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1. abandon one’s belief/vehicles 背弃某人的信念;抛弃某人的交通工具

abandon oneself to (doing) sth. 沉溺于某种情感或做某事

2. abolish the old system/laws 废除旧的体系/法律

3. meet with an absolute failure 遭遇彻底失败

be absolutely wrong 绝对错误

4. accelerate the development of economy 促进经济发展

accelerate the aging process 加速老化过程

5. have/get access to (doing) sth.(有机会/权利/途径得到…

access information from websites 从网站获得信息

6. take sth. into account/consideration

take account of sth. 把某事考虑在内

account for sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

7. accumulate work experience 积累工作经验

8. be acknowledged as… 作为…被认可或感谢

It is universally acknowledged that… 大家公认为…

9. an acute sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉

10. make one’s acquaintance

make the acquaintance of sb. 熟识某人

11. be addicted to (doing) sth. 沉溺于做某事

12. be adequate for sth.

be adequate to do sth. 足够或胜任做某事

13. adolescent boys/girls/trouble 青春期的男孩/女孩/烦恼

14. advocate (doing) sth. 倡导(做)某事

15. alternative energy 可替代能源

16. take an amateur course 学一门业余课程

17. call in an ambulance 叫救护车

18. have ample time to do sth. 有足够时间做某事

19. reach an altitude 达到一个高度

20. a priceless antique ring 一枚珍贵的古老的戒指

21. appeal to/for sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事

appeal to sb. for sth. 向某人吁请某事情

22. approach sth. / sb. 处理某事/靠近某人

an approach to (doing) sth. 处理某事的方法

23.be appropriate for/to sth. 对……是合适或恰当的

an appropriate response/measure 恰如其分的反应/恰当的措施

24. approve of (doing) sth. 赞同或认可做某事

approve a plan 批准或同意一项计划

25. make arbitrary choices 作出随机选择

26. ancient Chinese architecture 中国古代建筑

27. (The problems) arise. 出现;呈现

28. arrest the criminal 逮捕罪犯

arrest one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

29. artificial flowers 假花

30. as to/for (介词短语) 关于;至于

31. in no aspect 决不

32. assess the house at… 把房子估价为…

make a rapid assessment of… 对…作出快速评估

33. come/go to one’s assistance 来/去帮助某人

34. associate sth. with sth. 把…与…联系起来

develop cultural associations 形成文化联系/联想

35. make certain assumptions about sth. 就某事作出假设或臆断

assume that… 假设…

assume the responsibility for 承担责任

assume a new look 呈现新面貌

36. athletic sneakers 运动鞋

an athletic player 一个健壮的选手

37. attach importance/significance/value to sth. 认为某事重要/有价值

be attached to sb./sth. 依恋…;与…在一起

38. attain one’s ambition 实现某人的抱负或梦想

39. appeal to a large audience 对大批观众或听众有吸引力

40. present authentic evidences to court 向法庭提供可信证据

41. an automatic reaction to sth. 对某事自然而然的反应

42. autonomous regions 自治地区

43. be available for …对…可用的,空闲的

44. raise/promote one’s awareness of doing sth. 提高某人做…的意识

45. an awesome sight 惊人的奇观

an awesome task 一项十分艰巨的任务

46. an awkward silence 尴尬的沉默

an awkward question 难处理的问题

at an awkward time 不方便的时刻

47. an awful lot of money 非常多的钱

the awful weather 糟糕的天气

48. say ill words behind sb’s back 背着某人说某人的坏话

49. a beneficial bacterium 一种有益的细菌

50. impose bans/restrictions on sth. 对某事施加禁令/限制

51. put a bandage on the wound 用绷带绑扎伤口

52. give sb. the bare facts 给某人基本事实

fight with sb. with one’s bare hands 和某人赤手空拳地打斗

53. act as a barrier against a disease 充当防病的屏障

54. lay/form a firm/solid basis/foundation for sth. 为…奠定坚实的基础

on a regular/voluntary basis 经常地/自愿地

55. on one’s behalf / on behalf of sb. 代表某人;为了某人;为了帮助某人

56. betray a secret to sb. 把秘密泄露给某人

57. blow up an old building 炸毁一栋旧建筑

58. establish a bond with sth. 建立和某事的联系

59. gain a bonus from the plan 从那个计划中获得额外好处

60. the economic boom 经济繁荣

the birth boom 生育激增

61. bound into the air 跃向空中

be bound to do sth. 一定会做某事

be bound for … 准备前往…;正旅行去某地

62. draw a clear boundary between A and B 确立A和B间的明确界限

63. a brilliant scientist 一个才华横溢的科学家

a brilliant idea 一个绝妙的主意

a brilliant success 一个巨大成功

brilliant sunshine 明媚的阳光

64. the travel brochure 旅行小册子

65. make a budget 做预算

66. launch a campaign to ban smoking 发起禁烟运动

67. the suitable candidate 合适的候选人或应试人

68. be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事

69. have an enormous capacity for (doing) sth.

have an enormous capacity to do sth. 特别能做某事

have a seating capacity of 2000 有坐2000人的容纳能力

70. carry out a plan/a promise 执行一个计划/履行一个诺言

71. face a global catastrophe面对一个全球大灾难

72. be divided into three main categories 被分成三大类

73. a graduation certificate 毕业证书

74. chase after sb./sth. 追逐;追赶;追求(某人或某物)

chase some jobs 努力获得;争取得到工作

chase sb./sth. away 驱逐;赶走某人或某物

75.check in (在机场、旅馆)登记进入/入住

check out 结账离开

76. choke with rage 气得声音哽咽

be choked with traffic (马路)塞车

77. circulate knowledge 传播知识

(blood/rumours) circulate 血液循环;谣言传播

circulate the book to students 把书传给学生看

78. claim to be an expert 声称是专家

claim a major breakthrough in sth. 声称在某方面取得重大突破

claim the money back 要回那笔钱

claim several lives 夺走几条生命

79. clarify one’s position 阐明某人的立场

80. classify sth. into categories 把某事分成几类

81. clumsy fingers 笨拙的手指

make a clumsy attempt to apologize 做出不得体的努力道歉

82. (the company/building) collapse 公司倒闭;建筑坍塌

(the talk/patient) collapse 谈判破裂;病人昏倒

83. make a commitment to sb. 对某人作出承诺

84. accept one’s compliments 接受某人的赞美或恭维

compliment sb. on sth. 就某事赞美某人

85. make a compromise with sb. on sth. 和某人就某事妥协

reach a compromise between A and B 在A和B间达成妥协

86. energy conservation 能源节约

encourage the conservation of water/fuel 鼓励节约水/燃油

87. do considerable damage to sth. 对某物产生严重损毁

88. an obvious contrast between A and B A 和B间明显的差异

in contrast to sth. 与…对照

89. convert sth into sth. 把…转换成…

90. (the ground) crack 大地裂开

91. survive an airplane crash 在飞机坠毁中幸存下来

92. reach the criterion 达到标准

93. decline one’s invitation 婉拒某人的邀请

the economic decline 经济衰退

94. define the disease 给疾病下定义

define the task ahead 提前明确任务

95. delicate tools 精美的工具

delicate glasses 易碎的杯子

a delicate child 纤弱的孩子

a delicate problem 微妙的问题

96. demonstrate an experiment 演示一个试验

demonstrate one’s potential 展示某人的潜能

97. deserve attention 值得注意

deserve doing / to be done 值得做

98. reach a destination 到达目的地

99. interpret the diagram 解读图表

100. be faced with a dilemma 面临两难境地

101. discover a new dimension of life 发现生活新的内容/发面

102. give sb. a special discount 给某人一个特别折扣

discount the importance of sth. 认为…不重要

103. resolve a dispute over/about sth. 解决某事的争端

dispute an issue 争论一个问题

104. distinguish A from B 区分A和B;使A有特色有别于B

be distinguished as… 作为…闻名

105. distribute food to/among victims 把食物分给受害者

be widely distributed 广为分布

106. be divorced from… 和…分离

divorce his wife 和他妻子离婚

106. feel dizzy with excitement 激动得头眩晕

107. do away with bad habits 废除/消灭坏习惯

108. do herself up 梳妆打扮

do up the house修理房子

do up (the dress) 系上(裙子)

109. domestic policies 国内政策

domestic birds 家养的鸟

110. revise one’s draft 修改草稿

111. dramatic changes 戏剧性的变化

a dramatic moment 激动人心的时刻

112. have a strong drive for sth… 对…有很强的欲望或动机

113. dynamic situations 变化的形势

a dynamic personality 充满活力的个性

114. an elegant lady 优雅的女士

115. emerge from the water 从水里露出来

(new evidences)emerge (新证据)暴露,被知晓

emerge from the scandal 摆脱丑闻

116. put emphasis on sth. 把重点放在…

emphasize the importance of sth. 强调…的重要性

117. an enormous amount of money 一大笔钱

118. erase the prejudice against… 清除对…的偏见

erase the marks 抹去记号

119. establish a good relationship with sb. 和某人建立良好关系

be established as… 确立作为…的地位

120. exaggerate one’s fault 夸大某人的过失

121. expand the airport 扩建机场

(numbers)expand rapidly 数子在很快扩大

122. spare no expense to do sth. 不惜花销做某事

at the expense of…以…为代价

at one’s own expenses 自费地

123. sports facilities 体育设备

124. fade out 逐渐消失;逐渐变淡

fade away 逐渐消失(在远方)

125. fancy doing sth. 喜欢做某事;想不到会做某事

126. fantastic ideas 极好的主意

127. finance and trade 金融和贸易

the financial aid to sb. 给某人的经济援助

128. give off a terrible flavour 发出可怕的气味

129. fragile devices 易碎的设备

130. fragrant flowers 芳香的花

131. a genuine diamond ring 真正的钻石戒指

132. get down to business / work 开始认真对待或着手生意/工作

133. restore one’s glory 回复昔日的辉煌

134. grab one’s arms 抓住某人的胳膊

135. grant a loan to sb / grant sb a loan. 授予某人一笔贷款

take sb./sth. for granted 对…习以为常;把…想当然

136. in grave danger 在严重的危险中

137. find a grocery 找到一个食品杂货店

138. hatch the eggs 孵出卵/鸡蛋

139. depend on sth. heavily 严重依赖…

140. wear a helmet 戴个头盔

141. national heritage 民族的文化遗产

142. highlight the social issues 使社会问题突出

the highlights of one’s life 某人一生最精彩的部分

143. hook one’s finger 钩住某人的手指

144. sound one’s horn 鸣响某人的喇叭

145. identify one’s figure 辨出某人的身影

confirm one’s identity 确认某人的身份

146. illustrate one’s idea 阐明某人的想法

147. imitate one’s signature 模仿某人的签名

148. impose one’s values on sb. 把某人的价值观施加给某人

impose a ban on sth. 对…施加禁令

lift a ban on sth. 解除对…的禁令

149. the consumer price index 消费价格指数

150. individual opinions 个人观点

151. influential incidents/figures 有影响的事件/人物

152. complicated ingredients 复杂的配料

153. inherit one’s property 继承某人的财产

154. initial dreams/investment 最初的梦想/投资

155. inject drugs into one’s body 把药品注入某人体内

156. insert your credit card 插入信用卡

157. play an instrument 演奏一个乐器

a practical instrument 一个实用的仪器

158. a long-term investment 一笔长期投资

159. make a joint effort to do sth. 做出共同努力做某事

160. justify one’s behavior 为某人的行为辩护

161. label n. 标签,标记

vt. label sth with sth 用……标记……

Each bag of seeds is labelled with the grower’s name.

label sb/sth as sth将某人、某事物归类

She is usually labelled (as) an Impressionist.


162. leap n. 跳跃vt. 跳跃;急于

leap to conclusions(未经全面考虑)匆匆对……作出结论

Look before you leap. 慎思而后行

leap at the chance/opportunity立刻抓住机会

163. maintain vt. 保持或维持某事物;赡养;(与某人)保持友好关系、接触;保养, 维修(某物);断言(某事)属实;坚持

maintain friendly relations, contacts with sb.

maintain law and order 维持治安

maintain a family / two sons供养一家人、两个儿子

maintain the roads, a house, a car保养道路、房子、汽车

maintain one’s innocence 坚持自己无辜

164. marvelous adj. 极好的,非凡的

marvelous special effects 美妙绝伦的特效

165. measure vt. 仔细考虑(某事物)

He’s a man who measures his words. 他是个用词很讲究的人

measure the effect of one’s actions on sth.


measure sth against/with sth (通过竞争)考验某事物,较量

measure one’s strength against sb else 跟别人比力气

166. medium n. 手段,方法;媒介 adj. 中等的

medium height/length/build 中等高度、长充、身材

167. melt vt.(使某物)融化;(指食物)变软;溶解;(使某人、感情等因怜爱等)软化

Her anger melted. 她的怒气消了。

His heart melted with pity. 他因怜悯而心软了。

Pity melted her heart. 怜悯之情使她心软了。

168. merely adv. 仅仅

not merely/rather than merely 不仅仅是

169. mobile adj. 移动的;易变的

mobile face/features 表情多变的脸

170. modest adj. 谦逊的,不虚夸的;(数量、体积等)不大的,适度的,中等的;不浮夸的,朴素的,不豪华的

be modest about one’s achievements 对自己的成就很谦逊。

live on a modest income 靠不高的收入生活

make very modest demands 提出非常适度的要求

live in a modest little house 住在朴素的小房子里。

171. motion n. 运动;移动;动态

put/set sth. in motion使某物开始运动或运转

v. 用手势示意

motion to sb. 向某人示意

motion sb to a chair, away, in 示意某人就座、离开、进入

172. mourn v. 哀悼

mourn (for/over) sb./sth. 因丧失某人、某物而悲痛或表示哀悼

She mourned (for/over) her dead child for many years.

她孩子死了多年, 她仍哀伤不已。

We all mourn the destruction of a well-loved building.


173. multiply v. 相乘;增多,增加(某事物);(使某人、某物)繁殖,增殖

Our problems have multiplied since last year.


Rabbits multiply rapidly. 兔子繁殖得很快。

174. name n. 名字;名称

call sb. names 辱骂某人

get a good/bad name for 因……而获得好、坏名声

get/make/win a name for oneself 出名

in the name of sb./sth. 代表某人;以……的名义

in name only 只是名义上的

under the name of… 以……为别名、笔名

vt. 命名;选定,任命 be named after… 拿……命名

175. negotiate vt. 商议,谈判

negotiate with sb. about sth. 就某事与某人商议

negotiate an agreement/contract 商定协议、合同

176. nevertheless adv. 虽然如此;然而

There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping.


177. numb adj. 失去感觉的;麻木的:

be numb with shock/fear/terror 惊、吓呆了

178. occasion n. 时刻,时候,场合;时机;机会

on this/that occasion 此时、那时

I’ll buy one if the occasion arises. 有机会我就买一个。

on occasion 时不时地

179. odd adj. 奇怪的;不寻常的;古怪的;(指数目)奇数的;不规则的;非固定的;临时的

an odd man 古怪的人

odd clothes很怪的衣服

odd numbers 奇数

at odd times/moments在零星时间

180. offence n. 犯法;冒犯

an offence against society, humanity, the state


mean no offence 不是有意冒犯

181. omit v. 省略,遗漏;未做某事;忘记做某事物

This chapter may be omitted. 这一章可以删除。

omit to do/doing a piece of work 未做一件工作

182. opposition n. 反对;相反;抵抗;对抗

opposition to sb/sth

There’s not much opposition to the scheme.


in opposition to sb/sth 与……相左、相抵触

183. optional adj. 可选择的;随意的;非强迫的

optional subjects at school 学校的选修课

Formal dress is optional. 是否穿礼服自便。

184. origin n. 起源,开端

have one’s origin in… 起源于……

in origin 就起源或出身而言

185. original adj. 新创的;新颖的;创新的

an original idea 创见

His designs are highly original.他的设计独树一帜

an original thinker, writer, painter, etc 有创见的思想家﹑ 作家﹑ 画家等

186. originally adv. 独创地,独特地;最初,起先

speak, think, write, etc originally 说得、想得、写得……富有创见

The school was originally quite small. 这所学校原先很小。

187. otherwise adv. 用别的方法;不同地;在其他方面

You obviously think otherwise. 显然你的想法不同。

The rent is high, (but) otherwise the house is fine. 租金贵是贵,(但)房子倒很好。

conj. 不然,否则

We must run, otherwise we’ll be too late. 我们得跑着去,要不就太晚了。

188. overcome vt. 战胜,克服(某事物);[通常用於被动语态]使(某人)软弱或不适;使(某人)昏厥或失去控制力

overcome a bad habit 改掉坏习惯

He overcame a strong temptation to run away.


be overcome by/with grief, anger, despair


189. overlook vt. 俯瞰,俯视(某处);未看到,未注意到(某事物);不理会

My room overlooks the sea. 从我的房间可眺望大海。

overlook a spelling error没有看出一个拼写错误

He was overlooked when they set about choosing a new manager.


190. pace n. 步调,速度v. 缓慢而行;踱步

keep pace with sb/sth 与某人、某物并驾齐驱,齐头并进

set the pace定速度(使他人跟从)

191. panic n. 惊吓

be in panic 惊慌失措 get into panic 陷入恐慌

v. 使受惊吓

panic sb into doing sth使某人(因惊惶)仓促做(蠢事)

192. paralleln. 平行;相匹敌之物;对比

draw a parallel between A and B 把A和B相比较

have no parallel 无对手

v. 与……相当,相匹敌

His performance has never been paralleled. 他的表演举世无双。

adj. 平行的, 相似的

be parallel to/with sth 与……平行

193. perspective n. 透视;远景;观点

from one’s perspective 从某人的视角;就某人看来

194. plain adj. 易懂的;清晰的;坦率的;直接的;朴素的;普通的

a plain answer 直截了当的回答

the plain truth 明显的事实

in plain English bluntly or simply expressed 用直率的或简单明了的英语

195. polish vt. 磨光,擦亮某物;修正;修饰;润色

polish sth (up) with sth

polish a speech, an article

196. possess vt. 占有;持有;具有(某品质)

give away everything one possesses放弃某人所拥有的一切

possess the necessary patience具有必备的耐心

be possessed by jealousy 妒火中烧

197. potentialadj. 潜在的

potential customer / buyer / customers / benefit / problem / danger / threat / risk

n. 潜力

have the potential to do sth./ for sth. 有做某事的潜力

achieve/fulfill/realize your (full) potential 发挥(所有的)潜力

198. precise adj. 准确的

to be precise 准确地说 at that precise moment 就在那时

199. precisely adv. 精确地;恰好

at 2 o’clock precisely 正好在两点钟

I can’t remember precisely what happened.


200. preference n. 偏爱

preference for sth. 对某物的偏爱

in preference to sth (=rather than something) (喜爱程度)胜过某物

give/show preference to sb 给某人以优先权

201. prejudice n. 偏见;成见

prejudice against sb./sth. 对某人、某事的偏见

202. preserve vt. 保护,维护;

preserve one’s eyesight 保护视力

preserve the peace维护和平

203. pride n. 自豪

take pride in sth. 因……而感到自豪

204. primary adj.(在时间或发展顺序上)初始的,最早的,开端的,起步阶段的;首要的;基础性的;根本的

in the primary stage of development 在发展的最初阶段

primary causes 始发原因

The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.


the primary meaning of a word 词的基本意义

205. primeadj. 最好的,首要的,典型的

prime agricultural land 最好的农田

Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.


prime concern 最主要的担心prime example 典型的例子

n. 壮年,全盛时期,青春

She is past her prime. 她的大好时光已经过去。

be in the prime of life/youth 正当年富力强、青春大好年华

206. priority n. 优先(权),重点;优先考虑的事

have priority over… 比起……来说具有优先权

be given priority 被赋予优先权

You must decide what your priorities are. 你应该分清轻重缓急。

207. privilege n. 特权,优惠

lead a life of luxury and privilege 过着养尊处优的生活

have the privilege to do sth. / It is a privilege to do sth. 很荣幸做某事

208. procedure n. 程序,手续,步骤

agreed/correct/established/normal/usual procedure商定的、正确的、确定的、正常的、一般的程序

209. proceed v. 进行下去;(沿特定路线,方向)前进;继续

proceed to/towards/into

proceed to the next item on the agenda继续进行下一个议程

proceed along the street沿着大街行走

proceed with sth开始或继续做某事

210. processn. 过程,进程;工序;(法律)程序

be in process在进行中

in the process of sth 在从事某任务的过程中

vt. 对(原材料﹑ 食物等)进行加工、处理;审查,审阅,处理(文件等);用计算机处理

processed cheese经加工的乾酪

process (=develop) photographic film 冲洗摄影胶片

process one’s application审查某人的申请书

process the data处理数据

211. produce v. 生产,产生;出示(以供检验或使用)

produced a violent reaction 引起剧烈的反应

produce the desired effect 产生预想的效果

produce sth from/out of sth

produced a rabbit from the hat 从帽子里变出一只兔子

produce evidence 出示证据

212. progressive adj. 先进的;前进的,渐进的

progressive decline/reduction/increase 逐渐的下降、减少、增长

a progressive political party 进步的政党

213. prohibition n. 禁止;禁令

lay prohibition against / on sth. 对……下禁令

214. promise v. 允诺;有希望;有前途

promise sth to sb / promise sb sth 向某人承诺某事

The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨。

It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖。

n. 承诺;希望

keep/break a promise 违背、遵守诺言

215. pronounce vt. 发音;宣布,宣判(尤指正式地﹑ 郑重地或以官方形式)

pronounce judgment on the issue 宣布对这一问题的判决

The doctors pronounced him to be/that he was no longer in danger. 医生宣称他已脱离危脸。

216. proportion n. 比例;部分;均衡,相称

the proportion of imports to exports进口与出口的比例

a large proportion of the earth’s surface 地球表面的大部分

in proportion相称,符合比例:

in proportion to sth相对于某事物来说

out of proportion (to sth) 不相称;不成比例

217. proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚

put forward a proposal for sth. / to do sth. 提出一个(做某事的)建议

approve/reject a proposal 通过、拒绝一个提议

proposal that + 同位语从句(从句用虚拟语气should do)

marriage proposal 求婚

218. propose v. 提议,建议;推荐某人担任某职,提名某人打算,计划(某事物);求婚

propose that +同位语从句(从句用虚拟语气should do)

propose doing sth 建议做某事

propose to do sth / propose doing sth 打算做某事

propose an early start/to make an early start/making an early start 打算早点儿出发

propose him for membership of the society 推荐他为协会会员

propose Mary as a candidate提名玛丽为候选人

propose a toast to sb 向某人祝酒

219. protest n. 抗议,反对

make/stage a protest against … 举行抗议活动以反对

v. 抗议,反对;严正地或坚决地申明(某事物)

protest about/against/at sth 抗议,反对(某事物);对(某事物)提出异议

He protested his innocence. 他坚决声辩自己无罪。

She protested that she had never seen the accused man before.


220. pursue v. 继续从事;追赶,追踪;追求

pursue a wild animal追捕野兽

pursue one’s studies继续深造

pursue a matter 追查某事

221. qualify v. (使)胜任,(使)具有资格,(使)合格

qualify as 具有当……的资格

I finally qualified as a pilot.

qualify sb for sth

qualify sb to do sth使某人具有从事某事的资格

222. quantity n. 数量

a large/small/vast quantity of sth(可数或不可数名词)

in quantity 大批量地

223. quit v. 停止,放弃;离开,辞职

quit one’s job 辞职 quit school退学 quit doing sth 停止做某事

224. random adj. 任意的,随机的

a random sample, selection 随意抽取的样品,任意选择的东西

at random 随机地

choose/select/pick sth at random 随机选取

225. range n. 一系列;幅度

a wide/broad/whole/full range of sth 很大范围的……

vi. 变动;涉及

range from sth to sth 在……和……之间变化或变动;界于……和……

The show had a massive audience, ranging from children to grandparents.

226. recipe n. 烹饪法,食谱;方法,秘诀,诀窍

recipe for sth.

recipe for success成功的窍门

227. reckon v. 认为,估计;指望 (on)

be reckoned to be sth

be reckoned as sth 被认为是……

reckon sth in将某事物计算在内

reckon on sb/sth 指望、依赖某人某物

reckon sth up计算,结算

reckon without sb/sth未考虑到或未重视某人

228. recover vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.收复;使复原;挽回

recover stolen goods, lost property, etc 找回被盗的货物、失去的财物等

recover one’s sight, hearing恢复视力、听力等

229. reduce vt. 减少,缩小;使降级,使沦落;迫使

reduce sth from …to… 把……从……减少到……

reduce sth. by … 把……减少了多少

reduce sb from sth to sth降低某人的级别或地位;降职

reduce sb/sth to sth使某人、某物陷入更坏的状况

be reduced to begging, borrowing 沦落到得要饭、借债

reduce sb to tears, silence, despair, obedience 使某人流泪、沉默﹑ 绝望、顺从

reduce sth to sth 将某事物概括或简化成某种形式

230. registervt. 登记,注册;(人的面孔、动作等)显出,流露(情绪等);记住或注意到(某事物)

He slammed the door to register his disapproval.


Her name didn’t register (with me). 我没记住她的名字。

I registered (the fact) that he was late. 我注意到他迟到了。

231. regularadj. 规则的;定期的;匀称的;常规的

have regular habits/be regular in one’s habits作息时间有规律

regular customers, readers, listeners, etc 我们的老主顾、读者、听众

regular teeth, features整齐的牙齿、匀称的五官

as regular as clockwork极有规律

n. 老主顾,常客

He’s one of our regulars. 他是我们的老主顾。

232. relatevi. 有关联;理解,体恤

relate to sb/sth 与某人或某事有联系;能理解并同情某人、某事

vt. 使互相关联;讲述

relate sth to/with sth将……联系起来

relate sth to sb向某人叙述(事实、经历等)

233. release vt. 释(排)放;解脱;放开;发布(行)

release a prisoner, hostage, kidnapped victim


released oneself from sb’s arms/embrace


release sb from a promise, duty不要某人履行诺言、尽义务

release one’s grasp of sth松开手(不再抓住某物)

The latest developments have just been released to the media.


release a film, book, record 发行影片、书、唱片

n. 放走;释放;解脱;免除;放松;投掷;发表

a feeling of release 获得解脱的感觉

the release of a film, record, book 影片的发行、唱片的发行、书籍的发行

234. relevant adj. 有关的

be relevant to sth/sb与……有关

a highly relevant argument, point, suggestion


supply the facts (directly) relevant to the case


235. relief n. 轻松,宽慰;缓解(除);调剂;接替

relief from sth(痛苦、困苦、忧虑等的)减轻或解除

bring, seek, find, give, feel relief 带来、寻求、得到、予以、感到解脱

doctors working for the relief of suffering, hardship 为解除病痛、 痛苦而工作的医生

gives some relief from pain减轻一些痛苦

breathe a sigh of relief松一口气

to one’s great relief/much to one’s relief最庆幸的是

provide relief for refugees 赈济难民

relief funds, projects, supplies 救济金、赈灾计划、救济品

with/in relief 释然地

stand in as Peter’s relief 准备接替彼得

236. remoteadj. 偏僻的;疏远的;微乎其微的;冷淡的

a remote region, village 偏僻的地区、村子

in the remote past/future 在遥远的过去(未来)

a remote ancestor of mine 我的远祖

a remote possibility/chance 微乎其微的可能性(机会)

I haven’t the remotest/slightest idea who did it.


237. renewable adj. 可更新的, 可再生的

renewable resources 可再生资源

Is the permit renewable? 这个许可证可以延期吗?

238. replace vt. 代替,取代;更换,调换;放回原处

replace the book on the shelf 把书放回书架上

Can anything replace a mother’s love? 有什么东西能代替母爱吗? replace sb/sth with sb/sth用某人或某物更换、替换某人或某物

239. represent vt. 代表;表示,象征;描绘,表现

The picture represents a hunting scene. 这是一幅行猎图。

He represented himself as an expert. 他把自己说成是专家。

The Queen was represented at the funeral by the British ambassador. 英国大使代表女王参加了葬礼。

240. reputationn. 名气,名声,名誉

have a reputation for laziness/for being lazy 以懒惰出名

compromise, ruin sb’s reputation 损害、败坏某人的名誉

establish, build up, make a reputation (for oneself) (为自己)树立声誉、博得名声

live up to one’s reputation不负盛名(行为、表现等与声誉相符)

241. reserve vt. 保留;预订

reserve sth for sb 为某人预留,保留

reserve a table for two 预留一个双座的座位

reserves the right to do sth. 保留做某事的权利

reserve (one’s) judgment (on sb/sth) 暂不表态

n. 储备;矜持;自然保护区

have great reserves of capital, energy 储备有大量资金、能源

without reserve毫无保留地

in reserve 储备中的

242. resolve v. 决定;决心;解决(问题、疑问等)

resolve on/upon/against sth/doing sth/to do sth

He resolved on/against (making) an early start.


resolve an argument, a difficulty, a crisis 解决争端、困难、危机

n. 决定要做的事;决定;决心

make a resolve not to smoke 决定不吸烟

show, keep, break one’s resolve 表现出、持有、改变决心

243. respect vt. 尊敬;尊重,重视

respect sb/sth for sth(因某事物)尊敬或敬重某人、某事

n.尊敬;尊重,重视[ pl.]敬意;方面

have /show respect for sb敬重某人

won/earn the respect of sb. 博得某人的尊重

out of respect出于敬意

Give/send/offer him my respects. 代我向他致意。

in some/all/many/several/few respects


with respect to sth涉及、提到或关于某事物

244. respond v.(以口头或书面方式)回答;(对某人、某事)反应灵敏

respond to sb/sth (with sth) 以……形式回复某人

The car responds well to the controls. 这辆汽车操纵灵敏。

The patient did not respond to treatment. 病人经治疗后未见起色。

245. restore vt. 将(某失物等)归还原主;使某人(某物)回复到原处或原位;使某人(某物)恢复原先的状况;重新采用某事物(如终止或取消后);重建或修复(被毁之建筑物、艺术品等)

restore sth to sb/sth

restore sacked workers to their old jobs 使被解雇的工人复工

restore an officer to his command 恢复一军官的指挥权

He restored the dictionary to the shelf. 他把词典放回到书架上

restore one’s health, beauty, sight, confidence 恢复某人的健康、姿色、视力、信心

restore law and order恢复治安

restore old laws恢复旧时的法律

restore an oil painting修复油画

246. restriction n. 限制,约束

restrictions on immigration 对移民的限制

impose/place restrictions on sth 对……设置限制

lift/remove a restriction 解除限制

247. reveal vt. 透露;泄露;揭露

reveal sth to sb

reveal secrets, details, methods, faults, feelings


Her answers revealed her to be innocent.


The doctor did not reveal the truth to him.


248. revise vt. 复查(某事物);(尤指)复核,校订,修正;复习(功课)

revise a manuscript before publication 审校手稿以备出版

revise one’s opinion of sb 改变对某人的看法

She’s revising (her history notes) for the test.


249. roughly adv. 粗略地,大概,大约;粗鲁地

roughly 200 people大概两百人

roughly speaking 粗略地说

treat sb roughly 粗暴地对待某人

250. routine n. 固定而有规则性的程序;例行公事;常规

do sth as a matter of routine 按常规办事

routine tasks, duties日常工作、例行职责

adj. 通常的;惯例的;例行的

the routine procedure 例行手续

a rather routine performance 很一般的(平淡无奇的)演出

251. sacrifice n. 牺牲

make many sacrifices作出牺牲

She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.


v. 牺牲某事物

sacrifice sth for sth

sacrifice sth to do sth

She sacrificed her career to marry him.


The car’s designers have sacrificed comfort to economy.


252. sample n. 样品;标本

a blood sample血样

hand out free samples of the perfume 送出香水的赠样

v. 抽样检查(某物);取(某物)样;试用(某物)

sample opinion among the workers 抽样调查工人们的看法

sample a new type of flour for oneself 试样选择一种新的面粉

253. scale n.规模;等级;比例;刻度;天平

a scale in centimetres有厘米的刻度

a scale of wages, taxation 工资﹑ 税率的等级

on a large scale大规模地

a scale of one to a million 一比一百万的比例

on a global/international/world scale

v. scale sth down/up缩减、增加某事物

We are going to scale down the number of trees being cut.


We’ve scaled up production to meet demand.


254. scene n. (戏剧中的)场;地点;情景;舞台

behind the scenes在幕后;秘密地,暗中地

political deals behind the scenes 秘密的政治交易

on the scene 在场the scene of the crime犯罪现场

255. skeptical adj. 表示怀疑的

be skeptical about/of 对……怀疑

I’m extremely skeptical about what I read in the newspaper.

256. schedule n. 时刻表,日程

have a full schedule 有很满的日程安排

ahead of/on/behind schedule 提前、按期、未按期

according to schedule按预定计划

vt. 安排,排定

be scheduled for sth./to do sth. 计划定于……,计划做某事

The sale is scheduled for tomorrow. 大减价定于明日举行

She is scheduled to give a speech tonight. 她定于今晚演讲。

257. scheme n. 计划,方案;阴谋

a scheme for sth. / to do sth. (做)某事的方案

v. 密谋,策划

scheme for sth. 为某事筹划

scheme against sb. 策划反对某人

scheme to do sth. 计划做某事

258. scratch v. 抓,搔,刮

scratch at the door用爪子抓门

scratch one’s head (困惑时)挠头

We’ve been scratching our heads for a solution to the problem.

我们一直苦苦思索, 想找到解决这一问题的方法。

scratch the surface of sth对待或处理一问题不深入彻底

n. 抓(痕),划(痕)

start sth from scratch从没有任何基础开始;从零开始

259. secure adj. 无忧虑的;安全的;牢固的

be / feel secure about sth. 对……感到没有疑虑、忧虑

a secure investment 无风险的投资

a secure job 一份稳定的工作

vt. 将(某物)固定住;缚牢

Secure all the doors and windows before leaving.


secure sth against/from sth使某事物安全;保护

secure a building (from collapse) 将建筑物加固(以免倒塌)

260. seize vt. 抓住,捉住;扣押,没收;夺取,占据;抓住,把握(机会等);(强烈的感情、愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人)

seize sb by the wrist 抓住某人的手腕

seized power夺取政权

seize the chance to make some money 抓住时机赚一些钱

Panic seized us. 我们惊恐万状。

seize on/upon sth 意识到某事物而立即加以利用

She seized on my suggestion and began work immediately.


The critics seized on my mistake and said I was ignorant.


261. sensible adj. 明智的,合情理的;(指衣着等)实用而不时髦的;能觉察出的

a sensible person, idea, course of action, suggestion


It was sensible of you to lock the door. 你把门锁上了,做得对。

wear sensible shoes for long walks 为走长路而穿舒适的鞋。

be sensible of sth. 觉察到某事物

Are you sensible of the dangers of your position? 你觉察出你处境中的危险了吗?

262. sensitive adj. 敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤害的

be sensitive to sth. 对……敏感

263. sequence n. 连续,接续,一连串;先后次序,顺序

deal with events in historical sequence


describe the sequence of events 按时间顺序叙述事情

264. shabby adj. 衣衫褴褛的;卑鄙的,不公正的

a shabby dress, chair, room 破旧的连衣裙、椅子、房间

You look rather shabby in those clothes.


a shabby excuse 卑劣的借口play a shabby trick on sb 对某人耍鬼花招

265. shallow adj. 浅的;(指人)肤浅的,浅薄的;(指思想言语等)肤浅的,浅显的

shallow water 浅水 a shallow dish, bowl浅的碟子、碗

shallow breathing 浅呼吸a shallow writer, argument浅薄的作家、议论

266. shape n. 外形;状况

in good shape 身体状况不错keep/stay in shape保持健康

out of shape 变形,走样;不健康take shape成形;变得更有条理

vt. 塑造,定形,使……成形

shape sth into sth

267. sharp adj. 锋利的;急转的;急剧的;鲜明的;(指声音)尖锐的,刺耳的;敏锐的

a sharp knife锋利的刀a sharp bend in the road 路上的急转弯

a sharp drop/rise in prices 价格的暴跌、暴涨

There is a sharp contrast between the lives of the poorest and the richest members of society. 社会上贫富悬殊。

a sharp cry of pain 痛苦的尖叫声the sharp taste of lemon juice 柠檬汁的强烈酸味a sharp mind敏锐的头脑

a sharp pain in the back 背部的剧痛sharp eyes, ears灵敏的眼睛、耳朵

adv. (指时刻)整点

Please be here at seven (o’clock) sharp. 请七点整到这里。

268. shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所;保护

seek/take shelter from the rain 避雨(如在树下)

a bus shelter公共汽车站的候车亭

v. 庇护;躲避

shelter sb/sth from sth给某人(某物)提供庇护处;保护某人

trees that shelter a house from the wind 给房子挡风的树

shelter an escaped prisoner 窝藏逃犯 shelter from the rain 避雨

269. shortly adv. 立刻,不久;无礼地;唐突地

shortly afterwards 不久以后 I’ll be with you shortly. 我马上就来。

speak to sb rather shortly 很不客气地和某人说话

270. shoulder n. 肩膀

look/glance over your shoulder 朝身后看

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地

vt. 肩负,承担

shoulder the responsibility/blame/cost/burden 承担责任、费用、负担

271. significance n. 意义,含义;重要性,重大

understand the significance of a remark 了解某句话的意义

a speech of great significance 有重大意义的讲话

Few people realized the significance of the discovery.


grasp/appreciate the significance of sth完全理解某事

272. similarity n. 相似,类似;类似点

some striking similarities between A and B


bears some similarity to sth. 与……类似

273. simplyadv. 简单地;完全,简直;只不过;朴素地

dress simply 穿着朴素to put it simply 简单地说

His pronunciation is simply terrible. 他的发音实在糟透了。

I bought the house simply because it was large.


274. slightly adv. 轻微地

a slightly bigger house 稍大些的房子

The patient is slightly better today. 病人今天稍稍好些。

I know her slightly. 我对她稍有了解。

275. slip v. 滑(倒);溜走;跌落;悄悄放进

slip over on sth 在……上跌倒slipped out by the back door从后门溜出去

The years slipped by. 岁月在不知不觉中逝去。

slip an envelope into one’s pocket 把信封悄悄塞进口袋

n. 疏漏a slip of the pen/tongue笔误、口误

276. smooth adj. 光滑的,平整的;流畅的

a smooth skin 光滑的皮肤 a smooth road 平坦的路面

in smooth water(s) 进展顺利;一帆风顺

v. 使某物光滑、平坦、平静或顺利

smooth sth (away, back, down, out) smooth down one’s dress 拉平衣服

smooth sb’s path为某人铺平道路

smooth sth away 摆脱或消除(尤指问题、困难等)

277. solution n. 解决;解答,解决办法

the perfect solution to all of our problems


278. somewhat adv. 稍微,有点

I was somewhat surprised to see him. 见到他我有点吃惊。

He answered somewhat nervously. 他回答时有些局促不安。

279. source n. 源(泉),发源地;来源,出处

the sources of the Nile 尼罗河的发源地 a reliable source 可靠的来源

at source在源头

280. specific adj. 特定的;具体的

specific instructions 明确的指示specific aims 确切的目标

for one specific purpose为了一个特定目的be specific about sth. 明确某事

be specific to sth 对……来说是特有的

281. spin v. 旋转;晕眩;纺,织n. 旋转

spin a top 转陀螺spin a tale/story 编一个故事

My head is spinning. 我头晕。

282. split v. 分裂;撕裂;分担n. 裂口;分裂

split sth/sb (up) into sth(使某物)裂开

split sth. between A and B 在A与B之间分某物

The children split (up) into groups. 孩子们分成了小组。

split the cost of the meal 分摊饭钱split up with sb绝交;断绝关系;离婚;分离

283. squeeze v. / n.挤(出);榨取;挤过;握(手);拮据

squeeze a sponge 挤海绵squeeze sth into sth将某物挤成或捏成某形状

squeeze sb’s hand握着某人的手捏一捏(表示爱意、同情等)

squeeze sth (from/out of sth) 挤出、榨出(水、汁等)

squeeze the water out (of the cloth) 把(那块布中的)水挤出

squeeze sb/sth through, in, past(使某人、某物)挤入,挤过

squeeze through a crowd从人群中挤过去

She’s just lost her job, so they’re really feeling the squeeze.

她刚失了业, 这下他们真正感到艰难了。

put the squeeze on sb (to do sth) 对某人施加压力(以迫使其做某事)

284. stable adj. 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的;安定的

a stable relationship, job, government 稳定的关系、工作、政府

The patient’s condition is stable. 病人情况稳定。

He’s about the most stable person I know. 我认识的人当中,数他最稳重。

285. stampv. 跺(脚),踩踏

He stamped (his foot) in anger. 他气得直跺脚。

stamp sth out 踩灭(火等);消除、毁灭或压制某事物(尤指用武力)

stamp out the embers of the camp fire 把篝火的余烬踏灭

stamp out terrorism, a rebellion剪除恐怖活动、镇压叛乱

286. standard n. 标准,规格

be up to/below standard达到、未达到标准

meet/reach/attain a standard 达到标准set a standard 定下标准

raise/improve standards 提高标准living standards 生活水平

adj. 标准的

standard practice/procedure 标准的做法、程序

287.steady adj. 稳的;持续的;稳重的

make a table steady 使桌子不摇晃

a steady speed, flow, rate, pace 稳定的速度、 流速、速率、步子

steady progress, improvement 持续的进步、改善等

a steady young man 稳重的年轻男子 with a steady purpose 目的始终如一

steady job/work/income 稳定的工作、收入

288. stir v./ n.搅拌;(使)微动;打动;产生;纷乱,骚乱

stir one’s tea with a spoon 用匙搅动茶

The story stirred the boy’s imagination.


stir sb up 鼓动某人采取行动 stir sth up 惹起(麻烦等)

289. straightforward adj. 正直的,坦率的;易懂的,简单的

straightforward in one’s business dealings 老老实实做生意

a straightforward examination question 容易回答的试题

written in straightforward language 用浅易文字写成的

290. stretch v. 伸展;拉长

stretch a rope tight 把绳索拉紧

stretch one’s arms, legs 伸展双臂、双腿

The road stretched (out) across the desert into the distance.


stretch (sth) out (使某事物)延续或足够所需

He couldn’t stretch out his money to the end of the month.


n. 一段时间(路程);伸展

She worked for six hours at a stretch. 她连续工作了六个小时。

291. stroke n. 一击;划桨;笔划;抚摸vt. 抚摸

kill sb with one stroke of a sword 一剑劈死某人

at a/one stroke 一下子;一举

stroke a cat, one’s beard, sb’s back 抚摩猫、自己的胡须、某人的背

292. stubborn adj. 顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难克服的

be too stubborn to apologize 硬是不肯道歉

You’ll have to push hard, that door is a bit stubborn.


a stubborn cough that has lasted for weeks


293. subjective adj.(指思想﹑ 感情等)主观的(属於自我意识方面的)

a subjective impression, judgment, opinion


294. substantial adj. 可观的;牢固的,结实的;实质的、大体上的

a substantial improvement, decrease 相当大的改善、缩减

a substantial padlock, chair, wall 结实的挂锁、椅子、墙壁

a substantial business, company 殷实的商号、公司

substantial farmers 富有的农民

We are in substantial agreement. 我们的意见基本一致。

295. substitute n. 代用品,代替者

substitute for sb/sth

The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute. 经理不能出席,派了个副手代表他。

a substitute player, horse, machine 替换的队员、马、机器

v. 代替,替代

substitute sb/sth (for sb/sth) 用某人、某事物代替(另外的人、事物)

We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.


Can you substitute for (ie go instead of) me at the meeting?


296. subtle adj. 难以察觉或描述的;细微的;精细的;巧安排的;巧妙的;狡诈的;敏锐的;感觉灵敏的

a subtle charm, flavour, style 难以形容的魅力、滋味、式样

subtle humour 巧妙的幽默a subtle distinction 细微的差别

a subtle argument, design, strategy 巧妙的议论、设计、策略

a subtle analysis of the problem 对该问题的精辟的分析

a subtle observer, critic, analyst, etc 细心的观察者、评论者、分析者等

297. succeed v. 成功;接着发生;接在…后面;继承

succeed in sth/doing sth成功;做成;达到目的

Who succeeded Churchill (as Prime Minister)?


succeed to sth继承(头衔、财产等)

When the king died, his eldest son succeeded (to the throne).


298. sufficient adj. 足够的,充分的

be sufficient (for sth/sb) be sufficient to do sth.

sufficient money, time, fuel 足够的钱、时间、燃料

299. superb adj. 极好的,高质量的

a superb player, painting, view 极好的运动员、画、景色

300. superior adj. 上级的,较高的;高傲的

a superior cloth, team, standard 上等布、强队、高水平

a girl of superior intelligence 智力出众的女孩子

be superior to sb/sth(比某人、某物)好的﹑ 强的

a superior court 上级法院

n . 级别、地位高的人;上级;长官

obey one’s superiors 服从上级.

301. survive vi. 幸存,继续存在

Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one survived.


survive on sth 靠……存活下来

I can’t survive on £30 a week.


vt. 幸免于;挺过来;比(某人)长命

survive an earthquake, shipwreck, etc


The plants may not survive the frost. 这些植物不经冻。

The old lady has survived all her children.


302. suspect vt. 推测;怀疑n. 嫌疑犯;可疑对象

suspect sb’s motives 怀疑某人的动机

suspect the truth of one’s statement 对某人所说的真实性表示怀疑

suspect sb of sth/doing sth怀疑某人有某罪

303. swallow vt. 吞,咽;忍受(侮辱等);轻信n. 吞;燕子

Chew your food properly before swallowing it. 食物嚼碎后再咽下。

She called you a liar. Are you going to swallow that?


He flatters her outrageously, and she swallows it whole. 他极力奉承她,而她竟以为完全是由衷之言。

swallow sb/sth (up) 吞没或掩盖某人、某物

The jungle swallowed up the explorers. 探险人员消失在密林里了。

The aircraft was swallowed (up) in the clouds. 飞机已没入云中。

She swallowed her anger and carried on. 她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。

swallow one’s words 承认说错了话

take a swallow of beer 喝一口啤哂

304. swift adj. 迅速的,速度快的;敏捷的,反应快的

a swift reply, reaction, revenge 迅速的回答、反应﹑

a swift runner, horse 跑得快的人、马 swift-flowing rivers 湍急的河流

be swift to do sth/in doing sth

305. switch v. 转变,转换n. 开关,电闸;转变

switch sth (over) to sth(使某事物)转变或改变(尤指突然)

switch to modern methods 改用现代方法

switch the conversation to a different topic 改变谈话的话题

Could you switch the TV over? 请你改换电视频道好吗?

switch sth with sth(使某人、某物)交换位置;转换

Our glasses have been switched; this is mine.


switch roles with each other彼此对调角色

You drive first and then we’ll switch round/over. 你先驾驶,过一会儿咱们再换着开。

switch (sth) on/ off 接通、切断(电流等)

306. symbol n. 符号,标志;象征

symbol of sth 象征;标志

The lion is the symbol of courage. 狮子是勇武的象征。

symbol for sth符号, 记号(如数学中的加减号、标点符号、乐谱

Au is the chemical symbol for gold. ‘Au’是金的化学元素符号。

307. sympathy n. 同情(心);(思想感情上的)支持

sympathy for/towards sb

feel great sympathy for sb 对某人深为同情

She never expressed any sympathy when I was injured. 我受伤时她从未表示过同情。

Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night. 他怀着恻隐之心,留那些无家可归的孩子过夜。

in sympathy with sb/sth对某事业等表示支持或赞同

I’m sure she will be in sympathy with your proposal. 我确信她一定赞成你的建议。

have no, some sympathy with sb/sth不同意、同意某人的观点

308. symptom n. 症状;征候,征兆

the symptom of AIDS 艾滋病的症状

This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪。

309. systematic adj. 有系统的,系统化的;有计划的,有条理的

the systematic arrangement of the chairs 按照顺序排列的座椅

a systematic approach/way/method 系统的方法

310. target n. 目标,对象,靶子

meet one’s export targets 达到出口指标 be on/off target达到、未达到目标

vt. 瞄准(常用被动式)

target sth at/on sth/sb瞄准某物

missiles targeted on Britain 瞄准英国的导弹

a sales campaign targeted at the youth market 面向青年人市场的大推销

311. tear v. 撕(裂),被撕破;破坏(某物)的安宁

tear sb from sb/sth强行使某人离开某人、某物;夺去

The child was torn from its mother’s arms. 把孩子从母亲怀抱中夺走了。

This cloth tears easily. 这布料容易撕破。

a country torn by war 战乱不安的国家

tear at sth (with sth) 撕扯或撕开某物

tear oneself away (from sb/sth) 舍不得离开某人、某物

be torn between A and B(在两个事物或人之间)作痛苦的抉择

tear sth down弄倒某物;拆除某物tear sth up撕毁(文件等)

312. tease v. 戏弄,取笑;挑逗,撩拨

tease sb about sth

She used to tease me about my hair.

313. temporary adj. 暂时的,临时的

temporary employment 临时工作a temporary bridge 临时桥

This arrangement is only temporary. 这只是暂时的安排。

314. tendency n. 趋向,趋势

a tendency to do sth

The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.

tendency to/towards sth.

Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.

There is a tendency (for sb) to do sth.

There is an increasing tendency for women to have children later in life.

315. tense adj. 紧张的;绷紧的n. 时态

a tense moment, atmosphere, meeting 令人感到紧张的时刻、气氛、会议


She tensed, hearing the noise again. 她再次听到那个声音就紧张起来。

316. tension

n. (紧张)状态;拉(绷)紧;张力,拉力

adjust the tension of a violin string 调小提琴弦

Massage helps relieve the tension in one’s muscles. 按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛。

suffer from (nervous) tension 感到(神经)紧张

racial/political/social tension(s) 种族间的、政治上的、社会生活中的紧张状态

317. tentative adj. 试探(性)的,试验(性)的

make a tentative suggestion, proposal, plan


318. territory n. 领土,版图;领域,(知识或活动的)范围

occupying enemy territory 占领敌方的土地 new territories 新的领土

Legal problems are very much Andrew’s territory.


319. theoretical adj. 理论(上)的

This book is too theoretical; I need a practical guide.


320. thorough adj. 彻底的,完全的;仔细周到的,精心的

give the room a thorough cleaning 把房间彻底打扫一番

He’s a slow worker but very thorough. 他做事慢,但非常仔细。

That woman is a thorough nuisance. 那个女人讨厌透了。

321. tight adj. 紧(身)的;牢固的;密封的adv. 紧紧地

tight controls 严密的控制a tight schedule

a tight race, match, contest 棋鼓相当的赛跑、比赛、竞争

322. tolerant adj. 宽容的,容忍的

be tolerant of/towards 对……宽容

Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.

Her own mistakes made her very tolerant of/towards (the faults of) others. 她因自己有错误,对别人(的错误)就概不计较了。

323. tough adj. 困难的;坚强的;牢固的;强硬的;粗暴的

as tough as leather

You need to be tough to survive in the jungle.


a tough steak 咬不动的牛排

tough measures to deal with terrorism 对付恐怖主义的严厉措施

It’s tough finding a job these days. 近来很难找到工作。

a tough game, assignment, problem, journey 艰苦的比赛、困难的任务、难题、艰辛的旅程be tough on sb 对某人严厉

324. transform vt. 使改观,改革;变换,把…转换成

transform sth/sb (from sth) (into sth) 完全改变某事物[某人]的外观或特性

The magician transformed the frog into a princess.


Success and wealth transformed his character.


325. treasuren. 金银财宝,财富;珍品 vt. 珍爱

treasure sb’s friendship 珍视某人的情谊

326. trend n. 趋向,趋势,倾向;时新款式,时尚

The trend of prices is still upwards. 物价仍有上涨趋势。

a growing trend towards smaller families 家庭日益小型化的趋势

following the latest trends in fashion 追求最新的流行款式

set a/the trend开风气之先;带领新潮流

327. trial n. 审判(讯);试用(验);讨厌的人(物)

go on trial/stand trial (for sth) 受审判:a trial period试用期

on trial在试验中;在测试中

put sb/be on trial (for sth)(使某人)被控告并受审

by/through trial and error反复试验;从失败中找出解决办法

328. trick n. 诡计;诀窍;戏法

play a trick on sb 对某人施用诡计

You can’t fool me with that old trick! 你玩弄那种老花招骗不了我!

The trick is to hold your breath while you aim. 窍门就在於瞄准时须屏住呼吸

trick or treat(万圣节前夕儿童挨家索要糖果等的用语)若不给则搞恶作剧)

the tricks of the trade(内行人的)诀窍,窍门

v. 欺骗,欺诈(某人

trick sb into sth/doing sth用计诱使某人做某事

329. typical adj. 典型的, 象征性的

a typical British pub 典型的英式小酒店

It is typical of sb to do sth.

It was typical of her to forget. 她这人就是爱忘事。

330. ultimate adj. 终极的, 极限的, 根本的

the ultimate outcome, result, conclusion, etc 最终的结局、结果、结论等

ultimate principles, questions, causes 基本原理、问题、原因

331. unconscious adj. 不省人事, 无意识的, 未发觉的

knock sb unconscious 把某人打得不省人事

be unconscious of sb/sth不知道的;未察觉的

be unconscious of any change 未察觉出任何变化

332. unique adj. 独一无二的,稀罕的,独特的

a unique work of art 独一无二的艺术作品

a unique ability 独有的能力

be unique to sb/sth 仅与一个人或一个群体或一件事物有关

special difficulties unique to blind people 盲人遇到的特殊困难

333. universal adj. 普遍的,通用的,全体的

Television provides universal entertainment. 电视提供的是大众的娱乐。

There is universal agreement on this issue. 在这个问题上,大家观点一致。

Their proposal met with almost universal opposition.


334. urge n. 冲动,迫切的要求,推动力

get, have, feel, give in to a sudden urge to travel 心血来潮去旅行

v. 催促,力劝;强烈要求

urge sb to do sth 督促某人做某事

urge sth on/upon sb/sth竭力推荐或力陈某事物urge sb on 鼓励或激励某人做某事

335. urgent adj. 急迫的,紧急的

be in urgent need of… 急需某物 urgent action 紧急行动

336. vain adj. 徒然的,空虚的,虚荣的

vain promises, pleasures 空头的许诺、空欢喜

a vain attempt 劳而无功的努力in vain 无结果地;徒然

337. valid adj. 有确实根据的,正当的,有效的

a valid contract 在法律上有效的合同

valid reason/argument/criticism 正当的理由、论点、批评

338. vein n. 静脉;气质;性质;方式;风格;心情

Her stories revealed a rich vein of humour. 她的小说饶有风趣。

The complaints continued in the same vein. 总是那一类的牢骚话,没完没了。

339. virtually adv. 事实上, 实质上

be virtually certain, impossible, agreed 实际上已肯定、不可能、已同意

There’s virtually none left. 实际上一个都没剩。

340. vision n. 视觉, 眼光, 先见之明

have perfect, poor vision 视力极好、不好

within/outside my field of vision在我的视野以内、以外

a statesman of vision 有远见的政治家

the romantic visions of youth 青年人浪漫的幻想

341. vital adj. 与生命有关的,维持生命所必需的;非常重要的

be vital to/for sth. 对……至关重要

It is vital (that) 从句用虚拟语气,即(should) + V.

It is vital to do sth. be of vital importance to sth. 对……来说至关重要

342. volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿地或无偿地给予或提供(帮助、建议等)

She volunteered (her services) for relief work. 她自愿参加济工作。

volunteer information, advice, financial support 自愿提供情况、意见、资助

I volunteered to act as chauffeur. 我自愿充当汽车司机。

343. wander v. 漫步, 迷路, 徘徊; 漫游

wander through the countryside 在野外闲逛

wander aimlessly up and down the road 在路上信步来回遛达

Don’t wander from the subject: stick to the point.


He realized his audience’s attention was beginning to wander.


344. weigh v. 秤重量,重压,衡量

weigh sth with/against sth 权衡

weigh sth (up)仔细考虑某事物

345. whereas conj. 然而;鉴于;反之

He earns 8000 a year whereas she gets at least 20000.


Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.


346. whisper n. 耳语, 谣传, 密谈

speak in a whisper低声说话

v. 耳语, 飒飒地响, 密谈; 低声说

whisper about sb/sth whisper sth to sb小声说某事(尤指私事或秘密事)

It is whispered that… 据说/据传……

347. wind v. 上发条, 蜿蜒, 缠绕

The river winds down to the sea. 这条河蜿蜒流向大海。

wind sth round sb/sth将某物紧紧缠绕住某人、某物

wind sth (up)上(尤指钟表)发条

wind a car window down/up 把汽车窗摇下去(上来)

348. withdraw v. 撤回,撤消,取回;撤退,离开

withdraw sb/sth from sth收回、取回、撤回或撤走某人(某事物)

withdrew all one’s savings 取出全部存款

withdraw the offensive remarks收回过头的话

He’s become increasingly withdrawn since his wife’s death.


349. witness n. 证人,证据,目击者v. 目击,证明,作证;作证人,成为证据

witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel 目击一事故、谋杀事件、一场争吵

witness to sth(在法庭等上)作证

witness to the truth of a statement 证明某言语属实

350. worthwhile adj. 值得做的, 值得出力的

a very worthwhile career.值得干的职业

It is worthwhile / doing sth to do sth 做某事是值得的。

351. wrinkle n. 皱纹,妙计,缺点

v. 使起皱纹;起皱

352. yell n. 叫声,喊声v. 大叫,呼喊;叫着说

yell (out) at sb/sth

yell (out) in/with sth

yell out terror, pain因惊恐、疼痛叫喊起来

yell with fear, agony, laughter 害怕、痛苦、笑得喊叫起来

