大学英语 A3

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大学英语 A3


1、 When you think of the cinema, the phrase \a movie\probably comes to mind, and, in fact, moviemakers work very hard to make their films interesting visually. But movies also contain stories, dialogues, music and sound effects - things that people don't need to see in order to enjoy. Movie reviewer Marty Klein has created a website to help visually impaired people choose movies that they can follow themselves. Klein gives movies a rating from 1 to 10. A movie receives a high rating if there are only a few main characters whose voices are easy to recognize. Klein also likes an interesting story without too many changes in time and place. A large amount of dialogues between the characters is better than long silences or noisy action scenes.

Of course, visually impaired people can enjoy many films when a friend explains the parts that can only be seen. But that means that blind people cannot go to the movies independently. To solve these problems, some movie theaters have begun to offer recorded audio descriptions of the movements, scenery, and special effects that other audience members can see on the screen. Blind moviegoers receive a wireless headset to wear during the movie. This allows them to listen to the narration while still hearing a movie's music and other sounds that surround them in the theater.

Another blind movie reviewer, Jay Forry, writes movie reviews that are published on his website. He also writes for newspapers and is a guest on radio shows. Forry gives movies one of five ratings, including, \good, blind people will like it\and \glad I couldn't see it.\college. His first articles appeared in the college newspaper, and Forry's writing skills and sense of humor are what keep people reading his reviews or listening to them on the radio. After \excellent, but that he envied the boy who was the main character: \I only have four.\

(1)、What is the best title for the passage? ______ A:Movies for the Visually Impaired People. B:Filmmakers Who Makes Films Interesting. C:Movies that are Rated from One to Ten. D:The Story of Jay Forry, a Blind Writer. 答案: A

(2)、\ A:are completely deaf B:can't see anything C:cripples when walking D:don't trust in others 答案: B

(3)、According to Marty Klein, a movie ____is most suitable for visually impaired people. A:receiving the lowest rating B:filled with many characters C:without too many dialogues D:being not too complicated 答案: D

(4)、What do theaters do concerning with visually impaired people? ______ A:They assign staff to explain some parts of the movie. B:They arrange movies especially for these people. C:They offer recorded audio description of the movie. D:They persuade these people not to go to the theater. 答案: C

(5)、We can infer from the last paragraph that Jay Forry_____. A:is very upset about his misfortune B:is good at writing reviews of films C:became a writer before he's blind

D:doesn't like the film the Sixth Sense 答案: B

2、It was 1985, and Rafe Esquith was beginning his third year of teaching in Los Angeles public

schools. He faced a class of 40 sixth-graders from low-income homes where English rarely was spoken, and the best reader among them was two years below grade level. But to everyone's surprise, he decided to teach them Shakespeare.

Five families agreed to let their children play \Macbeth\ for two hours after school. This proved to be so much fun that, within weeks, Esquith had 28 kids happily soaking up the drama of blood and betrayal in medieval Scotland. They were learning many words they had never heard before.

But when Esquith asked a school district supervisor for official approval, he received this note: \Mr. Esquith, it is not appropriate that you stay after school to teach Shakespeare. It would be better if you did something with the children that is academic.\

It would not be the last time that the narrow thinking of big-city school administration got in Esquith's way. Yet the bearded, 6-foot-tall cyclone has proved that a teacher who thinks very big--much harder lessons, larger projects, extra class time---can help disadvantaged children in ways most educators never imagine.

This was difficult at first, until he stumbled upon a concept of teaching that is at the core of his success. American children, even those from hardworking immigrant cultures, have in Esquith's view been wrongly taught that learning should always be fun, by teachers who think hard lessons are bad for kids from low-income homes. When faced with something difficult, such students don't know what to do.

The Declaration of Independence says Americans are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, but the emphasis in public schooling has been on the happiness, he believes. \What happened to pursuit?\ Esquith said. So he has created an entirely new universe in his classroom, cherishing effort and the slogan, \There Are No Shortcuts\.

As for their own dramatic performances, Esquith got around the original ban on his after-school \Macbeth\ rehearsals by switching to Thornton Wilder's \Our Town.\. When that class

finally performed the Shakespeare play, a school district supervisor showed up. The high-ranking district administrator came up afterwards and shook his hand. \Rafe\, she said, \I've never seen Shakespeare done better.\

(1)、 It can be learned from the passage that Esquith's students _____________. A:liked the traditional teaching better B:were relatively poor in intelligence C:were mainly from immigrant families

D:refused to cooperate with the new teacher 答案: C

(2)、At first, Esquith's Shakespeare-teaching ______________. A:won the support of the school authority

B:got slow response from the school authority

C:did not draw attention from the school authority D:was not allowed by the school authority 答案: D

(3)、It is implied that most educators ______________.

A:fail to realize the potential of disadvantaged students

B:fail to introduce fun into the learning of disadvantaged students C:are reluctant to admit the unfair treatment to disadvantaged students D:are unaware of the difficulty faced by disadvantaged students 答案: A

(4)、Esquith's principle of teaching is different from the general one in that _________. A:he insists on giving harder lessons to more advanced students B:he places greater emphasis on hard work in students' learning C:he pays less attention to students' academic performances D:he dismisses the concept of extra homework for students 答案: B

(5)、What is the main idea of the passage?

A:An inspiring teacher wins the love and respect of his students. B:An experienced teacher contributes to the school and the students. C: An innovative teacher makes changes in the students.

D:An optimistic teacher helps build confidence in the students. 答案: C


1、I agree with him _____, but not entirely. A:until a certain point B:to some point C:to some extent

D:until a certain extent 答案: C

2、Her determination to ________ her goal of life motivated her to greater effort. A:retain B:attain C:maintain D:entertain 答案: B

3、In Britain, the best season of the year is probably ____spring.

A:later B:last C:latter D:late 答案: D

4、The explanation given by the manager yesterday was not at all ____ to us. A:satisfy B:satisfied

C:satisfying D:satisfactory 答案: D

5、I used to _____TV on weekends, but now I start to do some sports with my friends. A:watched B:watch C:watching D:be watched 答案: B

6、Not only Tom but also his wife ______fond of watching television. A:are B:were C:be D:was 答案: D

7、Mrs. Johnson _________ about it before me. A:would not like speaking B:would not like to speak C:had better not speaking D:had better not to speak 答案: B

8、The manager promised to keep me ____ of how our business was going on. A:to be informed B:on informing C:informed D:informing 答案: C

9、Not until 1868 ______ made the capital of the state of Georgia. A:Atlanta was B:was Atlanta

C:when Atlanta was D:when was Atlanta 答案: B

10、The sales had started and the __________ hunters were out in great numbers. A:bargain B:sale C:buying D:deal 答案: A


1、 It is believed that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.


__21 __ student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of __22__ , not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned __23__ brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is __24__ for learning the material assigned. When research is assigned, the professor expects the students to take it actively and complete it with minimum guidance. It is the __25__ responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works. Professors will help students who need it, but ___26__ that their students should not be too dependent on them. In the United States professors have many other duties __27__ teaching, such as administrative or research work. __28__, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is __29__. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either __30__ a professor during office hours or make an appointment.

(1)、 A:poor B:ideal C:average

D:disappointed 答案: B (2)、

A:fun B:work C:learning D:prize 答案: C (3)、

A:by B:in C:for D:with 答案: D (4)、

A:criticized B:innocent C:responsible D:dismissed 答案: C (5)、

A:student's B:professor's C:assistant's D:librarian's 答案: A (6)、

A:hate B:dislike C:like D:prefer 答案: D

(7)、 A:but B:except C:with D:besides 答案: D (8)、


B:Therefore C:Furthermore D:Nevertheless 答案: B (9)、

A:plentiful B:limited C:irregular D:flexible 答案: B (10)、

A:get B:annoy C:approach D:attach 答案: C


(1)、从金钱的角度来说,这份工作好处不大,但是我从中可以得到有价值的经验。 (2)、正是由于他在面试中表现不错,他才获得了这份工作。 五、写作

(1)、Most of the people would manage some time for entertainments after work. Write an essay about 150 words on Entertainments, making reference to the following points: 1.列举出人们需要娱乐的原因。 2.缺乏娱乐会导致可能的后果。

