北师大版高中英语必修模块三 Unit9 Lesson1说课稿

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Unit9 Lesson1 说课稿

Teaching material(说教材)

The topic of this unit is Wheels. This text is the first part of Unit 9 Wheels Model 3. By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to learn about transport and environment.

Teaching objects(教学目标)


使学生了解本单元相关词汇和语法的用法,提高学生的听说读写能力,使学生了解本单元的写作风格和不同的思想观念。从而建立正确的人生观和价值观。Teaching methods.(教学方法)

The aims is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing ,so I will choose task-based teaching approach(任务教学法) and also the situational teaching approach(情境教学法). Discussion and cooperation, Conclusion 为了提高学生的听说读写能力,将选用任务教学法,情境教学法,讨论法,合作法和总结法等。

Teaching procedures:(教学步骤)

Step1. Warm up

Task1. Students work in pairs, reading the key words and completing the table.

Task2. Look at the pictures and identify these types of transport

Task3. Complete the table with the Key Words

Step2. Speaking

Work in Pairs. Say which type of transport:

?you have travelled in or on

?you use regularly

?you would like to travel in or on

e.g. I’ve been on/in a … a few times.

I go to … by … every day.

I’d like to go on/in a ….

Step3. Reading

Task1. Match these Key Words with the definitions

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Task2. Read the text and find the following expressions

Task3. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Step4 Grammar and key words

(1)Present Perfect Continuous


1.现在进行时表示说话时正发生的或者正进行的动作。常与时间状语now , at the moment 等连用。

It is raining hard now . Don‘t hurry .


We are so tired. we have been cycling all morning.

(2)benefit vi, n 得益,好处

(让学生翻译句子:多读书对我们的英语写作有好处。)More reading will benefit our English writing.

(用benefit的名词用法怎么说呢?)More reading have benefits for the English writing.



Complete the exercises about the grammar in the book.

Step6: Homework.

Summarize the whole lesson, and arrange the homework.

1. Do the rest exercises in the workbook.

2. Ask Ss to talk with their friends about the bike.

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