牛津译林版2018-2019学年七年级(上)Unit 4 导学案及答案

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2018-2019学年七年级(上)Unit 4 导学案



1. 学生能够正确拼读和使用生词和短语;

2. 学生能够使用相应的阅读技巧解决课堂任务并通过阅读了解Millie的校园生活; 3. 学生能够使用简单的句型描述自己的校园生活。 教学重点、难点

1. 学生能够使用相应的阅读技巧解决课堂任务并通过阅读了解Millie的校园生活; 2. 学生能够使用简单的句型描述自己的校园生活。 二、词汇、短语 1. wake (vi.& vt.) 醒,醒来;唤醒 awake(adj.)醒着的 wake up醒来 2 seldom (adv) = not often 很少,不常 是否定词 3 have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 4 have a good time/have fun 过的愉快,玩得高兴 5 be late for 迟到 be late to do sth.做某事迟到 6 a quarter past… 几点一刻 7 in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上 8 From Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 9 each other 互相,彼此 chat with each other聊天, help each other 相互帮助, learn from each other 相互学习 10 practise/practice (vi.& vt.) 练习,训练 practise doing sth. 三、句型(语法) 1. in the morning/afternoon/evening: on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening.

on a hot morning /afternoon/evening.区别in & on用法 2. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 3. I’m never late for it.

be late for 迟到

4. Do you enjoy school/going to school.

5. We practice playing volleyball after school.

Practice doing sth 课前导学


1. 醒来 2. 去山里散步 3. 很少出去 4. 午饭后 5. 需要好好休息 6. 知道怎样玩的开心 7. 给网友写信 8. 告诉我关于他的喜恶 9. 做早操 10. 做课外活动 11. 上学迟到__________________________ 12. 从…到… ___________________________ 13. 对我友好 _________________________ 14. 相互聊天 ___________________________ 15. 在操场上玩 _______________________ 16. 在周二 _____________________________ 17. 在周三下午_________________________ 18. 在校排球队_________________________ 二、单项选择

( ) 1. Which of the following belongs to surd consonant (下面哪个属于清辅音)?

A. [?] B. [dr] C. [?] D. [v]

( ) 2. Which group of the following belongs to vowels (下面哪组属于元音因素)?

A. [?] [e?] [?] B. [?] [u:] [r] C. [ai] [?] [?i] D. [w] [g] [tr] ( ) 3. There is ________ “h” and ________ “u” in the word “house”.

A. a; a B. an; a C. an; an D. a; an

( ) 4. Please don’t _________ before 7 o’clock tomorrow.

A. wake up me B. wake me up C. to wake me D. wakes up me ( ) 5. Amy is in the school _________ team, and she is a good ________. A. swimming; swimmer B. swim; swimmer C. swimming; girl D. swimming; swim ( ) 6. ---What do you think of Simon? --- ________. A. He is a student. B. He likes PE. C. He is very clever. D. I don’t think so. ( ) 7. Reading can make you about the world.

A. to know a lot B. know a lot of C. to know a lot of D. know a lot ( ) 8. I don’t know how each other.

A. to chat B. chatting C. to chat with D. chatting with ( ) 9. --- do you go to see a film? --- Once a week.

A. What date B. What time C. How long D. How often 课堂学习

Step 1. Free talk

To give the students a few minutes to talk about their day, then discuss in groups. Step 2. Presentation

(1) To ask the students to talk about their daily activities at school according to the time table on Page 43. They can do it according to the dialogue on Page 43 Part B. Then ask them to discuss in groups.

(2) To ask some pairs to act in front of the class. Step 3. Pre-reading

To read the whole article quickly, then answer the questions below: (1) What’s the name of Millie’s school?

(2) Does she always have a good time at school? Why? Step 4.While-reading

(1) To read the passage carefully, then do some exercises: ① Read Paragraph One, answer the questions below: (a) Which school is Millie at? (b) Where does Millie study? (c) Does Millie love her school?

② Read Paragraph Two, fill in the table below: 8:00 a.m. The school day ___________. 8:00 a.m. -- 8:15 a.m. They ___________________. 8:15 a.m. --11:30 a.m. They ___________________. favourite lesson ________________________. ③ Read Paragraph Three--Millie’s friends, answer the questions below: (a) What does Millie think of her friends? (b) What do they often do after class?

④ Read Paragraph Four—Millie’s school activities, complete the sentences:

(a) Sometimes Millie with her friends __________________________________. (b) On Tuesday and Thursday, Millie and her friends _________ in __________. (c) Millie is ______________/ _____________, because she________________. (d) Millie __________________ with her friends ________________ afternoon. (3) Comprehension exercises (Read the passage again and fill in the blanks)

Millie is a s_________ at Sunshine Middle School. She l______ her school. The school starts at eight in them_________ from Monday to Friday. They do morning exercises f_______. Their lessons begin at 8:15 a.m. Millie’s f________ subject is English. She is very good at it. She has m______ friends at school. They are all n_____ to her. They often chat with e_____ other or

play in the playground. Millie sometimes goes to the l_____. In the afternoon. She often r______ books there on Tuesday and Thursday. She a_____ likes playing volleyball. She is in the school volleyball team. She p_________ it after school on Wednesday afternoon. Step 5. Post-reading

You are a reporter from CCTV-news. You are going to interview Millie, a student at Sunshine Middle School.

Reporter: Hi, Millie. I am a reporter from CCTV-news. May I ask you some questions? Millie: Of course! Please!

Reporter: Which school are you at? Millie: My school is…

Reporter: Could you tell me something about your best friend? Millie: She is … ……

Reporter: Nice talking to you. Thank you very much. Step 6. Homework

1. Finish Part C on page46.

2. Make a report about your school day according to the information in Part C in front of the class tomorrow. 课后拓展 一、词汇

A) 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Lucy, ______ ____ (not close) the door, it’s too hot inside.

2. --- What day is the _____________ (one) day of a week? --- Sunday.

3. The woman in blue is the ____________ (twin) mother. Let’s go and say hello to her.

4. --- Which do you like ____________ (good), apples, oranges, or pears? --- Apples, I think. 5. The girl doesn’t know how ____________ (dance). Would you please help her? 6. It’s time for her ____________ (play) the violin. Don’t disturb(打扰) her.

7. Would you like ____________ (wake) me up at half past five tomorrow morning, Mum? 8. We must practice _____________ (sing) English songs hard, or we’ll lose the match. 9. My parents hope I can ____________ (be) a dancer in the future.

10. You look so tired that you need ___________ (have) a rest for an hour. B) 根据音标、首字母和汉语完成单词。

1. All my family have fun ______________ [w?t?] TV at home at weekends. 2. We start lessons at a ______________ ['kw?:t?] past eight. Don’t be late.

3. Nancy is a helpful girl. She ______________ [?ju:???l?] helps the old in the street. 4. Jim always goes to school first. He is ______________ [‘nev?] late for school. 5. Kate is not good at playing basketball, so she often p___________ it after school. 6. Why don’t you come with us? It’ll be great f__________ after seeing them.

7. Millie and her classmates sometimes do after-school ______________ (活动) in the afternoon. 8. We have too much _______________ (家庭作业) to do every day.

9. Please give my best _____________ (祝愿) to your parents when you’re back home. 10. Students in different countries have different school _______________ (生活). 二、选择填空

( ) 1. --- Who teaches ________ Chinese? --- Miss Wu does. A. they B. your C. them D. their ( ) 2. She really doesn’t know how _________ a letter in English.

A. write B. to write C. writing D. writes ( ) 3. She wants to keep slim. She does exercises every day and _________ eats meat. A. seldom B. often C. usually D. nevers

( ) 4. --- do you have lessons? --- At eight o'clock.

A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( ) 5. He his homework because he doesn’t like it. A. does B. doesn’t C. doesn’t do D. don’t do ( ) 6. My father is always busy his work from Monday to Friday.

A. at B. in C. with D. on ( ) 7. Tommy is a student of . A. class One, grade Nine B. Grade Nine, Class Nine

C. Class One, Grade Nine D. Grade 9, Class 1 ( ) 8. ---Is it time ______ lunch?

---Yes, it’s time for us _______ have lunch. A. to, to B. to , for C.for, for D. for, to ( ) 9 Our school starts _______ eight _______ the morning.

A. at; in B. at; at C. at; on D. in; on

( )10. It’s important to have_________ every day like doing morning________. A. exercise; exercise B. exercises; exercises C. exercise; exercises D. exercises; exercise 三、同义句转换(每空一词) 1. It’s time for breakfast.

It’s time ____ _____ breakfast. 2. He doesn’t know how to have fun.

He doesn’t know how to ___________ _____ ____ _____ . 3. I like playing football very much.

My _____________ _____________ is ______________ ______________. 4. Do you want to go shopping this afternoon?

____________ you _____________ ____________ go shopping this afternoon? 5. We often play football on Sunday morning.

We often play football on ___________ ___________ ____________ _____________. 四、句子翻译(每空一词)

1. 午饭后,我需要好好休息。

lunch, I a . 2. 有些狗就是不知道如何享乐。

Some dogs know ___________. 3. 他们每天花半个小时看报纸。

It ___________ __________ half an hour _________ ____________ newspapers every day. 4. 在那两个学校之间有一场篮球赛。

There is a basketball match ___________ ____________ ____________ _____________. 5. 米莉每周去两次读书俱乐部。

Millie ____________ ____________ the Reading Club a week. 五、阅读理解

My name is Rose. I am very busy every day. I get up at six o’clock. I get up early because I want to help my mother clean the house.

After breakfast, I walk to school. I spend twenty minutes on the way .Before lessons start, I do morning exercises with other students in the playground. We have lessons from 8:00 to 11:30 in the morning. Then we have lunch. After lunch, I usually read some books.

In the afternoon, we have only two lessons. But our teachers always give is much homework, I walk home with my friends. After I get home, I practice playing the piano.

After dinner, I spend much time to do my homework. I finish(做完) my homework at about nine o’clock. I must go to bed then because I am so tired.

( ) 1. Rose gets up early because _________.

A. she wants to do morning exercises B. she wants to help her mother clean the house

C. she wants to do her homework D. she wants to play the piano. ( ) 2. How does Rose go to school every day?

A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike D. By taxi ( ) 3. What does she do before her lessons?

A. She watches TV. B. She does morning exercises. C. She cleans her room. D. She does some reading. ( ) 4. What does she often do before dinner?

A. She does her homework B. She plays the piano. C. She has supper D. She reads newspapers ( ) 5. When does she finish(完成) her homework after dinner?

A. At about seven B. At about eight C. At about nine D. At about ten


Unit 4Reading2


1. 能够熟练掌握本课的重点句型并能复述文章主要内容;

2. 学生能够根据文章内容完成并说出自己一天在校的生活; 3. 通过对学校情况的介绍,培养学生关心学校的情感。 教学重点、难点

1. 学生能够巩固掌握本课词汇和句型;

2. 学生能够根据文章内容完成并说出自己一天在校的生活; 二、词汇、短语 6. wake (vi.& vt.) 醒,醒来;唤醒 awake(adj.)醒着的 wake up醒来 2 seldom (adv) 很少,不常 是否定词 3 have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 4 have a good time/have fun 过的愉快,玩得为高兴 5 be late for 迟到 be late to do sth.做某事迟到 6 a quarter past… 几点一刻 7 in the morning/afternoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上 8 From Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 9 each other 互相,彼此 chat each other聊天 10 practise/practice (vi.& vt.) 练习,训练 practise doing sth. 三、句型(语法)

1. in the morning/afternoon/evening: on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening.

on a hot morning /afternoon/evening.区别in /on用法 7. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 8. I’m never late for it.

be late for 迟到

9. Do you enjoy school/going to school.

10. We practice playing volleyball after school.

Practice doing sth 课前导学 一、短语翻译

1. 我最好的朋友____________________ 2. 游泳俱乐部的一名成员__________________ 3. 相互聊天________________________ 4. 花一些时间锻炼________________________ 5. 一天三小时______________________ 6. 在操场上______________________________ 7. 对我好__________________________ 8. 在星期三下午__________________________ 9. 坐在树下________________________ 10. 从星期一到星期五_____________________ 二、单项选择

( ) 1. Millie has _______ friends at her new school.

A. much B. any C. a lot D. lots of

( ) 2. Peter and I both love football. _______ often play it together after school.

A. We B. He C. You D. They

( ) 3. I think it’s time to enjoy ourselves. Let’s ________ games now. A. are playing B. playing C. to play D. play

( ) 4. Thank you ________ me. Without your help, I can’t finish the work. A. for help B. for helping C. to helping D. helping ( ) 5. There are ______ books in the reading room at school.

A. a kind of B. all kind of C. all kinds D. all kinds of ( ) 6. My mother often gets up _______ six thirty ________ the morning. A. in; in B. in; at C. at; at D. at; in ( ) 7. We often chat _______ each other _______ lunchtime.

A. with; at B. about; in C. with; in D. about; on ( ) 8. He has two daughters, and ________ of them are workers. A. all B. each C. every D. both ( ) 9. We have computer lessons from Monday _________ Thursday. A. to B. in C. on D. at ( ) 10. How to read the word “strong”?

A. [θtr??] B. [θdr??] C. [str??] D. [sdr??] 课堂学习

Step1. Free talk

To ask students talk about the questions according to the information they’ve got from Reading I (1) What does she do at school in the morning? (2) What time do they begin to have lessons? (3) What’s her favourite subject?

(4) Does she have any friends at school? (5) What do they do after class?

(6) Do they have many lessons in the afternoon? (7) What do they often do in the afternoon? (8) How does Millie like her school? Step2. Task 1 Revision

Ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the text.

Millie is a student at Sunshine ___________ School. She ____ _____ her school very much. Millie goes to school from _____ to _ .Her subject is . She

sometimes goes to the school with her friends in the afternoon. She likes playing . Sometimes she volleyball with her friends after

school. She is the volleyball team. They always _________ ____ . Step 3 Task 2 (Language points) 1. chat with each other

chat with sb. about sth. 和某人闲聊某事(与talk 相似) 有空的时候,她经常和朋友在网上聊天。

She often _________ __________ her friends online_______ ______ ________ ________. 2. from … to … 从…到… (时间、地点)

① My family usually watch TV from 8 o’clock to 9 o’clock every night. (划线提问)

________________________________________________________________________ ② 你们从周一到周五都上生物课吗?

________ you have _________ __________ ________ Monday _________ Friday? 3. on Wednesday afternoon 在具体某一天的早、中、晚前用介词on 在上午/下午/晚上 ________ the morning/ afternoon/ evening 1) on + 名词或形容词 + morning/ afternoon/ evening 2) on + the morning/ afternoon/ evening + of 具体日期 在寒冷的早晨 _________ a _________ morning 4. practise (v.) 练习,训练


__________ __________ _________ she ___________ ___________ English every day? Step 4. Task 3 (Important Sentences)

1. Jim’s favourite subject is English. (同义句) Jim ________ English _________.

2. Kate isn’t good at playing basketball. (同义句)

Kate __________ __________ __________ in playing basketball. 3. They are all nice to me. (同义句)

All of __________ ___________ ___________ ___________ me. Step 5 Task 4 (Group work)

Work in pairs to make an interview about Millie’s school life.

Mike is a journalist( 记者 ) from English Times. He wants to know something about Millie’s school life in the new school. So he asks her some questions. Help them complete the dialogue :

A: Hello! I’m a journalist from English Times . B: Hello! Nice to meet you!

A: Do you like your new school? A: … B: …

Step 6. Homework

1. Remember the useful phrases and sentence structures. 2. Finish the exercises of Unit 4 in the workbook. 课后拓展 一、词汇

A) 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

1. Millie likes going to the library and ___________ (read) books after class.

2. Amy’s favourite lessons ____________ (be) English and Maths, but I like Chinese best.

3. Mike, my best friend, _____________ (write) to me every month.

4. She with her friends ____________ (practise) playing volleyball here every afternoon. 5. Are you members of the ____________ (read) Club? Yes, we all like reading after class. 6. We have much homework _____________ (do) every evening.

7. There are always a lot of boys ____________ (play) football at their school.

8. The little boy enjoys ____________ (chat) with his friends on the Internet in the evening. 9. It’s time for us _____________ (play) games now. Let’s go!

10. --- Look! Who _____________ (exercise) on the playground? --- My friends, Jim and Tom. B) 根据中文、音标或首字母填写正确的单词。

1. --- Do you know the ____________ [sw?m] over there? --- Yes, they’re my classmates. 2. They often play volleyball after school on ____________ [?w?nzde?] afternoon. 3. --- What _____________ ['?e?] things would he like to do? Sorry, I don’t know. 4. Yao Ming is the best basketball ____________ [ple?] in China. He is my hero. 5. Most of the old people like living on the f____________ floor in the tall building.

6. I work f___________ 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. I’m free in the afternoon and I can go with you. 7. The students in our school do eye (操) every day. It’s good for their eyes. 8. --- Best ______________ (祝愿) for your birthday, Kate. --- Thank you, please come in. 9. --- Don’t be ____________ (迟到) for the meeting next time! --- Sorry, I won’t.

10. What a good time we have ____________ (聊天) with each other during lunchtime! 二、选择填空

( ) 1. I like fishing. I _________ go fishing on Sunday morning. A. usually B. seldom C. never D. / ( ) 2. I like ________ at weekends. I don’t want to be at home.

A. reading B. eating apples C. going out D. doing homework ( ) 3. --- Do you often ________ playing football with your classmates? --- Yes. We play for about an hour every Sunday.

A. want B. hope C. practise D. need ( ) 4. --- When is your Maths lesson on Friday? --- __________.

A. In the classroom B. From Monday to Wednesday C. From 8:15 to 9:00 D. For about an hour

( ) 5. --- We want to go to the Happy Valley (谷) this weekend. --- Really? ________.

A. I don’t think so B. That’s right C. Have a good time D. You’re welcome ( ) 6. How to read the word “sweater”?

A. ['?wet?] B. ['swet?] C. ['?we?t?] D. ['swe?t?] ( ) 7. --- Let you and _________ good friends. --- Good idea!

A. I am B. me be C. me are D. I are 三、同义句转换(每空一词)

1. She often has breakfast at 7:00 a.m.

She often has breakfast at 7:00 __________ __________ __________. 2. Amy is in the Dancing Club.

Amy is ___________ ____________ _____________ the Dancing Club. 3. We don’t know how to have fun.

We don’t know how to __________ __________ __________ __________. 4. Millie usually goes to school at 6:45.

Millie usually goes to school at __________ __________ __________ __________. 四、句子翻译(每空一词)

1. 晚饭后他常和爸妈聊天。

He often ____________ ____________ his parents _____________ ______________. 2. 在学校,老师们对我都非常好。

My teachers ____________ _____________ _____________ ______________ me at school. 3. 每天上午8点到12点我们上4节课。

We have four lessons __________ 8:00 __________ 12:00 ___________ ____________. 4. 李明和他的朋友们经常在周四上午练习讲英语。

Li Ming with his friends often _________ __________ English ______ __________ morning. 5. 孩子们在公园里玩得可高兴了。

The children __________ __________ __________ __________ in the park. 五、完形填空 Dear e-friend,

Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you about my class and life.

My class is very special (特殊的). The students come from 1 countries. Six of them come from America, the others come from Canada, Japan, Australia and English. They 2 different languages (语言). They are good friends. They study together, play together and 3 together .They help each other. All of our 4 are Chinese, but they teach 5 in English. They work hard, and they are very kind and helpful (有帮助的).

I get up at 6:00 in the morning. At 6:40, I have 6 . I do morning exercises at 7:30. I have lessons 7 8:25 to 11:50 every morning. After 4:40 in the afternoon, I often do some 8 with my classmates. I play sports for about one hour, then I 9 . Sometimes I watch TV before having supper. 10 I go to bed. I must finish (完成) my homework. At 9:30, I must go to bed because I will go to school the next day. That’s my class and life. What about yours? Please e-mail me soon! ( ) 1. A. same B. different C. old D. new ( ) 2. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( ) 3. A. work B. enjoy C. live D. help ( ) 4. A. parents B. brothers C. teachers D. students ( ) 5. A. us B. we C. they D. them ( ) 6. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner ( ) 7. A. at B. in C. on D. from ( ) 8. A. shopping B. homework C. sports D. cleaning

( ) 9. A. go to bed B. go home C. go shopping D. go to school ( ) 10. A. Because B. And C. After D. Before

Unit4 Grammar


1. 通过学习,学生能够分别并正确使用时间介词in/on/at; 2. 通过学习,学生能够正确使用频度副词;

3. 通过学习,学生能正确运用这些语法内容讨论自己的学校生活。 教学重点、难点

1. 不同的语境中正确使用介词in, at, on谈论时间、具体的日子、月份和季节。 2. 识别并使用频率副词来表达事情发生的频率。 二、词汇、短语(包括词的各类变形,构词,归类等) 1. life (n) (pl. lives) make a living谋生

2 Would like = ‘d like sth. /to do sth. 想,愿意 Would like something 想要些什么 3 don’t have much time to do sth没有许多时间做某事 4. a member of …的成员之一 三、句型(语法)

1. in the morning/afternoon/evening

In January/February/March/April/May/June/July/ August/September/October/November/December

in spring/summer/autumn/winter in 2012/2000/1998

2. on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday

on October 1st/ May 11th

on Wednesday afternoon/ Saturday evening/ on the morning of August 15th / on a cold morning

on Father’s Day/ Mother’s Day/ Teachers’ Day/ Children’s Day/ Women’s Day 3.at seven o’clock/ 8:15 at noon/ midnight at 16/ 16 years old/ the age of 16

at lunchtime at Christmas/ the Spring Festival 4. I am always happy.

5.always(100%)>usually(80%)>often(60%)>sometimes(40%)>seldom(20%)> never(0%)



1. My birthday party is ________ the evening of December 6 th. 2. _________ summer, I usually go swimming in a swimming pool. 3. National Day is _______ October.

4. _________ 5 o’clock after school, he usually plays football with his friends. 5. Bob will leave _________ April 1st.

6. People give presents to each other _________Christmas. 7. We have a long holiday _________ May.

(二)预习课本P48内容,尝试使用频度副词填空。 1. Simon ________ (60%) plays football after school .

2. Sandy doesn’t have much time to play badminton. She _______ (20%) plays badminton.

3. Amy goes to the Swimming Club three times a week .She_______ (80%) swims after school . 4. Daniel spends all his free time sitting in front of the computer .He______(0%)plays football. 5. Kitty goes to her dancing lesson every day .She_________(100%) dances after school. 6. Millie_________(40%) goes roller skating .She’s not very good at it . 课堂学习

Step 1.One-minute talk.

教师创设情境,使用日历教授学生介词in on at 在表达时间时的用法。 Step 2. Watch and find

.指导学生阅读A部分的表格,鼓励学生大声朗读例句。 Step 3. Discuss and work out the rules

Group work:发现介词in,on,at的使用规律。 Step 4 Part B (同Part A) (一)时间介词的用法.


e.g. in 1998,in October,in the evening.


e.g. on Monday, on the morning of October 1st,on Monday morning,on Teachers’ Day on a cold day/on a warm morning


e.g. at 7 o’clock,at twelve,at lunchtime,at Halloween, at Christmas 4.at, in, on 它们还有一些固定搭配。

e.g. at night, at present, at the same time, at the age of four, in the future, in the past. 5.in表示将来的一段时间之后。 e.g. in a few minutes, in six months. 6.for表示一段时间。

e.g. He does his homework for two hours every day. 练一练


He was born _______ December 1991. (2)他出生在1991年12月16日。

He was born _______ December 16th, 1991. (3)他出生在1991年12月16日早晨。

He was born _______ the morning of December 16th, 1991. (4)他出生在1991年12月16日早上10点。

He was born ____ 10 a.m. _____ the morning of December 16th 1991. (5)杰克在一星期内将回来。

Jack will be back_______ a week. (6)她每天在公园遛狗大约半个小时。

She runs with her dog in the park ____________ about half an hour. (二)频度副词


always( 100%)>usually (80% ) >often (60%)>sometimes(40% ) > seldom (20%)>never( 0% )


例如:I always play basketball with my classmates after school. 放学后我总是和同学们打篮球。

Mike is always happy.麦克总是开心。 Sometimes she goes to school on foot. ②表示频率的副词提问,用how often。例如:

How often do you watch TV ?你多长时间看一次电视? twice a month.一个月两次。 当堂训练:

一、根据句子意思,选用介词in, on或at填空。 1. It is very hot ____________ July in our city.

2. My cousin was born ____________ 2000 in Nanjing. 3. Our school day starts ____________ 8:00 a.m.

4. We usually have a big party ___________ New Year’s Day. 5. Birds fly to the south(南方) ___________ autumn.

6. Her father likes reading newspapers ___________ breakfast. 7. My uncle usually goes fishing __________ the weekend. 8. The story happened ___________ a cold winter morning.

9. My friends give me some presents ___________ Christmas every year. 10. Sandy always goes to the library ___________ Mondays. 二. 根据表格用适当的频度副词填空。 G0 to the Visit friends Read Watch TV Play Go park books football shopping Daniel ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★ Millie ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★ ★★★★ ★★ Lily ★★★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ Simon ★ ★★★★★ ★★ ★★★★★ 1. Daniel ________reads books at the weekend. 2. Millie _________watches TV at the weekend 3. Lily _________plays football at the weekend.

4. Simon ________visits his friends and watches TV at the weekend. 5. Daniel _________goes to the park at the weekend. 三.单项选择

( ) 1. Jerry _________ for school.

A. is usually late B. usually is late C. is late usually D. goes usually late ( ) 2. They arrive ____ noon and leave _____the evening.

A. at, at B. in, at C. at, in D. on, in

( ) 3. I will go to Beijing ______tomorrow morning so I go to bed early____ this evening.

A. /, / B. at, at C. in, in D. on, /

( ) 4. _____ the afternoon, there are lots of people here, but _____night, people all go home..

A. In; at B. At; at C. At; in D.On; at

( ) 5. My father ________ plays football and he is very good at it .

A. seldom B. often C. sometimes D. never

( ) 6. I _______ eat sweet snacks but my sister_______ eats them.

A. often; often B. always; usually C. never; often D. never; never

( ) 7. – _________she often go to school on foot? -- No, She ________ .

A. Does ; doesn’t B. Does; does C. Do; don’t D. Is; isn’t

( ) 8. – When do you play sports at school? -- _________ .

A. For an hour B. Every day C. At 4 in the afternoon D. In the playground

( ) 9. Tom _________ to work by bicycle.

A. usually go B. go usually C. usually goes D. goes usually ( ) 10. We often eat dinner at home on weekends, but ______ we eat out.

A. sometimes B. seldom C. never D. always 课后拓展

一、根据所给首字母或汉语写出句中所缺单词。 1. Get up, Jack. It’s half p_______ seven.

2. He is hungry, so he n__________ some bread and milk. 3. Thanks for h__________ me.

4. She __________ (['seld?m]) gets up late.

5. I _________(['nev?])drink before driving.

6. People __________ ('?:lwe?z) have supper at 7.00 p.m.

7. The students usually do after-school _________(?k't?v?t?) in the playground. 二、选用适当的介词at, in, on填空。

1. Peter will go to the cinema _______ the afternoon. 2. He was born _______ January, 1993.

3. We often watch TV news _______7 p. m.. 4. The festival is _______ October 31st. 5. Birds fly to the south _______ autumn.

6. He will have his party _______ the afternoon of June 15th. 7. She started to learn English _______ 14.

8. We have a good time _______ Children’s Day. 三、单项选择。

( ) 1. Thank you for _________ me presents.

A. send B. sending C. give D. gives

( ) 2. --- Would you like _________ tea? ---No, _________.

A. any, I wouldn’t B. some, thanks C. any, thanks D. some, I wouldn’t

( ) 3. I will meet him _________ the morning _________ October 2nd.

A. on, in B. in, of C. on, of D. in, in

( ) 4. I’d like ______ a picture for my mother ____ Mother’s Day.

A. draw, on B. to draw, on C. draws, in D. drawing, in

( ) 5. Lily hates fish. She ______ eats it.

A. always B. usually C. often D. never ( ) 6. I hope I can go to London _______ next Monday.

A. on B. in C. at D. / ( ) 7. Can you ______ this word in English, Mr. Zhang? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( ) 8. I have three sisters. They are all ______.

A. woman teacher B. woman teachers

C. women teacher D. women teachers


1. Jim never watches TV on weekdays. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ does Jim watch TV on weekdays? 2. Children usually dress up on Children’s Day. (同上) ________ _________ children usually dress up? 3. Lily does her homework for half an hour. (同上)

________ ________ ________ Lily do her homework?

4. It takes Lucy an hour to watch TV on Saturday. (对划线部分提问) ______ _______ _______ it take Lucy to watch TV on Saturday. 5. The boy wants to play tennis with his cousin. (改为同义句)

The boy _______ _________ ________ play tennis with his cousin. 6. He doesn’t often do sports. (改为同义句) He _______ _______ sports. 五、任务型阅读

I am Claire . I am a teacher at Woodlands Middle School in England.I would like to tell you about the school day in our school.


The first lesson of the day begins at 9:20 a.m. and lasts(持续) for an hour. The children have a break(休息) from 10:20a.m. to 10:45 a.m. They usually eat snacks in the playground.They play games in the playground ,too.

After the break,the students have the second lesson.It lasts for an hour and fifteen minutes.During the first fifteen minutes,the children usually take a test(测试).The two lessons in the morning are usually an English lesson and a Maths lesson. Lunchtime

Lunchtime is from 12:00 to 1:10p.m.Most children bring lunch from home.Some children have a school dinner in our school canteen(餐厅).After lunch, they usually play games in the playground or go to lunchtime clubs. Afternoon

The children read some books and have one or two other lessons in the afternoon. Lessons are over at 3:15p.m. Then the children go home.

A Day in Woodlands Middle School Morning 9:20a.m. ___2____ 10:45 a.m. The first lesson____1_____. Children have a 3 and they eat snacks or play games. Students have the second lesson, usually take a 4 first. Children have 6 . Students play games or go to lunchtime 7 Students do some 9 and have one or two other lessons. Lessons are 10 . 3:15 p.m. Children go home. 5 12:00 a.m. 8 Afternoon 1._________ 2.___________3._________ 4.______________ 5.____________ 6._________ 7.___________ 8._________ 9.______________ 10.__________ 六、根据首字母提示,完成下列短文。

Hello! I am Daniel. I love my school, No.1 Middle School. It is big and clean.

I am in Class1,G___1____7. There are 45 students in my class.We a___2___listen to our teachers carefully in class. At lunchtime we often t____3___to each other under the trees in the playground. All my friends are really nice to me and I love t___4___.

We have lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. The first lesson b___5__at 8:00a.m. English and Maths are my f__6_______subjects.I spend two hours d__7_____my homework every day. I often go to the school l____8_____to read newspapers, magazines and books. Sometimes I play football w___9___my friends. I like my school b___10_____ 1. _________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. __________ 7._________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. __________

Unit4 Task


1. 学生能够用love/like/dislike正确表达自己的喜好; 2. 学生能够根据所给的表格信息概括文章的段落结构; 3. 学生能够就自己的happiness chart写作文章。 重点难点:

如何根据喜好及原因的表格形成段落分明的文章。 二、词汇、短语 1 2 3 4 5 6 dislike (n.) 不喜欢 (v.)不喜欢 该词不是否定词 reason(n.)原因 the reason for…;……的原因 learn(vt. & vi.)学,学习,学会;learn English学英语 learn to do sth. 学做某事 learn from sb. 向…学习 get/be ready for sth. 为……准备好;get/be ready to do sth. 准备去做某事 too much 太多(后接不可数名词); too many 太多(后接可数名词复数);much too 太 (后接形容词或者副词) learn a lot/much about… 学到很有有关…的知识 三、句型(语法)

1. They help us (to) get ready for the day. help sb.(to) do sth.

2. From it, I can learn a lot about the world. 3. I like/do not like… 4. I am not …,so I …

5. do morning exercise(s) ; do eye exercises exercise(v.)锻炼 (n.)锻炼(不可数),做操;习题(可数) 课前导学

1. Words and phrases.

(1). 对 …有好处_______________________ (2). 太多的作业________________________ (3). 为…做好准备______________________ (4) .篮球打得得好________________________ (5). 帮我学习英语_____________________ (6). 不喜欢打篮球________________________ (7). 学到很多有关世界的(知识)____________________

2. 根据自己的实际写出尽可能多的表示school activity的动词词组。

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 谈谈以上活动你有哪些喜欢,哪些不喜欢的吧 Activity Love like dislike Reason 课堂学习

Step 1. Pre-writing

(1). Present “love”, “like” and “dislike”

Tell students when we talk about our likes and dislikes. We can also use these three pictures. We use the laughing face for “love”. We use the smiling face for “like”. And we use the crying face

for “dislike”.(出示单词love, like和dislike) (2). Free talk

T: Now, let’s talk about our days at school and our likes and dislikes. We do a lot of things at school every day. For example, before the first class begins in the morning, we do the morning reading and then morning exercises. Do you like them? S: I like morning reading.

T: Oh, that’s good. Can you tell me why?

S: Because it can help me remember things well.

T: Yes, I agree. Reading aloud can help us a lot. What about morning exercises? S: I don’t like them.

T: Oh, really? You dislike morning exercises. But why? I think they are good for us. They can help us get ready for the day.(出示词组get ready for)Oh, it’s a new phrase. Let’s read it together. Step 2. While- writing

(1) 自己先预习A部分内容,回答下列问题。 1)What does Millie love? And why? 2)What does she like? And why? 3)What does she dislike? And why?

(2) Have students read the sample and find out the structures Paragraph1. Loves and reasons Paragraph2. Likes and reasons Paragraph3. Dislikes and reasons (3) Writing


段落分明,要点齐全。时态恰当,结构正确。 句式多样,过渡自然。观点合理,书写规范。 (4) Editing

Peer-editing (Pair work/ Group work,判分并指出问题、提出改进建议) Step 4. Post-writing Evaluating 课后拓展 一、选择填空

( ) 1. Reading can make you about the world.

A. to know a lot B. know a lot of C. to know a lot of D. know a lot

( ) 2. Let’s now.

A. to go to school B. go to school C. going to school D. to go school

( ) 3. --Helen ______ playing table tennis. Why?

-- Because she does not do well in it.

A. love B. likes C. don’t enjoy D. dislikes

( ) 4. --- do you go to see a film?

---Once a week.

A. What date B. What time C. How long D. How often ( ) 5. I don’t know how each other.

A. to chat B. chatting C. to chat with D. chatting with ( ) 6. They football every day

A. plays B. playing C. play D. to play

( ) 7. My father is always busy his work from Monday to Friday.

A. at B. in C. with D. on

( ) 8. Would you like basketball.

A. to play B. playing C. play D.to playing

( ) 9. --______ the your cousin_____ _______for the coming exam(考试)?

--Yes, she is.

A. Does, get, ready; B. Is, be, ready C. Be, /, ready D. Is, /, ready

( ) 10. the news good or not?

A. Is B. Are C. Do D. Does

二、根据所给单词和音标,用词的适当形式填空。 1. Mary often (watch) TV at night. 2. Why does she dislike (dance)?

3. I don’t have much time (play) basketball every day. 4. Lucy (enjoy) (read) story-books. 5. I would like (play) computer games. 6. Thanks very much for (write) to me. 7. My parents ___________ (be) from Beijing. 8. ________ (be) your brother a policeman?

9. Jack ___________ /we?k/up at seven every morning and he _____ (get) up at seven ten. 10. Lily __________ (not be) often late for school. 11. It’s time for Sandy ___________ (go) to school.

12. We are getting /'redI/ for tomorrow’s party. 13. He /'seld?m/ goes skating, so he isn’t good at it. 14.Reading can help you /l?:n/ more about the world. 15. She doesn’t like eating eggs. She /dIs'laIk/ them. 三、句型转换

1. It's time for school now.(同义句)

It's time ________ ________ to school now. 2. Millie watches TV every day. (否定句)

Millie __________ ____________ TV every day. 3. Millie has her lunch at school. (一般疑问句) _________Millie ________her lunch at school? 4. People often read booksunder the tree. (提问) _________ ________ people often read books? 5. 1 like reading because I want to learn more. (提问) ________ ________ you like reading?

6. Students like to play computer games very much .(对划线部分提问)。 _______ _______ students like to _______ very much ?

7. Susan doesn’t like swimming in the lake because it is very dangerous. (同义句) The lake is very dangerous, ______ Susan ______ swimming in it. 8. Having a rest after lunch is not bad for you. (同义句)

Having a rest after lunch ________ ________ ________ you. 四、句子翻译

1. 多多阅读对我们有益.

Reading ______ ______ is ______ ______ us. 2. Kitty,请帮她打扫一下教室。

Kitty, please ______ _______ _______ ________ the classroom.

3. 我想多了解你的家庭。

I would like _______ ________ ________ _______ your family. 4. 我不知道如何为比赛做好准备。

I don’t know how ________ _________ ________ the match. 五、阅读理解

This is really a very fast game. Both sides are fighting for the ball all the time. We are enjoying every minute of it. Loud shouts can be heard here and there.

Willis has the ball now. This is only his third game for England, but he's playing so well that it won't be his last, I'm quite sure.

Willis passes the ball to Cotton. Cotton kicks it over the heads of the Frenchmen towards the goal. But he's too far away. Dupont picks it up easily and throws it to Paton.

France and England still have one goal each, and there are only two minutes left. At this moment, anything can happen. Paton kicks the ballacross to Crozat. It‘s a beautiful kick. But Stevens jumps and just stops the ball with the side of his head. But Menier is there. He passes it to Crozat, and Crozat, without any hesitation(犹豫), puts he ball into the back of the goal. It's a great surprise to us. I've never seen such a goal like this. And the game is over. France has won the cup.

( ) 1.It wouldn't be Willis' last game for England because ____.

A. he had played three already B. this was only his third time

C. he was a good player D. he had kicked three goals for England

( ) 2.Why couldn't Cotton kick the ball into the goal? ____.

A. Willis was too far away from him. B. He wasn't near the goal.

C. Dupont picked the ball up easily. D. The Frenchmen stopped the ball with their heads. ( ) 3.\

A. The ninety minutes will end in a draw B. There is time for another goal

C. The game is nearly over D. Either A or B

( ) 4.How many goals had the French players kicked by the end of the match? ____.

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

( ) 5.Who were all from the French team?

A. Cotton, Stevens, Menier and Crozat. B. Paton, Crozat, Sevens and Dupont. C. Dupont, Crozat, Menier and Paton. D. Willis, Dupont,Cotton and Menier.


Tom has three good friends. They are Jack, David and Mark. They have different hobbies. Tom likes football. He often plays football on weekends. He thinks playing football can make him strong and healthy. He is on the school football team.

Jack doesn’t like sports. He likes listening to music. He likes Jay Chow best of all the singers. He has many of his CDs. He often listens to music on the way. He thinks music can make him feel comfortable.

David doesn’t like sports or music. He likes stamps. He collects stamps for five years. The stamps are very beautiful. He thinks stamps can help him know a lot about the world.

Mark likes taking pictures. He has many cameras. When he is free, he often takes out his camera and takes some pictures. Some of his pictures are in the newspapers. He thinks the world is beautiful. He wants to show the beauty of the world to others.

根据短文内容,完成下列表格(每格只能填一个词)。 Names 1 Reasons Tom Playing football It can make him strong and 2 . He is a 3 of the

Jack David Mark Listening to music 6 stamps Taking 8 school football team. It can make him feel 4 . Jay Chou is his 5 singer. The stamps are very beautiful. It can help him learn 7 about the world. He has 9 of cameras. He wants to show the 10 of the world to others.

七、请根据Tom 的happiness chart先补全表格信息,然后写篇短文介绍他的喜好状况。

Activities Love Like Dislike Reason Computer games √ Basketball √ Reading √ Music √ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Unit 4 Integrated skills


1. 学生能够使用正确的听力技巧获取信息完成相应的练习; 2. 学生能够使用速记的方式记录信息;

3. 学生能够使用正确的句型谈论自己在周末喜欢做的事情。 教学重点、难点

1. 学生能够使用正确的听力技巧获取信息完成相应的练习; 2. 学生能够使用正确的句型谈论自己在周末喜欢做的事情。 二、词汇、短语 (包括词的各类变形,构词,归类等) 1. luck(n.);幸运lucky(adj.)luckily(adv.) Wish our team good luck. 2 between…and…在……之间,and后用宾格 3 twice a month 每月二次 4 what about you 你呢 5 at weekends/at the weekend 在周末(英式) on weekends/on the weekend在周末(美式)


1.Wish(v.) …good luck! Best wishes(n.) 2.How often do you visit a museum? 3.What do you like to do at weekends? at weekends/at the weekend

4.I hope everyone can come and watch the game. Hope sb. to do sth. 不能出现这种句式 5.How often do you visit a museum. How often对频率进行提问



1. 在…和…之间________________________2. 这个周六晚上________________________ 3. 运动中心____________________________4. 来观看比赛__________________________ 5. 祝愿我们队好运_____________________ 6. 和某人在网上聊天…____________________ 7. 多久一次__________________________ 8. 一月一次/两次_________________________ 9. 参观博物馆 ________________________ 10. 去野餐 ______________________________ 课堂学习

Step 1. One-minute talk.

A: What do you like to do at weekends? B: I like to …

A: How often do you …? B: …And you? A:…

Step 2. Speak up Listen and answer:

What does Millie often do at weekends? How often does she do…? What does Tommy often do at weekends? How often does he do…? 1. Read the dialogue and act it out. 2. Make a similar dialogue Step 3. Pre-listening

T: Do you have a football/ basketball/volleyball/… match in your school? S:Yes./No.

T: Does your team often win? I wish your team good luck. Step 4. While-listening

1. Listen to the conversation between Millie and Simon, finish Part A1 and Part A2 on page49. 2. Listen to the conversation again and finish PartA3 on page 50. Step 5. Post-listening

Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions: 1. Why does Simon write the notice?

2. How can they come and watch the game? Step6. Key language points.

1.Wish our team good luck! 祝我们队好运!

Good luck to you! 祝人好运,用介词to。祝事好运,介词用with。

e.g. Good luck with your work! 注意:good luck to sb. = wish sb. good luck Luck(不可数名词)_________(形用词) __________→________(副词)

2.——How often do you visit a museum? 你多久参观一次博物馆? ——About twice a week.

:how often 的意思为“多长时间一次或每隔多久一次”,表示做某事的频率,常对 once a week(month / year), every day/year.., always, usually, sometimes, often等频率的副词或短语提问。如: ——How often do you go to the cinema? ——Twice a week. (1) He always does his homework. (对划线部分提问)


(2) My mother goes to see my grandparents once a month. (对划线部分提问) _______________________________________________________ 选择题辨析:(1) --_______ do you have a sports meeting? –Every year.

A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How much (2) _______ do you have a sports meeting a year?

A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How much

(3) _______ TV do you watch every week?

A. How long B. How many times C. How often D. How much 请比较一下,下列短语的用法和区别: 含义 提问内容 How often 多长时间一次 做某事的频率 How far 多远 距离 How long How soon 时间多久或物体多长 多久以后 时间或物体的长度 for+时间段 In + 时间段 How many 多少 可数名词的数量 How much 多少 不可数名词的数量 课后拓展 一、单项选择

( ) 1. There________ a lot of delicious food on the plate. A. are B. is C. was D. were

( ) 2 ---Our team will have a match with their team. -------___________

A. Have fun! B. That's great! C. Wish you good luck! D. Sounds good! ( ) 3.He goes to ______ park ______ every Tuesday and Thursday. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, on D. the, on ( ) 4. Do you know the girl ______ the red coat?

A. on B. at C. in D. between ( ) 5. That is a beautiful picture ______ lots of ______.

A. and, colour B. has, colour C. with, colours D. with, colour ( ) 6. — Would you like to come to my birthday party? — ______.

A. No, I don’t like. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Quite well D. Sure, that’s right. ( ) 7. We like our History teacher because he always ___ us funny stories. A. says B. talks C. talks about D. tells ( ) 8. The ______ in this restaurant are very delicious.

A. meals B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner ( ) 9. Thank you for me with my lessons. A. help B. helpping C. helping D. helps ( ) 10. They practice for two hours.

A. dance B. dances C. dancing D. to dance

( ) 11.My mum gets ready my breakfast every day. A. to B. for C. at D. with

( ) 12.They teach English and we teach Chinese. A. us, they B. us, them C. we, them D. we, they ( ) 13. Many people don’t know how_________ fit.

A. keeping B. to keep C. keep D. keeps

( ) 14.They are hungry now, but they don’t have any food ________dinner. A. at B. on C. for D. in ( ) 15. Kitty needs a lot of energy__________.

A. dancing B. dances C. to dance D. dance ( ) 16. -_______ do you watch TV?

-Every day.

A. How long B, How many C. How often D. How far

( ) 17.Many children are very fat, but they don’t like doing__________ after class. A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. to exercise ( ) 18.---Good luck with your exams!---________________.

A. No, I don’t think so B. Thanks C. You’d better not D. Yes, not at all ( ) 19.Good luck ________ your maths.

A. to B. with C. for D. at

( ) 20. My grandfather_________ eat chicken.

A. never B. no C. doesn’t D. don’t


1. Mike, my best friend, ____________ (write) to me every month.

2. Tommy sometimes ____________ (spend) fifteen minutes ____________ (walk) to school. 3. He practices ____________ (draw) every day. 4. It takes us 2 hours (play) football .

5. My mother’s hobby is _________ (cook) meals.

6. He always __________ (have) his first lesson at 7:30. 7. Every student should _________ (study) hard at school. 8. Please give my ________ (wish) to your grandparents. 9. Would you like _______ (have) a try?

10. We always have fun _______ (learn) English. 三、句型转换

1. I go to visit my grandparents once a week.(对画线部分提问)

________ _________ ________ you ________ to visit your grandparents? 2. I often do my homework at home at weekends.(对划线部分提问) _________ _______ you often _________ at home at weekends? 3.She never plays football(对划线部分提问)

________ _______ ______ she _______ football? 4. Millie often has a good time at school. (改为同义句) Millie often ________ ________ at school.

5. I often help my friend Kitty and she often helps me. (改为同义句) Kitty and I often ________ _________ _________. 四、句子翻译

1.我希望能再次见到你。 We hope ________ _______ you again .

2.我希望你能帮助我学数学。I hope you ________ ________ ________ ________my maths.

3.我希望他的梦想成真。 I hope his dream __________ _________

4.我希望周末看电视。 I wish _________ __________ ___________at weekends. 5.我希望他努力学习。 I wish him ________ ________ _________. 6.我祝你好运。 I wish you ________ _________. 7. –你多久向图书馆借一次书?--一周一次。

---_______ ________ do you ______ books ______the library? ---_________ _________ _________. 8. .—他多久看一次电视?---每天。

---________ _________ _________he _______ TV? ---Every day. 五、任务型阅读



I study at a new middle school now. I wake up at six o’clock every day and get up at six ten. Then I have breakfast quickly. After breakfast, I usually read English for twenty minutes. At six forty, I go to school by bike. I get to school very early. I live near the school. It takes me ten minutes to get to school. We do morning exercises at seven o’clock. Our first class starts at half past seven. Then we will have lessons for four hours. I have lunch at school. After lunch, we have a rest. We have two lessons in the afternoon and we go home at half past four. I often meet Miss Chen on my way home. She goes home on foot every day. Time 1 Ten 2 six I get up every day. Six forty I 3 a bike to school Six 4 I get to school. 5 7:30 6 11:30 We have lessons. Four thirty I go 7 . After four thirty I meet Miss Chen, she 8 home every day.

1.___________ 2.____________ 3.______________ 4.______________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.______________ 8.______________


Some birthday customs(风俗) are quite similar(相似) in many parts of the world---- birthday candles(蜡烛), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific(特别的) to certain(一定的) countries. Here are some children talking about their customs.

Linda---I am fourteen. I come from Aruba. In our country, Children take something special(特别的) to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher gives the birthday child a small gift(礼物) like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also allowed(被允许) to wear special clothes instead of(而不是) the school uniform(校服).

Lucy---I am one year older than Linda. Denmark is my country. A flag (旗帜)is flown (被飘在,被挂在)outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed (被放在)around the child's bed while they are sleeping so they will see them at once when they wake up.

Tom---I am as old as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the

earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice(一部分)of cake to his/her most special(特别的)friend or relative(亲戚), usually mom or dad.

根据短文,完成下面表格,每空一个单词。 Names Countries(国家) (1)_________ Special(特别的) customs Linda Aruba Fourteen Each teacher receives(收到) something special from her students and (2)_________ him or her a small gift. Lucy Denmark (3)________ If you see a flag flying outside a window, you may know someone in that house is(4)________ a birthday Tom Brazil Fourteen The first slice of the birthday cake is usually given (通常被给)to Mom or (5)________. 六、首字母填空。

根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词) Do you know what students in America do after school? The students in America have much f 1 time after school. Because school finishes(结束) at about 3:00 in the a 2 , American students have much time to do o 3 things after school. They often have many a 4 or go to clubs. There are m 5 ball games like basketball, football, baseball and so on. There are also many k 6 of clubs for students: dance club, art club, and a lot of very i 7 clubs. Students can have f 8 , do exercise or l 9 something outside class(课外). For example, students can learn to cook. Some students do some work to make money(赚钱), or go home to do h 10 , watch TV, play computers, or do other things.

1.______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6.______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______


7A Unit4 Reading1 答案

课后拓展 一、词汇

A) 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

1. don’t close 2. first 3. twins’ 4. best 5. to dance 6. to play 7. to wake 8. singing 9. be 10. to have B) 根据音标、首字母和汉语完成单词。

1. watching 2. quarter 3. usually 4. never 5. plays 6. fun 7. activities 8. homework 9. wishes 10. lives 二、选择填空



1. to have 2. to have a good time 3. favourite sport; playing football 4. would; like to 5. the morning of Sunday 四、句子翻译(每空一词)

1. after; need; good rest 2. don’t; how to have fun 3. takes them; to read 4. between the two schools 5. goes to; twice 五、阅读理解 1 2 3 4 5 B A B B C

7A Reading2 答案

课后拓展 一、词汇

A) 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

1. reading 2. are 3. writes 4. practises 5. Reading 6. to do 7. playing 8. chatting 9. to play 10. are exercising B) 根据中文、音标或首字母填写正确的单词。

1. swimmers 2. Wednesday 3. other 4. player 5. first 6. from 7. exercises 8. wishes 9. late 10. chatting 二、选择填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A C C C C B B 三、同义句转换

1. in the morning 2. a member of 3. have a good time 4. a quarter to seven 四、句子翻译

1. chats with; after supper 2. are all nice to 3. from to; every morning 4. practises speaking; on Thursday 5. have a good time 五、完形填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B A C C A A D C B D

Integrated skills 答案

