PEP五年级下册Unit 4 When is Easter PB Lets talk 教案

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Unit 4 When is Easter PB Let’s try& talk教案



(1)在Let’s try部分,完成听音打钩,在听觉上对核心句型有所感知,理解How old is he now? He’s 15 days old.的含义。21世纪教育网版权所有

(2)通过学习Mike与Chen Jie讨论生日的场景,听、说、读、写词汇:cook noodles, both of you。了解一些中国生日的习俗,感知重点句型的语义及语用情景:When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th. What will you do for your mum? I’ll cook noodles for her.21教育网

( 3 ) 学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,理解对话大意,能正确的语音、语调及意群 朗读对话,并进行角色表演。 2、技能目标:

(1)能够完成听录音选择正确答案的活动。 (2)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。

( 3 ) 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。

( 4) 能够在情景中运用句型When is your birthday? My birthday is on … 询问并且回答生日日期, 并完成角色扮演活动。 3、情感目标:




1、句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th. What will you do for your mum? I’ll cook noodles for her.2·1·c·n·j·y

2、词汇:cook noodles, both of you


1、学生能够在语境中理解生词both of you的意思,并能正确发音,熟练使用一般将来

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2、在具体的语境中,理解并使用下列句型:We can have a birthday party for both of you!21·世纪*教育网




Step 1:热身互动

1) 师生互致问候, 自由对话。

T:Good morning, boys and girls. T: Which season do you like best? Ss: I like … best.

(设计意图:通过对话,激活学生关于季节学习的内容,激活单词autumn。) 2) Let’s say说一说,复习月份

March April October July January December June May February August September November

Step2 预授准备

1) Let’s try! 听力选择,打钩。 T: This is Mike’s cousin. Ss: When is the baby’s birthday? T: Let’s listen and tick. □ March 1st □ March 2nd □ March 9th

(设计意图:学习will的一般将来时态。为下面的let’s try 环节做好准备。)

2) 完成Let’s try!环节

Mike: I have a new cousin. Look at his photo. Chen Jie: He’s so cute! When is his birthday?

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Mike: It’s on March 2nd. Chen Jie: How ole is he now? Mike: He’s 15 days old.

(设计意图: 在确认学生的答案后,再次回顾听力材料,加深对听力材料的理解,培养学生严谨的思维能力。)21·cn·jy·com

Step3 导入新课

1) 学习新句型, when is your birthday?

When is his birthday? When is your birthday?

2) 学习句型“My birthday is on ….”

A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on April 3rd. A: When is your birthday?

B: My birthday is on September 5th.

3) 看图,思索,抛出问题. Read and answer.

T: When is Mike’s birthday? Q1: When is Mike’s birthday?

Q2: When is Chen Jie’s mother’s birthday? Q3: What will Chen Jie do for his mother? Ss: His birthday is on April 4th. Ss: It’s on April 4th, too. Ss: She will cook noodles for her.

4) 学习重点句型。

That’s my mother’s birthday, too! What will you do for your mum? I’ll cook noodles for her.

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Chinese noodles are delicious! Please come then.

We can have a birthday party for both of you!


5) Role play

A: When is your birthday?

B: My birthday is on ____________.

Step4 Homework

1. Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences. 2. Act the dialogue out with your partner.


Unit 4 When is Easter?

PB Let’s try & talk

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on ______.

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