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Unit One Interests and Hobbies Key to the Exercises Passage A
II: Reading Comprehension
1. Try to complete the sentences with what you learned from the text.
1) intensity and extensiveness 2) consider 3 )outdoor recreation 4) passionate 5) mutual 2. Based on what you have learned from the text, answer the following questions briefly. 1). The value of collecting involves purchasing or getting a hold of a particular item anchored in the fascination and inclination of the collector.
2) Age, intelligence level, stamina and personality are to be taken into account. 3) Examples would be mountain climbing, trekking, rock climbing, and the like.
4) Hobbyists make hobbies concrete. Hobbyists are people who are passionate about a specific material or an activity.
5) Level one is the Beginner who buys the “basics.”
6) He would be someone who is more familiar with the hobby.
7) Because they can benefit and learn from each other’s ideas and experiences. 8) Opportunities.
III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Collocation
1) facilitate improvement 2) gather information 3)allocate money 4) learn from 5) bring about
2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词)
1)outlook 2)lookout 3)layout 4)outlines 5) outbursts 6)outgrows 7) outlet 8) outcome 9) outfit 10) outbreak
3. Banked Cloze
1) endurance 2) accessories 3) intensity 4) invested 5) subsequently 6) displayed 7)allocating 8) inclination 9) involved 10) attain 3. Multiple Choice
1) D 2) A 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) B
Ⅳ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) Along with new inventions of modern civilization, it also will bring about information about the outer world.
2) If one party is going to carry out reform, the opinions of any potential problems from other parties should be taken into account.
3) By chance, he come up with the answer to that problem.
4) In terms of the time wasted, cheap entertainment is rather expensive.
5) They are willing to engage in campaigns on popular science, especially on knowledge about environmental protection and food safety. Passage B
I. Reading Comprehension 1. Multiple choices
Choose the best answer to each question with information from the passage. 1) A 2) C 3) C 4) D 5) B
II.Vocabulary and Structure
1. Select words from what are given and fill in the sentences.
1) subscribers 2) digital 3) conference 4) available 5) invest 6) occupy 7) scatter 8) diminish 9) multitude 10) fancy 2. Translation
1) If we we run into another managerial problem ten or twenty years down the road in our undertaking, you know whose phone will ring.
2) Under any circumstances, commenting on this century would sound like speaking in superlatives.
3) All electronic computers consist of five parts, although they are of different kinds.
4) When such impulses and desires are vigorous, they bring with them, of themselves, what is needed to make a good life.
5) In daily life people often couple up two short ropes to make a longer one. Passage C
I. Reading Comprehension
Try to answer the questions in the fewest possible words or complete the sentences based on what you learned from the text.
1) you may simply say you were not yet married 2) be better off claiming your former spouse died 3) he just lied to Mr. Hai that his life died in an accident 4) this dialogue was repeated
5) if those Vietnamese believed what he said II. Vocabulary and Structure 1. Banked Cloze
1) B 2) A 3) C 4) D 5) C 6) A 7) D 8) B 9) C 10) A
11) B 12) B 13) A 14) C 15) C 16) B 17) B 18) A 19) C 20) D 2. Error correction
1)possibly- possible 2) and- but 3) that-where 4) his - their 5) is- are
6) CORRECT 7) CORRECT 8) prevent-preventing 9) emphasize- emphasis 10) or -and Section D
Writing & Translation I. Writing---Envelope Writing (reference answer ) XXX
Foreign Languages Department Xinjian College
8# Yuexiu Road, Nanling, Guangxi, 530005 P.R .China (发信人名字和地址)
Dr. George Bush English Department The John Hopkins University Baltimore, MD.21228 U.S.A.(收信人名字和地址)
II. Translation 【参考译文】
佛德汉姆大学的一位已退休的法律和公共政策学教授欧内斯特?范?德?海格坚信死刑是有效的, 他说这两起犯罪太残忍了, 他们应该受到死刑的惩罚。但是他不认为辛普森先生因其地位和名声真的有被判死刑的危险,而且他还认为在史密斯案件中寻求判处她死刑是个策略性错误。如果在辛普森案件中寻求判他死刑也同样是个策略性错误。他说: “现在公众舆论反对史密斯太太, 但公众舆论是会变得对她有利的。”
Translation of the Text Passage A 什么叫业余爱好?
早先人们把骑玩具马当成消遣,这是实际存在的“hobby”。后来“骑玩具马”(ride one’s hobby-horse)的说法便传开了,意思就是追求你最喜好的消遣。到了现代,人们普遍称之为业余爱好(HOBBY)。
游戏也是业余爱好的形式;游戏是寻求快乐的娱乐活动。每项游戏都是有控制的活动,要么控制得松,要么控制得严。游戏的目的和规则决定其挑战性和玩法。游戏可追溯至相当久远。由于游戏带来乐趣,出于个人独特的兴趣形成了各种不同的游戏。选择合适一个人的游戏通常需要考虑几个因素:年龄,智商水平,耐性和个性。游戏及其规则是变化多样的,玩家在达到目标的过程中的投入程度也是不同的。通常,游戏需要一定的体力和脑力。因此,它们有助于人们健全身心。 户外运动是另一种受人欢迎的娱乐形式。户外活动依赖于露天环境,比如登山、徒步旅行和攀岩等等。除了让人们获得快感以外,户外活动还是教育和锻炼团队精神的利器。此外,还有很多其他爱好受人们青睐,比如烹调、园艺、绘画创作、软件开发等等。
那么什么是业余爱好者呢?可以这么说,他们让爱好变得具体实在。他们对特殊的物品或活动充满激情,他们对任何与他们爱好相关的事物着迷不已。他们的收藏包括书本杂志,不同类型的工具、设备和配件。这些物品都精心地被摆放在专用房间里。爱好者们随时准备并愿意在他们的兴趣爱好上花钱和花时间。他们参加可以经常光顾的俱乐部并充分利用俱乐部成员的权利。他们会腾出特定的时段满足自己的爱好。他们学习和探索新事物的热情使他们对该领域有更深的了解。 根据对兴趣爱好的参与程度,爱好者也分不同层次。第一等级是我们所说的新手。新手是那些购置基本材料的人。基本材料可以是穿在身上的全套装备,设备甚至指导材料。
爱好家和专业人士实际上可以融合,以达到优势互补。他们可以相互学习对方的点子和经验,共同受益,并推动该兴趣或运动的发展,这是最重要的。所以爱好是什么?爱好便是机遇! Passage B
作为业余爱好的铁路运作可以少花钱,也可以花大钱,这随你自己的喜好。最简单便宜的方式是找一段风景宜人的铁路,或找一个好地点欣赏来往的火车, 带一架好相机,看着火车渐渐靠近或者缓缓驶过。享受这项运动最昂贵的方式是投资约五万美元建造铁路模型,其中包括机车、汽车、风景、建筑物和电气设备等等。
这项运动的花费和乐趣分为不同层次。投入多少时间和资金完全取决于你自己。这篇文章将指导你如何开始,使你在寻求这一爱好时不觉得无聊。下面,我们先来了解一些基本常识。 享受铁路运作最便宜的方式是到繁忙的铁路路段去观看过往列车。如果想记录下火车的运行,那么带上一台摄影机。牢记遵守基本安全守则,在任何情况下不要冒险走到铁轨上去;也不要带小孩,除非你观赏的地方是有栅栏的桥梁。最重要的一点,除非你已经得到铁路当局的许可,否则永远不要走到列车有先行权的铁路上。
此外,成为一个或多个铁路迷组织或铁路博物馆会员也会花费你很多时间金钱,请做好这方面的准备。这些组织团体也会在他们的通行权限范围内使用真实大小的列车和电车。他们还会给你传授良好的安全习惯。他们经常组织同好之旅。这些旅行得到了铁路公司的支持,并成为摄影的绝佳主题。雅虎提供大量的铁路公司或铁路迷团体的电邮贴。在这里,你不须花很多钱就能得到很多关于铁路运行的背景知识。若想知道这些组织团体的地点,请试试谷歌搜索引擎吧。 和其他铁路迷或铁路员工交谈是扩展人脉,是和有着类似经历的人士沟通的绝佳方式。你甚至可以在网上建立你自己的网络聊天室,邀请那些来自美国和加拿大的铁路迷共同讨论和铁路运作业余爱好有关的问题。
不管你梦想的是什么,跟着钢轨走吧,它将给你带来无尽的快乐。 Passage C
杀死前妻----并愿意再杀一次 约翰?伍德
旅游指南还提醒道,“告诉越南人你已经离婚或仍是单身会让他们感到极度不安,因为在越南,没有家庭被看作是倒霉的,没有家庭被人视为不幸,受人怜悯,而不被羡慕。幸运的是,指南的作者提供了解决之道:“如果你既年轻又单身,只要说你未婚,他们就能接受了。” 但是我已经48岁, “超过30岁仍未婚,那最好还是撒谎吧。”
直到今天,我还没见过比这本旅游指南提出的更没品位、冷血和麻木的建议,不要说什么聪明和令人满意的建议了。踏上越南的国土仅仅几小时,书中建议的正确性便面临考验。湄公河两日游以永隆市的一个小河村为出发点。我刚踏上船,导游阿海先生(越南人)立刻凑过来问道:“你从哪里来?”“华盛顿。”阿海先生点了点头,说他看过我们首都的图片,很美。 “你多大了?”这是他的第二个问题,正如旅游指南中所预测的一样。 我实话实说,他猛摇手,说我看上去很年轻。
“结婚了吗?”这是第三个问题,也是最危险的。我小心翼翼地背诵着临行前记下的建议,对他解释我曾结过婚,但现在没有妻子。我刚刚说完这些话,阿海先生的眼睛突然失去了神采,“噢……离婚啊。” 与其说是疑问还不如说是总结。我深吸了一口气,用痛苦的语气慢慢地回答道:“不是的……她……去世了。”
极不明智!如果说我先前那个“前妻去世”的回答让阿海先生伤感,那么这次是让他几乎要发心脏病了。他挣扎着想找出要表达的词,但失败了。最后,他只能双手遮脸来表达他无法用言语描述的痛苦。我尽量假装看起来很痛苦,在这种情况下这样的表演越来越容易。他想对我说点什么,而且决心用只要他能用上的不管是什么样的英语表达出来。我弯下身子,试图平抚他的情绪。最后,他说话了。 “什么样的事故?”
在那一刻,我发誓回家后一定要给这本旅游指南的作者、编辑、出版人以及他们的每一个家人写一封严厉的抗议信。我告诉阿海先生我的前妻在一次车祸中去世,希望对话就此打住。虽然他对此感到悲痛,但还是继续询问。 “您有孩子吗?”
热水占家庭水费的20%至30%,装了太阳能系统,一年有7个月可自给热水。 假如各国政府开始表现出必需的政治决心,一切皆可以改变。
Unit4 Love and Marriages
Passage A
II. Reading Comprehension
1. Try to complete the sentences with what you have learned form the text.
1) The love with the French language 2) considerate, has the same passion with the author 3) emailing, talking on the phone. 4) connecting mind with heart
5) a happy one-year anniversary and possible engagement 6) true love results in happy ending despite international distance.
2. Based on what you have learned from the text, decide whether the following statements are true [T], false [F].
1) T 2) T 3)NG 4) NG 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F III Vocabulary and Structure. 1. Collocation
1) let go 2) wedding anniversary 3) awaiting response 4) longs for 5) non-profit organization
2. Word Formation — Compound (复合词)
1) badly-wounded 受伤严重的2) newly-arrived新到的3) strongly-motivated 学习动力强的4) widely-known 知名度高的5) simply-furnished 陈设简单的6) smartly-dressed穿着漂亮的 3. Banked Cloze
(1) passions (2) charming (3) rent (4) comments (5) e-mailing (6) dating (7) amazing (8) cyber (9) anniversary (10) engaged
4. Multiple Choice
1) A 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) C Ⅳ. Translation:
1.Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese into English. (1) walked out of the terminal
(2) a fervent surfer of both waves and the internet; surfing waves and the internet (3) don’t tan easily (4) It is apparent (5) the incredible story (6) situated in a valley (7) have officially announced their engagement
2. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1) I heard them telling their story of loving at first sight. 2) Hobbies are supposed to be relaxing.
3) The ferry sails back and forth between the two ports.
4) I knew that our cyber love wouldn’t result in a good end, so I let it go. 5) Her jaw dropped open when I told her Jean had left her husband. 6) His wish is to meet his favorite pop star face to face.
Reading Skills Exercises
I. Write fact if the sentence is a fact. Write opinion if the sentence is an opinion. 1. opinion 2. opinion 3. fact 4. opinion 5. fact 6. opinion 7. fact 8. opinion 9. fact 10. opinion
Passage B
I. Reading Comprehension
1. The given two paragraphs are a mixture of facts and opinions from Passage B. Distinguish the facts and opinions. If it is an opinion, please explain why. 1)
The 1st sentence is a fact because the key words, like 1968, April, 10, reveal that the annual Academy Awards did happen at that time at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.
The 2nd sentence is also a fact since the Academy Award is truly a yearly event and people around the world do have very deep passion over it.
The 3rd sentence is an opinion. “the award show was a bit more emotional and the back-story is more dramatic” is a point of view of what the author thinks of the show.
The 4th sentence is a fact. Again, key words, numbers and place, both indicate that this sentence is telling a fact.
The 1st sentence is a mixture of fact and opinion. “Hepburn was raised in a privileged and intellectually elite family” is a fact since it is a real description about her and her family. However,
“grew to become a strong willed presence in almost every film she appeared in” is an opinion. “almost” proves that this statement is not always true, because most of her films present her as a strong willed person, but some of them do not.
The 2nd sentence is a mixture of fact and opinion. “Tracy was a heavy drinking Irish-American from a working class family” is a fact, but “a sensibility he brought to his performances” is an opinion. Whether he had brought this sensibility to his performances is not something we can know for sure.
The 3rd sentence is an opinion. “perhaps” means possibilities, which means this statement is not always true.
2. Answer the following questions in your own words based on your understanding.
1. Both of them were excellent film actor or actress and they are famous for the awards they won in motion pictures and their romantic love stories.
2. In his opinion, he thought the award show was a bit more emotional and the back-story a bit more dramatic.
3. No, he wasn’t, because he had died from illness.
4. At that time, people showed great disapproval to their love.
5. In his opinion, it’s the clear difference in upbringing that made them fall in love.
6. They were prevented by the fact that Spencer Tracy was married and could not divorce. 7. She had never seen the film, because it was too painful.
8. From their story we know that love was strong enough to overcome any difficulties and their courage really makes the difference. II. Vocabulary and structure
1. imitate 2. resumed 3. ignores 4. privilege 5. intellectual 6. divorced 7.endorsing 8. fierce 9. gossip 10. devotion III. Translation
1. The film Slumdog Millionaire made a great success and it was all together nominated for
eight prizes in the 81st Oscar Awards.
2. I considered him to be my best friend, but it turned out he betrayed me. 3. It gets darker and darker, so we’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.
4. Seeing these familiar streets, her memory could not help going back to her happy
5. His going back and forth in the room has showcased the extreme tension in his mind. 6. As a government official, his devotion to the job can never be ignored.
7. Many children lost their right to receive education; they couldn't go back to school and
resume their studies until they had got enough money to pay for the tuition. 8. Napoleon’s legendary life has caused great controversy in the public.
Passage C
I. Reading Comprehension
1. They began to know each other since high school and they are classmates.
2. At first, they disagree with their devotion, as they have arranged a marriage for their son. 3. They changed their attitude just before their marriage.
4. They came across such cultural issues as differing religious believes, social norms etc. 5. She thought of her marriage as a happy ending and a thing of beauty. II. Test Zone 1. Banked cloze
如今在英国礼貌实际上不复存在,倡导人人平等无可厚非,但是对待一些特殊人群还 应该提倡一些关注。
1. A。第一句话首先说明“像伦敦这样的许多大城市礼貌实际上已经消失”,之后说“为了抢最后的一个座位把上年纪的老太太挤到一边也不足为奇”,所以认为“nothing”比较恰当。 2. B。既然不讲礼貌,所以主动站起来并给老人让座的少得多了。
3. C。who say that, since women have claimed equality, they no longer should be treated whit courtesy…是“年轻人所争论的”,这是他们认为不给他人让座的原因。 4. D。不必很有礼貌地对待妇女,其原因是他们宣称平等。since“既然”。
5. B。在上班的高峰,妇女应该象其他人一样,轮到谁是谁。take one’s turn“该谁做”、“轮到谁做”。
6. C。妇女从身体上来说,不能与男人相提并论。
7. A。根据意思“即使不同意这种观点,也应该站起来给年轻妇女让座。”
8. D。本文主要探讨的是礼貌问题,所以推测“还是应该对老人、病人及残疾人讲点儿礼貌”。 9. A。本句话意思是“我们确实能够把无私置之度外,安静地坐在那里,心里想着谁占到的就是谁的吗?”be lost to sth. “将某事置之度外”、“不再受某事物的 影响”,为固定短语。 10. B。与上句话形成鲜明的对比。while“然而”。
11. C。上了一天班,且年纪大了,所以会“感到疲惫的”,鉴于这种情况,他们也不会顾及自己多么高尚,也开始抢座。
12. D。由于老人也开始抢座,所以引发了一些争论。 (from www.46english.com)
13. B。为了自己抢到一个座位,就拉别人或推别人,这是不可取的,所以认为“人们不可能赞成这种做法”。
14. C。人们愿意在城市生活,因为生活惬意,所以猜测“如果依然是令人惬意的地方,就应该改善交通设施。”
15. A。文章主要说的是在公共交通上人们的一些不礼貌的做法,所以认为“应该改善交通设施。” 16. D。改善交通设施是一个方法,另外就是人与人之间还应该保持礼貌。
17. A。为抢座的种种做法都是不礼貌的,因此认为“好像人们很累,也顾不到礼貌了。” 18. B。“售货员不必劳神去为他人服务,出租车司机们彼此嚷嚷”都是不礼貌行为,所以他们是并列关系,因此“help”比较恰当。
19. C。售票员是为乘客服务的,所以认为“乘客还没有来得及上车或下车,售票员就开始摇铃。”
20. D。本句话意思“看来年轻人和身体强壮的人该尽他们的一份力量来阻止这种恶化了”。 it is up to sb. to do sth. “由某人决定做某事”。 2. Error Correction 1. (instead) on --- of 2. like --- as 3. has --- have 4. the --- / 5. it --- them 6. leads --- causes 7. down --- up
8. Nevertheless --- Therefore 9. works --- work/job/jobs 10. international --- national
Section D
I. Writing--- College Application Letter (reference answer)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.
First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelor's degree from Beijing University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation?
I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution. Yours
II. Translation 【参考译文】
佛德汉姆大学的一位已退休的法律和公共政策学教授欧内斯特?范?德?海格坚信死刑是有效的, 他说这两起犯罪太残忍了, 他们应该受到死刑的惩罚。但是他不认为辛普森先生因其地位和名声真的有被判死刑的危险,而且他还认为在史密斯案件中寻求判处她死刑是个策略性错误。如果在
4. I could remember vividly what she has done to me.
5. He was too trusting—or, to put it another way, he had no head for business. 6. You will know the real feeling only when you experience it in person.
Passage B
I. Reading Comprehension
1. Identifying the writer’s purpose
Please infer the author's purposes by the tone or word choice of the following paragraphs. 1.The former President’s real purpose in the description of his childhood on the farm is to remind people that even during trying times in a nation’s history it is possible for young people to have a carefree and enjoyable childhood. This paragraph establishes the mood of the article that Carter will build on for the rest of the piece.
2. From the tone of the author and the words“statesperson”, “eloquent speaker”, “determination”, “undoubtedly”, we can infer that the author intends to inform the public that senator X is a good statesman and persuade the public to support him.
3. From the tone of the author and the words “ politician”, “smooth talker”, “Devoured”, “ambition”, “he himself believes”, we can infer that the author intends to inform the public that senator X is an absolute politician and persuades the public not to support him.
4. From the words “pulled”, “as soon as possible”, “anxious to get out”, the author writes to indicate that Peter belongs to the second kind of people who did not have a happy childhood. 5. From the tone of the author and the words “imaginative”, “dream world”, “unique fantasies”, we can infer that the purpose of this passage is to inform the audiences that Spider Man is a creatively constructed movie that is worth seeing.
6.From the tone of the author and the words “unrealistic”, “eccentric fantasies”, “weird nightmare”, we can infer that the purpose of this passage is to inform the audiences that Spider Man is an unbelievable movie that is not worth seeing.
2. Answer the following questions in the fewest possible words based on what you learned from the text.
1.In the midst of the wedding dinner, when the guests were sitting under the shade eating, whose main food was chicken salad, the chicken dropped dead outside the yard because they ate
poisonous chemicals. By writing this episode, the author intends to show the funny things in the hard times during the Depression.
2.In addition to their field work, women had to do many other housework, such as cooking, churning, chopping, care for their family and children, etc. which were much harder than men’s plowing. So he said the heaviest burden fell on women during the Depression. The author intends
to underscore that life on farms during the Depression was it was really very hard because even women had to work harder than men to support their family.
3. In Carter’s opinion, people who asked them for help during the Depression were always very polite and relatively well-educated, he could lean a lot from them. The author intends to tell us that a lot of people, even the relatively well-educated, could not find a job, which means the economy was really backward and life was hard during the Depression.
4. The purpose of the last sentence is to tell us that Former President Jimmy Carter benefited a lot from his life on the farm during the Depression and it was this experience that made him a prominent leader.
II. Choose the best answer to the questions according to what you have learned from the text.
1. (D) 2. (A) 3.(B)
III.Vocabulary and Structure
1. Select words from what are given and fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Change the form where necessary. (1) recalls (2)describes (3) resemble (4)debt (5) in addition to (6) housework (7)interesting (8)polite (9)in return (10)benefited 2. Translation.
Complete the sentences according to the Chinese given 1. in the midst of dinner;
2. care for their family and their children; 3 was blessed with 4. asked his boss for 5. hasn’t showed up. 6. in return
7. were turned away from 8. must be responsible for 9.fall on him
10. searching for the missing child
Passage C
Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension
Try to answer the questions or complete the sentences in the fewest possible words based on what you learned from the text. 1. influence, can, be seen
2. the cradle of Western civilization 3. The city of Athens
4. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Euclid 5. thought, organization II. Test Zone
1. There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),
B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.
1.B 2. C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.C
Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the mistaken one and correct it.
1. A 改为 what 2. A 改为 that 3.C 改为 whose 4. A 改为however hard 5.B改为so serious a 6. D改为 would
Section D
Writing and Translation I. Writing -- Email
(Reference answer) Dear …,
We’ve dated online for 3 months, and chatting with you on Yahoo is really a pleasant experience. Next week, I’ll be away on business in your city, and maybe it’s a good chance for us to meet face to face.
So what do you think about it?
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours truly,
II. Translation
“可这也太荒唐了,就像你说的每句话和做的每件事一样荒唐。你那时候了解我什么? 而且,当时我的眼睛一定布满了血丝, 你知道吗, 那天我直到早上四点才睡, 因为跟莱斯利大吵了一架。你那时根本没有给我留下什么印象,所以我一点也没往心里去。喂,你注意??” (由于汉语无动词时态形式变化, 时间关系大多通过一些词语来表现, 因而要在译文中增加说明时间的词语, 如“那时”, “当时”, “那天”等,用以强调说话人对当时的回忆。这样处理, 原文各句之间的时间关系就清楚了。由于面对恋人,拜伦必须实话实说,所以在译文处理上没有对原文做任何润色。)
Translations of the Text Passage A
峰谷道彦医生当时任广岛通讯医院院长, 住在离第一颗原子弹爆炸地点一英里远的地
时间还很早,安静,温暖和美好的早晨。 我透过朝南开的大门向外看去,晴空万里,树叶在阳光的照耀下熠熠发光,和院子里的树荫形成鲜明的对比。
突然,一束强光闪过,让我吃了一惊,接着又是另一束。一个人对细小的事情往往记得很清楚,园子里的一盏石灯被点了起来,我当时在想究竟是什么引起的呢。 院子里的树荫消失了。刚才还如此明媚的天空现在变得黑暗而阴霾。我依稀看到原先支撑着屋角的木柱子,它倾斜得厉害,屋顶严重塌陷,十分危险。
我本能地挪动身子,试图离开房子,但是掉下来的木头挡住了去路。我小心翼翼地看着脚下,走到房子外面的走道上,然后走到院子里。忽然间我感到极端虚弱,于是停下来积攒力量。突然,我惊讶地发现,我竟然一丝不挂。太奇怪了,我的内衣呢? 发生什么事了?
我的整个右半身都受伤了,血流不止。一大块金属碎片从我血肉模糊的大腿上穿出来,有什么热的东西滴进嘴里。我小心地摸了摸,发觉脸被撕破了,下嘴唇张得大大的,脖子里嵌着一块大大的玻璃碎片, 我不加思索一把把它拔下来,惊呆地端详着它和我血迹斑斑的手。
妻子在哪? 我突然感到极度恐慌,开始大声喊:“弥江子!”(yaeko-san) “弥江子!” “你在哪?”血开始喷涌而出。难道我的动脉被割破了,我会因为血流不尽而死?我慌得失去了理智,又大叫起来:“这是500吨的炸弹!” “弥江子 !” “你在哪?”“500吨炸弹落下来了!” 弥江子从瓦砾堆中钻出来,两手抱着肘部,脸色苍白,十分恐惧。衣服破破烂烂,上面血迹斑斑。看见她, 我放心了,自己的恐慌缓下来了,便竭力去安慰她。 “我们会没事的!”我大喊。“得赶紧离开这里。”
她点点头,我作手势让她跟我走。 一般人会说他们认为战争很恐怖。人们相信这一点,并且时而提起时表现出的轻松自在,是危险的。这种轻松自在可能包含的负面效应在于,这其中缺乏只有亲历战争才能换来的热忱与信念。换句话说,人们反对战争的方式与描述自己最爱吃的东西时的态度并没有什么两样。
我们从峰谷道彦医生的日记里可以读出他所希望实现的没有战争的世界,也希望世界大国的的领袖们也能考虑他所希望的世界。也许,当许许多多人能够通过经历战争的人的眼睛去体会战争, 当这样的人数足够多的时候,那么最终将不再有人去亲历战争,在战火中对生命作第一手的描述。这可能就是峰谷道彦医生的希望,他希望任何人都不要再看到他看到过的一切。这可能是而且应该是地球上每个国家、每个人的梦想和目标吧。
Passage B
美国前总统吉米·卡特这样写道:“从三月初到十月底,只要天气允许,父母也不反对,我从不穿鞋。一年中开始变暖和的那些日子不仅带来一个新鲜和重生的季节,对我来说更是一个重获自由的季节。四处乱跑,滑下土坡,从泥水当中走过去,让脚脖子没到犁过的田地里,这都给生活增添了新的情趣。我享受着农场生活的自由,直到到十三岁,进入七年级,这时候,我们男孩子才开始穿鞋去教堂,上学了。除了在寒冷的冬天,在农场里生活或工作的男人们总是光着脚的。毫无疑问,仅仅这种习惯便创造了农民和土地之间的亲密感。” 吉米·卡特在他最新出版的一本书《黎明前一小时》里和我们分享了他多姿多彩的少年时代的生活。年少的卡特亲眼目睹了他周围的乔治亚人的困境。他在更早出版的自传体小说《为什么不是最好的》里回忆道:“我在大萧条时期过的农场生活更像是今天的农场生活。我们住在一间木板房里,旁边是一条肮脏的的路,那条路从萨瓦那一直通到哥伦布市。我们的房子夏天凉,冬天冷。冬天就靠双层烟囱壁炉和厨房里的柴炉取暖。我们的卫生设备是后院的一间户外厕所,用了多年。水是用手摇泵摇上来的。洗澡水得用柴火烧。
“一年中最忙、最困难的时候就是收获商品作物花生和棉花的时候。粮食和饲料作物小麦,燕麦和黑麦是在晚春的时候收割和脱粒的。当所有的农户同时收割花生和棉花的时候,就出现劳力短缺。“甩”花生特别的辛苦,天很热,活又脏,还得把腰一直弯到地上。” 吉米认为,在大萧条时期,女人们最辛苦。他是这样写的:“尽管在农民家里,每个人都得工作很长时间,可最重的担子还是压在了女人们身上。女人们要干田里的活儿,除此之外还要做饭,搅奶,干其他家务,还要照顾家人。这些活比男人们犁地更繁重。绝大多数女人天刚亮就开始干活了,早饭得在男人们或全家人去地里干活之前就做好。不断地劈柴,并把柴搬到炉子旁边,喂鸡、喂猪或喂院子外面圈养的牲畜也是苦差事。大多数家庭在房子附近都没有井,或者住在离水井很近的地方。女人们得从很远的泉里挑水做饭洗衣。当然,她们还得生养孩子。
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