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全国政协副秘书长、发布会主持人 王胜洪:女士们、先生们,大家下午好。全国政协十一届五次会议新闻发布会现在开始,我代表大会秘书处对所有中外记者表示欢迎。

HOST: Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. The press conference of the 5th session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference now begins. On behalf of the secretariat of the session, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all the Chinese and foreign journalists.


The press conference will last about an hour. The spokesman of the session, Mr. Zhao Qizheng, will brief you on the schedule of the upcoming session and the work of the CPPCC National Committee over the past year, and he will then take your questions.

大会新闻发言人 赵启正:女士们、先生们,大家下午好。谢谢大家前来参加这次发布会。本次大会是十一届全国政协的最后一次会议,受大会秘书处的委托,我向大家介绍本次会议的有关情况。

ZHAO QIZHENG: Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Thank you for coming to this press conference. The upcoming session will be the last plenary session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee. Entrusted by the secretariat of the session, I will now like to brief you on the arrangements for the session.


The 5th session of the CPPCC National Committee is scheduled to open at 3 PM tomorrow afternoon at the Great Hall of the People, and close on the morning of 13th, March. The session will last ten days. You can find the program of the session on www.cppcc.gov.cn. I would therefore not go into its details here.


2011 was the 1st year of China’s implementation of its 12th 5-year development plan. Over the past year, in light of the extraordinarily profound and complex changes in the world and the heavy tasks of domestic reform and development, the National Committee carried out in-depth studies on important political, economical, cultural and social issues and topics to the keen interest to the public. It actively reported social facts and public opinion and conducted effective political consultation. The National Committee presented many important opinions and recommendations to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council and achieved new progress in fulfilling its various duties. Here are a few examples.


The National Committee organized 85 inspection tours and surveys on important issues concerning the implementation of the 12th 5-year plan. Its standing committee held a meeting on speeding up the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, and promoting balanced and fast economic development. A number of quality opinions and recommendations have been presented to the CPC Central Committee.


The National Committee also held a consultative meeting on deepening the reform of the cultural system and pursuing the prosperity of the cultural programs and industry. We make suggestions such as promoting coordinated development of culture in both urban and rural areas, and developing a system of basic public cultural services. The CPC Central Committee placed high importance on these proposals and fully incorporated them into the document of the 6th plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee.


In addition, members of the National Committee put forward over 6000 proposals in the past 12 months. These proposals involve a wide range of topics and are well targeted and highly effective. The proposal jointly issued by several members on pursuing urbanization in a scientific way was reflected in the PLAN FOR PFOMOTING SOUND URBANIZATION 2011-2020 issued by the National Development and Reform Commission. The proposals by central committees of some democratic parties and CPPCC members on easing the burdens and financing difficulties of small and medium enterprises received close attention from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the People’s Bank of China and the China Banking Regulatory Commission.


Last year marks the centenary of the revolution of 1911. The National Committee held a series of well received commemorative events which embodied the wisdom and strength of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation at home and abroad, and made important contribution to the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


All preparations are now in place for the session. By 12PM today, 1501 out of the 2262 members of the National Committee have registered with the secretariat. Up till now, the secretariat has received 792 proposals and 429 interventions.


Now I’m ready to take questions on the upcoming session. Since this is the last press conference of the current National Committee of the CPPCC, I am expecting a lot of questions at this press conference. In the interest of time, I will be as brief as possible in answering these questions, and I would like to kindly ask each journalist to ask only one question at a time.


BEIJING TV STATION: I’m with Beijing TV Station. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask the first question. According to the latest revised air quality standards, cities will be required to monitor PM2.5 or particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers. And according to the standards, all cities must start monitoring PM2.5 by 2015. My question is, what other efforts should be made to improve air quality? Thank you.


ZHAO QIZHENG: Today the air quality in Beijing is slightly polluted; I guess this has something to do with PM2.5. The government has launched the monitoring of PM2.5 and treatment of air pollution; it has also released a timeline. We are also very interested in their efforts in this regard.


The members of the CPPCC believe that to improve air quality requires the concerted efforts of the government, the enterprises, the public and the media; it is not enough to just monitor air pollution. We call on the enterprises to reduce pollution and be actively involved to improve air quality; it is also highly important for the media to step up their efforts to promote the importance of environmental protection.



You ask me what suggestion the CPPCC has on reducing air pollution, well, it is difficult for me to give you a very professional answer. But I know that according to the latest research findings, vehicle discharge is a main source of air pollution in cities; and smoking can double PM2.5 indoors. On the eve of the Spring Festival, many TV stations release real-time data of PM2.5 and air pollution, and the results were shocking. Due to fire crackers, the amount of PM2.5 had a sharp increase, it increase by four, five and even ten times. Therefore, I think while it is important for the government to take steps to improve air quality, it is also important for all of us to drive less, to smoke less and play fire crackers less.

REUTERS: Thank you. I’m from Reuters. Following the incident in Chengdu, when the Chongqing deputy mayor Wang Lijun apparently tried to seek asylum in the US consulate there, does the Central Government still have confidence in Bo Xilai’s leadership in Chongqing? Will the Wang Lijun incident affect the leadership transition of all happen in China later this year at the 18th Party Congress? Thank you.



ZHAO QIZHENG: According to my knowledge, Mr. Wang Lijun is currently under investigation by relevant departments, and progress has been made in relevant investigation. He is a deputy of the National People’s Congress, and he has asked for leave, in other words, he will not attend this year’s session of the NPC.


After the Wang Lijun incident, some media organizations made reports of that incident, but these reports look like puzzle pieces to us because of the lack of information; and they used their imagination to piece up reports on this incident. Therefore, these reports are not accurate, and some of them are even absurd.


The incident of Mr. Wang Lijun is an isolated incident; therefore, I recommend that you do not have excessive speculation about this incident. In recent years, Chongqing has achieved a lot in its economic and social development. If you are still interested, you can wait until the opening of the session of the National People’s Congress, you can interview Mr. Bo Xilai himself there.


PHOENIX TV: I’m with PHOENIX TV. We know that Premier Wen Jiabao has called for the deepening of reform when he was inspecting Guangdong Province, and there were remarks that people would rather have imperfect reform than crises brought about (by) the lack of reform. My question is, in 1012, will the leadership continue to send a signal of continued reform, in particular the political structural reform? And how will the CPPCC provide suggestions and monitor this process this year? Thank you.


ZHAO QIZHENG: People of my age have been involved in the entire process of reform and opening up so far, therefore, I like to recall the history of reform and opening up for reference of future efforts. In early 1990s, there were two competing ideas about reform in China. One idea was to slow down the pace of reform due to the changing situation; the other believed that we should seize opportunities to deepen reform. Mr. Deng Xiaoping believed that China should deepen reform. And thanks to his support and care, we launched a new reform and opening up program, that is the development of Pudong Area. As you can see, this program has received a great success.


20 years ago, Mr. Deng Xiaoping said that the further we press ahead with reform, the stronger our capacity will be to handle and resist risks. It is impossible to have a zero-risk scenario to handle problems, and we should not be afraid to take some risks. He also said that while carrying out reform, we should be both bold and prudent.


Today we have already achieved a lot in China’s reform and opening up; profound changes have taken place both in China and in the world. We have a more solid foundation for the deepening of reform, and more and more people agree on the importance of reform. At this moment, by reviewing the speech given by Mr. Deng Xiaoping during his Southern Tour, and the history of reform and opening up from the early 1990s till now, we realize that this is the time to deepening reform and we will remain committed to this effort.


HONG KONG SATELLITE TV: I’m with Hong Kong Satellite TV. According to some media reports over the past year,more than 20 successive self immolation incidents have taken place in Tibet Autonomous Region, Ganzi and Aba inSichuan and Yushu in Qinghai. The Chinese government stated that it was masterminded by forces outside China. However some believe that the efforts of local governments to maintain stability in these regions and the rough andoppressive religious policy of the government are the real reason behind these incidents. What is your comment on theseremarks? In addition, in November last year, the Dalai Lama said publicly on foreign media that he does not encourage selfimmolation by monks. The Chinese government stresses that it has an open channel of communication with the DalaiLama. Will the Chinese government use this channel to suggest the Dalai Lama to make a public statement to stop suchself immolation incidents? Also we have noticed that recently, the Tibet Autonomous Region has sent party cadres intotemples to put up portraits of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. Some believe that this violates theprinciple set out in China’s Constitution which is the separation of state and church. So what is your comment on theseremarks?


ZHAO QIZHENG: Recently we have seen successive self immolation incidents by monks in areas inhabited by Tibetanpopulation. Many of the monks who died from these incidents are very young; the youngest was only 18 years old. InChina we have a proverb that we should have compassion for all the elderly people and youngsters as if they are our ownfamily members. Therefore we are deeply saddened by the loss of these lives. However I will like to call your attentionthat before these unfortunate incidents took place, there were people who forecast the time and place of these incidents,some people brought cameras to take pictures and tried to prevent rescue efforts. And now let’s look at what the DalaiLama said. According to your version, he asked people not to have such actions; but according to what I have heard, hepublicly applauded the courage of these people who set fire to themselves. If he said both things, then he is not an honestman.


An eminent monk told me that Buddhism holds life very dear, and prohibits killing. And Buddhism teaches its followers toadhere to the four precepts. The primary precept is not to take lives, and suicide is almost as serious a sin as taking otherpeople’s lives. And religious figures tell us that it is important to cherish life. Suicide, which does not respect life, is not acompassionate or a wise thing to do. Whatever is on your mind, it is important not to take extreme actions to express it. And it is important to avoid being misled. If you lose your life because of extreme actions, it will be too late to regret it.


Recently, the Tibet Autonomous Region has taken steps to improve the living conditions and environment for practicing theBuddhism of the local monks. They have been making efforts to provide road, water, electricity and cultural services tothese monks so as to improve their lives and enrich their lives. The portrait that you mentioned is actually a picture thatcommemorates the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. In this picture, the four leaders that you mentionedare portrayed. Therefore I don’t think this is anything that should be accused of. Rather, the steps taken by the TibetAutonomous Region’s government has been welcomed by the local communities.


GUANGMING DAILY: I’m with Guangming Daily. Last year, on the sidelines of the annual session of the CPPCC andthe session of the NPC, the CPPCC gave a press conference on public diplomacy which attracted wide attention. In theyear that followed, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong established public diplomacy associations. My question is, why werethese three localities the first to be approved to establish such organizations? Does the National Committee of the CPPCCplan to establish a national organization for the same purposes? And how will these organizations illustrate China to theworld?


ZHAO QIZHENG: For decades, according to the definition of public diplomacy, public diplomacy is the behavior ofgovernment, in other words, it establishes organizations to conduct public diplomacy for the foreign public, for instance,the Voice of America of the United States and English television stations established in China. This is governmentbehavior.


Well, that was the definition of public diplomacy decades ago. Nowadays, people are also involved in the public diplomacyand, sometimes, the individuals are the main players in public diplomacy. The two cities and one province that you’vementioned have the closest links with other countries and they are most active in their external relations, and therefore,they have a stronger desire for public diplomacy. This is why these three localities became the first to establish suchorganizations.


These three organizations have pulled together public diplomacy resources. Their members include individuals, civilorganizations, universities, research institutes, large enterprises and people who are actively involved in internationalactivities. They didn’t need the approval of the CPPCC National Committee to establish such organizations, and theseorganizations are registered locally, and it is possible for the National Committee to establish such an organization at thenational level.


CHINA DAILY: I’m with China Daily and its associated website. The Chinese government has emphasized on manyoccasions that it encourages capable Chinese companies to go globally or invest overseas. But we have seen that it is not asmooth ride for them all. Some of them have encountered several setbacks. For instance, some of them have failed intheir acquisition efforts due to local governments’ restrictions on such deals; and despite the success in some acquisitiondeals, some companies have suffered huge losses because of their failure to adapt to the local conditions. Do you thinksuch setbacks are something that these companies must go through to go global? Or is there another way out for them? And what do you think are the opportunities laying ahead for Chinese companies that wish to invest overseas?



ZHAO QIZHENG: Although we have heard successful examples of Chinese companies in going global such as the story Isaw the other day on television about the Sanyi Heavy Machinery Company, most Chinese companies are at the initial stagein going global, and they lack in-depth and comprehensive knowledge of the international market, practices and rules andthey lack public diplomacy skills as well.


I believe you are all familiar with the case of CNOOC’s attempt to acquire UNICO. And according to a report issued bythe US senate, one of the reasons why CNOOC failed in this deal is because it did not conduct effective public diplomacyto persuade the opposing voices to change their mind.


Well, they also have an example of successful investment overseas. COSCO wanted to establish a transport stop inBoston, but this was strongly opposed by the local trade union. But the COSCO Company stated its case very clear andsuccessfully to the local community, therefore, they succeed in closing this deal and they even received a message ofgratitude from the local House of Representatives.


CPPCC members believe that two things require special attention when Chinese companies wish to invest overseas. One isthe safety of their employees overseas; the other is the safety of their investment overseas. After the upcoming session,the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the CPPCC will conduct a study on public diplomacy for Chinese companies in goingglobal. I hope that this project will receive your support.


ASAHI SHIMBUN: I’m with ASAHI SHIMBUN. My question is about nuclear energy. Could you tell us about China’spolicy on nuclear energy? And it will be soon a year since the nuclear leak accident in Fukushima, what lessons has theChinese government learned from this accident?


ZHAO QIZHENG: Japan paid a huge price for the Fukushima nuclear accident, but also, thanks to the accident, lessonshave been learned across the globe. It will be a year since the accident happened on the 11th of March this year, and Iwould like to use this opportunity to kindly ask you to convey our sympathy to the Japanese people living surrounding theFukushima Nuclear Power Station.


After the Three Mile Island accident and the Chernobyl accident, the Fukushima accident again sounded the alarm forpeople; nuclear energy safety has since become high on the global agenda.


In January this year, the Japanese government adopted a new amendment to the law on the regulation of nuclear sourcematerials, nuclear fuel materials and reactors. Germany has decided to shut down all its nuclear power stations by the yearof 2020, and many European countries and the United States have stepped up their research on the safety of nuclear powerstations.


In the same month of the Fukushima nuclear accident, China immediately launched a comprehensive inspection of thesafety of

nuclear power stations around the country. It also adopted more stringent safety measures. Currently, China isexpediting its efforts to formulate the plan for nuclear power safety and the plan for the adjustment of China’s medium andlong-term development of nuclear power stations, so as to enhance the capacity of nuclear facilities to deal with extremeweather conditions and natural disasters and the capacity of nuclear emergency response so as to ensure the safe operationof nuclear power stations.


The top priority in China’s policy on the development of nuclear power stations is safety; and we have been focusing onthe design and construction of third-generation nuclear power stations.


Both China and Japan lack energy sources, our two countries both rely on imports to meet our domestic energy demand. We hope to step up exchanges and cooperation with Japan in nuclear power and fuels related to new energy, so that wecan learn from each other and together learn the lessons of the accident. On the sidelines of the upcoming session, theCPPCC will give a press conference on new energy; I will like to invite you and other journalists to attend that pressconference.


VOICE OF AMERICA: I’m with Voice of America. Just now you mentioned that this is the time for China to deepenreform, and that China will stay committed to reform. And the ruling party and the government of China have been sayingthat we should be actively and prudently to promote the political structural reform. My question is, what is the contentways and purposes of China’s political structural reform? And are there enough political will and driving force to promotepolitical structural reform?


ZHAO QIZHENG: Mr. Deng Xiaoping gave a very detailed explanation of the necessity of political structural reform andhow challenging the reform could be. In fact, in China, political structural reform and economic structural reform havenever been separated from each other. If they were, we would not have seen such smooth progress in economicstructural reform.


The members of the CPPCC have had many discussions on political structural reform, but it is up to the CentralCommittee of the CPC and the State Council to decide eventually what policies they will make regarding political structuralreform. That being said, however, the political structural reform becomes, it must be carried out under the leadership ofthe CPC and within the framework of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.


I think we need full consideration and deliberation and seek opinions from all sides before we can implement the politicalstructural reform. Therefore I believe that you will see progress.


CHINA NEWS SERVICE: I’m with China News Service. Just now you quoted a Chinese proverb that is we must havethe same compassion for all the elderly people as if they were our own family members. In China there are already 185million senior citizens, and China is said to be getting old before getting rich, and this is having an impact on China’s oldage care and social security programs. So what suggestions does the CPPCC have to address these problems?


ZHAO QIZHENG: This question is closely related to me myself because I am indeed a senior citizen, and I need to reallytake

this question seriously. You were right in pointing out that China is getting old before getting rich. And normallycountries become an aging society after their per capita GDP reaches 10000 US dollars; in China our per capita GDP isonly 3000 US dollars at the moment, however, China is already an aging society. I think this calls for serious attentionfrom the government and across the society.


Members of the CPPCC have also followed the issue of aging population closely. For instance, last year, the Committee ofSocial and Legal Affairs conducted an investigation and issued a report on providing better social security and old age careservices to the senior citizens in China. This report received important instructions from Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. According to this report, China should increase government spending in old-age care, encourage companies, civilorganizations and individuals to run old-age homes, innovate mechanisms and systems to improve services for seniorcitizens and cultivate a social atmosphere to respect senior citizens.


I believe that by making these efforts, the senior citizens in China will have adequate access to old-age care and support.We all look forward to this.


CCTV: I’m with CCTV and CNTV. We have seen that recently, the Hong Kong residents have had dissatisfaction withthe behavior of mainlanders in Hong Kong. For instance, by giving birth in Hong Kong, the pregnant women from themainland are seen as grabbing Hong Kong’s medical resources; and the Hong Kong people also believe that the mainlandshoppers are pushing up the prices in Hong Kong; and we have seen massive accusations against the mainlanders in HongKong. What is your comment on these developments? And will you discuss these with the CPPCC members from HongKong during the upcoming session?


ZHAO QIZHENG: Originally, mainland shoppers are welcomed in Hong Kong, but today I guess they are simply buyingtoo much and there is not enough supply in Hong Kong. But I think they should be welcomed because the more themainlanders buy in Hong Kong, the more profits the people in Hong Kong can make.


We do have many members from CPPCC that come from Hong Kong, and they have discussed the issue of giving birth tochildren in Hong Kong whose parents are not from Hong Kong, and the relevant agencies have done a lot to work with thegovernment of Hong Kong as they are to address these problems. For instance, the mainland public agencies have steppedup their efforts to stop illegal activities of organizing pregnant women from the mainland to give birth in Hong Kong.


Frictions are hardly avoidable between brothers and sisters. One advertisement does not represent the views of the entiresociety of Hong Kong; likewise, one extreme remark does not represent the views of all the people on the mainland. Accusations can only be harmful rather than helpful.


We must see that the majority of people on the mainland and in Hong Kong are friendly towards each other and they makea lot of friends with each other. As for frictions caused by some issues, in particular, temporary issues, I think, by havingmore discussion and tolerant consultations, we can find a solution to these issues.



CHINA INTERNET INFORMATION CENTER: I’m with China.org and the bureau of foreign studies. We have readersin over 20 countries and regions in the world and this question is from our overseas readers. The question is, at this year’ssession of the NPC, the deputies will discuss the rules regarding the allocation of deputies’ membership in the election ofdeputies. Will the CPPCC adopt a similar set of provisions?


ZHAO QIZHENG: I didn’t quite capture the essence of your question; I guess you are asking about how the CPPCCmembers are selected.


According to the charter of the CPPCC, the candidates of the CPPCC are recommended by the political parties, peoplewithout party affiliation, and representatives from across the social sectors through consultation. And they have to beapproved by the standing committee of the CPPCC.


You said that some members of the NPC have a very long term of office, and they must be influential celebrities, I guessthis is the reason why it is difficult to find a substitute for them. For CPPCC members like me, our term is shorter. Forinstance, I will step down after one and a half terms of office.


JAPAN ASIA NEWS AGENCY: I’m with Asia HP News Agency. Mr. Zhao, I have a question about the recent repeatedincidents of so-called land-grabs happening in many places in China. The Chinese government has on many occasions saidthat the farmers’ land should not be illegally expropriated, I’m wondering if this has something to do with the local fiscalpolicies. Why haven’t the stringent policies and notices of the central government been fully implemented?


ZHAO QIZHENG: When I was working in the New Pudong Area in Shanghai, I was directly involved in the transfer andleasing of land. My impression is that the central government’s policies must be abided by in leasing land. But this wasnot fully implemented by some local governments.

地方土地批复一定要申报和批准,特别是一些地县村,当地是没有权力直接批复土地的,但是可能有的地方违规了,这是一。第二,他对农民的利益忽视。凡是使用农民的土地,必须对农民给予足够的赔偿,对他的生活和就业要给予出路,并且要征求他们的意见。现在出了一些土地的群体性事件,就是忽略了农民的利益。 最后,有的地方官,比如说村官有腐败行为,这就是当地农民所不能容忍的。但是请相信中央毕竟采取强力的政策,会保护农民的合法利益,也要保护我们的土地资源。

Before the land is leased, such requests of leasing land must be applied for and approved. Actually the governments of thelocalities such as sub-cities, prefectures, countries and villages do not have the right to directly approve the leasing of land;therefore I guess that some local governments have violated this policy. And another reason of farmers’ discontent isprobably that the local governments did not give the farmers adequate compensation after expropriating their land. Andaccording to the central government’s policy, after the expropriation of farmers’ land, these farmers must be ensured theirlivelihood, and therefore I guess some local governments ignored the rights and interests of farmers when expropriating theland. Last but not least, I guess there are some corrupt local officials, which is unbearable by the farmers. Therefore Ibelieve it is important for the central government to take strict steps to ensure the lawful rights and interests of farmers andto protect China’s land resources.


CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL: I’m with China Radio International. Over the past few years, China has establishedhundreds of Confucius institutes overseas, which has been questioned by some countries. For instance, the United Statesbelieves that this will lead to a deficit on the US side in its language export. What is your comment on this issue?


ZHAO QIZHENG: China has established about 350 Confucius institutes in more than 100 countries and they were allestablished at the invitation of the foreign countries, and there are some standing invitations which we are not able to meet. And China sent volunteers to serve as language teachers in these countries, and they are warmly received in thesecountries.


Although Chinese language has the biggest number of users in the world, only China and Singapore have made the Chineselanguage their common language. Over 170 countries use English, 30 countries use Spanish. Therefore our effort topromote Chinese is to facilitate China’s communication with the rest of the world and to meet the world’s demand forlearning the Chinese language.


What you said just now about a deficit in language exports was actually referred to in a report issued by the US senate lastyear, and it was stated by Senior US senator, Mr. Lugar. In this report, he said that China has over 70 Confucius institutesin the United States, where as the United States has only 5 cultural centers in China, which is causing a public diplomacydeficit. After I saw his comment, I met with him in the United States and discussed this with him.


I said to him, your worry is completely unnecessary about the American people studying the Chinese language. In China, 240 million students in primary schools, middle schools and universities are learning English; there is no need for the UnitedStates to establish language schools in China like Confucius institutes. He said “Oh, is that so?”


The Confucius institutes are welcomed in foreign countries, and we have received many new invitations for us to buildnew Confucius institutes in other countries. The Confucius institute is actually a new project, and I have given lectures tomany of the teachers of Confucius institutes. They are passionate young people and mostly university graduates. There Ihave every confidence in the future success of the Confucius institutes.


XINHUA NEWS AGENCY: After the spokesman of the Ministry of Railway left his job due to the bullet train accidentthat took place in Wenzhou on July 23rd last year, many familiar faces or spokespersons have left office. Some peoplethink it is regrettable to see this, and some think that it is something that is very natural. You are a key person in promotingthe establishment of press briefing system in China, what is your comment on their remarks?


ZHAO QIZHENG: Over the years more and more government agencies have appointed spokespersons; and last year therewere over 2000 press briefings at or above the provincial, ministerial and municipal level. Press briefing has indeedbecome a part of political and social life in China.


There are two functions of press briefings. one is to help building an open and transparent government; the public canstay better informed and better supervise the work of the government. The other function is to explain China better to theworld so that the world can know what a real China is like.


I’m deeply aware that the spokespersons have a solemn mission, and at the same time they have heavy responsibilities andthey are under huge pressure. Some people say that the spokesperson is a highly risky job and there are simply nospokespersons who can perfectly handle the questions, I believe you will agree with me in saying so.


Given the changes in the world and in China, the emergence of new issues and the role of the internet in shaping modernpublic opinion, we need to keep our institutions and spokespersons in line with the trend of the times. They should becareer spokespersons, who have the sole job of giving press briefings, and they need regular training to become morecapable spokespersons. This will take time and requires support from the society; therefore I hope that you as journalistswill be kind to these spokespersons.


ECONOMIC DAILY: I’m with Economic Daily and its associated website. I don’t know if you have noticed a reportissued by the World Bank recently entitled CHINA 2030. It provided suggestions and opinions for China’s reform, and thisreport has come under harsh criticism from scholars ant net users in China. They believe that the purpose of this report isto call for privatization of state-owned enterprises and to poison China. What is your comment on these views?


ZHAO QIZHENG: This report is a comprehensive study on the prospects of China’s economic and social development inthe next twenty years. Some scholars and net users believe that the purpose of this report is to call for the privatization ofChina’s SOEs, which has caused questioning from even more net users. They are strongly against the privatization ofSOEs. I think their worry might be a drain on China’s state-owned assets.


You can find the whole text of this report on the website of the World Bank. I downloaded it, but this report has over 400pages, therefore I only had time to read its executive summary, but I did a search in the entire text of over 400 pages and Idid not find any reference of policy recommendations to the privatization of SOEs. I think you’ll have to read the entirereport in detail before you can say whether it is calling for the privatization of China’s SOEs.


This report is a collaborative project between the World Bank and the State Council Development Research Center, morethan 50 experts spent over one year to prepare for this report. This report did mention the ownership diversification ofSOEs in China. They said that because in China the SOEs have a large amount of public resources, they are obliged totake up more social responsibilities. Actually the ownership diversification of SOEs has been an important policy in Chinasince the 15th National Party Congress. Today, most of the large SOEs in China have been listed in the stock market andachieved the diversification of their ownership, which have helped them to improve their management and efficiency. Iwill also like to call your attention to the fact that ownership diversification is not the same as privatization.


GUANGDONG TV STATION: I’m with Guangdong TV Station from the Southern Media Corporation. Some officialssay that today we need to guard against journalists like guarding against fire disasters and thieves. What do you think is thereason why the public does not have confidence in officials and the officials are afraid of journalists?


ZHAO QIZHENG: What is the relationship between officials and journalists? I believe first, the policies of the governmenthave to be communicated through the journalists. Without you, the influence of what I say here today is limited. Butbecause of your coverage, my remarks are known to the public and open to criticism from the public. And I believe thatjournalists are an important means for the public to supervise the government.


Officials need to adapt to this age of media, they should be ready to engage the media, they should subject themselveswillingly to the oversight of the media. In other words, the officials today must enhance their media awareness.


I believe that not all of the officials are afraid of journalists, there are some probably who are afraid of journalists, and forthese officials, I think, they need to receive better training so that they will not become media-shy. And journalists, ontheir part, should ask good questions and targeted questions. I think today’s questions are all very good questions; I give ahigh mark to all of your questions today.


TAIWAN JOURNALIST: Thank you very much for giving an opportunity to a media organization in Taiwan. Yesterdaywe saw on TV that Chairman Jia Qinglin of the CPPCC said at the meeting on work on Taiwan that this year, a prioritywill be to enhance political mutual trust across the Taiwan Straits and to create conditions to address political difficultissues in cross-strait relations. What specific steps will the CPPCC take to address these problems? In addition, manymembers of the CPPCC are representatives of the business community. will they be encouraged to call for moreinvestment across the Taiwan Straits on the basis of encouraging exchanges across the Taiwan Straits?


ZHAO QIZHENG: On all occasions the CPPCC members are particularly interested in cross-strait relations, I think theyare passionate about issues related to Taiwan. And because the people on the two sides of the straits belong to the sameChinese nation, they also feel an emotional bond in doing so. As long as we remain committed to the peaceful developmentof cross-strait relations, promote dialogue across the straits, deepen political mutual trust and in particular enhance peopleto people exchanges, we will open up new prospects in cross-strait relations. The members of the CPPCC come from 34different social sectors, and I believe that as these representatives become involved dialogue with Taiwan, they will findperfect counterparts and make new friends.


I was at the meeting to discuss the report to be made by Chairman Jia Qinglin, and I know that tomorrow he will mentionthe issue of Taiwan in his speech. But it will not be polite for me to disclose the content of his speech to be madetomorrow, therefore, I suggest that tomorrow, you listen very carefully to Mr. Jia’s report.


HOST: That’s the end of today’s press conference, thank you very much.

