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假定你是即将参加高考的高三学生李华,你的美国网友Mike在电子邮件中问及你的大学 设想。请你就此回一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1.打算学习什么专业; 2.如何度过课余生活; 3.寻求Mike的建议。 注意:


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike,

Thank you for your concern about my plan of the university life.____ Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua 【参考范文】

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请你为《21 Century》写一篇报道, 介绍我校为高三学生创立的 “心灵城堡(Soul Castle)”专栏(column),并谈谈自己的感想。


1.开设目的:缓解压力, 确保健康 2. 专栏优势:专业指导 3. 专栏内容:建议, 心声 4. 你的感想


1. 词数100左右

2. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)


Our school has set up a column called “Soul Castle” for senior 3 students. 【参考范文】

Our school has set up a column called “Soul Castle” for senior 3 students. It is aimed at relieving pressure, and ensure the health of students. The column has the unique advantage that the experts in psychology can give us the expertise and guidance. It covers the thoughts and feelings of students and the professional suggestions.

From my point of view, not only does our school attach importance to our study but also put our mental health at the top of the list. It also provides a platform to communicate with our teachers and parents. Moreover, we can get help and guidance from professionals to solve our mental problems. With its help, we can take the College Entrance Examination with confidence.

【2013界虹口区质量监控测试题】Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120 – 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


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参考词汇:缸:vat; 漏出来:leak out; 漏洞:loophole 【参考范文】作文:

In the picture, four people are trying to fill a vat with water. Two men are carrying water while two others are pouring water into the vat. However, with so many loopholes at the bottom of the vat, they’ll never store any water, because no one tries to mend the holes.

It reminds me of the problems in our study. While studying, we always try to read more books and do more exercises. However, we seldom pay attention to the mistakes we’ve made, nor do we try to correct them. Therefore, “holes” are left. Day by day, the “holes”, or rather the shortages, become more and more. No matter how many books we’ve read, we have never mastered any knowledge. They have leaked out because of the hole.

So we should pay attention to the mistakes we’ve made and the holes we have in our study. Only in this way can we learn much knowledge and fill up our mind with it.

基础写作1---1 考纲解读

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基础写作的评分标准:1.信息内容的完整性(Completeness);2.信息内容的连贯性(Coherence);3.句子结构的正确性(Correctness);4.句子结构的复杂性(Variety)。 考生要了解复杂句的概念、学会使用复杂句来表达信息要点,尽量避免一些受汉语思维影响而犯的书面表达错误。总之,考生必须具备用英语熟练地表达自己所在的生活环境的能力。 命题分析


2.写作的体裁主要是记叙文和应用文。命题形式多为看图写故事,看图表说明、根据表格信息写一篇通讯报道,写一封短信或一份通知等。 3.以下是广东省近3年高考基础写作题的对照表:



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2.确定标题(如果题中要求写标题就确定标题,若题中没做要求则可以不写); 3.写出要点(如文中涉及的重点词汇、短语及句型);



6.复查(复查的项目包括:格式是否正确,内容是否完整,表达是否准确,行文是否连贯等),并使用合适的方法将5个句子衔接成连贯的文章。 书面表达


支持者30% 1.能在短时间内了解名著,扩大阅读量。 2.可以提高阅读能力和写作能力。 要求: 1.如实反映图表内容,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯; 2.词数120左右; 3.谈谈你自己的看法。 参考词汇:精髓 essence One possible version:

Recently word came that our school is planning to open a new subject, known as Appreciation of British and American Literature. It soon causes a discussion among my fellow students.

Students who are in favour of it make up 30% of all. They think they can know many world-famous great books in a short time. Meanwhile, they can benefit a lot from reading, such as improving the reading ability as well as writing ability. They can expand their reading.

But the other 70% of the students hold a different opinion. Now that they have so

反对者70% 1.增加学生负担,没时间阅读。 2.只能粗略了解名著,不能领会其精髓。 - 5 -

many subjects to learn, they won't have time to read the books, which must be a burden. Besides, they can't grasp the essence of the books.

For me, I strongly support the school to provide the opportunity to read the great books.

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