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(xx·东北三省四市教研联合体模拟)The following simple exercise routine works as well as prescription medication (处方药) without side effects.

A jog a day could keep your headaches at bay:regular cardio workouts (有氧锻炼) may prevent migraines (偏头痛),a growing body of research suggests.

Migraine patients had fewer headaches after doing 40-minute cycling workouts three times a week for three months,according to a Swedish study.

The exercise routine worked just as well as one of the top migraine preventing drugs-topamirate—but without side effects of depression and tremors (颤抖).“Cardio workouts can help with regular headaches,too,”says Alexander Mauskop,M.D.,director of the New York Headache Center in Manhattan.

There are a couple of theories on how it works.

“Breaking a sweat may relieve stress,”says Dr.Mauskop.Headaches are often triggered by stress,and if you remove the trigger,you release the pain.

The feel-good chemicals produced when you exercise actually block your pain sensors,acting as a natural painkiller.

Since headaches can be caused by many different factors like genetics (遗传),lack of sleep,or certain foods,the cardio workout won't be the solution

for everyone,Dr.Mauskop says.But one German study found that it helped 65 percent 实用文档

of patients,which makes it as effective as the best medicines on the market.

Dr.Mauskop remends his patients do a half-hour reasonable intensity (强度) cardio workout,like jogging,biking,or swimming three times a week.These workouts are meant to be slow and steady,as opposed to high-intensity intervals that alternate between all-out runs and rest.

Pushing yourself too much or increasing the intensity too quickly can trigger headaches in some people,so make sure your heart rate doesn't jump above 150 BPM.If you don't have a heart rate monitor,then breathe only through your nose.You'll know you're going too hard if you can't keep up that breathing pattern.

Your migraines could start disappearing in a couple of weeks,Dr.Mauskop says.


1.According to the passage,the author may agree that ________.

A.jogging,swimming and fishing are cardio workouts

B.neither cardio workouts nor topamirate has side effects

C.migraine patients may be cured by regular cardio workouts

D.cardio workouts will be the solution for everyone with migraines

C[细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“Dr.Mauskop remends his patients do a half-hour reasonable intensity (强度) cardio workout,like jogging,biking,

or swimming three times a week.”可知,A项错误;根据第四段的内容可知,B项错实用文档

误,C项正确;根据倒数第四段中的“the cardio workout won't be the solution for everyone”可知,D项错误。]

2.The underlined word “triggered” in Paragraph 7 can be replaced by “________”.

A.cured B.released

C.caused D.monitored

C[词义猜测题。根据上文的“Breaking a sweat may relieve stress”和画线词后的“by stress”可知,头疼往往是由压力引起的。由此可知画线词意为“引起”。故选C。]

3.The feel-good chemicals produced can help regular headaches because ________.

A.they ease stress

B.they help break a sweat

C.they prevent migraines

D.they block your pain sensors

D[细节理解题。根据第八段中的“The feel-good chemicals produced when you exercise actually block your pain sensors”可知,选D。]

4.What would be the best title?

A.A cure for migraines

B.Side effects of migraines

C.The causes of headaches


D.Advantages of cardio workouts



(xx·四川绵阳二诊)Loneliness is like a disease,and what's worse,it's contagious.It can spread from one person to another,according to the recent research that stresses the power of one person's emotions to affect even people he doesn't know.

The new analysis,involving 4,793 people who were interviewed every two years between xx and xx,showed that a friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness by the time of the next interview.A friend of that person was 25% more likely,and a friend of a friend of a friend was 15% more likely.

“Loneliness is not just the property of an inpidual.It can be transmitted across people—even people you don't have direct contact with,” said John T.Cacioppo,a psychologist of the University of Chicago who led the study published in the December issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Loneliness has been linked to medical problems,including depression,sleep problems and generally poorer physical health.Identifying some of the causes could help reduce the emotion and improve health,experts said.

Although the study did not examine how loneliness spreads,Cacioppo said 实用文档

another research has provided clues.“Let's say for whatever reason you get

lonely.You then interact with other people in a more negative fashion.That puts them in a negative mood and makes them more likely to interact with other people in a negative fashion and they minimize their social ties and bee lonely,”Cacioppo said.

According to Cacioppo,loneliness spread more easily among women than men,perhaps because women were more likely to express emotions.

Lonely people bee less and less trusting others.This makes it more and more difficult for them to make friends—and more likely that society will reject them.Therefore,it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness.Cacioppo emphasizes people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social networks.


5.It can be concluded from the first paragraph that ________.

A.loneliness spreads in social networks

B.emotions are only transmitted between friends

C.more and more people are suffering from loneliness

D.loneliness is actually a kind of disease

A[推理判断题。根据第一段的“it's contagious.It can spread from on e person

to another”可知,孤独是可以传染的,它可以从一个人传给另一个人,故选A。]


6.According to Cacioppo,lonely people ________.

A.rely heavily on others

B.are more likely to trust others

C.are less likely to be rejected by friends

D.will probably be deserted by society

D[细节理解题。根据最后一段的“more likely that society will reject them”可知,Cacioppo认为孤独的人可能会被社会抛弃,故选D。]

7.The word “minimize” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “________”.A.increase B.reduce

C.create D.keep


8.What should lonely people do to get rid of loneliness?

A.Refuse the help given by others.

B.Admit and try to solve it.

C.Interact with others more negatively.

D.Express emotions more often.

B[细节理解题。根据最后一段的第三句“Therefore,it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness”可知,承认和解决孤独很重要,故选B。]Ⅱ.完形填空

(xx·山东潍坊高三统考)Hiking with some friends provided an opportunity to 实用文档

relax ourselves.Cold with a mixture of sun and snow __1__ a quicker step on the

mountain.On the way,we __2__ a large troop of boy scouts and their families heading down as well.The majority of the troop was quickly well ahead and out of __3__.

Left behind were a boy and his mother who seemed uneasy.We slowed our __4__ to talk with them before we __5__ passed them.They caught up again when my friend __6__ to tie her shoe.The boy at that moment fell down.My friend attempted to __7__ him as he rolled down the path.

Helped up,the boy was __8__,crying in his mother's arms.He said that his knee hurt and I could see the __9__ spreading across the mother's face.I asked if I could help,with my friend explaining that I was a nurse.After a quick __10__ I could tell that more than anything he was __11__,his mom as well.__12__ he stayed sitting,wrapped in his mom's arms.Asking if they needed anything before we continued on,I turned to go leaving the __13__ sitting on a rock.

I only took a few steps forward before __14__ that there was more that could be done.I __15__ to my friends for slowing them down,then turned and asked the boy and his mother if they wanted me to wait and hike down with them when they were __16__.I could see the relief wash over the mother's face as she said “yes”and __17__ stood to continue on.

The New England autumn had left the path __18__ with beautiful slippery

leaves.So we went slowly,ensuring __19__ footsteps.I realized that I was being 实用文档

gifted with more time to take in the __20__ of the woods,conversation with friends and connections.


1.A.encouraged B.controlled

C.blocked D.stopped

A[根据“Cold with a mixture of sun and snow”可推知,寒冷会促使人们走得快些。]

2.A.depended on B.came across

C.looked after D.cared for

B[根据语境可知,此处表示在路上遇到一群人。depend on“依赖”;e across“偶遇”;look after“照看”;care for“照料”。]

3.A.sight B.balance

C.breath D.touch

A[根据“The majority of the troop was quickly well ahead”可推知,这群人因为走得快,所以很快就看不见他们了,out of sight意为“看不见”,和下文的“Left behind were a boy and his mother”呼应。]

4.A.vehicles B.acts

C.pace D.race


5.A.deliberately B.constantly

C.absolutely D.eventually


D[根据“They caught up”可知,此处表示最终作者和朋友走在了他们前面。


6.A.failed B.remembered

C.sped D.paused

D[根据“tie her shoe”可推知,作者的朋友停下来系鞋带。pause“暂停”。] 7.A.follow B.lift

C.catch D.miss

C[根据“The boy at that moment fell down”和“as he rolled down the path”可知,作者的朋友试图抓住那个跌倒的男孩,与下文的“Helped up”呼应。] 8.A.nervous B.curious

C.guilty D.lonely

A[根据“crying in his mother's arms”可推知,跌倒的男孩很紧张,以至于哭了出来。]

9.A.anger B.excitement

C.regret D.panic


10.A.glance B.examination

C.chat D.measure

B[根据“I was a nurse”和“I could tell”可推知,作者对男孩的伤进行了



11.A.pleased B.disappointed

C.puzzled D.scared

D[根据“wrapped in his mom's arms”可推知,男孩是很害怕的。scared“害怕的”。]

12.A.But B.So

C.And D.Or

A[根据空前的“more than anything he was __11__”和空后的“he stayed sitting,wrapped in his mom's arms”可知,这个男孩只是害怕,伤得并不严重,但是他仍然坐着,搂着他妈妈的胳膊,故选A。]

13.A.team B.group

C.pair D.crowd


14.A.forgetting B.realizing

C.reporting D.hoping

B[根据语境可知,刚离开,作者就意识到可以做更多,与下文的“I realized that I was being gifted with more time”呼应。]

15.A.shouted B.replied

C.apologized D.promised

C[根据“for slowing them down”可推知,作者因此向朋友道歉。]

16.A.ready B.thankful

C.eager D.desperate


A[根据语境可知,作者要等这对母子可以重新出发时陪他们一起下山。ready“准备好的”;thankful“感激的”;eager“热切的”;desperate“绝望的”。] 17.A.almost B.even

C.immediately D.gradually


18.A.filled B.covered

C.provided D.connected


19.A.casual B.heavy

C.quiet D.secure

D[由“slippery leaves”可知,他们走得慢是为了确保安全,以避免摔倒。] 20.A.leaves B.beauty

C.thickness D.colours

B[根据上文“The Ne w England autumn had left the path __18__ with beautiful slippery leaves.”可知,树林很美。]









Dear Nancy,






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Li Hua 【参考范文】


My classmates and I are planning to plant trees by the river this weekend.We all hope you can join us.Here is the schedule.

We are to meet at the school gate at 8 o'clock this Saturday morning.Since we'll cycle there and work in the field,you'd better wear casual clothes and fortable shoes.It would be so much better if you could bring some necessary tools.Besides,we'll have a picnic after the work is done.Everyone is expected

to bring their lunch and share it.We may return at around 3 o'clock in the 实用文档


Would you like to join us?Hope to see you then.


Li_Hua 实用文档

