Eddie.

A.my...His B.my...Her C.our...he 5.( )-Whose dress is this? It's______dress.

A.my mother's B.my brother's C.my mother 6.( )Peter is ____teacher.He is _____old teacher.

A.a,a B.a,an C.a.an

7.( )We like to play game____the playground____school.

A.in,on B.in,after C.at,after 8.( )This is not my umbrella.It's_____umbrella.

A.our B.me C.Linda's 9.( )The mouse is afraid ____ the lion.


新概念语言学校 ( )3.Sunday A.play B.my C.they D.Monday ( )4.those A.three B.think C.school D.they ( )5.turn A.Saturday B.bird C.teacher D.doctor 三.选择

( )1.Ben,___ is my friend Jim.

A. He B. he C. this D.This ( )2.___ here,please.

A. Coming B.Come C.To come D.Comeing ( )3.___ a bird ,___ name is Polly.

A.It, It’s B.It’s, Its C.It, Its D.It’s,its ( )4.My father often ___ TV at night.

A.reads B.sees C.looks at D.watches ( )5.Ben and Tom sometimes ___ swimming. A. goes B.going C.go D.are going ( )6. ___ you ___ any bread?

A. Do…wants B. Does…want C.Do…want D.are…want ( )7.What does Lucy ___ ?

A.writes B.writing C.write D.wrote ( )8.Can you ___ in the sky?

A.flies B. fly C. flying D.flew

( )9.That ___ kate’s mother.Those are ___ flowers(花). A.is…her B.is…his C.are…her D.are…she


新概念语言学校 ( )10.They ___ teachers. ___ names are Mary and Kate.

A.is…They B.are…Their C.are…Our D.have…Their 五.词形转换(按要求完成下列单词)。

1.wear ______ (发音相同) 2. I ______ (宾格) 3.ther ______ (形容词所有格) 4. know ______ (同音词) 5.my mother ______ (人称代词主格) 6.Lucy and Lily ______ (宾格) 7.study学习 ______(第三人称单数) 8.wash(洗) ______(第三人称单数) 9.fly______ (第三人称单数) 10.write ______ (第三人称单数)


1. It’s Monday today.(对划线部分提问)

2. We have four lessons in the morning. (对划线部分提问) 3. I feel ill. (对划线部分提问)

4. She gets up at 6:3 0.(对划线部分提问)

5. I am at school. 6. She’s eight. (对划线部分提问)

7. The T-shirt is fifty yuan. (对划线部分提问) 8. We often go to the park on foot. (对划线部分提问)


新概念语言学校 9. The grape is in my mouth. (对划线部分提问) the grape?

10. My grandfather usually reads magazines in the evening. (对划线部分提问) your grandfather in the evening? 11. She often goes to the park on Sundays. (对划线部分提问) often on Sundays? 12. He’s from the USA. (对划线部分提问) he from?

13. It’s twenty to two. (对划线部分提问) What’s ?

14. We are having an English lesson. (改为一般疑问句)

15. My farther and my mother are reading books now. (改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________________

16. My sister often takes photos on Sundays. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) your sister often on Sundays? No, . 17. He jumps very high. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) he very high? , he .


trees your house? , there .

19. His mother is a nurse. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) mother nurse? , . 20. My brother likes reading books. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) your brother books? , .


18. There are some trees behind my house.21. I speak Chinese. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) you Chinese? , I .

22. I want to buy some new books. (改为一般疑问句)

want to new books? 23. I like English very much. (改为否定句)

24. Helen likes helping her mother cook. (改为否定句) 25. Do your homework now. (改为否定句) your homework now.

26. The boy can stand on the man’s shoulder. (改为否定句)

The boy stand on the man’s shoulder.

27. My sister often does her homework after school. (改为否定句) My sister often her homework . 28. Touch your head with your hands. (改为否定句)

with your hands. 29. It’s six thirty. (改为同义句) It’s .

30. There’s no time to have lunch. (改为同义句) There’s lunch. 31. What’s the time?(改为同义句)

32. What’s the matter with you? (改为同义句)

______________________________ 33. It’s time to go to school.(改为同义句)

新概念语言学校 34



1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2. Who is younger? Matt is younger. Who is older? James is older.

3. Is Tracy taller? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Is the dog smaller? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 4. What do you do? I ’m a cook.

5. Where do you work? I work in the chicken.

6. What do you usually do? I make hamburgers and French fries.

7. Do you like your job? Yes, I do. It’s a lot of fun. 8. What does he/she do? He/She is a florist. 9 .Who was first? Tom was first.

Who was second? Amy and Wendy were second.

10.Was David third? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. 11.What was he/she doing? He/She was skateboarding. What were they doing? They were playing catch.

12.Was he/she feeding the ducks? Yes, he/she was. No, he/she wasn’t. 13.What’s the date today? It’s July 12th. 14.When’s your birthday? It’s on August 17th.

15.What did he/she do on his /her birthday? He/She had a party.

16.Did he/she fly in a balloon on his/her birthday? Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t. 17.Why did he/she stay home? Because he / she had a cold.

18.Did he/she have a fever? Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t. 19.What did he/she/they do? He/She/They watched TV.

20.Did he/she/they take a nap? Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t. 21.What happened? Ben hit a home run. 22.What’s the score now? It’s three to two.

23.Where did he/she/they go? He/She/They went under a bridge and up a hill.

24.Are you going to the skating party? No. I don’t like to skater. 25.What does he/she like to do? He/She likes to go swimming.


